THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE H P, NILEH, Editor and Proprietor Published every Friday at Number liou North Hroad Htrcet. atvd entered at the Camden, Mouth Carolina PoatofNca as second class mall matter. Pries per Year 12 00 No subscriptions taken for less than Six Months. In all Instances the subscription price Is due and payable In advanos. All subscriptions ars cancelled when subscriber falls to renew. Represented In New York by the American Press Association and elsewhere by si I reliable Advertising Agencies. We accept no advertising of a doubtful nature and try to protect our patrons froiu misrepresentation by Advertiser*. No l.lcjuor Advertisements accepted at any W w Friday, December 23, 1938 CHRI8TMA8 GREETINGS May this ho for you and yours a season >ti gladness and good choor; rich In the Joys of friendship and iu all the good things that make life worth while! DON T'8 FOR MERRY CHRI8TMA8 A Merry ChrlHtmas to you and yours! And remember?it can't ho merry unless it's safe. Fire Is tho groat hazard of tiie holiday season. It has turned many a gladsome celebration Into a horrible travody; for the victims of holiday fires are usually children. So? here are some don't for tho holidays that will pay you tremendous dividends In the coin of happiness and safety. Don't use candles on your ChrlHttnas tree -the tree Itself Is highly Inflamahle and it. together with tlns'il decorations placed near flame, may cause a holocaust in your home. Kloctric sets are inexpensive, safo and satisfactory. iio+i't cuilureu dressed in flimsy cloth or paper holiday costumes to be In a room with open flame of any kind Fatal burns can he suffered lu an Incredibly brief period of time. Don't give children gifts that require thy use of explosive chemicals, ]Ipm uli'h in nr ii) bur h h '/ w rHnnu olnincuts. Don't allow a mess of discarded Christmas package wrappings to accumulate. A carelessly disposed match or cigarette may cause them to hurst into a fire that will swiftly get out of control Dry Christinas trees present a major hazard?-dispose of yours as soon the holidays are over. And last, hut dot least?don't take! a < bailee of any kind He constantly! alert Have your fun safely. A WARNING For the past week the Camden: Chamber of Commerce has been call-' c r> i a Fiig'.aud will be again revived at the Women's College of Furtnan University Friday evening when the students have their annual "Hanging of the Greens." The celebration is spontaneous and Joyous, it scarcely seems like a pageant. In Its present form, It had its origin at the Women's College and is based on a script written by Mrs.) Preston Epps. an alumna of the col-| lege. Colleges In many states have written for copies of the script, and to meet the demand Mrs. Epps* manuscript was published this fall by a well known publishing house. Banners and shields, costumes of the thirteenth century, and an authentic menu all combine to make tho evening exactly like one of long ago. The fools keep the guests amused, the masquers present an ancient play, then the wassuilers come an dthe! carolers sing. All students participate in the cele-j bration, some serving on committees, J others ailing as pages, taking part in the dances, and singing. Among those who have parts in the "Hanging of the Greens" this season are: Misses Jane Caston and Elsie Redfearn of Camden, Caroline Croxton. Carolyn Perry and Vera Leo Black in on of Kershaw. A nine-foot earthworm was found In Australia, where four to six foot specimans are not uncommon. A number of skulls of Rocky Mountain sheep have been picked up which, together with tho attached massive horns, weigh more than forty pounds. The Mississippi-Missouri river sys lent has an average flow of 675,000 feet per second. Skating Rink Opens -f I ! .Stone Skating Rink Company announces the opend I with one of the loveliest parties of the holiday season in honor of the members of the school faculty. 1 he beautiful decorations artistically catried out the Yuletide motif. A Christinas tree lent color and beauty to the setting where tables were arranged for Chinese checkers. A unique contest concerning the names of the guests present was much enjoyed. Each one was remembered with a gift which had been placed under the Christmas tree. A congealed salad course topped with a lighted Christ- _ mas candle, crackers and hot choco- '] late were served by the hostess. I Following the Christmas tree oxer- ( clses at the Baptist church Tuesday evening, the hIgli~school glee club, p under the direction of Miss Sidelle i Kills and the teachers and ministers of the town sang beautiful Christmas t carols throughout the residential sec- r tions. On reaching the home of the j B W. Bests where Miss Ellis lives ] while In Bethune. she served the r party fruits and candy. The carols d brought pleasure to many hearts. s Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clyburn and , Mrs. A. K. McLaurin spent Sunday In } Aleolu where they went to visit Alvin v Clyburn who has been ill for the past j week Friends will he glad to know ^ that his condition was somewhat bet- t : when last heard from. f Mr. ami Mrs. Phillip Miller and t baby of txme Island. N. Y., after j a spending awhile hero with the J. W.j, Smiths. have gone to Camden .or tnC| f winti r .-cason Mrs C C Pat'* delightfully enter-! a tained circle three of the Presby te- j ( nn \uMliarv with a Chinese de cker ( her home Friday evening. |t hi an attra.-tive setting of Christmas ' aiid oihvi'. acuioual d'jeura.-j . ,,,7,:, four tallies were arranged for, r ,1... games. Mrs. U. E\ McCaskill. pi' ddi nt of th?- Auxiliary, was guest . of lionor. At the conclusion of thejt games the hostess served fruit cake, .? fruited jello and whipped cream. I Misses Ola and Frances Gardner. | of Hamlet. N. C.. spent Sunday with t their sister. Miss Ixiuise Gardner. Mr aud Mrs. D. M Mays and family spent Sunday in Charleston. Miss Mary Marshall is spending the j holidays with her parents near Heath 1 Springs. ? , , ( Mr and Mrs. J. D. Crawford have ( gone to Due West for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Virginia Cain is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Courtnev, in I.ak? City for a visit. The residents of the town are glad 1 to see the bright and happy faces of c the boys and girls home from college, a f rhev also, heart ily welcome the eachers who have-come home for the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mason are pending the holidays with relatives n Columbia and Scotia. The home economics class, under he supervision of Miss I-ouise Ortnan. teacher, gave a very enjoyable >arty in compliment to their mothers ast Friday evening in the home ecotomies room at the school house. The [eroration8 were in keeping with the teason. The following program was endered: Song, E. W. Tolbert and 'ranees Helms: story 11a Mae Wattins; poems, Nell Hinson and Janette lortou. After playing an interesting :ame, a fruit salad course with hot hoeolate, was served by the girls rom the tenth grade. From a gay "hii.-ttnas tree, each mother received i gift which had been made by her lauuhter. There were presents, also, or the members of the class. The fry happy occasion was brought to i close with the singing of Christmas nio!s\ Mrs Kathleen B. Watts, of 'anuli n, was the only out-of-town :uesf Mrs !' J. Beam, of Cayce. spent .h,?. at the- hotne of bet* pa< nts. the i*. Cordons. At a rer.-nt meeting ??f tin* Methoi:: women's missionary society the Allowing officers were re-elected to serve during 1939: Mrs. M. F. Helms, (resident; Miss Mary Arthur, vice resident: Miss Mittie Davis, secreary; Mrs. J. B. King, Jr., treasurer. NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the members of the Associated Charities of Camden and Kershaw County will be held at the Children's Home on south Fair street m Monday, January 2, 1939, at 4 p. m. MARGARET J. MAYFIELD, President W, R. Zemp Store 8cene of Beauty A work of artistry In decorative deas has converted the W. R. Zemp Irug store Into a picture of Yule-tide ittractiveneas. Along the ledge form>d by the tops of the wall display :ases are Christmas trees bearing iny lighted candles and decorations vhieh with the other decorations and iplendiii display of merchandise gives i iiujst interesting appearance. The store is a real Christmas shop iml shoppers find the atmosphere l?> shopping ideas. Baron DeKalb Honor Roll The h-ot'ir roll of the intermediate ind hivli mc.ioo 1 grades of the Baron -Knlii crhoot for rhn sIt weeks peiod ending l>rrrmbcr 2 has been aninnnrH as fntlows" Grade 1 -Evelyn Workman. Curtis Tiiburn. Camilla Owens and Howard dcl>owei!. Grade :>?Ixmlse Stover. Mary Evoyn Horton and Douglas Barfield. Grade 6?IJzzie Mao Davis. Grade T?Jewel Hornsby, Johnny 4owell. i Grade 10?Nina Young. Grade 11? Ruby Young, Cleo Smyri There are 6,000 sizes and shape! ->f tin cans in use In the world. Cassatt H. O. C. Met T^Bu'nHHdtt Home Demonstration cluiflPnd their monthly meeting Wednesday, December 14, with Mr?. Rachel Hall. The president being absent, the Vice-president, Mri, Aijuoa Watkins opened the meeting by all singing "it Came Upon a Midnight Clear.'* The devotional was by 'Mrs. Rachel Hall. There being no business to come before the club, after repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison the meeting was turned over to Miss Fewell, who gave a beautiful and . interesting Christmas story which was enjoyed | very much by all present. After cheeking over the work of the November meeting. It was fdoud that thirty*' I nine people had received information of the work done at the previous I meeting. Miss Fewell gave the club a helpful and Interesting talk on Closet 8pace. She also exhibited articles and designs for utilising closet space. The club had ninety-five per cent of its members present ~ with four I visitors. The meeting closed by all singing "Silent Night." After drawing names all present received a Christmas gift. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs., Lemuel Young, Mrs. Henry Gardner and Mrs. Amos Watklns. The club will hold Its January meeting with Mrs. T. S. Croft. Midway 4-H Club Meets The Midway high school 4-H club met In tho Midway auditorium Wed- >' nesday. December 14, for Its regular meeting with thirty members present. Order was called by tho president and tho following program was successfully given. Devotional exercise wan conducted by the president, Pauline Ctttoe, f0j. lowed by the lord's prayer. Mluutos ?i?d roll was culled by the secretary Ida J,ee Threatt Every member an* wered with what they wanted f0r Chrlatiuau. All the members saug our favorite Christmas song, "Nllent Night." '? The meetlug was then turned over to Miss Fewell. Hho talked a very short while about one of our girls Willleu West, who had won a trip to the National 4-H Club Congress |,v Chicago. Miss Fewell gave Willleu the privilege to tell the club about her trlpa to Chicago which was vory Interesting. Miss Fewell then continued our Study of "The Club Girls' Part lu the Home," by discussing "My. self as a Family Member." Every member enjoyed the talk very much. Our program was then closdd by sluglug "Joy to the World." ?-H?ldway Honor~ Roll First grade?Hilda Davis, Dalton Hull Dorothy Hall, Muxiue Holland, Judith Ann Young. Second grade?Nancy McNeely. Third grade?Louise Parker, Marlon Shannon Stevenson. Fourth grade?Grace Threatt, l}avld West, Stewart Teal. \ Fifth grade?Sarah June Rosier, Margaret Elliott Betty Jane McCasklll, tha Hayes, Jean Laney, Donald Holland, Catherine Langley, Claud West, Jr. Sixth grade-Wilbur McCoy, Betty West, Deinmte Young. Seventh, grude?Carson Catoe, Wilson Hollly. John McCoy, Lillian Rodgers. Sarah Catherine Watklns, Ralph Young. Eighth grade?Cleatus Threatt. Ninth grade?Jessie Parker, Troy West. Tenth grade?Pauline Catoe, Freddie West, Roy West. Eleventh grade?Elisabeth Elliott, Ida Lee Threatt, Margaret West. jlolidcUf, "LONG DISTANCE" Rated. Re KUmcUvm from 7 !> ? ? 0iMMbw 24, to 4i30 PtMwfco 27-?nI from 7fkM* Oocomfror 31, to 4s30 US SmmuvyB. Reduced long distance telephone rates will be in effect this year on Christmas and t New Year's day, and the Monday after each of these holidays, on calls between points in the United States. * The low night rates regularly in effect every night after seven and all day Sundays will apply on the two holiday Week-ends beginning at seven Saturday night and extending until 4:30 the following Tuesday morning. This includes both Person-to-Person and ; Station-to-Station calls. | Use this opportunity to I .1. l .u .l _ i.._ _ VUIU IUV v?u 1* iium Week-end and New Yaar's , week-end this year a time of greater happines* 7ue cost is low. With these special low rates in effect you can talk a distance of 100 miles for 33 cents, 200 miles for 65 cents, #1,000 miles for $1.85 and greater distances at corrci spondingly low cost whenx, using Station-to-Station service. Person-to-?: rso n service 1 is slightly higher. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCORPORATED CHRISTMAS I FOOD VALUES DURKEES or DELMAR MARGARINE, lb. ..., 15c NBC RITZ 20c NO. 2 CANS SWEETENED or UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 4 for 25c CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES, pound box 23c Fresh Bulk COCONUT, lb 19c JELL-0 : 5c Cluster RAISINS, 11 oz, pkg 12V8c Layer RAISINS, lb K)c Baby Emerald English WALNUTS, lb 19c Diamond No. 1 English WALNUTS, lb._ 25c XBRAZIL NUTS, lb 19c Pillsbury's No-Sheen CAKE FLOUR, pkg 25c Seedless or Seeded RAISINS, 2 lS-oz. pkga 15c None Such MINCE MEAT, 9 oz. pkg ? 15c Dromedary CRANBERRY SAUCE, 17-oz. can ? 12Vac Del Monte or Libby FRUIT COCKTAIL, No. 1 can 12V^c Dole, Libby or Del Monte 1 Crushed or Sliced PINEAPPLE, No. 2 can 15c Camp fire MARSHMALLOWS, lb. pkg 15c | Argo PEACHES, No. 2V2 can, 2 for 27c f - cheese, ib. i9c i Pet, Carnation or Silver Cow MILK, 6 baby cans or 3 tall cans 20c | _ CRISC0^3 Ib. can ...v 53c CRANBERRIES, lb. : T9c CATSUP, 14 oz. bottle 10c . Crescent SALAD DRESSING, qt 25c THEHOME STORES "Where the Dollar Does its Duty" GOOD EATS :: ZERO PRICES HOLIDAY SPECIALS I DRESSED FAT __ HENS, lb 24c _ 11 . ' Native PORK HAMS, lb ...20c LEAN?WHOLE PORK SHOULDERS, lb 17c I PORK ROAST, lb 20c LEAN PORK CHOPS, lb 20c FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER, lb ....15c.. HOMEMADE , - . ^ ? PURE PORK SAUSAGE, Ib........ 20c J Home Stores Economy Market AT C O IJ R T I N N Served from 12:30 to 2 P. \1. Sunday and Holiday Dinners $1.00 ^ V * NOONDAY' LL'NCHKON 7 5c SUNDAY' SUPPERS 7 5c "Bruno C. Hellmund, former chef of f fobkirk, is in charge o f the culinary department, ably assisted by John Borrini of Camden."