riNAL DISCHARGE Notice U hereby fiver thet one month from thie date, on September 7, 1948, Robert S. Camilchnel will make to the Probate Court of Ker. ehaw County hie final return as Executor of the estate of Frank E. Coursen, deceased, and on the same date he will apply to the said Court for a v final discharge as said Executor. N. C. ARNBTT. \ Judge of Probate for Kershaw County Camden, 8. C., August 7, 1948 21-24. ||^?ToLD*fl P^DISCOMrORTS^* V c 1 1 m OUV E. ECOTT 18 TAKING TRAINING Apprentice Seaman Guy E. Scott, 18. of 1408 Broad St., Camden, after a'period of preliminary training at the United State# Maritime Service Train iiig Station, Sheepahead Hay, N. Y., haa boon ' assigned to the Steward Mate Training department for adVance instruction in becoming a ?Proliant seaman to deliver cargo to e buttlefrents of the world. Scott is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott of 1406 Hroad street, Camden. KELLY KLAN ROARING INTO STRETCH IN HOT RACE (Continued From First Page) . . down planes but they really raised, merry cain In the fifth when the Merchants blew up. lilts by Kelly and Terry mixed with errors by Coop* y HBEBSC58BBBBHB5BBEHSBKHSBHHSBBH5S3HB 1 AN ARMY'S P^TINY IS IN YOUR HANbSl ! You uien who niiike the tanks ! with which our mqn rnuat fight? muHt enjoy keen vision, to do your j job well, with leas exhaustion. A Registered Optometrist la here to examine?proscribe for?and fit your eyea for your better health? , and better Bkill, ^ i * & I The goffer Company j JEWELERS and OPTOMETRIST Camden, South Carolina I. 1 11 1 1 1 Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. Franchlsad Bottlorr Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Columbia Yes ... . Mr. Farmer I'm Talking to You Army, Navy Allies and Essential Civilian Needs Will Require 13,000,000 Cords of Pulpwood In 1913 A cord of pulpwood from your farm -will make enough powder to fire two rounds in a 16-inch naval gun. Your trees are needed to make fibreboard containers to protect overseas shipments of food, supplies and ammunition. And your trees are needed to make rayon for parachutes and medical dressings for the sick and wounded. TO PROTECT Put Your Trees Into the Ffeht TO GROW You improve your wood lots when you thin it out?and work in your wodlands can be made to (fit in nicely ! with your other farm jobs. You help Uncle Sam and yourself when you cut your timber. The prices were j never higher. Now is the time to get in the fight by selling your pulpwood now. Be a SOLDIER ON THE HOME FRONT?Farmers?soldiers of 4he Home Front?thousands of willing I hands?are cutting pulpwood from their woodlands for VICTORY. Your trees are\?rgently needed now. j * "* i Get them into the fight. V ? v > j NOTE: The War Manpower Commission has declared cutting an essential activity. This means that pulpwood cutters are eligible for draft deferment Jf they spend their time in this occupation. .i % I FREE SERVICE We Mark Your Trees For Selective Cutting. D. J. Creed Contractor For: International Paper Co., Southern Kraft Division, Georgetown, S. C. Phone 321?Night Phone 304-J P. 0. Box 214 CAMDEN, S. C. ^ ' Call At Our Office?We Are Open Six Days~a Week- ' / Weekly News Letter From Liberty Hill At (be prasbyterlan church Sunday morning the service* were conducted by Elder K. J. Cunningham. Sunday school was In charge of Supt. \V\ E. Cunningham. An Interesting social event was the family reunion of the late Mrs. C, B. Ulcharde. Those presenjt were Mioses Llszle, Sophie, Lai and Marion Richarda of Liberty Hill, Mr. and Mfi. J. K, Harlot and daughters, Misses Carolyn and Suzann Iferlot of Btshopville, Prof, and Mrs, A. J. Richards and family of Denmark, Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Richards and daughter, K*y, of Florence, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards and son, Jim, of Concord; N, C. Only Lt. J. P. Richards, who la attending Army Officers school in Virgin!*, was unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Williams of Camden, were guests several days last week of Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Punnan, parents of Mrs. Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Jones. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Jones are sisters, o r Mrs, L. P. Thompson has returned home after a visit of several days with relatives in Charleston. ,, Cadet Henry Smith Higglns of Shaw Field, and Miss Willie Lee Hlgglng of the Mc Bee school, spent the ewnkend with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. S. Higglns. 6 . Miss Lucy Clements went to Latw reus last week for a few days visit with Miss Dorothy WiUon. From Laurens they went to Caesar's Head Mountain hotel for a short stay, arriving home Tuesday. Congressman J. P. Richards 'and family attended church here Sunday and visited his father, Mr. N. 8. Richards. Mrs. W. Z. Hilton, who has boen sick, was reported to bo better Saturday. The Mackey Jones Co. has changed their cotton platform to an enclosed warehouse. Our colored people held their summer bible school at the Presbyterian church last week, in charge of Robert James. ' |er and Parker netted four runs. In the sixth the Kelly clan continued the attack when four hits and an errqr netted a brace of runs. Tv The game put the Maintenance I team in third place with an even record of gameB won and lost at four | all. Kelly's men played smart bashball and kicked the apple but once' during the evening. That error was: charged to Munger but It did not ! prove costly. I The Bcore: R. H., E. Malntainance 10 10 1 Merchants 3 10 5 Batteries: H. Brown and Jennings; Russell and Hancock. I Lamprey, like salmon, swim up fresh-water streams to spawn. Red Cross Notes 0a41e K. vouTreeckow The necessary expansion of Red Cross activities Incident to the war, coupled with congested conditions In and around Washington has resulted lu the decision of the Central committee to subdivide the present Eastern area. A Southeastern area will be established at Atlanta, Qa., to serve chapters In the following states: North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee. Mississippi and Louisiana. The follow ink states will thereafter comprise the Eastern area: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia. Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and the District of Columbia. Mr., * William Carl Hunt, who haft been serving as manager of the Eastern area la appointed administrator of area services, to be stationed at National Headquarters and to have general supervision ot the Eastern headquarters and to have general supervision of the Eastern and southeastern areas. Cards have been received at local headquarters authorizing Mrs. C. T. Baldwin as Canteen and Nutrition instructor and Mrs. Lottie Clifton Mc* Dowqll as Home Nursing instructor. Alterations on the house in the back yard of headquatrers are under way and paintnig is nearing completion,Mrs. Reuben Pitts has announced. The house will be the permanent quarters of the Canteen corps. Kitchen equipment is sorely neqded. Any contributions will be greatly appreciated. IN THE MAIL (Continued from page four) this) and they would "tell exactly what to do" and "would make definite recommendations" so things could bo settled. Now any head Of any educational institution In this state ought to have known that the men who came from the Southern Association wore here purely to learn the fsets and not to make recommendations. They seemed so surprised when asked if they would make recommendations and remarked that several others had asked the same question. They explained that they were here to find out the truth for their association and could only report back to them, for action. Read the back issues of your papers and see if all these statements were not made. A series of deceptions to put off the evil day of accounting. Then when the putting off process could no longer serve as an alibi, came the "compromising stages" and those in authority have sought by every means known tp man to compromise with the very organizations, which have set up standards for our Institutions of higher learning and to which it would be a disgrace to belong if they did compromise. It has come back from all the organizations that "there is no compromise." A college either meets the standards or else. Now the "or else." It does no good 1 With the F. N. Wilson. flight lli#tr,UCiL0r ?n the Southern Aviation school to confined at the Camden fcwPlUl. Shannon B. Klrkland to 1U #t JMJ Camden hospital. * Roy Hough continues aick at the Ct&mden hospital. > . Among "ho out-ot town the Camden hospital are: Mrs. vermelle Clybum of Westvllle, Mrs. Mattie Gardner of Lugoff, Carson Boykin bf Rembert, Mrs. Queen Mungo of Jefferson, Master John Hlnson of Ker^ nhaw, and Mrs, Elsie Bailey of KerBhMrs. Estelle Burns of DuBose Park, ia a patient at the Camden hospital. Master Peter Moller is still recuperating from a broken leg. He to at the Camden hospital. /. Family Notified Of Son's Death .. ?'oq pt>, x . j Word has been received by Mrs. Sarah S. Hlnson that her son, Private Barnle L.(,Hlnson, has been killed in action In the Southweht Pacific area. According to the information from the War Department, Private Hlnson , met his death on Ju|y 26. He would have been 84 years of age on July 31. He was drafted February 14, 1942, and had been overseas nine months. He was ft member of Co. I, 169th Inf. Reg. Besides his parents" he left four brothefs, Pvt. George E. Hlnson, Camp Carson, Colorado, Jesse H. Hlnson, Charlie D. Hinson, E. H. Hlnson, one Bister, Mrs. Sallie B. Hlnsqp. and a nephew, Thomas Lee Hinson, all of route 1, Camden. to have the temporary administraj tipn circularize and publicize the great and good changes that have been made. They just ain't there. J It does not one ounce of prevention of dismissal to have an honorable member of the Board of Trustees write out a long and rambling statement for the benefit of the Associations. It merely prolongs the agony and holds the college and the public In suspense. The A. A. U. W. has not had a national meeting, the only reason a public announcement has not been made of dismissal. The Southern Association has the * college on probation until conditions are met. Does any one for an instant suppose a mere statement from a trustee, or many trustees, or from the adminis-J tratlon would satisfy a body that had. to make a fair and Impartial investl-l gation to arrive at its former con-( elusion? No! Absolutely No! They will make the same type of investigation again to determine whether things have improved. Be not deceived! We all love Wlnthrop college or we would not subject her to public censure. She must be saved through right and Just and honest practises. She must be saved for the thousands of Winthrop daughters yet unborn that will some day enter her sacred portals and mingle with the spirits that people her hallowed walls. She is min6 and yours and I am selfish enough to put "mine" first. \ South Carolina is furnishing hundreds of successful leaders in every walk of life. She has horned more than one head of a great educational institution. Look around Trustees! Chooso one at once, so as to settle the unrest, the uncerainty the wirepulling?the great political game going on now. Even though you might not be able to announce the selection for a little while, it will make all the difference in the world to know that a new day is dawning. Jessie H. Laurence. SUMMONS State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. In the Court of Common Pleas. Fidelity Building & Loan Association of Camden, Plaintiff; ?V8? Mamie Chapman and Lawrence Robinson, Defendants. To the Plaintiff and Defendants in the above entitled action; You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in , this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at their office at Camden, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. . j Kirkland and DeLodch, Henry Savage, Jr., Plaintiffs Attorneys. To the non-resident defendants', Mamie Chapman and Lawrence Robinson: j You and each of you will take notice that the Summons and Complaint in the above entitled case, was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County, South Carolina, on the 17th day of August, 1948. Kirkland and DeLoach, Henry 8avage, Jr., __ Plaintiffs Attorneys. MORE TURBIN8TFOR UNCLE SAM General Electric will produce more than 11,000,000 horsepower of steam turbine propulsion equipment this year for U. S. Navy and Maritime Commission ships of many types, kccording to E. O. Shreve, vice president one third times greater thAnA* *?H pany'g production 0f (urbi^ 2J COMING^TTRACTloJJ Camde^fhettrJ 1*HIIIAYf AUG,' Judy Garland and Van Ham- I Tommy Dorsey and orctt I 'PRESENT! Np ULY MARyl wsoooeoooooecMMk*^.^ SATURDAY, AUG. 21^1 Richard Arleu.-Joan Parker I "ALASKA HIGHWAY** I Added: Wlnalow of Coast pmj SAT.f Aug. 21, 10:30 The Horror of all 'Horror Shorn! "KING OP THE /.OMBIES'I SUN.-MON.-TUES. "M AUG. 22-23-24 Mickey Rooney-Frauk Morgan I 'THE HUMAN COMEDY"! A human atory more , than a motkafl picture!' It's life itself, ^ "^hQOQt WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28 j ' Jimmy Lydon-Charles Smith j "HENRY ALDRICH 9 SWINGS IP* ' . "" m It's a Jam Session! A Comtldy jfl Swingaroon! j THURS.-FRI., AUG. 2*jfl Gaiety?Songs-^Spectacle-Colorffl Ding Crosby-Dorothy Lamoir>fl "- 'DIXIE" AUTOMOBILES I WANTED II We Don't Just Kidfl The Tires and ! Quote A Price jfl We're really interested ?! buying your ear. II ft haiM EXTRA VALUE, to make it ""well worth your fl while to eelL it to yt. ^Cash Waiting I SHAW MOTOR I COMPANY I Kershaw, S. C. State Theatre fl Ker.h.w, S. C. FRIDAY, AUG. 20 j "ANDY HARDY'S DOUBLE LIFE" . _|g Mickey Rooney-Cecilla Parker SATURDAY, AUG. 2l | "IDAHO" j Roy Rogers SAT., Auf. 21, 10:30 p* l "NEATH BROOKLYN 1 BRIDGE" East 8ld. Kids ..dig MON.-lVlES., AUG 22-231 "MY FRIEND FUCKA" I Roddy McDowellrPreaton **