HOT Oil INK KEY) /y THE SKIPPER. Our Wan Slogans I.v.ks "Hcnuunbor the Maine" "Uemember the IjUsltania" lidl "Uemember Pearl Harbor" 15,42?"Uemember to Buy Defense Holids." Thought for this week?Self Defense Not a crusade, not a plan of conquest, not a sudden loss of temper. but a strong determination that this nation shall not perish. n retreaded and recapped automobile tires. The plans for this rationing will follow the present new tire rationing plan, but many more classifications of motorists will be issued certificates. And taking up the subject of sugar. Some stores are now selling but two pounds to the customer. Here is the bad news right from Washington. The government is making ready to issue sugar at the rate of approximately a pound per person per week. . Speaking of the ban on auto sales and the rationing of tires retreading, it makes us ponder. If walking 1b to be restored as a national habit the athletic clubs may once again be filled with athletes. * * * The methods Hitler is following In conducting his war with Russia reminds some people of a woman trying to back out of a parking space. Up in Fon duLac, Wisconsin, a friend of this corner, who is now a municipal judge. Jumped Into the spotlight of the midwest press and also of the various news syndicates by fining a youth, arrested for drunken driving and operating a car without a driver's license one hundred and fifty bucks. The youth could not pay and he is now serving nine month's jail sentence and has also lost the right to drive a car for a year. When South Carolina courts impose similar penalties in similar offenses highways of the state will be far safer. Just how is this country going to keep up with morale with one government department taking the girdles away from the girls and another yelling, "Pull yourself togetherf" Ii you haven't secured your federal use stamp, better do it pronto?or you're likely to be fined $25 or spend 1'i days in the hoose-gow, While every car owner was supposed to have purchased the stamp last Monday, many have not and in some instances, it was not their fault as the supply at the local post office gave out several times during the week. * ? Stamps will continue through February, in fact, they will be on sale in March, but cheap'er and with the adhesive substance on the proper side. Incidentally It'might be stated that the tax applies Only to vehicles which are used. So if your car Is stored away m the garage, you do not have to buy a Htamp. j * A"to dealers will be interested to know that all new autos now frozen ,n their hands, except a government *tock pile of 13,000 units, will be sold during the year under apending ra' lo"ing program. Beginning February dealers will be permitted to de''v>r ,,ow cars sold but not delivered before the original freezing order of January l. Beware Coughs from common cows That Hang On Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the test of the trouble to help loosen end expel germ laden phlegm, and aid wtiit to soothe and heal raw, tender inflamed bronrhlal mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulstonwith the understanding you must Mke the R'ASgrfSSM"'" si&?m Bronchitis 9 ? Sport Potpourri BY THE &KIPPER ! Congratulations to the Huron DeKalh and the Central high schools for winning the Camden trade area cage tournament. The Central girls took the tl(le In competition with seven other maiden squads and the boys of Baron DeKalb scorod a title win over a hard-fighting Central boys team iu tho final. And louds of congratulations to an alert and- progressive group of business and professional men who are rally "Builders" in every sense of the word. For It was the "Builders" of Klwanls who put over tho trade area j tournament. * For'while this jolly good bunch of builders did not make1 a lo tof sheckels on the venture, they did start a sporting program that should be carried out annually. We believe it will be if Cyril Busbee, Joe McKain, H. A? Small and a lot of other Builders have anything to say about it. 99^ And we want to pay a special tribute to Arthur Robinson who worked as referee in every game of the tournament and we will affirm that he did a fine job. At least all of the coaches admitted it. This corner saw most of the games and we will hand Arthur a hearty slap on the back for his line officiating. ? * ? His promptness in dealing with an unpleasant situation in the last game Friday night is highly commendable. The thought that was uppermost In our mind diiring the tournament was the presence In the competition of such a fine lot of young people. It was a fine picture of real American boys and girls at play. The polo game between the Essex Troop and the Palmettoes was witnessed by the largest crowd of spectators to gather at the field side this season. The hundreds of soldiers present rooted for the Essex riders and the cheering, tooting of horns and the like drowned out the dulcet tones of Ralph Waldo Chase's efforts over i the mike. * This coming Sunday the Camden Palmettoes play the Long Acre Farm team from Long Island and the battle should be full of thrills. This will be the first game of the Devlne cup series. Other teams to take part In this event will be the Camden Ramblers, Essex Troop, Aiken and possibly Pinehurst and Fort Bragg. Charleston Mayor Praises McCorkle Mayor Henry W. Lockwood, of Charleston, liked the address that was made to the members of the state senate by Camden's mayor, F. N. McCorkle. As stated In The Chronicle last week, the mayor made an extended address to the senate members In behalf of the South Carolina Municipal Association. The talk being In the nature of a plea for a more Just apportionment of certain tax returns. In a telegram to the Camden mayor, the Charleston executive says: "It was my pleasure to introduce you to the members of the Senate of the General Assembly of South Carolina on Thursday morning, January 16, on which occasion your address was well received and In my opinion yOtt made quite an impression on the members of the Senate.' "i lost 52 Lbs.r WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN -im.C.A.WILLL rT. WTO HTM To* ?? !? o*ly poaada tad bttf a ihadef. tfMtnl vm Mo drtva. No excreTainc. Stopi; follow tho our hyda Candy Plaa? mad crow thin. Arrt* ('.Uid> eooUla* nrrf wrr TlUmiru and nutrteopU. Dnlla ar for fattening food*. Backed ly 91000 parity pcnMa 1 D.K^b Phmrmmey, Camden, S. C. .'T.- .-