The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 07, 1941, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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| ' < Uu< . 5 WOULD YOU WIN HER C * HEART WITH YOUR S | VALENTINE? | I I * * |mpiiiiiiiiiiiinii! >9Kn /K\ .w\ VKV ^SK\J\iX >31 , i f f Blue?Kahrs Wedding A wedding beautiful in its simplicity, was solemnized in the winter home of Captain and Mrs. H. O. Horry, in Camden, S. C., uniting in holy wedlock Lieutenant James M, Blue and MUs Norma Jean Kahrs, Wf Sedalla, Missouri. The ceremony was performed by Captain, Roy Reynolds, rogimental chaplain of the 128th Field Artillery. The attendants were Captain Harry O. Berry and Mrs. Milton Matthews, wife of Lieutenant Milton Matthews, of the 128th Field Artillery. The brldt, a lovely brunette, was attired in a costume of aqua blue with black accessories and woro a corsage of white gardenias. Mrs. Milton Matthews was attired in soldier blue, with black accessories and wore a corsage of Talisman roses. The home was beautifully decorated with a southern variety of palms and evergreens. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at which the bride cut the wedding cake with the regimental sabre, with everyone standing at attention. Attending the semi-military wedding were^Qaptain and Mrs. Harry 0. Berry, Captain and Mrs. Earl W. Bacon and daughter, Sandra; Captain and Mrs. Ray Reynolds and son, Robert; Lieut.-and Mrs. Milton Matthewson and sons, Blllie, Bobbie and Skeetiej Lieut, and Mrs. Edwin Moehle, Lieut. and Mrs. Charles Hassett, Lieut, and Mrs. Oscar Fetters, Lieut, wedryes ,-Lieut-JdhewlAsbufTte v^m and Mrs. William Chick, Sergeant Shelby, Sergeant Grlshkat and Private Jens. In a flourish of rice and old shoes, the bride and groom left for a seven days honeymoon in Florida. Had Birthday Party Skippy Smith, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith, celebrated his sixth birthday Saturday afternoon by inviting a group of liis friends to a party given at his home at the Kirkwood Hotel. Hostess To Club Mrs. Ralph Shannon entertained the members of her bridge club Wednesday afternoon and invited Mrs. Clifton Richards and Mrs. .Roland Goodale to play for absent members. The party was given at the hostess" home on Fair Street and after the game tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. Qoodate Hosts Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Goodale entertained on Friday evening last at dinner preceding the President's Birthday Ball, at the Sarsfleld Club. Covers were set for thirty guests in the North room of the club. Decorating the table were lovely vases of red and white carnations, narcissi, and delphinium. with favors in red. white, and blue. Personal Mention Mr. and Mr? IU?y Pate visited relatives in Anderson Sunday, Frank Uruver, of Ashuville, is on a visit to hi* slater. Mrs. Lee Little. Mr. and Mrs. Brownloe Lowry, of Cheater, visited friends hero Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. John L. Team returnfit Thursday from a ten days trip to Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. I*eo Campbell, Jr., of Columbia, were the guests of relatives here Sunday MoOlain Marsh visited his brother, William Marsh, at Clemson College lust week end. Captain Harrington Yates, of Fort Jackson, spenl the week ei:d here with his family. Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Dukes and ton spent the week end with the former's parents at Sinoaks.' Mrs, A. D. Lincoln has returned front a visit to her another und brother in Summerville. S. D. Mrs. W. H. Pearco, of Charleston, spent the week end here with her mother, -Mis. Hettlo Micklo. Mrs, fcXtmund Rhett, of Charleston was the gueft^ of her daughter. Mrs. R. M. Kennedy 3rd, last week. , .. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Reasouover spent Sunday In Rook .Hill with the la tier's sister, Mrs. W. R. Dompaey. Mrs. John T. Mackey, of Atlanta, after a two weeks trip to Florida, is the guest of her son, Dan Mackey and Mrs. Mackey Mr. and Mrs. Sam MoCaskiil, of Goldsboro were the guests o f the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. McCaskill last w?3K7~ Mrsj. Clarence Brabham and children. of Bamberg, were guosts last week of Mrs. Brabham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nettles. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. I^ee announces tho birth of a son at the Cannlen Hospital, January 30. The baby has been named William David I^eo. Mrs. H. L. Richey, Miss Mary Rlchey, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Culvorn were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Truesdale In Rock Hill. Mrs. H. Q. Mills, Jr., and Mrs. R. L. Barnhardt, of Durham, N. C. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McCaskill on Wednesday of this past week. American , Consul General Homer Brett, enrobte to his home at Meridian, MIbb., was the week end gues: of Col. and Mrs. E. C. VonTresckow. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I^ane Woodcock announce the birth of a son on February 31, at the Camden hospital. He has been named Joseph Lane Woodcock, IT. Captain and Mrs. Brevard Boykin and their daughter, Aldret, who are now stationed at Ft. Benning in Columbus, Ga.. spent the weekend with relatives here. A. Fletcher Splgner. popular solicitor of the Fifth circuit, was In Camden Wednesday visiting friends and looking after the state's Interests in the approaching term of criminal court. Returns From India Miss Miriam Bruce, who has been in India for the past five years has returned to Camden. She landed in New York last Sunday, the trip having been made on the S. S. President Pierce. The young lady was on the high seas six weeks and three days. Miss Bruce Is the daughter of Dr. T. B. Bruce and has been stationed at Surat. India, in the missionary field. Was Bridge Hostess Mrs. D. A. Boykin entertained Wednesday afternoon at her home on Lyttleton Street at bridge for Miss Virginia Green, a newcomer to Camden, j Among the twelve players invited for' bridge were: Mrs. Windham Manning, of Stateburg, Mrs. Marlon Coles, of Boston: Mrs. Leila B. Kirkland, of Old Lyme, Conn. Mr3. Kirkland was the high scoi'e winner and a gift was presented the honor guest. Addltonal guests were invited for tea later In the afternoon. Tho hostess was assisted by her sister, Mrs. William Capohart and Mrs. Ruben Pitts, who presided at the tea and coffee services and also 'by Mrs. Bolivar Boykin and Mrs. Charles Zemp. SPECIAL^FFER W?ATH?# /lOT/O BIG 8-oz, BOTTLE REGULAR PRICE *1.00 SPECIAL PRICE 5?c Dries verf quickly Never sticky or greasy Leaves skin satin-smooth Delicately lilac-scented - T* " Save by ordering a full uinttr'i i up ply! Special price for i j dayt only I it - < ' * BELK'S DEPT. STORE CAMDEN, S.C. b "' . * / v - * " ' i?______ . SPOTLIGHTING WINTER ACTIVITIES X Mrs. H. Granger Galther. of Westbury. 1.. I., ami P. M. Rhodes, of Vineyard Haven, Mass., teamed together to take top honors In the mixed foursome play of the annual weekly golf tournament at tfc*\?Klrkwood course last Sunday. ThWjtmuple shot a gross <j2 which with a handicup of 21. guvo . them the low net of 71. Mrs. Elisabeth Porter and Frank Woo ten, both of Camden, finished second wirh a net of 76, whllo three couples, Miss Peggy Wing, of West-j bury, and Herbert Bryant, of Alexandria, Va.; Mrs. Rodney B. Jarvis, of Great Barrlngton, and Chris Wood, J Jr., of Washington; and Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Smith, of Paul Smith's, New | York, and Camden; all finished with : a net of 77 to tie for third place. Sunday anothor mixed foursome; event will bo played on tho course, und Monday , the golfers will have a kickers tournament. Sunday at the No. 1 held, one Of the i classic events of the season in the i polo circles will be played when North j j meets South in what promises to baj one of tho largest attended gamos in] ! Camden polo history. ' j Instead of guns and sabers tho rl-j ders of the North and South will hat-1 tie with mallets. Cyril Harrison, ace player of the Pegauaus team of Long Island polo excellence will capiain the Federals apd will have three memI bers of Essex troop team, of Newark. N.' J.. to complete his foursome. The southern gallants who will oppose the Yankees will be chosen^froan the members of the Camden polo club. Camden polo is experiencing one of the most successful seasons in the several score of years the sport lias been king In Camden. Crowds of several thousand people have witnessed the last four games and with the arrival of more temperate weather the polo club looks fof an even greater turnout of fans. In a recent game, traffic police reported oars from 21 states parked In the area. Since the opening of the social season, February 1, the Kirkwood grille has 'been the central scene of action with tri-woekly -broadcasts during the tea dance hour and the Wednesday evening bingo parties. Among the players at Wednesday s bingo were Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cartwight, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Moffit, of New Haven; and Mrs. T. M. Girdler's dinner guests. Mrs. William F. Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Corrison. A treasure hunt, foUov/ed by dancing, will be held in the grille Met With Mrs. Wooten Mrs. Frank Wooten, Jr. was hostess to the club of which she is a meanber, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. 'Milton Smith was the only additional player, and when refreshments were served after the game, the hostss was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Whit Boykin. Mrs. Bates Wm Hostess Mrs. W. W. Bates entertained her bridge club Wednesday afternoon at the Woman's Exchange Tea Room. Mrs. A. K. Blakeney was high scorer and additional guests were: Mrs. Alice Marye and Mrs. George Brunson. Club Met at Exchange On Tuesday afternoon at the Woman's Exchange Tea Room, Miss Ethel Ann Maudlin entertained the I'ri Gamma club of the Camden High School o'f which Miss Betty Blakeney Is president. Mrs. Sanders Entertains A lovely tea was gtvtn by Mrs. Julian Sanders at her home at Hagood Monday afternoon. Among those attending from Camden were: Mrs. J. H. Guthrie. Mrs. W D. Goodale, Mrs. M G. Mullor, Mrs. Hubert Wilson and Mrs. J. L. Williford. I ? 11 i ' Hosts at Buffet Supper I Prior to the President's Ball Friday ] evening, Mr. and Mrs. Doss Goodale! entertained at their home on Broad t Street for twenty-five friends. Supper, was served buffet amid table decora* ( tions of patriotic effect. For Church Benefit The annual card party for the ben- > efit of the Catholic church (Our I?uly | of Perpetual Help) will be held Mon-i day. February 17, at 2:30 p. m. at | The. Kirkwood Hotel. Tables can be obtained from Mrs. Woods Robinsou, north Lyttleton Street. To Meet This Afternoon ' The Aleathean Class will hold their monthly meeting Friday evening, February 7, at 7:30. at the former Baptist parsonage. All members are cordially Invited to come. Birthday Bail Held at Court inn The President's Birthday Ball was danced at the Court Inn on Friday evening January 81. The dining room of the hotel was used for the occasion and was appropriately decorated. Tables were arranged about the dance floor to accommodate the guests. IH. Schlosburg was master of ceremonies. Prizes were offered for answers to various questions pro, pounded by the master of ceremonies, and were donated by the merchants of j the ctty. 1 Mt. and Mrs. Cftarlee DeLoache j were awarded first prize for the waltz competition , and William L Goodale and Mrs. Milton Smith were awarded second prize. The occasion was very successful and the money derived" from the dance will be used to help crippled children suffering from the effecte oCj poliomyelitis. . .. ? ..|J Saturday night. Plans aro under way i for the schooling show bull on February 16. The tlrst weekly Sunday evening concert was held In the Klrkwood music room by the hotel orchestra! A group of Kirk wood guests and colonists Joined in a picnic lunch preceding the last dove shoot of'the season, January 31. Among the shooters Were Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Barnes., Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Kodney S. Jarvis, Dr. and Mrs. John Viator, Capt. and Mrs. Dwight Partridge, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Smith, Mrs. Orlando N. l>una. Mrs. Oennlson D. Dana. Mrs. James H. Worcester, Mrs. Bert C. Thayer, and Miss Helen Hawthorne. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., of Oystor Hay, Long Island arrived today to spend her second season at The Kirk wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. Ruthrauff, of Red Bank. N. J. arrived a week ago to occupy the Bolton cottage for the balance of the season. Mrs. Everett Currier, of West Port, Conn., is visiting iter sister, Mrs. Ruthrauff. Miss Wiihemino S. Kirby left for New York on Supday, February ; 2. for a few days. Mrs. Fay Ingalls of ! Hot Springs, Va. arrived this week to remain for several weeks. Miss Peg gy Wing gave a cocktail party at her ! home on Sunday afternoon. February 2 j Mrs. Minnie L. Bishop, of Bronx! ville, N. Y.. arrived at The Klrkwood ! this week. Mr. and Msr. 1>. C. Percij val, of Boston, Mass.. will bo at The | Rlrkwood today, February 8, on their i way to Florida but will return oarly in March for the balance of the season. Mr. Edgar Bowne, of New York, rgelstorod at The Kirk wood on Sunday, February 9, to remain for the rest of the shooting season. Other arrivals at the Klrkwood are I Mr. G. R. Stark, of New York, Mrs. j Warring E. I^awrence and Miss M. G. i Baldwin, of Rosolle, N. J.; Lt. Col. ' and Mrs. W. H. Clifford, of Catlands, ( Va., Mr. Preston J. Beale, of Paul, i Minn., Mr. and Mrs. .Summit E. Boone, I of Larchmont, N. Y., ?Mr. and Mrs. ! David Crock, of Greensburg, Pa., Mr. ! and Mrs. M. D. Easton, of Argola, Ni 1 J., Mr. and Mrs. F. Douglas Foster, of ' Red Bank, N. J., and Mr. Maurice 1 Halpin, Sr., of Frooport, L. I. I Outz-Hammond Beautiful in Its simplicity was the wedding of Christine OuU and Frank Hammond. Saturday, January 25. The pastor of the Oamden Baptist church performed the ceremony at the parsonage In the prosenco of the Immediate families and friends. Prior to tne ceremony Danny Fordham, of Rontz, Ga.P sang "I lx>ve You Truly" and "Because" accompanied on the piano by M. W. Outz also of Ken tz. During the ceremony "Dargo" was softly played. The bride and groohi entered unattended. Mrs. Hammond was dressed In a navy blue and white spring outfit and her corsage was of gardenias. Immediately after tho ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hammond left for a wedding trip after which they will bo at home at 123 DeKalb street, this city. The brltie Is the youngost daughter I of Mr. and Mrs. \V. K. Outz, of Greenwood. She was educated In the schoiH of -that city and after graduation attended the Wuldrop lteauty Culture Academy, of Greenville. Mr. Hammond is tht son of J. H. Hammond, of this city. He was edu- * rated in the city schools and la now connected with the Jdberty Idfe Insurance Company. Among the out of town gueets vrcre*. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Outz, Mr. and Mrs. IMvIs Eddy, Misses Marie Outz and Marian Selgler, of Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Outz, of Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. John Hammond, of L*&ncaster; M. W. Outz and I>anny Fordham, of Rentz, Ga. | Fine Shirting for your New Tailored Classic by A^vullen ' The new resort collection of this well-known maker of tine tailored shirts and snorts dresses features the typical shirtings ever dear to American sportswomen. Beautifully tailored by the same expert needleworkers whose art imparts to every dress a distinction all its own. No sports wardrobe is complete without them! We invite your early selection. EXCLUSIVE WITH ^ (T)AZOOK'S L\ IMPORTERS, Inc. KIRKWOOD HOTEL JUVENILE WASH SUITS 98c Gay New Models! Jimmies, Etons, flapperettoB in ccm>1 cotton fabrics! Sizes 3-8. OTHER BIG VALUES Sturdy cotton weaves in two-tone combinations! 49c WOMEN'S HANDBAGS All the new spring styles in simulated leathers! 98c GAYMODE HOSIERY Sheer and service weights in clear silk, reinforced! 79c WOMEN and MIS8E8 ; Blouses Of lustrous rayon in new Spring shades! 9 8 c Rayon Panties Our famous Adonna quality reinforced crotch ? long-wearing, jot dainty and attractive. 49c i Girls' Tub FROCKS J 98c ' Adorable.! Practical! Well made! E von daughter shares In this S.hij< event! ri6u Lots More t 49c Cunning girlish styles for school, play, * everyday! ^ r MEN'S MATCHED SETS 1.98 t A REAL VALUE! . Shirts 89c ? Pants $1.09 BOYS' SWEATERS Colorful two-tone modelH with Talon fronLa! $1.49 WOMEN'S OXFORDS Supreme comfort! Soft kid in black or white. _ $1.98 Women's Gowns Heavy Outing Flannel. Sizes 16 to 20 ? Full cut. 44 c BIG SUPER-AB80RBENT TERRY Bath Towels 25c These smartly checked bath towels are really ''finds" at such a price! Good heavyweight and reversible! In lovely bathroom colors. Size . 221n.x44in. 5 PERCENT WOOL Blankets $1.98 A sensational bargain! In lovely pastel plaids with I matching 3 In. sateen binding. Buy your extra blankets now and save at Penney's. j mmmmmmmmmkmmmmM 80-Sq're Print ||j Dresses 1 98c j Another dress Jg if yours fades! All brand new j| prints for ej Spring! Design- vm ed for alloay s m a r f u o s a gg priced to save |aj you money! %8 Many Other M Unusual ^ Buys! g 49c I Springtime If| prints in tubfast eotton charmers! 12-52! ? i TE yj W} c QT ( M |ybiy Hfltf ftj liia \Mm iBBfl MB mi H I