The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, January 01, 1943, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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u. i ???? ?? MRS. BENJAMIN WILD HEATH Buckley?Heath Wedding Colorful In one of South Carolina's oldest most picturesque ante-bellum mansions. Kamschatka. Lieutenant Benjimin Wild Heatlj, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howarth Heath, of Camden, claimed Miss Mary Aloise Buckley. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Frank Buckley, of Camden and Sharon, Conn., as his bride last Tuesday. The ceremony at high noon was one of beauty and dignity and was solemnized by Father Edward Burke, of the Catholic Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The double-ring ritual used was deeply impressive. Nearly three hundred guests gathered in the spacious rooms to witness the uniting of the popular young people. The bride, with her escort of the maid of honor and four bridesmaids, descended the winding stairway to the reception hall, where the groom and his best man were waiting. A program of pre-nuptial music was , given, while for the wedding march the bridal chorus from Lohengrin was played. The recessional was 'he triumphant Mendelssohn march. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of ivory duchess satin, princess style, with old lace at neck and sleeves. Her veil was of tulle with orange blossoms in coronet effect, and with an old family lace panel. She carried white orchids and bouvardia. She also carried a lace hankerchief, i used by the bride of Thomas Jefferson and loaned to Miss Buckley by a member of the Randolph family ot Virginia. Miss Priscilla Buckley, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a gown of white marquisette and crepe, while she carried a sapphire tulle muff with a corsage of white orchids pinned to it. Her hat was a coronet of blue plumes. The bridesmaids, the Misses Julia Fisher, Sally Fisher, Jane Buckley, and Patricia Buckley, the latter two sisters of the bride, were from Sharon, Conn. They were attired in gowns of white marquisette and crepe with tiny hats of pleated sapphire tulle and all carried blue tulle muffs with white orchid corsages. The flower girls, Maureen and Carol Buckley, sisters of the bride wore white taffeta Kate Greenway dresses with pearl studded Juliette caps. The ring bearer was Master Reid Buckley. brother of the bride. Lieutenant Heath had as his best man. Lieutenant Frances Degnan, of Shaw Field, while the ushers were Captain John Hancock of Shaw Field; Lieutenant John Buckley, brother of the bride, of the Ninth Cavalry. Fort Clark, Texas; James Lane Buckley, of New Haven, Conn.; William Buckley, of Sharon, Conn.; and Dean Witt, of the University of Virginia. The interior of the historic old home was beautifully decorated with palms, ferns, smilax, white gladioli and winter greens. The bride's traveling outfit consisted of a honey brown crepe dress, dark brown coat with mink collar and cuffs. She wore a mink hat with a lace veil and carried an orchid corsage. The young couple left shortly after the reception and wedding breakfast for Sea Island. Georgia, where they will spend ' their honeymoon. They are to reside at Sumter, where they will be at home after January 10. At the reception Lieutenant and Mrs. Heath were assisted in receiving by Mr .and Mrs. William Frank Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howarth Heath and the members of the bridal party. Mrs. Buckley was gowned in an attractive green crepe dress, a small hat of grosgrain rosettes and a corsage of brown orchids. Mrs. Heath was attired in an effective powder blue silk Jersey dress, with a small hat of powder blue feathers and veil with a corsage of delicate pink orchids. Following the reception and breakfast the guests enjoyed dancing In | the spacious reception rooms of i Kamschatka. The bride, who made her debut in 1937, is a graduate of the Nightingale-Bamford school in New York, and Smith College at Northampton, Mass. She received her elementary schooling in France and England. Lieutenant Heath is a graduate of , the Engineering school of Marquette University at Milwaukee and of the advanced training at the Aeronautical school of New York University. He was a member of Tau Beta Pi. The guests list at the wedding was extensive and included families of note from New York, Connecticut and other eastern communities as well as hundreds of friends a,nd acquaintances of the Buckley and Heath families in Camden and South Carolina. NOTICE OF MEETING The annual meeting of the Shareholders of the First National Bank of Camden, Camden, 8. C., will be held Tuesday afternoon, January 12, 1943, at four o'clock in the Directors room. S. W. VanlTANDINGHAM, 40-42sb Cashier NOflCE OF MEETING The annual meeting of the Shareholders of the Camden'' Loan and j Realty Company will be held Tuesday morning, January 12, 1949. at J eleven o'clock in. the Directors room ' of the First National Bank of Camden, Camden 8. C. t 8. W. Van LAN DING HAM. 46-42tb Treasurer I Personal Mention Mrs. T. M Russell Is u guest ill the Court Inn. Joe Rlutmo. of Sumter, visited r?n la lives here Wednesday, Miss Margaret Kendriek, of (ireer, Is on a visit to Miss Jean Leo. Miss Margaret Burnet, of York, is on a visit to her sisters in Camden Miss Mary Richey visited friends in Rennet tsvillo during the holidays Miss Mat tie Belle Mendenhall. of (ireer is the guest of Miss Gertrude (iillis. Mrs. Crank Hammond and hahy, of j Greenwood. are on a visit to relatives here. Midshipman John Lungford. of Annapolis, was at home for the Christ, mas holidays. Miss Joane White, of Syracuse, N.' Y., is on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. W I j. Wright. Misses lyouise and Virginia Trapp,' of Jacksonville, spent the holidays hero with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Speaks \ Isited the former's father in Statesville during tiie holidays. Mrs. H. I). Nllea and Miss (iertrude | (iillis visited the former's mother in Newberry during tlie holidays. | Dr. and Mrs. 1). C. liinson have as their guests Mrs. C. T. Kendriek and Miss Karolyn Kendriek of TTt'eer. Mrs. M. M. Johnson and children spent the week end with Mrs. Johnson's mother, in Aberdeen, N. C. Mrs. It. McKain Richards, of Hennettsville. is spending the holidays with Mi. and Mrs. J. (i. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Joint Land, of Gastonia. N. ('.. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Bokin at Christmas time. Mr. ami Mrs. F. I). (Joodale and son, Frank, spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. C.oodale's parents at, Flliotts. Mrs. H. O. Wilson and children are spending the holidays with the former's mother, Mrs. J. 1). Arthur, in Union. I)r and Mrs. Clarence Wilson and j children, of Fhlludelphia, visited the farmer's father, W. G. Wilson, during Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. I.)a Cost a Brown had as their guests for Christmas the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Boland of Blackvllle. Miss Mary Alice Tucker, of ltock! Hill. Is the guest of Miss Catherine j Sheorn and attended the Tri-Gamn.aj dance Tuesday evening. Mr and .Mrs Douglas Wool on andbaby of (ireonvllle, arc spending Mho holidays with the former's mother, j Mrs. I'*. M.. Wootott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Noro llood had as. their gnosis for Clirislinas Miss The- I resa Rood, of Chariot to. and Mr. anil | Mrs. .Joe Kennerly. of Holly Hill Miss Catherine Truesdale. of Rook! jllill. spent the week end with Mrs. J If L. Riehoy. She was accompanied' i home hy Miss Sarah Lynn Rlchoy. Mrs. ICverette Montgomery and children returned to Camden Sunday! after a visit of several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stearns in Monroe. X. C. Mr. and Mrs. L. .1, Rone, formerly of Orlando. Florida, have taken up ! residence in Camden on Oreene street. Mr. Hone is an instructor at the Southern Aviation School. Mrs. R. M. Kennedy. 3rd. and ehil(dren have gone to Sumter to spend I sometime with Mrs. Kennedy's sister, Mrs. James Rlanding. Lieutenant Kennedy spent Christmas in Camden with his family, returning to Fort Rust is Saturday. Miss Margie DeLonche leaves this week for DesMoines. Iowa, where she will become identified with tho WAACS and will receive her training at Fort DesMoines. Miss DeLoache has applied for service in Australia or other . South Pacific locations. "Peggy" )Ving Is December Bride Camden social circles have been much Interested In the announcement of the marriage of Miss Margaret Louise (Peggy) Wing, dnnughter of Mrs C Oralngor (ialther of this city and Westbury. Long Island to Dion K Kerr. Jr.. of Mlddlehurg, Virginia The wedding took place Sunday. December t.'t, at I p in. In the Chapel of the Kplscopal Church of the Advent at Houston, Texas. Camden friends had hoped that the original I plans of the (blither family which called for the marriage of Miss Margaret in Camden might have been carried through. However, the an ticlpated leave of absence of the groom was unexpectedly cancelled and the bride-elect was obliged to proceed to Houston, where as stated, the wedding took place. The groom j is an aviation cadet and Is stationed at an air Held near Houston. In the Armed Forces Sergeant W. l^r Nettles, of Fori Jackson, 8poot Christmas here with his wife and parents. Lieutenant Mussenhurg Trotter spent Christinas In Camden with his mother, Mrs. T. K Trotter. I>**vid Barnes, t?f the I'nlted States Navy, Norfolk, spent Christinas with his mother, Mrs. L. K. Barnes. Sergeant Charlie DeLoache. of Camp Sutton, Monroe, N. C., spent Christmas day with his family. Private J \V. Jenkins, of Camp Wheeler, Macon, Georgia, spent Christmas ii\ Camden with his wife and son. Flight Officer Fred T. Muggins and Mrs. Muggins of Lubbock, Toyis, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. 1). Muggins, parents of the fonder. Colonel Thomas L. Alexander, of Camp Shelby, 1 iat I iesburg, Miss., is spending a furlough with Mrs. Alexander and children at Hoykln. The friends of Lieutenant Douglas Montgomery will be glad to know he is improving at. the Camden hos. piial after an attack of influenza and pneumonia. f Major and Mrs. Finest Shebeen and daughter, of Camp Pickett, Vu., spent the Christmas holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shebeen. Lieutenant John G. Richards, IV, who is now taking his basic training ai Shaw Field, Sumter, spent Christinas week end with Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. (5. Richards. Fusigu Frank Montgomery, of Princeton Cnlversfty, and Mrs. Montgomery spent the Christmas holidays with the formers brothers, Miles and J. R. Montgomery, in Washington. Lieutenant and Mrs. W. F. Nettles and children have returned to Anniston, Ala., after a visit here to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ir. Nettles. Lieutenant Nettles 1h stationed at Camp McClellan. Lieutenant H. G. Garrison, Jr., arrived today from California. Mo made the trip by plane. Young Carrlson was aboard the destroyer Meredith, when it went down In the South Pacific. He was for a long while reported missing in action. A greater variety of plant life exists in the thermal belt of Polk county, N. C., than in any other section of the United States, it is said. CLEARANCE SALE STARTING JANUARY 1st 1943 REDUCED PRICES on all Winter Coats . . Dresses . . . Hats . . . Bags and Gloves ... ! i OUTLOOK" SHOP Camden - - - S. C. Begining Friday, January 1, at 9 a. m. THE FASHION SHOP STAGES THEIR T.JT CLEARANCE EVENT Yes, every year, right after Christmas, we stage a store-wide Mark-Down Clearance 8ale ... as we will not carry over from season to season Merchandise we bought to sell when it is new and wanted ... At the end of each season we turn it loose ? at prices that mean great savings to our friends and customers . . . always giving them the newest merchandise the market has to offer . . . come attend this ! sale and save on top quality merchandise that is in demand right now. j Wonderful Values in ... . LADIES COATS Newest models, materials, and the celling prices range from 22.50 to 79.50. Priced to clear at? 14.87 to 49.87 Hundreds of Lovely Newly Styled .... ^ DRESSES Formerly sold at prices ranging from 6.50 to 22.50 On Sale at? 3.97 to 9.87 VALUE8 IN . . . SHOES Air Step?Lazy Bones?Oxfords | ?Brown Oxfords ? Brownbullt. Ceiling prices 3-50 to 6.95. On 8ale at? * 1 1.97 to 4.97 Ladies' HATS Values from 1.95 to 12.96. Priced to clear at? 97c to 6.97 LADIE8' and MI88E8' SKIRTS 3.95 to 7.96 values. NOW? 2.79 to 5.87 LADIES* PANTIES by Lorraine and Vanity Fair . . . ceiling prleee 7#c to 1.11. Priced to clear at? 67c-97c ,. . . .-v ^ s The Fashion4hop OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE ~?7 Camden - S. C. ?.b?. *"i.: ?>* LADIE8' BRASSIERES V v*:' * ^ Worth 79o to 2.50. On 8aln / mV?