The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, July 01, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Illll I "WW? I ' " THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE H. PNU-btt, Editor and P<oprj?tOr Published svsry Friday at Number HOD North llroad 8trs?t, and tha Camden, South Carolina l'os tort tee as second class mall matter. P*'** P* ir/AMwaa 1 a: wsass.-a MS?&rK camelled when subscriber falls to renew. Represented In New York by the American Press Association and elsewhere by til reliable Advertising AlJMW; **e accept no advertising of a doubtful nature and try |o protect our patrooe from misrepresentation by Advertisers. N .Liquor Advertisements accepted at any price, Friday, July 1, 193? FOR A NEW JAIL The government has again loosened its purse strings and billions of dollars will soon again be (lowing into the different sections of our country. A recent survey has shown that the Southern states have not received nearly their share in this government spending. It may be thought by some that it is unstatesman-like for we folks of the South, and Scmfch Carolina particularly, to grab some of this money that is being spent so lavishly; but to our minds we are utterly 'foolish if we not go after our share while it may be gotten. Kershaw county has not gotten much in the way of permanent improvements througlh these government spending agencies. Quite a number of other counties in the state, we feel, have fared much better than we. We hope that thoBe in authority may leave no stone unturned in their efforts to get some much needed improvements for our county. For several years there has been pronounced agitation in Kershaw county for a new jail. Our county government has heretofore been working with the WPA and PWA to get governmental aid in erecting a modern jail. The county already owns a conveniently located lot upon which it may be built. The present structure has been woefully inadequate and out of date for many years. In fact, it is a disgrace to any civilized community to maintain such a place for the incarceration of its prisoners. Practically every grand "jary for the past several years has called attention to the dire need of a new jail, and while the citizens generally have seemed somewhat apathetic, we are hopeful that they will now get behind our county officials and cooperate with them to the end that a modern jail may soon be erected. The Kershaw county court house is inadequate in its facilities for the different county offices and agencies that have had to work from that building. Th e new agricultural building will to some extent relieve the congestion, and if a modern, new jail is erected, adequate offices may be placed therein for the sheriff, which will make still more room for other officers at the court house. We suggest to any of those who might be opposed to this program that they visit the Kershaw county jail, and after they 'have carefully inspected it, let them say then whether or not the need is a crying one. We suggest that interested citizens over the county might be of some help if they will write to our senators and our congressman, urging that they use their influence toward securing this aid for the erection of this building. General News Notes W. B. Aycoek, son of former Governor Aycock, of North Carolina, and a shell-shockod and totally disabled World War veteran, committed suicide at his home In Raleigh, N. C., by shooting himself. He was 47. The prices of canned meats In Paraguay are reported to from 30 to 70 per cent the first quarter of 1938 as compared with the same period of 1937. Hides are oft 30 per cent. Fred L. Brown is In Jail at Cambridge. Mass., after confessing that he killed his wife and after weighing her body with plowshares, dropped it from! a bridge into the Nanticoke river He] Bays he killed his young wife, an ex-1 pectant mother, to prevent her press- j ing charges against him of cruelty toj a cat. After being responsible for most or^ the work in rounding up eighteen per-, sons indicted by a federal grand Jury | in New York, on charges of espionage and conspiracy. Leon G Torrou. spec-' ial agent of the Federal Bureau of: Investigation, announced his rostgua tion, and said he would try to recov er from the terrific strain under which , hf^-had been working for months past. ( NUMBER 1 G-MAN TURNS TABLES ON CONFIDENCE MEN Washington, Juno 26.?Confidence men whose motto la "Never give ? sucker a break" are about to have that same philosophy practiced against themselves. J. Edgar Hoover, the No. 1 G-man, has a new filing ayetem which will give confluence men aa little chance of avoiding recognition aa a movie glamour girl would have crossing a college campus. The confidence game file was started In 193tl, two years after congress pussod the national stolen property act. Already It has more names than a congresamans' election-year mailing list. In addition to Mating hundreds of known swindlers, the ttle contains their photographs and play-by-play descriptions of their special rackets. One of the common -confluence games Is the "fixed horse race" swln-j die. Hotting up headquarters In some, large city, tho gang sends out Its expert to tlnd victims. He looke hardest for a stranger in the city, without friends to consult, who can cash his aBsots quickly. Contractors stand high on the list. Picking his victim the sleerer strikes up a friendly acquaintance which carrlos them to a nearby bar for a chat. There the steorer finds a wallet containing a large wad of bills, also tho owner's name and address. The swindler Immediately suggests returning the wallet and Insists that his new friend accompany him. Tho owner, or "eplelor, Is very grateful. He represents a large racing syndicate, he says, and In return for tho visitors' honesty he offers to lot them in on a "fixed" horse race. Tho three become very friendly and In several days their winnings, according to the spieler, reach a largo amount, possibly $500,000. When tho group decides to cash In Us winnings the "banker" appears. Ho shows a suitcase full of cash, usually rented for tho purpose, but says ho will not turn It over to the syndicate representative until he establishes his $200,000 cash credit at the rack. The steeror and spieler offer to put up $ 115,000 between them and tho victim, expecting big profits, hurries homo to raise tho other $85,000. j This he turns over to his friends who promptly disappear. ?"Frequently confidence men lure a likely victim to another cly by offering him an attractive position with a foreign concern, then they awing lute the fixed-race routine. The less-complicated "oil lease game" also accounts for many largo swindles. In this racket members of the gang bid against each other for valuable oil property until the Blightly-dazed owner in the hope of turning a neat profit, buys back tho original option at an exorbitant price. The "purchasers" vanish and so does tho money. t . . Stock "lifting" is simpler yet and is usually played alone. The swindler represents himself in a strange cl y as ft prosperous dealer In stocks an bonds. He persuades his victims to exchange valuable, readily negotiable stocks for worthless paper. The "glimmer racket" Is another device to line swindlers' wallets and usually victimizes eldorly persons who can ill afford the loss. Posing aa eye specialists In Binall communities, the confidence men perform fake operalions and give expensive, but worthless treatments. Two bandits tied, gaged and locked up a policeman at Frankllnton, N. C., and aided by a terrific downpour of rain, which drowned out all noises, cracked the safe In a general store and got away with much cash. Antioch Story Hour Mooting Antloch story hour held Its regular meeting Tuosday, June 21, In the library from 3 o'olock until 4 o'clock. The meeting was presided over by the librarian, who was assisted by the newly elected president, Elaine Oalloway. The following program was given: Prayer; song by Solomon Levi; roil call and minutes read by Dupree Cook; riddle by Eleine Galloway; Jokes by Dorothy Cook. A aft w'game. "Willie Winkle Wedding." was presided over by Mrs. H. C. Joye, which was greatly enjoyed. Poem by Marie Funderburke; contest,., "A Book Game." made by Miss Maggie Lou McCasklll. won by Duproe Cook with Marie Funderburke and Golda Weathers tielng for second place; story by Maggie Ixm McCasklll; contest. Dropping bean In a Jar by standing straight in a chair won by Elaine Galloway and Mae Shirley. Refreshments consisted of Ice i-ream which the club members contributed the material that was used in making the cream, and was served by Misses Elizabeth McCasklll and Myrtle Player. Visitors present wore: Elizabeth McCasklll, Myrtle Player. Mrs. Kermit Taylor and Mrs. H. C. Joye. Roy B. Blyther was elected newspaper reporter.?Contributed. Tackling New Job. How niaiiy grown-up* in Orangeburg county relish tackling a new Job without help 6r assistance from some one who has done the work before? Not many, Is our guess! That being the truth, should not parents realize that, very often, when Johunie or Sarah fall to make the marks at school that other children make, the fault Is not the child's, but rather a lack of patient assistance and direction at home. ? e\ Modem schools cannot give any one pupil Individual atteutlon, and the lit tie tots, struggling amid a massive world of new facts, sometimes fall to receive, at home, the help that Is due from those who have "done the vrkl before."?Orangeburg Times and Democrat. Governor Hoey, of North Carolina, has declined to interfere with the death sentences against 13U1 i'ajuo and Wash Turner, for the murder of a highway patrolman. July 1 Is exa cution day. News Of Interest In And Near Bethune Bethune, Juno 29.?Mr. and Mrs. P. Shaw announce the marriage of their daughter, Ava, to J. J. Little, of Page land and Hartsville, June the seven teenth, at Lydia,. S. C. The Rev. Thomas M. Godbold, former pastor of the bridegroom, performed the cere mony. The bride Is a graduate of Bethuno high school, class of 1937. Mr. Little was graduated from Wofford college class of 1936. The young couple will make- their' home in Kansviiie. Mrs. Frank ls*e entertained delightfully the afternoon bridge club at her home last Friday afternoon. Early summer flowers brightened the rooms Mrs. L. L>. Burr won bingo prize. During the afternoon chilled fruit Juices were served, and at the conclusion of the games the hostess served Jce cream and cake. Mrs. F. M. Liiuller's stepmother two brothers and two sisters, Mrs. R. L. Sandifer and children, of Bamberg, Bpent the week end with the Llndler family. I>ick Sandifer is remaining over for the week. Mrs. Willie Ratcliff Is attending a Homo Demonstration conference In Charleston, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Clyburn spent the week end In Sumter. Mrs. Davis, of Warrenton, N. C., Is visiting her parents, the J. L. Birds. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Foster and family have been spending severAl days with relatives at Whltestone. Miss Mary Marshall, operator In thb Bethune Beauty shop, spent the week end at her home In Heath Springs G. B. King and his grandson, James L. King. Jr., have gone to Gettysburg, to attend a Joint reunion of the Confederate and Federal veterans. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Smith, of Monck's Corner, si>ent the week end with the Paul Smith family. Miss Mary Barrett and Miss Mabel Lee. of Monroe, N. C., are guests of Mrs. Eva Morgan. Miss Sara Ruth McKinnon has been visiting relatives in Durham, N. C Miss Myrtis Mungo has been in the Columbia hospital since Tuesday. She will probably be there for two weeks or more. She Is expected to undergo a foot operation on Thursday of this wcolc. Mrs. Hatcher, of Spartanburg, and daughter. Gloria, spent several days recently with Miss Gladys Baker.^ Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Graham and little son, Kershaw, spent the week end In Lynchburg with the former's parents. Little Ut Bruce Fields, of Cheraw, is a guest In the home of his grandfather, E. L. Fields. Miss Ruby Davis spent the week end at Savannah Beach. Mrs. Melissa Womack. of Cheraw has been a recent guest of her sister M rs. C. E. Braswell. Katharine Ward Rivers, of Chesterfield, Is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. M. O. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Harold King and little daughter, of Blshopville, were week end guests of the former's parents, the M. G. Kings. A Sunday schol revival in charge of J. Arthur Knight, of Chesterfield, will start at the Baptist church Sunday. Mrs. Virginia Cain, of Lake City, was a week end visitor of Mrs. Wilma G. Rozier. Mrs. J. M. Clyburn has been a recent visitor to the H. D. Deason family at Scotia, having gone down for a few days recently with the M. C. Ma sons. NOTICE OF SALE The State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In the Court of Common Pleas) G. H. Gelger. as Receiver of Abbeville ?Greenwood Mutual Insurance Association, Plaintiff, against S. E. Ross, Defendant. In re: Mrs. Bessie M. Dusenberry and Bank of Ware Shoals as Receiver of Bank of Honea Path. Plaintiff, against Abbeville.Greenwood Mutual insurance Association., Defendant. Pursuant tp order of the Court in the above named case. I will sell before the Court House on salesday In July, same being the fourth day of July. 193k, at the usual hour of legal sales the following described property. to wit: "All that certain tract of land situate in Kershaw County. State of South Carolina, containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, known as part of llrtlwn C. Ross estate. and being bounded on the east by lands of Salere Bradley, south by lands of F. E. Ross, west by lands of Ret Henson, and north by lands of G. E Henson. Terms of sale cash, purchaser to pay extra for deeds and stamps. The property Is sold subject to taxes. W. L DePAS8. JR., Master for Kershaw County I One of the worst forest Area lu Canada's history la now sweeping across an area of about 250 miles of the buah 'country lu Alebrta province. A Ioiik dry spell hud added to the danger*. CITATION The Htate of Bou-th Carolina County of Kershaw (lly N. C. Arnett, Probata Judge) Whereaa, Daisy Mllea Craig made SUlt to ute to grunt uuto her I.ettera of Administration. cum teetamento unncxo. of the Estate and effect# of Phylls Warren Wllllama. | These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the Kludred and Creditors of the said Phylis Warren Wllllama, deceased, that they be and appear before me, lu the OouM I of Probate, to be held at Camden, B. jC., on Friday, July 8th, next, .after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the foreuoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. I Given under my hand this 23rd day of June, Anno Domini, 1938. N. C. ARNETT, Judge of Probate for Kershaw County Wants?For Sale KELVINATOR?For Sale. In good condition and at a bargain. Terms If desired. Can be seen at Bradley Electric Shop, .near The Chron lele office, Camden, S. C. 16pd j WANTED?To buy a few acres of I land, with dwelling and good water on land. Address quick to Box 46, ' Cassatt, S. C. 16pdC)> FOR SALE?Two story frame house, thirteen rooms, two baths. Can be bought for #600 cash. Purchaser t to remove same from property. House In tlrst-claBs condition. Adpiy Mist Olive Whlttredge, Real Estate Agent, Camden, S. C. 15-17sb rOR RENT?One seven room house at corner of Lyttleton and DeKalb Street, now occupied by Koruegay Funeral Home. Possession given August 1, 1938. Phone J. C. G111 is at 70, Camden, S. C. 15-17sb HOMES FOR RENT At 712 Lafayette Avenue, five rooms and bath. Close In on paved street. Very reasonable rent. The Wallace property, Broad street, one block north of postofflce. Three flpors, freshly renovated inside and out. An opportunity for some one. Also A very desirable seven-room home, 1505 Lyttleton street. Interior entirely re-decorated. Best residential section. Also A five-room cottage, 114 Union I street. Very desirable In all respects. Available soon. See SHANNON REALTY COMPANY Phone 7 Crocker Building BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE?Some very choice lots for sale In excel-1 lent neighborhoods and very reasonably priced. See Shannon Realty Company, Camden, S. C. 16sb APARTMENTS FOR RENT ? We have several apartments of various sizes. See us. Shannon Realty Company, Phone 7, Camden, S. C. I 16sb HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENT?? More houses needed for rent. We have many desirable tenants apply-1 ing for houses. List yours with J Shannon Realty Company. Phone 7, Crocker Building, Camden S. C. 12 tf. SHOES?For shoe rebuilding and repairing call at the Red Boot Shop, next door Express OfTlce, 619 Rut-1 ledge street, Abram M. Jones, Proprietor, Camden, S. C. 9sb HOMES FOR sale?Many desirable homes In all sections of town. Get our prices and terms. Be wise and buy now while prices are low. See Shannon Realty Company, Phone 7,1 Camden, S. C. 49sb FARMS FOR SALE?We have valuable farm lands in all sections of the county at most reasonable prices. Some real bargains among them. See Shannon Realty Company, Phone! 7, Camden, S. C. 49?b Announcements FOR SOLICITOR To the Voters of the Fifth Judicial Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Solicitor for the Fifth Judicial Circuit My record In this office speaks for itself and I will appreciate the con-l tinued support of my Kershaw county friends. Very respectfully, i , A. FLETCHER SPIGNER FOR SOLICITOR i Believing that there Is a need for more rigorous action for the public good, I announce my candidacy fori the office of Solicitor of the Fifth Ju-I dlcial Circuit. I feel that I am qualified both from I the standpoint of legal experience and of public service. I My announcement Is made with full knowledge that the office Is fraught with responsibility. I am, however, eager to be given the opportunity to serve. WILLIAM P. DONELAN FOR UNITED 8TATE8 8ENATE I hereby announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the office of United States Senator, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. (Signed) E. D. SMITH FOR CONGP ESS:To the Democratic Voters of the] Fifth Congressional District: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to Congress subject to the rules of the Democratic Primary. I am deeply grateful for past support given me by the people ot the Fifth District, and If elected to the coming 76th Congress, I shall continue my efforts to merit your faith and confidence. J. P. RICHARDS FOR STATE SENATOR To the Democratic Voters of Kershaw County: I hereby announce myself * canaldttte for the office of State Swiator from Keiihaw County, In accordance with the rules governing the Democratic primary. I win warmly appreciate your generous coualderatlou. Respectfully. MURDOCH M. JOHNSON FOR THE SENATE To the Voters of Kershaw County: 1 hereby annouuee myself as a candidate for the office of Slate Seuator for Kershaw County and will greutly appreciate the support of the voters of the county. Very respectfully, DH. W. B. TURNER FOR THE HOU8E * To the Democratic Voters of Kershaw county: 1 do hereby announce myself as a candidate for the House pf Representatives from Kershaw county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. I pledge If elected to tlgbt any and all imposition of additional taxes upon my people In this county and state, and will tight for the abolishment of the tax commission. J. M. THORNTON FO* THE HOUSE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives from Kershaw County, according to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary. Your support will be appreciated. Very respectfully yours, L. C. CLYBURN, Sr. FOR THE HOUSE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelectiou to the House of Representatives from Kershaw County, according to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary. Your support wiii be appreciated. Very respectfully yours, W. P. ESTRIDGE FOR 8HERIFF To The Democratic Voters of Kershaw County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofTice of Sheriff for Kershaw county. If elected I will give the same courteous service as has always been my endeavor in the past as a peace officer. Your support will be greatly appreciated. I pledge to abide the result of the Democratic urimary. Very respectfully, O. F. COOLEY FOR SHERIFF I am announcing myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Kershaw county, and wish the support of the people. If re-elected I promise to give the same service that has been the custom of this office since my incumbency. Respectfully yours, J. H. McLEOD FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE In this, my announcement for reelection as Probate Judge for Kershaw County, I wish to thank the people for my first term. In asking for their support for the second term, I pledge continued faithful service to them in the duties of the office. Yours respectfully, N. C. ARNETT FOR TREA8URER To the Voters of Kershaw County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Treasurer for Kershaw County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. I will greatly appreciate your support. MRS. KATE B. GETTYS FOR TREA8URER To the Democratic voters of Kershaw county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer of Kershaw County, and it again honored with the office, I pledge the people that I will continue to serve them with fidelity and consideration. Very respectfully. C. JOE OUTLAW FOR TREASURER 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Treasurer for Kershaw county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. I will greatly appreciate your support. Respectfully, H. STONEY MOORE FOR AUDITOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Auditor for Kershaw County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. I will greatly appreciate your support. Very respectfully yours, FRED OGBURN FOR COUNTY AUDITOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Auditor for Kershaw county, and if re-elected 1 promise the same courteous and efficient conduct of the duties of that office, and will appreciate the support of the -voters of the county. Respectfully yours, B. E. SPARROW FOR GAME WARDEN I hereby announce myself a candl- ] Game Warden for Kerftiav County, date for re-election to the office of and will highly appreciate your continued support. Respectfully yours C. M.'HOUGH ? FOR MAGISTRATE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Magistrate for DeKalb Township, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. I will greatly appreciate your support. Very respectfully, < M. L. (BUCK) SMITH FOR MAGISTRATE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Magistrate for DeKalb Township and will appreciate the support of the voters. Very respectfully, HENRY T. HORTON 1 I FOR MAGISTRATE I I hereby announce myself as a can- i didate for the offjpe of Magistrate for < DeKalb Township subject to the rules 1 of the Democratic party f shall greatly appreciate the kindness of your supportRespectfully yours, ARTHUR W. WEST --\ti+ FQR MAGISTRATE To the voters of DeKalb Towushtp: hereby anuouuee myself as a candidate for the office of Magistrate 0f DoKulb Township. I shall appreciate your support In the coming primary Yours respectfully, W. L. BTOKKS FOR MAGISTRATE To the Voters of DsiKalb Township; I respectfully announce myself ua a candidate for reelection to the offlee of Magistrate of Dekalb Township, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Your support will be highly appreciated. C. E. DAVIS FOR MAGISTRATE I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate for Lower Wateree Township, with office at Blaney. I will appreciate the support of the voters. J. B. GOFF MAGISTRATE LOWER WATEREE 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Magistrate for Ix)wer Wateree Township. I will appreciate yopr support and if elected will have my office at Blaney. Very respectfully yours H. A. HAWKINS FOR MAGISTRATE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Magistrate for Lower Wateree Township, with office at Blaney. I will appreciate your continued support. Respectfully, A. B. NELSON For Magistrate Buffalo Township I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the Magistrate's ufTiuu of Eastern District of Buffalo Township^ with office at Bethune, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. JOHN A. YOUNG * FOR MAGI8TRATE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofTlco of Magistrate for the Upper Township of West Wateree, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Your support wljl be greatly appreciated. Yours respectfully W. GLENN RABON FOR MAGISTRATE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Magistrate for the Upper Township of West Wateree, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Yours respectfully, JOE D. BARFIELD FOR COUNTY DIRECTOR I hereby announce my candidacy for reelection as a member of the County Board of Directors from Buffalo Township and will greatly appreciate the continued support of the voters. Very respectfully E. B. TRUESDALE FOR COUNTY DIRECTOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election as a member of the Board of Directors for Kershaw County from Flat Rock Township. Your continued-support will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully yburs, J. C. FAULKENBERRY FOR COUNTY DIRECTOR I am announcing myself as a candidate for re-election to the offima of Director for DeKalb Township, and will appreciate the continued support of the voters. Very respectfully yours, W. T. RBDFEARN FOR DIRECTOR I hereby announce myself as a can* didate for the office of Director for West Wateree Township, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Respectfully yours L. P. BftANHAM FOR COUNTY DIRECTOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Board of Director for West Wateree Township. I will appreciate the continued support of the voters. Very respectfully, L, P. ROSE FOR CORONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Coroner for Kershaw County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. I will heartily appreciate your support. Very respectfully yours, J. ED. LEE FOR CORONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Coroner for Kershaw County in the approaching Democratic primary and will greatly appreciate any support given me. A. A. WEST FOR CORONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Coroner for Kershaw county. I will heartily appreciate the Support of the voters. Very respectfully, JOHN RABON FOR CORONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate f?r the office of Coroner for Kershaw county, and will greatly appreciate your support, Very rospectfully yours, GEORGE A. JENKINS FOR CORONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Coroner of Kershaw county, subject to the rules af the Democratic party. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Very respectfully yours, LEE A. CAMPBELL FOR CORONER To the Voters of Kershaw County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner of Kershaw County in the approaching -election, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic Primary. I w|ll appreciate the ippport of the voter*. - Respectfully, * EL R. HUNTER