The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, April 17, 1942, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE H. D. NIL ES. Editor and Proprietor l'ubtl?h?U .?v*?ry KraUy *l NuojbW , H09 North rirortd HUfd, *? '! * I the Bout). ("Mrollii* , n ??c/?nd vU?? m*U matter 'r*1* 'i(1_ ; year II 00 No yybucrlpUom. I**4"" ft>r t" n miMonth. In ill jn?'?nc?! the JiULib'.'l ll'lK'Ii prlCJ >H dm? *nrt J 1 III advance All ?ub?fIu?tl.>r>? are cancelbd w Inn ?uh?crib?-r 1* l!? ?o r?r?? w. Itepr?M-nl?d In New York by the Am*rl-j call I'ri'xf A*?< < latIon ait.I el*ev? tiefo by i all reliable Adverts UK Anenrie.* v g\' * **4*1 lit# itl a ilouh -1'j 1 0 t HUM.Mill try lo prut"?t our paliona from nA>M>'pi?"< r.uttIon by A-lvei No i .liih r Advertisement* atr*|?h'<l at any ,,i I, Church nolle* published nee. Tarda of thank* and not he* of entertainments *h.T* on adirii.alon f*? > d will be chare d fur 1 re?pe<-t iiri'l obituaries will be '''"""fi for .?;| communication* must be ?i|tnt.l, , (iihii aUf tlw-v will he d?-*troyrd - a- Itr-I. I I I I ???- I Friday. April 17, 1942 Nn 'U . CAM?i I >aa? AM*?? excellently done A . I 'l ilt. CUrpni':!* feds vs s ^I rem in* if Wf iK'ukrU-d to express (,mi deep appreciation :t?. ?' !! thoj >ippicciullon nt t!?*- tp-imiai i?ml?l><" 1,1 Kalph N Shannon tin iih alii'- il11 (ton of Ill'- ?I?-1 r i -? !*1 1 *v t' 1' - l" ( al" . don <ilid Kershaw county in panic-i uliir tit-- I'w -m ,?ir-i -nil Itiai kuui I Th-pro an- al'w ay > a few >< iil in j bvi-ry conitiiuiiHy and it. H tru<- tliat; Caindfii ha* -? sinud, ? v< i > Miiall j uunihcr vl poop!.-? '* ho -tj ?n ui ill** j work that ik In inil dune th provide) lor civilian defense in ? -?".? W j h> an . ,11y Th-v regard th. pro r ant Ion- as ii w iinto ui unit" and offot t Til.- ('hrontela f * 1 iliii tlii? mi.ill proup is in e, mm in 'ir '<' itude Wo fool lh;?i C.inidi ii should tnako ail all-out effort to ho prepared This prepaialorv pnoirain which has loon ho well welded and toi irtul 11 -?I as i n lis ii has pi ni'i'i -si ll has lo oti ,1 m.isI l-l'fll 1 Jot' Tlioi o roin i ins mm h mofo to ho ,11,11,. Willi tlto Hploiidul foundation already established it ml with tho civilian population show inp praisew i,r111 v coopi-i'a! Ion m I ho tinfoils.? .11 I j \ il ion. Tho Chroiil'lo lo-IP vos that r.iindoii will take Ii est r i nk in prepai dio'ss. t poll ! lo- i ol ui n u! Tlii p I ki 'oil 111mii To\a > A and M ( >. I< v w lo I? lo h is lo-oii at'oinliiiv t spfi iai -? liool ,it instrin t Uni in dol'-iiaiv i?'( hnlnuo. ,1,.. ('.1111?I ii proaratn u ill tako on >\ t.,. . | t. - j s, ..Jo- lit o 11 v i' v I,, 'i... no a ui inn a in! ii ii: :l Mi S11 a n 111 > 11 ; 11. m 1 m 111. os 1111 ! 11 i \ p a It * f.i hi- <|. t. nso -.-nip 'ho ('mil(I'll tlli'lll. If sp- aklllH' I'M t'lO -I tfT into : s a!..! fo !(,. fill. II ^ ,1.-11 .,'id K- i -Ii t w omit V. ill-sir s t ? . x, ipp:. . iitf I'M. i i rlllMlil III!"!' N Sh iiii.oii I'M in- lii?- 'sup, I"\ l S I?*11. tlld 11 ! I I ' ' ' M1 h 0 g s gain importance p, a id 111 ; ii ii i in tii.i' i > illoijs <i! ito ^o.ith lb hi^h'M" than i' has l?oo,i J,; wins, dju- to tho d' lnalids lo: p.., ... a I il it ol III' U al and i'-o ,1,,. Mi. . .Mil mi), d ? <Li at "a'ti !tt" , , Snil'li liai' I '* . . . . i.. : 11 r _ i: d- in '!. . < m i. 111. <' ,:v k* * ' 'd ; t . . . .. . , T : o.-i .',.! to . , , . Ii . Ill I > . j . ; I. 1 "- .> a .... ...... , 1 :l s ..; '. .a n a-k- * w hi ? "*' f P I. k.tis pi i .. t , jo ? - - a ! V 'lit' 11 *1 a s l ill. !..' <! " 'ho iinrri".1 , ; ; . x i.i. . ..! ' ! hi' V " 1H?: k- t" I !,..v a.,,v h }..u k. d at homo ; ml j. ... .| Ml ' !: pill k.ii-'o -I, ' h. , n I *oi pt-nd'-n' Harrison Has Big I^ad In Scoring Wllel! the ? ? 1 i? I In- rider* Ot lilt) Iml ("as airy uinl I'uiuiftlto polo team* onto the field next Sunday ?t alii mark tlie b'-gUiulDK ?'f ')* ' twenty liyt.lll /Hllte listed ?.11 offl' I?1 record ? of i he 1 b 11 i J polo season iii Citind". ii With a number of |?ra< - : fT7- a fiT"rvTiifrfTlrrn rarrtr* piayrd rm r week-dui 'aftet noons, Ihi# total wMHj exceed a l? pro \ llli.l' el > tllirt> s|\ K titles ' TIiI.h Is .i i <i j;i;i / ill / season s to# I a lid o..V,?s the ]?? I mm] 11'OUl ^Ul l) Ot lobcl up III t.fie p: I'm tit ! line. Unit at least! ton; i.: live UlOTf jfaliM-s to plMVedj In (oi. i lie inters Mon away t?irl7' jui.k.s 'n tnot )i proof container*. ilic: I I. Old if t..l!ll,'s Will hale been jU'(i?t-j I iy im ii.i-i.(| I'.olo iecoMts of the national utisot hi'ion a- well its other ^ 11 at p? pot iiffiliii'ed with the national j ( i?; i.'a i:: / a' a "ti i< not roiiie within M11y pel i . || i 1.1 . . 111 a. ill/ litis time lie ord. in :a._ filiUb ' o ii oilieiai / a Hies ' pia.iil 1J|I to and ill' hldniy la -1 Sun " iiav. t n;p-h Hui ri-.oti bails the p:u R with it tola! ot tit i y 1111.** c o,a 1 *. t hartie , Hut.b. ; . I ml".-. I- - < "inl w illi lor- ! ' iv f. .ii i i (.nut. I ' 'Hfoot i- I bird 1 a I Mi thirty-nine Hate- loutib with.' i),iii.-iivi I upper iiKii Villi lh!i'"v-.< tour and Hum ami Icote-n-on toxin .1 lid Mill n t ! I Willi It 111 ' t ' e 11 .1 1111 1 Z it | teen ,p. . i. v .1. . Alarum HoykMi.;1 ! VI ii" l1 ay .'ii oi.;;. a I w /alii. - dill iliK 1 ill.. -en -Oil. -( Olid 'Welle /Oil is. I ' 1 ' A no ii.-' '! i > out side o: cues I play - j els 'he Mil-mi M ij'ir Donald j ' Mi t M ,m h id t!i. !>.- \ Trot.p m o ol. ;i I 11 .1 ] III I (V 11 I I / ),(!- . .1 .11 k 1 til II i '"Is ot S' 1 * i111 Mmm-ota, who played |' with Mullet i > in onl> a lew came* reirlxii'ved i iirht coals, while bin id I Willia in- "t .Mulberry, and Ideiiteti-! (,iit- )-!<Iii i 'nil and liiown of the lb - e x T roi i p nil -1 oit 11 4 11 if on I s apiece. ' j - - j ;get binders, combines "in tune" for harvest 1 i ! All bindei and eombiiie ow in is who have not already ( becked over their j m u liiitei y for needed repairs should I do so a i oiii says i utility a Cent M j (' Mi ('arb i callin/ attention to the possible delai- and losses Unit may! ! I in i ur ii tin mai hin* -1 y is not :n cooil w or k in c i ond it a hi. 'I In- man in 11i in -w nun Iiiaery t li is ' is creatine an unusual demand i Im repair parts lor old or used liia< I i i n i y The fattiier who nai's until ''he hist uiinuli- f i buy repair parts ] iii- 11 .ii may 11ai ilittix iilty in /a ' - j tin/ t e p.i ii s made "ii time. j A - a n a id t.o btlnh r and im.biln ' 'op. i.(tors and uw in r s ;;i e-eilim: bet.j i serv n i out of their m.uhim-.j Mr. Met'iirley i alls ailen'ioti to l!x. n- ion Farm Ma< linniy I 111 t No }fn "I'.in.l. is .,nd tv.nihinrs. ?*nrn : nd 1 I loti Till- bulb; (ont.iiiis mi I m.-i iui- i i n -1 ra' i" 11 - and -um/ .-! .onnii repa t? - lubm alii'lt, cafe. and oft- j ( rat ion. 1 t 1 \< . oi d n./ ' o < V I 'lt a/.in. azri u. - : .... Mural li He r n! 'In* ' e ttisoti < I * / I s . ;, s o 11 <."v:ee w'i*. ps piitid tile: i one of 'h. mo.i helpful ; a . ? >: i. - , tie j i. 111. i' 11.11 r- i "t roii nl. ; on . onib'.n. - W" 'a t !) aid of ' (Mil- Ill.ll! !' 1- 1' 'he 1,1. .(' : . I, a!! t'..- a'. my : >.(!.! . I . j , , . v h. v p. I",- In A" I ( o, S , ' .I . . Ill.ll 1 1 I'll. . : . ;;; ; '.Mi I ' |MI ' nytii ?' ; I . oil [ NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ; CREDITORS { ' j \ 1 p . , . : :.I t - if d "> ' l.e I sla'e . , .. ...... \\ Mo-,. <> I In r. Ill- no- : : ... ,j ,, i:i.?k> p. I in. Ill to I h.. limb i - ! , ? iinl a!. pa: tie-. :i am. Inn i'l/ | , ,/ Me-' ' tie -.I'd . -late V I 1 . . 11-,, ta i.i. w i-e. duly attest. <1. j ., ; n Mn tune pi. -i ribed by law. t i! i' iii \ 1! m ( ? \ itok Ad ii. .iiist rat i .x J . n,.l. ii S. Apfi' ,r;. 1-' I Buy Coal Now .. I Tomorrow may be too late. Help I America win the war. Industries I must have coal first. Every freight I car may be needed to speed up the I flow of supplies to our fighting men I I next winter. I I McLeod & McLauchlin 8 | Telephone 53 ' | York's Oldest Woman Dies At ICS J Rock HID. April X. --- Funeral tH*rtrice* for Mrs H (r. U?man, 103. w ho died at her hpu?e m ar here 8u?Irt V. were held ?' 2 30 Tuesday after-' irtnn a' the re* idetirt* IhtffWttUd was n ('at aw ha Uaptiat church cemetery.! hoi n In Lexington louuty. Decern "*r --3. l'X38. slu- hruj lived ?u Hock Dili about 13 years Shi* told friends alien Mie reached 1"! that she wan 'going on 2o0." Slo- had lived quietly *?t her home ii.u'w in recent years, with tew guest* | Xli on her birthda>*. Flul friends j [ eralied that her tisth wedding unni- . versary was celebrated elaborately in. lUUlt witli letters and rifts from Gov rijor John (J. I(i* liards among re* . meinhl atices Of the occasion. (Rating corn seed HELPS REPEL CROWS Ch uison. April 1".. Marked de- i i ; ease ill damage hy crows pulling < .piourTftjf rnrn hafc'trrrn tinted by many j South Carolina far mors who rout the ! m cd with tar, W P. Nettles, extern! .imi < n'oi^iiloyiht reports. I in teasing the rate of plauling. j -iii'1 -link; grain. poisoning with stry htim- bait, napping. shooting. , and j iv11 hmg twine*, are other recogniz-d methods of it sscnitig crow damage. : h,.iir it results are not so clear cu' ii, with lie- ? iAi (Dating of Heed i <>al tar is probably tin* main ingredient oT tin- i row deterrents used for tOiOiMM corn seed <iiid sold under v,clous trade names, such as ( ro-tox. Meadow larks in parts of the* stale an* thought h> fanners to he more serious offenders than the ct'ow. The same measures used against crows should prove effei tise also against larks. A -light increase in il'-p'h ot planting is said by tanners to make pullnig of coin sprouts by birds more (III i K III!. Planking an mi reused quantity ot set d was one of the earliest recogn;/ed method* as s"a?t-tl in the old rhy me: "l III e lor I in- I li! w Dim. Ami one I or I !n- trow. One grain to rot, Two grains to grow. .More complete information about crow damage to crops is to be found in Farmers Bulletin l 11 J The Crow in lis Relation to Agriculture." Two Sentenced In Forest Fires i "lo ra w . Aprii !' .'amis (Jaim-y. ami Hoy Mel.earn ??! m ar Patrick W c| ? .- 'llfelU e<! hep' l)V IlUlgiS11 .it.- .) W Hat i lift' in a < harm* oi > i: : 11 g til. ?. for-St land in tin (Je aw - .(! park ;u a and tin- Sand Mill i esei vation area. The s"til'-m we!' for ild or '!<' days. "i h> fires hurm d o\--r fi.ntiii ,u rI j?ut> Sh'-ti::. M'-lion. said tin im is adm it ' ?-?l 'he b'im:v-'. < onllljg to I > putv Mellon, the ; 11. -11 iuvol\<il rod-- through tin- buhi a tnek. ios-iiig lighted liiatch? * on 'he di y pile- straw on Hie l i ou mi a - t li.-) r? ?de. The files Itll! lied tlll'ee <1 t '? - .1(1(1 ltd thousands of dollars worth of damage :o tilnbe. si.iml.-. alld to tn.i!i> ,,l in. milinii voting Ue s plat; d 11 , i . J. f \ .1 i 11 ? (('(," \\ i /1 ii ?. I ** . All Asked To Help In Red Cross Work C,i! r III : ' S'. , 1 ge "War Pantry" T i I.i . (.'Us of a11s .,. . -. .i. , [ iv. Ik V v. .' v h o:i ij m.i ol w a: i v : \ \ two ?| i, ' s of in Ilk j,.i,,| , i; v\ ii (i '.r.i .n < i a. k . s i T:. ( i n o! pit k ami h a n s. ( i;ie -,u of iicm". preferably jrtuk. -pain o: 'h- like No < h:< . n . lis too ! 1 i( a ie iilK- half pound of store cheese. < 111?* small jar of peanut butler (III. pfiikiiL'e (if dried fruit sin li as prunes and apricots. A ? Ik colate nuik bar A (.ill "of vegetable*. prefer.!-1.y leans, peas, cor ft or asparagus. Mrs Ralph Chase, pmilin limi ?hi,:r-' man of tin- Kershaw county chapter Atnerii an Red Cross, has received :,\o vi-ri appreciative letters of imiiks fcm :Ju lield dir. ( tors of the i... . a! ('pei.itilig base, Norfolk. \ .rpiun and Partus Island. South Caroline lor (he swea'ers and sot ks < 1.1 to -Mir m-ti at these posts. Tin- report stressed that the w< rk was beaut .fully done and pat ked o:. < i | rem In .1 tie ir de.- Una'Ion In perf" * . oud.t :on ' Mrs N*? 11 lea Lindsay. Ill spo :al ( barge of the kjittting has everj ri a-.ill to i.e I or g a; Dialed upon the eftici?*ticy of lu?r workers l AIKUI! eigh- hundred clofhmTTshti.l a( king for quo*a of iVnr Relief Kurd nr.d will .-rf? county district chairmen Iliake a repoit at lit adquartLT3 UJ - on as possible. Pfrirl-, A??of la ted Preafl correspond* nt whose dispatches from the foxholes oT Palaan was described by I' S. Army men as ''the best the war has produced on any front" has! reached Australia to continue his work of covering the hero of the Philippines stand. Gen. Douglas MacArthur. ' j II I I - Draws Large Salary Just For Showing Her Hands ! Three years ago a beautiful black- ? haired young lady was sitting at a manicurist's table. The toll man stopped beside her on his way out. "Young lady,, do you know you have the most beautiful hands I have ever seen? What's your name?" She said: "Florence Pearsall " "Well. Miss Pearsall, I'd hke to pay you for a picture of your hands:** That was the beginning of the " career of Florence Pearsall's hands. | The man was a nail-pohsh-company ( executive who had been starching vainly fur a pair uf beautiful hands ^ to use in an advertisement. Today, ' they earn between $300 and $400 every week for her just by letting < photographers take pictures of them. They are so valuable that they're insured for $40,000. The policy stern- , ly forbids Florence to dial a phone, , play golf or tennis, or do anything ( else which could possibly damage her precious manual extremities. Florence's business overhead is high. Expenses include the cost of 35 pairs of gloves and a private manicurist, paid $30 a week. She wears gloves all the time. Even ; when she cooks. The manicurist . carries a kit with 25 different nail- ' polish shades, changes the color of I her employer's nails five and six ' times a day. She keeps her hands " in perfect condition by exercise, too. She's gained such perfect control over the movement of each finger that she's now able to balance an egg on one fingertip. On occasion she has been the ; hands of Joan Crawford, Claudette Colbert, Merle Oberon, Barbara I Stanwyck. For advertisements , showing them holding something, the clever photographers used the j face and bodies of the movie gals j; but pasted Florence's hands onto the , pictures. I 'Just the other day, she turned . down a Hollywood offer of $20,000 a year to use her hands in close-ups. She'd rather wait until they want her face, too. New Twist to Earning A Living in Hollywood i Bhogwan Singh has been making j a good living in Hollywood for 27 years simply by knowing how to twist a cloth approximately 100 different ways. Maybe this sounds on the silly side, but to Hollywood it's a serious matter and Bhogwan is a very important person, because by following his advice the film-makers prevent riots in Asia. The reason for | this is that the cloth in question | technically becomes a turban when j properly wrapped, and Singh is Hoi- i lywood's official turban-wrappcr. I Turban-wrapping assumed importance in filmland some years ago, \ when directors discovered there i were dozens of ways to wrap a tur- j ban and that every little wrapping i has a meaning of its own. Each ; little twist denotes a specific caste, ! and if a Brahmin twist is accident- ' ally placed on the head of a Hindu, | the customers tear up the theater ( seats in righteous?and riotous?tin- ; dignation in India, the Malay states, 1 and sundry other Oriental countries where they take their turbans scri- . ously. ' I 'Fall Guys' Americans arc the greatest "fall i guys" cm. earth. Last year 25.000 i of them died from falls?10.00U in their own homes?while two rpillion "luckier", ones were either pbrma- j nently disabled or merely painfully > and expensively injured. And if y< u don't think a careless stumble can ; run into real money, Lear :n mind that it cost each of t'.o.-o 2.'i(iO.O'!Q ; victims an average of $'17 for not } being able to keep his feet' Just 1 how expensive a simple f.iii can was indicated by a recent Notional i Safety Council study of 4.(k)2 home j accident cases that were tu-aled in i Cook County hospital. I'lino.s. Twothirds of those patients went to the hospital as a result of falls. And each of those fall cases averaged 13 days in the hospital, plus 54 days' disability at home?with attendant loss of wages. The iciet of a Panama canal orivinat <i in the early ?la> s ot the liith cent ury. Jack Richardson Now First Lieut. Announcement Iu?h Juki been received here that John Wltherepoon Richardson. <t hoii of Mr a. Alice Corbett Sfaryc ami a grutidaon of Pr. John W. L'orhett. has heon eoinmlaaloned a Kirai LleuieJWint In the United States Army Air Korea, anil hus Jusl reportid it! Washington, D- for Initial [fnty nt HolHttt? Field. lavuluimUl. Richardson will attend athool at Bulling and other points for army air force intelligence. Lieutenant Itichardaon is a native i)f Camden, having been born here on July It, 1910. No attended the Camilen graded btlkools a ml graduated front the local higb school In 1927. lie was active in Scout work and bo* came an Kagle Scout with a local troop in charge of Attorney John K. ile Loach. He .graduated front \ irgiula Military Institute as a cadet captain in June 1931 with the rank of Second Lieutenant in the cavalry reserve. He went to work lit the duUont plant at New burgh, Ww York, in July. 1931, and in 1932 joined the 156th field artillery of the .Yew York National fJuard. He later became regimental adjutant of that regiment an office which lie held until 193a. Lieutcu* ? hui Richardson was married to Marian Senff Cameron, daughter of Mrs. K. M, Cameron, of Newhurgh. N. ^ December H, 1935. The dul'ont company transferred j him t<> I'lliladelphia in March, 1939.1 For three years the young couple made their home, in Rryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. While in Newburg, iio was director of the 1'owelton club and in Philadelphia lo* was affiliated with the Marion cricket club. Marion golf club, and Pennsylvania fish nnd game protective association. Tuberculosis Not Inherited Disease (Continued from first page) from the person with the chronic cough. Children should not live in a house wifh a person who has active tuberculosis. The tuberculosis person should he placed in a sanatorium until his disease is arrested and until lie has learned to practice the precautions necessary to protect the others in tho home.. In previous years ihildren used to get tuberculosis from milk from infected cows. Veterinarians of the United States, however, have wiped out tuberculosis from the cattle of this country and there is now no danger from this source. The Veterinarians eradicated tuberculosis from catHe hv giving them tuberculin lest and then killing those that had a posit i\<- reaction. It is also altogether possible to i wipe out tuberculosis in children.. To accomplish this the parents should. 1 b> fore the child is horn, find out j whether or not members of the family have tuberculosis. This can he done i by having all members ol the house-I hold, including servants, t ike the m-j if realm test, which is harmless, end; by fi ll ing ;m X-ray film or flurL<cpe ! \ iinmation made of nil who give pos- i '-end i?o:s. If the rhiid i- hern into ,i healthy home, gets r* ason .b:y , rood catv and if sensible prei tu'i- ns ate i ?L -ii io protei t him from these hat have tuh< rculosts he <!?,? Hd >t.- j <l*-i lop th?< diseuse. The Cbtistmas Seal Si..- of the K -rsliaw county Tub* i < uic.-is ;asn. ialion e.\i i ,-di (1 :h;it of P'l". said! J j'fitill ( I e 11 > S. pies.dent of the a S- \ sociat ion. Mr. (P'trys expressed groat satisfaction over tlu Cooperation and interest shown by all the friends of 'be association in their splendid support. A mure intensified program will be necessary th:s year and for the dura tion to hold in check the spread Of? tuberculosis, a disease that thrives^B in war times, says Mr. Gettys. purchase of the Christmas Seals sod* Health Bonds helps to do this work H which is clearly a health measure, fl ?a A VALUABLE I DOCUMENT I Your doctor's prescription is n valuable I document. More than a piece of paper ] bearing queer words and odd churactee* it represents his ycaia of ti ,i,:i , ^lkr' rience and skill applied directly to your I individual case. As such, the prrsi option deserves the care and accuracy exercised j by our registered pharmacists ami the 1 purity and uniformity rf tb? pre-emption 1 chemicals i?-?h c'v? i. Wt vre AUrci Prtiaipbo* Chtn^ali ^^B DeKALB PHARMACYI I Phone 95 J I \ I ? Grace Episcopal Church J The services for Sunday, April liB will be as follows: Holy communiot^H at S: 00 a. in.; church school at u. in.; morning prayer and sermoi* by the rector at 11:15. Offering fori the church's work among men lit' thtH army, navy and air force. Bethesda Presbyterian Church'* 1 Sunday, April 19. A. Douglas Arn, pastor. Church school at 10 m. with a Bible class for every age.9 The nursery class Is open from teal until Hvelve-flfteen. Morning worshlp^B at fl:15 a. m. Pastor's Bible cla*9 at eight p. m. at the manae/The pub-1 lie 'is cordially Invited to attend thtB services of this church. Camden Baptist Church 1 Tlie following services are announe-fl ed for the Camden Baptist church beginning April 19: Sunday school at I 10 o'clock with C. O. Stogner In charge. Training Union at 7:15 with I Charles Stogner in charge. Public worship at 11:15 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. I with H. I). Anderson In charge. Prayeffl and praise service Wednesday even-B ing at 8:30. The public is invited to^B attend all these services. s Methodist Church Services ?fl The following services are annoumv^B ed for Sunday, April 19, at the Lyttle- fl ton Street Methodist church: Church fl school at 10 a. m.; morning worship at 11:15, with sermon by the pastfflT^B Kev. Henry Collins. *The subject vill i be "Unused Church Pews." Epworth H League at 7 p. m. Evening worship at 8 o'clock, with sermon by the pastor. The subject of the sermon wilt-fl be "The Wings of a Dove." The pub-1 lie is cordially invited to these ser-^H vices. I Bulldog Pastimers I Def eat Florence I The Camden high Bulldogs showed ureal improvement when they battleA^B the Florence highs last Tuesday, win-^H ning a well-played game by a 4 to 1 fl score, ! Wilson went the rou roetfshrdlUit^^B Wilson went the route for the den highs and gave promise of belnffl a valuable asset to the local high I school team and also the Legion team.^B | ' , I Bicycle Repairs All Kinds of Bicycle Repairs Done at REASONABLE PRICES ' ' I SHEHEEN'S Texaco Service Phone 137 Ned McDowell, Service Man DeKsIb Street Camden, ft. C. NOTICE! | ? ' fl We strongly urge that you take = 9 the government's advice to buy your 1 Coal NOW. v . 11 John M. Villepigue & Co. 1 Telephone 14 ' ^#1 V . v,/: - W