?. I?mp?1,11 Better Crops fromBetter Fertilizers Representing eight of the leading fertilizer manufacturers of the South ? goods made for Southern * soils. We are in a position to save you money on your needs for the coming season ? see us before buying? let's talk it over. C. V. MASSEBEAU NITRATE AGENCY CO. ' LOGAN-ROPINSON CO. HARTSVILLE FERTILIZER CO 8WI FT FERTILIZER CO. SOUTHERN FISH SCRAP FERTILIZER CHARLESTON IMPORT & FERTILIZER CO. W. P. A. Recreation Notes Friday, February 3*. lit 11< Itounio ! Amnions, Jr., celebrated his sixth birthday and invited all the children ?.r the armory pro-school to his parly, h o cream, cako and candy was served. Tin* children all met at the armory and Mesdames Hell and Wilson earths! I'M mil around to Bonnie's home The children of the Watoreo prschool on joyed a party at the club house Monday at Hi: 30. Fruit, cookies and candy was served Mrs. Waller Caskin and Miss Susie Petit have ( barge of the preschool. Fifteen lx>ys and adults with Arthur Jtohlnsori formed a lishlng party Monday to the dam. They carried a pic-1 11 ic lunch and spent the entire day ilshlntf. They rei>oriod very good i luck. 1 Thorn will ho an area. mooting of three coiiiii ics Lee, Kershaw and Lancaster at I In* American U-glon Hall Tuesday. March 11 Mrs. Helen Can ire II aiul Mrs. Lucy St roup, aroa recreation supervisor, will bo in charge of the ' meeting Recreation 'lenders from the above counties will attend. Mather Defeats Alston 31 to 25 The Mather Academy Blue Fugles defeated the Alston Vigors from Sum mervllle. S. ('.. Friday night, 31-25. Featuring a scc-s&w battle during the lirst half, the scores were at the intermission The Mine Fugles phut to attend tho annual tournament of the South Carolina athletic conference at Booker T.J Washing in Columbia. S. C, March 7 'ami*. SBlUilllMIIIHISLMHIM'BlinillliljtfllHinUJiiliyyillll Efis: miii; SET OF 4 SAUCE PANS I ^ $189 fcr I &U, I \vr A COVERS TO FIT, 69c Matchod sot, popular Windsor stylo, including right biz? for ovoiy purHi-. iKt&a.SIautinq rims, rounded corners :iil ! >i f ilming. Cup-m m TRU1 -I AVOtt PERCOLATORS I tcKU *i44f SI 80 s198 | R.Ct.P I 8 CUP M'aM' 8' t COP S' ; t? CUP S? 40 1 . CUP Si'. Th??so >: f : ' ' I RAjctuir HANDLE SAUCE PANS Willi dor.i . cover I /V04J* S1 4 9 0*li4f I 3 0 I ill 5: 1.1 .'01 J! ."3 4 01 S' 73 } : k.t :!i:.*:;? > < v>c!. " NtW ! WHISTLING TEA KETTLE Introductory Prico 5 1 79 ? QUART \V hist . o wi.cn ;t I'Oils. S:n.^r!. now Ic-sign. w. xt :i HANDK FRY PANS si 19 * :: F; * ' i ; C . ' ' SMAPT MOC18N TEA KETTLES i /V i so si ot s??9 yUJ 4 01 sr 98 ?-3 0' S OT n ?9 Heat quickly. Pour asi'tv Bnkt q*:p? lARCr CC.ERED SAUCE POTS /Vov?> SO 29 SO 69 t,RQI U10QT, Seeded ir every home lor soup, i>oiled din r.ers, CMnninq SET OF 4 SAUCE POTS with dome covert for stowing, boilino, soup. ?izes evory family needs. Steam-seal keeps J in goodness, flavor. - -r " rul*T 4 QUASI t-QUAfT Barringer Hdw. Co. Phone 21 News Events In and Around Bethune > itethune, March 6?World's Day of prayer sponsored by tho three churohe* w?ih held Friday afternoou in the Methodist church. MW*? Stella Hethuno was In charge of the program and thuao taking part wore. Mru. Daley McLaurln. Mrs. F. JL Morse. Mrt?. {' It P. Williams. Mrs. Fred Tldwell, Mis Jennings Watford, Mrs. C. U. Mitchell, Mrs Lee Hilton. Mrs. Kva Morgan. Mrs. F. M. Helms, Misses A n do Hodman. Mary Arthur. Mary Francos Davis. Helen Snoll. and Virginia Holloway. An added lneplrallon was a sole rendered hy Utile six-yearold Maxle jewol McLaughlin, who has an unusually sweet voice. The circles of the Presbyterian auxiliary met In tho different rooms of the high school building Tuesday afternoon. Tho time was mostly spent in closing the year's work. At tho close of the meetings all assembled In the library for tho business meeting or tho auxiliary. Mrs. K. B. Mo,-so conducted tho devotional. Mrs. tl. MltohelLand Mrs. H. A. Newsomo wore elected delegates to Congftree Presbyterlal wheih moots April 2 and 8 in Aiken Mrs. H. K. McCasklll and Mrs. T. H. Josey wore their alternates. Follow tug the meeting Miss l^oulao Ortman entertained In the school dining room In honor of her circle and the president. i Mr. and Mrs U. K. Sims, of Rock 11 111. were the week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. K. '/ Truesdell F. M Helms and family spent tho week end In Monroe, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Helms brother on Sunday. Others front hero n11.aiding the funeral were Mr. and Mrs Hamilton Thomas. Mrs. Sallm Uohertsnn. Mrs. Daisy McLaurln, Miss Mary Flllen MeUiurln and Hothune McLaurln. Miss Hose Lee was tho week end gues't of friends in Dillon. Miss Lois McKay, of Lattn. was tho week end guest of Miss Virginia Holloway Mr and Mrs. Thurlo King. Mrs. John McDonald. Misses Isabella McDonald and Margaret Thomas, or Hartsville, were guests of relatives hero Sunday. Mrs K. D Law of Greenwood, was the guest of Mrs. June Truesdell Monday. . . Friends and relatives of Mrs. Joanna Gaston called at her homo Mondav afternoon between tho hours of 8 to ") o'clock in celebration of Iter !)0th birthday anniversary. Guests were rts'Mviyl by Mrs. Daisy Mcl-atit In. niece of tho honoree. and taken to 'Aunt Joanna ", who welcomed them j with her usual qu?\?nj and cheery humor Mrs. G H Mitchell recto.-d ;,t the dining room, where Mrs. Clara ] Davis ami Miss Mary Arthur servsl hot tea. cakes and cookies. The lac covere.l birthday table was centered] by a bowl of .yellow spring flowers On cither side of the bowl were yellow tapcr.s in silver holders. The large i number calling to offer congratulattons | and best wishes bespeak the affection held for this remarkable . I - bct' k Ne\t ! ;... \ f.iur.-otD'.- -'turns , r ?,?.. will ; ike . n she t amki.-rs. ? > riI Harri-.ni Gam i ; i nationally known polo i> t.. pity No. for the sisitors \ ;, i; ' .11 I'.urns. w ho did tt"' p'tay ....i,,, i..i C..aid.u will don too 131uo \: San.lav. Liglltfoot and Tapper ob.ibly '.he oth.r G.,.|iden High ranking officials of For: Jackson will be invited ?> wlttit game I "j WE'LL HELP YOU , IMPROVE) I COTTON and GRAIN: | > _ ' t * f. I v YIELDS I V . j j Ask us about our SEED TREATING SERVICE Save yourself time and !:.ud>lc? |?? ready t.. plant the minute condi- J tions?are rinht -improve your prospect f.?r uniform stands ami good vields b> letting ustrrn! your cotton sect! and seed grains now ! We iw the t\\.? highly recomtnrnded secci disinfer J a Cits, 'J''r f'.oresan f.-r c.d!r<>i i it (.eresult for wheat, oats and barley. You'll be amazed, how little this service costs. Ask us for more information today. Whitaker & Co. A. | PHONE NO. 4 Wants?For Sale Advertlaomentu under thin heading wlU be charged for itt the rule of 1 cent t?er word. Minimum charge 26 cent* Ada act In 10 point type double chaise. Oaah inuat accompany order except where customer hue ledger Account. LOST?-One Ford whool and tiro, ltuw a rd If returned to Camden Hard ware & Supply Co., Camden, S. C. 49-51sb LOST?Ono Red Cocker. 8paniel. straight hair. Male. Answers to name of Tiinmlo". Howard If returned to M. h. UuVal, Camden. S C. bd sb. LOST?One big black and tan female hound dog. I*>ng ears?one ear cut off. Answers to the name of "Queen". If found please call J. W. Harfield, 316-J. Camden, S. C. 50pd FOR RENT?New atx room house with garage and servant quarters. Also two-room furnished apartmont with frig Ida ire and connecting bath. Private entrance.?Mrs. B. H. Haum, 1335 Highland Avenue. Phone 326-W, Camden, S. C. 49 50 FOR RENT?Double bedroom with private bath, on first floor, private entranco. Address Mrs. W- O. Hay, 1725 Fair street. Camden. S. C. Telephone 337. &d FURNISHED APARTMENT?For rent four rooms, location close In. Available March first. Apply 1214 Hyitieton St.. or call phone 108 W., Cam? don. S. C. 48-60pd. NITRATE OF SODA We have received several carloads of all types of Nitrate of Soda and your dealer can supply you from our stock. The Southern Cotton Oil Company. Camden. S. C. 48tf FOR SALE?At reasonable price one Hvi' room conane at 90.) FMir street. Apply l>ewey McOasklll, 914 Fair street. Camden, S. O. 49 pd. FOR SALE?134 acres of land, 6-room , dwelling. 2 good barns and other nut-buildings. Real cheap. G. I). Truosdale, Wostvllle, S. C. 48-50pd. FOR SALE?A large coal stove In In good condlton for sale. Plenty of heat for a small store or a largo room or two. Apply to M. G. Huckabee. 1008 Market street, Camden, S c. 50-52 sb. FOR SALE ?Chester County Club. Nine hole golf course with sand greens. ' Club house, concrete swimming ik>o1 42 x 90, with own waterworks. pool changed every fourth night. No other golf course within twenty miles. Reason for selling, failing health S. I,. Robbins. Chester. S. C. 50-51 pd. PLANT YOUR GARDEN? We have received a shipment of 100 lb. bags 7-7-5 and now is the time to plant I your garden. Tho Southern Cotton Oil Company. Camden, S. C. 48tf FOR SALE?Five room house on east Walnut street, located on lot 60x90 feet. Contains two hod rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and hath. Front and back porches. Four open fireplaces with grates. All modern conveniences. House well constructed with double floors Apply at Camden Chronicle office. Camden. S. C. 47tf NITRATE SODA?We are Nitrate of I Soda headquarters for this section. and your fertilizer dealer can fur1 nish .you from our warehouses, or we can deliver to your farm. See your dealer today for your requirements and we will make prompt dellvry for him.?The Southern Cotton Oil Company. Camden. S. C. 4Stf FOR SALE?Ono large Hot Point electric range; ono wood and coal range; one extension dining room table with eight chairs; five tea room tables; seven sets of shelves; one flat top desk. Very reasonable. Apply Mrs. B. G. Sanders, Camden. S. C. 48-50 sb. FOR SALE?Household articles for sale for storage charges on March 19. 1941. or thereafter If interested call Mrs Frank C. Jones, phone 184. Camden. S. C. 4S-51pd FAMOUS FOR FIFTY YEARS?Have your f-riiiizer d--al.-r furnish ;-ou 1 ujrii SCoOi fertilizers, which lave j lircii f rum;-. i:i the Sou;h for lifiyi \e.irs 19 sid' S ;11i tirades of ; 11, \i :. ! : j; ;/ i - have in nur ! wur.-hou-e s kaini*. acid. p ?ta-h | soda, murla'e of Potash, sulpha !- if a m :non in. intton seed m?al. lilile and ha-ie slag. The Southern j ('o; ?>11 (?i! CoMipunv. Camden. S. C. j FERTILIZERS?Tie- Shruhs. flow, rs and vogwabb- . ar the couch, permitting rest and oses: FCW. formery barber?here 5 years. $3,111.68. SHU. formerly shipping clerk here 1 year, age 24. $3.080.70. DRV. formerly mechanic, here 2 vphi\ $2,681.95. HP. formerly merchant, age 66. last year. $1,837.12. I1WP. former salesman, here 1 1-2 years-: $1,799.04. * ItTW. former store clerk, hete 4 years, $3,168.48. SCT. former salesman, here 3 years. $3,415.31. GRW. former planter, here 2 years. $1,970.79. IF YOU ate married. n\vn car, over 26. j sober, honest, in good health, of j uo??d character and can prove it., wr:t.> fully in strictest confidence tor no attention paid) to P () Pox 1293. Columbia. S ('. Our t.c n Know of this ad Tlii< is a large, eld established and fast growing (inieern. with steady Inerea.-.ivg b'tsir.e.-s the year round No sensons no lav-offs. no capital needed. 50sb. , Serving I Military in Dixie I Seventy-one military campi I and establishments, where I more than 570,000 men will I be in training, are located ia I the nine states served by the I j Southern Bell. j In sixty-five of them, this 1 Company is providing and I maintaining the telephone fa. I cilities. Necessary switch* I boards and other equipment I and more than 66,000 milts of I telephone wire in cables h ive already been installed. Addi* I tional equipment will be pro- 1 vided as required. j Nearly $40,000,000 will be I spent this year by Southern I Bell for new construction and'I general expansion to meet the fl South s increasing telephone I needs. New central office!,* buildings and local and long I distance lines are being put* into service* and the net gain I in new telephones is expected 1 to reach 115,000 this year. : Aware of the telephone's vi? I tal part in national defense, 1 . thousands of telephone men* and women are devoting their fl efforts to supplying the increas- I ing communication needs of fl government and industry. j NOTICE OF SALE 1 Notice is hereby given that underM and by virtue of an Order in the cuH of John Smith, Plaintiff, vs. A. IB I^evy, Defendant, the undersigned vtH sell at public auction, for cash, to highest bidder or bidders at the ing