NUIMJUJ'S DU8UIC8H V/riUem lair *65 McO??, Copyright, 1?I?. GOOD AND "BAD NEWS FROM FLAT ROCK the wtrm has turned at last lu flat rock mrs slim chance. Jr. bus left her bed and hoard at her late home und has took up beauty parlor work In the county seat on her own. her husband from this time oil, so she says, will have to make his own llvring by the sweat of his brow; she says she newer expects to let her'n sweat unity more for the bonuoflt of the lazy scoundrel, she has had all of the burdens since her murrlago took place ou her shoulders mrs. chance Is u blond herself and will make a big hit lu unny beauty parlor, she could of married holsuiu moore, jr., instil of slim chauce, Jr., and would have doue a little better, but not much, he coarted her for 3 years and then fell In love lu 2 weeks with a stranger . . . who took him In. she wus peddling something or 'nothor In flat rock and dresBed excitingly and thore's where he fell for her wilds. mrs. chance is a sort of settled woman herself. she flirted little with old sweethearts after she married slim, but she newer did lot him ketch her. she finally at last Quit; she had to mind her chlldreu, and it Is hard to flirt and covert with kids on yore hands, as the old suylng goes. she will not own the beauty parlor, and will be u hired hand, sho has had her hair and face treated so often she knows all about the blzness. slim do not aeoin to bo excited about her departure, she took all of her children but 3. her ma will help to look after them, slim Is areddy acting like a free lance. he looks longer at a lady when she walks down the street than he did befoar his wife went away, be says sho told a falsehood; he has hope ho to make a 11yvlng all along, of coarse . . . since he lost his job in 1932, he has not benu able to got annythlng reggular excopt fishing and loaferlng. yores trulle, miko lark, rfd, staff reporter AROUND THE TOWN archie hall skinner went to Bleep In his ford last night. It would not of benn so bad If be had not benn driv-, lug Ills ford when bo went to sleep | U*U it of Uunu wUU. autl out luuilltlg <*U ui p h . ho would of not had to go to tho hospital had tho place whoro hl? head struck twin *oh Instead lA a ruck verry few alilchos would or beau necessary to got It sowed back up had his ford bona puld for the roli ulong garrage would not of repossessed It If he had bena sober no rase would of bona lodged aguiiiHt htin If he wan well now he would bo la Jail Instead of la tho hoHpltul an. holsuni inooro says that some of lUuau lcy latioalgtH la congress would keep us out of war If all of the wholo united Htatoa had to go to hades to do ho. whoa thoy talk about "keep out of tho war," thoy mean?koep tho dlinmorcratrt out of power, they don't moan what thoy nay and thoy don't say what thoy inoau. noboddy wants war, ho he nays, but lota of times we get something wo don't wunt and alu't prepared to take It. mobbo wo had better lot wlmloll wllkio settle this <1 tiestIon. ho 1h a good deminercrat la g o p. clothing. tho quilting party which was hell In the parsonage last frlday p.m. was a howling HUckoHH. verry little quilting was done but much howling took place. mra holaum mooro declared | that hitler ought to bo arrested, mrs. art square says our mayor ain't fltton to bo a tnayer If he can't keep tho town pump In good tlx. mrs. torn head says our poleesman aleepH on his beet half of tho time, miss Jetjnlo veevo smith claimed that tho scholl teachers were being gradually starvod to death ansoforth. and they went home. some local prognostlcatora are saying regardless of who Is elecktod prossldent that the w.p.a. and the f.h.a. and farm relief an direct relief are on the way out, but the r.f.c. will possibly remain on the docket. It won't be right from now on (tnebbe) to help anyboddy that needs help unless they or It ?re worth over a million dollars, all of this inought bo for the best, if we can get anything for what we produce and get a chance to make a llvvlng by working, wo all can get along, yores trulle, mike lark, rfd, corry apondent. A LINE OF NATIONAL POLITICS mr. holsum moore says It makes hif luff out loud to hear some of our new hopeful republicans say that "we want war Jet's stay out of war; I we must not have war." mr. mooro , lava ha dlddant want" tha rmumv. I tinn, and hla wife dlddont want the typhoid fewer aud his eon John diddent waul b)? heed wuuriy knocked off by slim chance, Jr., but all of these thinga taken place Just the same. nohoddy wanta war, but aonte times war Juat happens aud then you've got it whether you want It or not. it la a big dost of modlaon for the K o. p crowd to awallow the athuaou and the knox appointments; they call It pollutes, others call It common sense, while still others say that It wus done to get the u. a. Into war. well, mebbe henry ford will get this war stopped ere long, him and char- | lie Undeubugg mought get up a peace 1 ship and stop the war like henry stopped the other world war. all ho had to, do was drive his ship up> to the shore and say?"looky-here, t>lll kazer you drop them guns aud quit fightlug," and believe it If you want to, the klzer ended the war Juat like heury told him. there will be a right smart of pollltlcal propper-gander in the 11. s. from now till the election Is hell, then It will die down, if mr. wilkle beats the dlmmercratlc nominee, we will accept him and go Nght ou, Just as we are. If roaoy-velt or some other good man is eleckted, we will go right on us wo are and vlcy-versey. one man Is as good as another for president, so says mr. art square; If there's anny difference, he's a blamed sight better. dr. hubbert green says that he believes that mr. wilkle intends to blltzkreig the dlmmercrats In a quick drive towards big blzness and labor, the dlmmercrats will swap htm one, mr. Jhon I. lewis, for half Interest In a soda cracker and throw In mX. bridges to boot, labor will possibly go with mr. wilkle up to within 2 weeks of the elecktlon and then it' will turn to the feller that really and trulie means to help it rather than hog-tle It. yores trulie, mike lark,rfd. corry spondent. A mother's premonition saved the life of William Samllow, 23, of New York. Rushing up to a taxi driver, Mrs. Samllow said: "I have a premonition something Is terribly wrong at home." She was sped to her home and found her son lying on a couch. Three jets of gas were open. The mother and cab driver applied first aid. The son lived. L5 FE wiili ELSIE A riny With The Purebred Jersey "Personality Cow99 r TP before the milkman, and hoard ^ a ramora click (1) while I was ttrotchlng In bod. Those shutterDugs are ovorywhore. No privacy it all. A gossip columnist had me 'infant ici pat Ing" in tho morning ">aper. A celebrity can't even chew tor cud in poaco nowadays. I?et's ?eo, today I leave for Hollywood to ict in the movies. I'm the cow Kay Praneis is going to milk In I>ouisa Mcott's "Little Men" with Jack Jakto and Hi.ulrs WInninger Wonior if I'll find a four leaf clover in aiy breakf.rst hay? (2i Say. w hat's this? A now secroary" W. 11 d ;st my dewlap' Pretty, sn't she? What's yonr name* I Vera." oh" Leal me n.y part In the THo\ ie Vera. Whits my name" O. yes "P.ut t roup" * \ Mm m mm. Three times tho\'\>changed my name in my years. Over at the American J.-r soy Cattle Club they have m?? rf.r;a. torod as "You'll Do Ixvbelia1 h it s rny f tthor's and niothe-s family nann-s put together Them when rho i'.nr len people took me to the New York World's Fair to live In this bovine boudoir, so that city folks could see what a cow looks like, everybody started calling me "Elsie." So now It's "Buttercup." O. well, by any udder name my nulk would be Just as creamy. (3) Take a letter to my fans. Vera. Put it on that new letterhead j paper with my picture at the top, and always address them by their first names?nice and intimate, you know. "Dear So-and-So: Thank you for your note asking for my autograph. That Isn't a smudge at the bottom of this picture. It's "my autograph ?my muzzleprint. My ancestors came here six generations ! ago, from the Island of Jersey in [the English Channel, and there are thousands of my relatives In America now, but we all have , d.ff.-rent muzzleprints. Just like your fingerprints are different from any o'her person's. Moping that I you .aro drinking lots of milk and. I w|th love from moo to you. T am. ! Very truly yours, Elsie (nee You'll | I)o Lobelia)." Type that off and let's see what you've got, Vera. (4) Gob to hoof along, now. I'm the guest star nt a war relief fund charity bazaar this afternon. Why, whisk my withers, there's I^ee Boyce. my old boss up at Elm Hill Farm in Brookfleld, Mass., where I was horn. Hollo, Mr. Boyce! How are things hack home? Please tell the other cows that all this publicity hasn't turned my head a bit. I can still fill up the milk pa. 11 twice a day. Just stick around 'til I finish this alfalfa salad, and see me do It. A little closer with that feed bucket, please. Say, if you see that husband of mine, tell him I'll write from Hollywood. 'Bye, now! See you in the movies. Editor's Xote ? Elsie's current husband it Xorman of Oaklan/ls. purebred Jersey sire whose arent aunt, Brampton Basilua, trill be remembered (IS the rote that )>rad tired 1.1/3 pounds of butferfat (n,o>\ t) an her own body weight) in a and bv that feat bream-' i knotcn as "The Cow that Jumped Over the Moon." I Job Printing] I ?? ? . .. j *jf , n f-rtn T:s*^i I? The 1 I Camden Chronicle 1 i i Desires to figure with every concern in Kershaw 1 | | ' _ . !_ i ' S J j County when they need printing of any descrip- :fl I tion, We are prepared to give you the best of A I workmanship, and prompt service on any order I for printing, fl [ V 1^ ! ~ n When in need of the following or any kind of Printing, H just Phone 29, and a representative will call on you: I ?LETTERHEADS ?BILLHEADS ?STATEMENTS j i ?ENVELOPES j ?CARDS | ?CIRCULARS | j ?BRIEFSj ?PAMPHLETS ?RULED FORMS ? ?NOTEHEADS ?PROGRAMS * t nfl c? ?? LADbUf ?PRESCRIPTION BLANkS ! ?CHECKS ifl ?TAGS or | ?WHAT HAVE YOU? 11 i I I Discourse, we do not expect to do all the Printing j that is needed in the county, but we do expect to W I do the bulk of it on the merits of our establish- I I ment. We will not make an appeal to give us work . I because we operate in the county. If we cannot fl I give you the same or a better grade of work, we I do not want your business. However, we do pay I taxes in this city and county and the out-of-town ' S j printer does not. H i I The I Camden Chronicle] I Camden, - - - - South Carolina | I ^ ?-r- " >i I I ^ Wlla I I ^ m