The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, August 20, 1943, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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r- _ ^ ^ ^,1 Thl. week wc are going to change J complexion of this column. You'll J, that Instead Of the usual digs ? cracks we are giving you a potCrH of things sarlous, facecetlous IJja few that might vsrgs tin the ^ulou8' % like serious things first For in|r .f received a latter from KLwhere in the South Pacific" E* chap named Jesse B. Vaughan P used to work at the Palmetto KiaerH and later with Buddy Benton Jttlie Del-uxe Cleaners, wants to ge^ letters from Hondo I" th< 8t*tef/r Pereonally | (Jnk it would be a awell Idea for a r*f you boys?and yea, girls too? write Dan a letter.. You'll underind why I suggest this when you id the letter Dan send* to me/ Here If**' see Dear Skipper: You probably don't Member me personally, but I think Ejtr reading this you will iknow I U from Camden. I have been getting lio Chronicle and believe me, it le Jitter everytime. 1 know the boys from home that are in the service appreciate your writings as well as I .do. fvu employed by Dan Mackey and tbo Baddy Denton. We, as soldiers, ippreclate what the civilians are dohg at home to help win the war end it realize how hard It is for them to rote their time to writing to .us often." t * " 1 think you wITI agree," the letter continues, "when I say that the pen Is ?m of the best morale builders there jt Mail here is scarce and we (don't gst It every day. We. look for .g boat tni then 'sweat out a tetter.' If the people at home could see the sxpresjlmon a chap's face when he didn't get a letter, or when he -did, they would realize just how Important (their trtters are. Spare not the pen and Mn the war." ' "Spare not the pen and win this Cr"?is just about the best slogan 1 re heard in many moons. Let all d08 take it to our hearts and WRITE OUR BOYS OVER THERE. This corner has already sent a cbeery letter to Dan. Weil, that's that. And now 'let ris . - ' 1 " 1 i ^r? to another little matter that we regard aa having a aerioua tinge to Jt Have you ever listened to the aho(ft wave broadcast from the Eplevine In NeXv York? Almost dally reoopel Cathedral of 8t. John the Dlof St. John's Cathedral are broadoast dordlnge of hymne made by the choir to the armed forces overseas. a .tees A1 .T And are thdse hymns a Jot of numbers the boys are not familiar with? They ure not. They are hymns that every soldier, every church goer knows and llkea to help in singing thetn^ For Instance In the limited llat which hau been recorded and used in the broudcaHt are "Abide With Me," ''Sun of My Soul," "All Hail The Power .of Jeaue Name," 1 "U>ve Divine," "Oh Clod Our Help In Ages Past," "Fight The Good Fight," "Angels From the Realms of Glory," "Alleluia," "Song of Gladuuas" and "Come Holy Spirit." e There len't anything more inspirational In a church aervloe than the whole-hearted cooperation of the congregation In the singing of hymns. And the congregation will sing hymns only whtn they know them. I think that list used by the 8(. John's oholr Include hymne we all know * and love. ' e The military service reports, that a device has been perfected by which it Is poBBlble to see through three miles of gof.?- South Carolina should be one of the first customers to figure out Its political situation. The trouble with our AmerioaiT forces seems?to be that they arcn'4 quite as smart as Alley Oop and a lot of the other oomlo strip character*. # e e I Too many people In public offt.ce have convinced themselves end a lot Of other people that they are indispensible. see Recalling the daye of P.WA, CWA, and what not, this Is a good time to support the government. The time may come when the government will have to support you. see Camden should have an ordinance banning carnlval'6. ? Membership In this, that and everything typifies the lowbrow, never the high brow In culture. The heady wine of inflation may produce the illusion of a boundless prosperity. But a postwar reckoning is Inevitable. The hangover was terrific last. It may be much worse again. i , m 9 e Herr Goebbele sends out the same old alibi. The evacuation of western Sicily by .Axis forces has been going according to plan, he says. But he neglected To say that the plan was mapped by the Allied commanders. * N If you have tried your hand at aOXPftthlpgf and failed, you might try your head. And along the same line, there are many things worse than work; for instance, being out of work, e e The G. O. P. Old Guardian finally broke down. Yesterday he dropped Into the drug store for a copy of Willkle's "One World" and aaplrln. a _ _? Orchids and Onions Now alnt it the truth folks. When a fellow breaks a date he usually has to but when a girl breaks a date she usually has two. v And it might be said along that same line that a man can be pretty accurately measured by the sisje of the thing that makes him angry. ! * * Have you heard of the state hlgh way cop who stopped a lady driver out west of Camden one early evening and said " Sixty-five at least." Whereupon the woman got mad and yelled at him "How dare you? It's this hat that makes me look so old." Good old Ben Team, who knows all there 4a to know about radio and things radio, called on us last week. Ben is ope swell fellow and was a big factor In making the Boy Scout movement In Camden perk at top speed when he was here. Just another unfortunate situation caused by the war. m m m m Well, you gtrls who found your breath coming Jiv little gasps?we almost said small pants?can get back to normal respiration again. Bob Morgan?beg pardon, Major Robert Morgan, ex-hlghway cop, Southern Aviation cadet, etc.*, etc., and now a major with oak leaves on his shoulders, who was given the once-over and . good bye forever by Margaret Polk of Memphis, is going to marry a dame at San Antonio, Texas. At least that is what the Major says. * ? ? Take this as a tip. Take sugar off the rationing list, add to it the current whiskey shortage, mixed in America's mounting thirst, and you've got a recipe for bootlegging that may outstrip that of prohibition days. Buy War Bonds and Stamps Ho Hum! Major Morgan Hit By Dan Cupid Again r t n I. i The old vaudeville slogan of man^ years ago of Moff ag'h. on ag'u, gone ug'n, Fluulgan," seems to apply to delHinalr Major' Robert K. Morgan, skipper of the faraoua Flying Fortress, "Memphis Belle." Ohly a few weeka ago the former Aahevllle highway cop was to wed Miss Margaret Polk, of Memphis, for j whom the Flying For trees was named. Pictures of Major Bob and Miss Polk were printed in all the newspapers of the natlou. A number of Camdeu socialites who. had dated with the Major when he was a cadet at the Southern Aviation post here, were crestfallen. Then, like a mid-summer sun biasing through murky clouds came the announcement that Mips Polk had given the Major the gate. But alas and alack! Socialite hopes were dashed to smithereens, for last Wednesday Major Morgan announced In ABheville he would be married In September to Miss Patricia Janes Hucklns of San Antonio, Texas. Well, mebee. * CADET CHA8. EVAN8 BOINEAU COMPLETES COURSE Chapel Hill, N? C.?Naval Aviation Cadet Cbas. Evans Bolneau, son of Major Chas. Bolneau, of Midflelds Plantation, Boykin, has successfully completed the - intensive 11-week course at the U. 8. Navy PrerFlight school here, He has been promoted to primary flight training at the Naval Air Station at Olenvlew, 111. Cadet Bolneau attended Camden Htgh school and Citadel from 1941 to 1943. The extra-curricula activities In which he took part Included football. AN ORDINANOft (Continued from preceding page) unit) tt receipt - for the purchttae money, but uot make title to the purchaser until the expiration of twelve (|3> months from the date of aale, if the property sold be not redeemed aH hereinafter provided, and annex laid receipt to the duplicate warrant yvith the endorsement thereon of hia action thereunder and shall after deducting from the proceeds of aale. the coats and expenses of said sale, pay over to the City Clerk and Treasurer and taxes, charges and penalties due and lucurred by said defaulting taxpayer; and upon writteu notice given, of any mortgage or other Hbn on Said premises so sold for taxee, shall hold the excess, if ?ny, until authorised and directed by the proper judicial authority as to the mode of disposition. or by written consent of the defaulting taxpayer that the said excess be paid over to mortgage or Hen creditor, mul according to priority if more than one; PROVIDED/that the owuer or grantee of any mortgage creditor may within twelve months froin date of such sale redeem such property by paying to the Chief of Police or City Clerk and Treasurer the taxes, cost, penalties and expenses of sale, together with six (6) per cent interest on the whole amount of the purchase price of said land so sold, and thereupon the Chief of Police or the City Clerk and Treasurer shall pay back the refund to the said purchaser the amount paid on his bid, with interest as above stated, and the bid by the said purchaser shall be then cancelled and revoked, the owner or- grantee remaining in possession of the said land: PROVIDED FURTHER. That upon failure of defaulting taxpayer or other party interested to redeem said land so sold for taxee wtthin twelve months as stated, the Chief of Police Shall make title to the purchaser and put the purchaser in possession of the property poldc and conveyed; PROVIDED FURTHER, That in case of threatened waste or damage to the premises by, the owner or any other party, dtirlng the twelve months allowed for redemption, the purchaser at said tax sale, shall have the xight to apply to the Court of Common Pleas or a Judge thereof for an injunction against such waBte And for a receiver to take charge of the property until the end of the twelve months for redemption unless sooner redeemed; PROVIDED FARTHER, That whenever any real estate is levied upon for taxes by the Chief of Police, it shall be his duty, before proceeding to advertise the same for sale as now provided by law, to give twenty days written notice of such levy to the owner of each mortgage contained on a list that may be filed with him, (giving the name of grantor or mortgagor kind, of instrument, book of record and page recorded), the said period of twenty days beginning to run from the time the said notice is personally delivered or froiS the date KER8HAW LODGE NO. St, A. F. M. V( Regular Communication. Ja First Tuesday of Bach Month, AtlP.M. Visitor* r^\ ^elcom#* J. B. ROSS, Secretary. J. Q. HOFFMAN, W. M. of ltd mulling when delivered by mall, said notice shall contain a description of the land levied upon, the name of the owner thereof, the year or years for which the taxes were assessed and a statement of the amouut thereof with accrued costs, and shall be delivered* to such owner either personally or by registered mail with return receipt requestod at Jhe addf^ss given on aald list. The Chief of Police shall keep a copy of aaid notice, which he shall enter the date the sumo was delivered, how, where and to whom and shall fllo the Bame with J the City Clerk and Treasurer; PROVIDED FURTHER, That when real estate is sold for taxes in Haid City it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, before delivering title to such real estate to the purchaser at such sule, to give not lees than thirty days' notice to any mortgagee or assignee, of any mortgage appearing of record within ten years of such seizure as interested in such real estate of each sale in order that such mortgagee or assignee may have an opportunity to redeem the said real estate, as now provided by law for the owner thereof. Such notice shall either be served on such mortgagee or assignee in person or forwarded to his last known post office address by registered mall, or when his whereabouts may be unknown, It may be had by publication as In civil actions, the expenses of which publication and petition shall be paid In advance of publication by the purchaser at said sale: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the City of Camden shall receive One ($1.00) Dollar for each notioe so given. Ratified by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Camden, South Carolina, in counoil assembled, thio 9th day of August, 1943. F% N. MoCorkle, Mayor, City of Camden, South Choline. Loqlso W. Roy kin, ?M City Clerk and Treasurer, City of Camden, South Carolina, FA8TER THAN TNT ? I, Cyclonlte, a now explosive for bombs ami shells, explodes even faster than TNT, Dr. Alberto F. Thompson, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, declared la a General Nlectric Science Forum address. . ? Announcement! C. O. STOGNER Can Save You Money On Insurance Agent For Stale Fa on Insurance Co. Globe and Rutgers Fire Insurance Co. X am now In position to serve all jour Insurance Requirements, including Life, Accident, Fire, Casualty and Property Damage. If It's Insuranos?8ee Me. We Qlve 80 per ceftt Coverage On Coillalon Insurance. Tel. B70-?Addrees: 188 DeKalb 8t. mmtmrnrnmrnm ? i i , ..A ' , lljB^'womenT^ijHh" ly Here is a narod | pM ;rA6T^pword^B ^^Se? directlont OA lab^^d tldd u a tonic. Caxdul uitwl* ly P?pa Bp appatltB, Bids dilution, and thus halps build for tha "tima" toooma. artad 3 daya.bafor* your takan aa diiaotad, It would balp raliava jpaln dua j., * puxaly Junctional oaoaaa. IT WIU. TM<0 MORE MILK 1 JO WIN .WIS WAR.' \ ^ j / 'v: * Glean Rich Milk Makes For Health The most delicate stomach welcomes the nutritious ' goodness of homogenized <milk! Specially processed for health's sake, the cream is evenly distribut- , ed throughout- the milk ( \ * and the results is a better/ 1 : 1 ' y tasting, more easily digestible health drink. * Serve it " to invalids, infants and all members of your family?order it today! Rich In V3PTAMIN "B" the'nft.nP,!"?blS?18 1i??Ppe?r with homogenized milk on builder r p +u r> Vitamin B is the biggest appetite *hen vm em you get it in big quantities >f'u serve Homogenized milk. ;' Camden Dairies , ipgg^^l^jW For Four Milkman .S.C ---gj- , ?>diiuuu( Plane to see... # y "Royal Crown Cola R?|. U. S. fml. Of' I is Beast'6y7asfeJe*t f Ml flute198 2 98 I Ull lllltf other, from -M to 3.95 Felt hat to frame your curls with frou-frou .veiling for flattery. Satin calot that hugs your . head and has a huge bow in front. Felt humper with a new look about it. Huge, swirling front ornament. i u HnwftniMW c*?ml rjtfch <m? &**? ' pompadour . . tilt om owr your bro>w or set otto ?quar? oh y?Rr Jiead for that culptured, clean cut look* ThoyV? all baadlfe* mwi for Mlf . ^ ** ? ^ . ' ^ ir ,* *. ? * *