The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 29, 1937, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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IfsPOKTS SENSE 7 1/AND NONSENSE ! By FRANK H. HEATH Tbo i mil en HuMdog football carai dishes oUt u MWwll K?'ld meui jpffjl full The regular game with ? atopy ten minutes of two mldgoi Jouadtt i" combat provides an outer .JdniuK evening for those who like JJjl blooded sports. T *jjtj speaking of these midgets, la H,u| gents, let me Introduce you football "greats" of tomorrow ^rtlB idea l)f having these youngsters L,y between halves Is a swolllgant !Ze ami whoever thot the Idea out do ? Vea a bunch of orchids. ? * ? " H i8 an interesting fact that In the l*o uildgel games I have seen this fell, one team boasts of three brother8i' and if 1 may so state, these boys till some day not far distant add -lory to the gold and black of Camden hi*'1 We do not refer to the Mulllus trio at the expense of any gloritleailou that should :be given to other boys in this embryo group. But it isu't every day ihat you have three brothers playing on the same team. 1 always did admire l'enn Slate and #ow thai feeling of admiration has grown. Why? Well folks our good friend and fellow, townsman, the eminent duck Mulllna, is from l'enn State and anyone who can present Camden with three future "greats" (UllSt have UUli ix uuiu good athletic background. And we would also state with due emphasis that it must be a source of great pride to Mrs. Mullins too. 0 0 0 0 Keep your eyes on the Mullins trio folks, and who knows but what in a few years you'll hear the throngs at Nut re Dame or Perhaps Minnesota or better yet, good old Penn State, yelljug "(live the ball to Mullins!" Cleinson 34, Carolina 6. Well, the Tigers sure had the claws and knew hew to use them. Camden football fans who wifnessod the slaughter had a lot of nice things to say about Alvin Sanders, the Camden lad who perform' d so' well for Cleinson. 0 0 0 0 Tin- most disgusted individual in Columbia was our good friend Banjo ' Suinn. sport scribe of the Record. Uanj" just cannot understand why the tlamecocks can play good foot" ball against teams just as strong as Tie in -on a nd t Tien get 1 rlinrued by a *id' score by the Tigers. We give it up too. Other state capitol scribes waxed hysterical over the fracas and poured lortli columns of dope on what had happened. The story could have been "TSTiT in a row "pa'STigraphs.?- ? | 0 * llcg pardon, we stated in a fecent spon story that the Charleston high school Bantams scored on Camden when; the latter team had a flock of reserves'in the lineup. Not being at the game we relied upon our informant giving us the right dope. We have since been Informed that Camden 'used but twelve men during the Charleston game and all were first stringers Sorry for the error. * Chester High here this week Friday ?today in fact. State ClaBs A champions in 1936. Can Cainden knock them off See the answer at Zemp Je!d tonight. 0 0 0 0 Better be at the scene early because if the weather man is kind, you i going to see some crowd at this f. . nt. I'd like to see every man, woman and child in Camden on the job tr. s.-e the BulldogB clash with the j f > Chester lads. i * i Htatlstlrs aft or the Darlington game. l*olnts scored this your, Cumdep 138. oppoueuts 8 Games played, > b. Wop by Camden, t>. Whitewash applications, Camden 4. I * -* * * While up In the air with the wire i *hd Pilot Dexter Martin of the South Carolina Aeronautical commission on ( Saturday, we were impressed with the many hills and. lakes visible for many miles from a mile high altitude. Hut the thing that tickled us most i was the appearance of the Zomp field i here in Camden. U>oked like the top of a match box, believe it or not. * * That chap Martin is one of the best pilots 1 over yode with. He sure knows his stuff. * ! That state plane Is a beauty and .being uir-conditloned, it was as warm as toast, even at a high altitude on a cold day. Hy the way, while pounding this junk out on the old Corona 1 Just happened to think that the government at Washington is getting sort of curious about the stock market and wants to know whether it continues to stay down out of sheer inertia or whether there is someone sitting on It. * * Speaking of this Japanese boycott stuff, we doubt if the proposal to boycott Jap goods would be half as efficacious as refusing-, to sell them scrap iron and Junk. Honest Bill, I believe 1 can understand the president's objection to the [isolation policy of the United States? ; Ho has felt the effects of it himself a wee bit lately. * ? I uoii, the good old pal, dropped in a few days back to chin with us. Don j ventures the opinion that this revived interest in telepathy Is the bunk. He l says that a number of people have tried to read his mind and l.aven't been able to get a thing. Oh, hum! * i What a show folks! What a show , that was offered at the Woodward airport Sunday. Thousands of people i and thousands of cars?some in the parking area In the field and others parked along the roads in all direct ions. ? ? ? It was an afternoon of thrills and I want to put my John Henry down on a statement ihat 1 have uakl a smacker to see shows that were no better. i * ' Every event advertised was put over in a splendid manner and everybody had a sore neck Monday from peering into the heavens. * I Thrills, Thrills, thrills"; From The" death-defying stunts of the drivers In the small planes to the two mile delayed parachute jump. The tug-ofwar between a big pjane and a Plymouth car was a tie. The mad dash of the motorcycle rider through a burning wooden wall caused the dames to scream In fear. Everyone liked the show and the way it was conducted. And let me say that our own Ted Husing, "Ben Team," was there with his chief engineer Dick Kirkland and they had the broadcasting system doing swell. * * And while I am handing out the posies, let's pass a few- to the Kershaw Guards for some really fine ^police work. The way the lads in khaki | handled the traffic In and out of the airport would have been credit to New York's finest. And 1 don't mean j mebbe. . Continued From Page One) PRE V : U M LIST OF THE KER8HA'" COUNTY FAIR Mrs W. A. Sanders first. Mrs. Joe Sht-h'. :i second. Be.-' pint or quart plum preserves? Mrs I'laudu West first, Mrs. C. O. Stotfi : second. Bes: pint or quart strawberry present; Mrs. Lewis Baker first. Mrs. Wilrtia Taylor second. Best pint or quart blackberry Jam ? Mrs. VV. \j. Hunnlcutt first, Mrs. L?. W. Fletcher second. Best pint or quart p? .en Jam or marmalade?Mrs. Joe ftiBheen first, Mrs. T. H. Young secona. Best pint or quart fig Jam or mar- I malade?Mrs. J. VV. A. Sanders first, Mrs. C. E. Lamoy second. Best pint or quart pear conserve? Mrs. J. L. Gettys first, Mrs. W. L. Hunnlcutt second. Best pint or quart fig conserve? Mrs. S. E. Belvin first. Mrs. H. P. Bel-| vin second. t Best pint or quart pear houey?Mrs. J W. A. Sanders tlrst. Mrs H. 11. Killott second. * liest loaf white yeast bread?Miss Jennie Wbltnker first. Mlaa Huby Oordou second. Meat louf whole wheal bread Mrs. E. It. l.orick second Meat louf rumin oreau- Mm. \V. 0. Hurry Ural, Mrs. K. 11. Lorlck second. Ileal loaf hut bread Mrs. E. 11. Ix>I ick flrist. Mrs. W. C. Horry second Ileal plate ?U white rolls Mrs W. II Evans first, Mrs. E. 11. l.orick second. Heat plate six whole wheut rolls? ' Mrs. 10 11. l.orick second. ileal plate six soda biscuits?Misa Eva McCoy first, Mrs. 11. C. McCoy second liest plate six baking powder biscuits? Mrs. J. W. A. Banders tlrst, Mrs. 11. C. (iodwin second. Heat plate six cinnamon rolls?Mrs. 10. 11. l.orick first, Mrs. Joe Bheheen second Heat plate six beaten biscuits?Mrs. 11. M. Rodgers first, Mrs It. It. Hilts second. liest plate six white muffins-Mrs. 10. B. Ixirick second. liest plate six whole wheat muffins ? Mrs. 10. 11. Lorlck second. Hest plate hIx corn meal mulTtns or lornatipks?Mrs. J. W. A. Sunders hist, Miss Lucy McCau second. Hest devils food cake?Mrs. 10. H. l.orick tlrst, Mrs. J. 10. L, liruunon second, Mrs. 1.. 11. Elliott third. I Hest chocolate cake?Mrs. H. J. I Trousdale first and second, Mrs. 1 l'eto Heebies third. liest caramel cake?Mrs. J. L. Getty.s first, Mrs. 11. J. Truesdale second, Mlsa Eva McCoy third. Hest cocoanut cake ?Miss Lucy McCau first, Mrs. N. H. Goodale second, Mrs. J. W. A. Sunders third. Hest Jelly roll?Mrs N. It. Goodale i first, Mrs. \V. H. Evans second, Mrs. 11. M. Rodgers third. Hest Japanese fruit cake?Mrs. 11. C. McCoy second. Hest pound cake?Mrs. J. L. Gottys t tlrst, Mrs. Joe Sheheeu second, Miss Eva McCoy third. Hest black fruit cuke?Mrs. Joe Shebeen tlrst. Mrs. Austin Shebeen second. Hest six tea cakes?Mrs. 11. C. Atlanta first, Mrs. H. C. McCoy second. i^esi six oatiueal cookies?Mrs. H. H. Helvin first, Mrs. Austin Sheheeu second. Hest six ginger cookies?Mrs. \V. L. Huunicutt first, Mrs. H. C. Arrunts second. | Hest assortment miscellaneous. coo; kies?Mrs. E. T. Truesdale first, Mrs. j If. C. Arrants second, Mrs. H H. HelI \in third. t Hest lemon pie?Mrs. \V. Evans j first, Mrs. R. J Truesdale second is Hest chocolate pie?Mrs. Henry De lirtihl first, Mrs. K. R Hitts second. 1 liest apple pie?Mrs. l'ete Heebies first, Mrs. Claude Lainoy second. I Lamoy first. Miss Ruby Gordon secj ond. ' Hest jar pulled mists?Miss Alice McCarter first, second and third, j liest dozen drop mints ?Melvenia Johnson first, Mrs. Raymond Johnson I second. 1 He+vt- -dozen---pieces?pna-mrt?ltH44+e IMiss Alice McCarter llrst and second. I Hest dozen pieces chocolate fudge ? . Miss Alice McCarter first and second. | Hest dozen pieces sea foam?Miss ' Alice McCarter first, M'*s- Raymond |Johnson second. i | Hest dozen pieces caramel?Miss Alice McCarter first and second. I Hest display mixed candy?Miss Alice McCarter first, Mrs. Raymond I Johnson second, Melvina Johnson 'third. I Best balanced school lunch?Mrs. It. J. Truesdale first, Mrs. R. R. Hitts second. ? Hest man's shirt?Mrs. Edward Shayior first, Mrs. Joe Sheheen second. Best boys shirts-Mrs. H. D. Nlles first, Mrs. Austin Sheheen second. Best boys wash suit under six years ?Mrs. Austin Sheheen first, Mrs. Ed. j Shayior second. Hest girls print dress, two to six I years of age?Mrs. J. W. A. Sanders j i first, Aille Currie second, j Hest girls party dress, two to six i years?Mrs. W. H. Carter first, Mrs. j ii. B. Taylor second. Best girls print dress, six to twelve years- Mrs. Cyrul Busbee first, Miss' uucy McCaa second. Best infants dress, under two years J ? Mrs. Ed. Shayior first, Mrs. T. R. 1 Horton second. Best chlids coat under ten years ot ] age?Ruby Gordon first, Mrs. H. B. ) Taylor second. Best womans print dress?Mucy j McCaa first, Mrs. Ed Shayior second. Best womans afternoon dressMrs. H. M. Rodgers first, Mrs. Everett Truesdale Becond. Best chair or sola slip cover?Mrs. T. W. Oliver second. Best three hand-made handkerchiefs? Mrs. Lewis Baker first, Mrs. J. M. Gandy second. Best apron?Mrs. J. W. A. Sanders first, Mrs. H. A. McDowell second. Best buffet or vanity set?Mrs. Joe Sheheen first and second. Best bridge or luncheon dover with napkins?Marie Reed first, Mrs. J. E. Harvin second. Best crocheted luncheon set?Mrs John G. Richards first. Miss AJice McCarter second. Best pair pillow cases?Miss M. G. Catoe firBt, Mrs. H. B. Taylor second. Best kitchen towel?Marie Reed second. Best guest towel?Marie Reed first, Mrs. O. L. Hard wick second. Best ombroidered boudier pillow? Mrs. Frank Beil first, Blanche Catoe second Best miscellaneous pillow?Mrs. J. E. Harvin first and second. Best knitted dress?Mrs. D. M. Davie first, Mrs. Everette Truesdale second. Hest crocheted dres??Mrs Joe Bheheen first, Mrs. Everette Truesdale second. Best knitted or crocheted gloves? Miss Elizabeth Clarke first, Mrs. Richards second. Best rug made from new materialMrs. E. T. Truesdale second. ?. Best embroidered bed spread?Miss Blanche Catoe first and 'second. Best natural color crocheted bed spread?Mrs. Karl Rose boron gh first, Mrs. Joe Sheheen second, j. Best white crocheted or knitted bed spread?Mrs. Chris Beleos first, C. D. y; . "\t J* ~ -? ^- --v-jTV * Shea ley aocond Rust pieced quill ? Mr? D. M. l>avl? flrtH. Mm M (.1. Klf'lchor H?coud I llt'bl U ppllq UtMl < J U111 Minn l,OUlSl> Collins Hrs; am] second Host antique quilt Mrs (J. A. MuseId) Hist, Mrs 1' A. McDowell second Beat silk unlit Mrs Dan Brace)' second Best quilt top Blanche Cutoo tirst, Mrs Kveretle Trucsdule second Best hooked rug made iroin setups -"Mrs John I ?aney first, Mis. S U. Wallers second Best braided or crocheted rug made from scraps?Mrs. C. M Mozior first, Mrs. John Daney, Sr , second Best adult remodeled garment audi explanation- Mrs C. O. Stogmr first. Mrs John lutuey, Sr., second Best girl's remodeled garment and i explanation?Mrs. \V. II Carter first, i Mrs John Laney, Sr., second. Best boys remodeled garment and explanation?Mrs. J. VV, A Sanders1 first. Mrs. W. J. Denton second. Best pair pillow cases made from 1 sacks - Mrs W. L. Hunnicutt first, j Mrs Henry Bel via second. Best bed spread made from sacks?| Ruby Cordon second. Best girls dress under six years made from sacks-Mrs. T. H. Young first, Mrs. H. ltodgers second. Best adult dyed dress made from sacks Mrs. 11 M. ltodgers first. Mrs.1 T. H. Young secoud. Best adult s natural dress mude from sacks- Miss Olive Haley hist,1 Mrs. 11. M. ltodgers second. Best woman's suit made from sacks 1 ?Ruby Cordon first, Mrs. 11. M. ltodgers second Best display four miscellaneous articles made from cotton sacks?Miss hvu McCoy tirst; Mrs. Henry Belvin second. Best largo piece homemade furniture? Mrs. It. B. Pitts first; Mrs.; Troy Denton second. Best small piece homemade furni- ' ture?C. D. Sheuly first; Nannie Rabon second. Best homemade unique urtlcle? Mrs. Austin Shehevn tirst; Mrs. T. H. Young secoud. Best chair rebottomed by exhibitor! ?Nannie Kubon second. Best pine needle basket?Mrs. J. F.I David first and second. Best ten ears prolific corn ? it. c. Mc- 1 Coy first. J. if McCasUiie second. H. st single ear white corn?It C. Me- ! I o> first, Frank Dullest" second. Best ten ears single ear white corn?! Iv .1. < atoe tirst, Frank Duitose second. ... Best ten ears exhibit yellow corn?W. I I rut scialf first, K. r. McCoy socond Most single car yellow corn ? W. 11 Cat*?e first, \\ . | . Truesdale second. I.;?-st ten ears popcorn?It B AlcCaskill first arid second. Best peek coin meal?S. TP. Belvin first ? K. II. Met 'Hskill second Best peek I ills' hum oats?R. It McCas- ! kill tirst. S, ! ;. Belvin second. Be.-t half bushel any variety oats?W. T 11?-I ley tirst. S. II. Belvin second I B-s-t peck _ wheat ?W. T 1 lolley first. ?infi:. ( iirI \\ cs( se? oml Best peek rye ?\\ T. llollcy second. | l""' p?*?-k cow peas? K. J. Catoe tirst. .vir- t ~rr \t-ting w-efnul. x ' ? t peck velvet In ans?IV, West! fit 1 II J Catoe second. Ie>l gallon l.iina tieans?U It. Met'as- i kill tirst. Sclina Rogers second. Best bale pea vine hay-?W T. Holley In >t anil set f?{id. ?. Best bushel sweet potatoes?Sinway ! li-u.'ig first, S E. Belvin second. B.-t peek p.-anuts?Ellis Martin first,! Mrs H tArraiils second. B> st dozen tomatoes .Mrs, RaTTTe Atide.rsoil tirst atlll sei end Best dozen svveet peppers?Mrs J E ! Hrnnnon first. Mrs. Mattle R West sec- 1 oral. dozen hot peppers?John Carl >1 est first, Mrs. II. C. clodvvyn second. I Best peck onions?It. B. McCaskill | first, Leap' Young second. Best naif dozen turnips?Mrs Early Anderson first and second. Best quart Schley pecans?Raymond Jordan second. Best quart Stuarts?Ruth Moseley second. Best ham?E. J. Catoe first. R. J3. McCaskill second, Mrs. J. J. Young third Best shoulder?R. B. McCaskill second. Best side bacon?S. E. Belvin W T Holley second, R. B. McCaskill ' third. Be?t ^ontainer of lard?Airs. Dewls Baker ttrdU Mrs. W. P. McQuIrt second. Best collection garden seed?Mrs W T. Truesdale first, Mrs. H. C. Arrants second. __ , Best pound butter?Mrs. S. E. Belvin first, Mrs. -J W. A. Sanders second. Best dozen eggs?Mrs. S. E. Belvin first, Mrs. c. A. Mozler second. Best dozen white eggs?Mrs. J. J. i 1 oung second. I B< st container honey?Taymqnd Jor- 1 dan first, S. E. Belvin second oontatrrrr ribbon cane syrup?L. ' W. 1- let' hcr second. Best container sorghum syrup?T. II. . \ oung first. J B McCastine second ui.V'n1 borne-made soap?Mrs Frank Bell first. Mrs. W F Truesdale second . Best half pound bees wax?Mrs. J. J i ounK first. Mrs. H. C. Arrant# second. Best half pound tallow? R B McCaskill first, Airs. J. J. Young second Largest pumpkin?Mrs. James T McDowell second Largest watermelon?Lawton Truesdale first, Lloyd Truesdale second. Best la stalks sugar cane?E. J. Catoe nr*t, la. W. Kioto her Hecond a Best Ave stalks sorghum?R. C. McC&y ' Urst, Carroll Lee Rabon second Best stalk cotton?Roy Wpst first Le- t wi8 Lee West second. Hunt dozen pears?K. H Dorlok first and second I to it I dozen apples?H II MeCasklll first und second. Heat dozen pods okra?II. M. Rogers i firm, Mrs. T. H. Horton second. Host half doaen egg plants?R. B. MeCasklll second. Rest collard?Mi-h, D. A Elliott first. Kills Martin second. 1 BOYS FOUR-H CLUB Beat ton ears prolific corn?Wllburn 1-angley first, Dick McNoeley second Heat ton ears slnglo oar variety?Frank DuBose III st, J. It, Met 'a Mine second. Ftost single ear while corn?Frank l)uItose first and second Best ten ears yellow corn?Troy West second. Best single ear yellow corn?Kalph Datoe first, John McCoy second. Best stalk cotton?William Brannon first, Ralph Young second Best peek peanuts?1011 in Martin first. Mrs. 11. C. Arrant* second FUTURE FARMERS Best white corn?Alva MeCasklll first. Res lee Horton second, Carroll Dee Ration third, Karl Jones fourth. Best yellow corn?Olln H Watkins first, Robert Hall second, Ktmer Castor I bird Best cotton?James Graham first, Clarence Graham second, Robert Smith third, Marvin Smith fourth. Best peanuts?Matthew Ration first, Carrol! Dee Ration seeoiul, Dawion ' Trtiesdale third, t'at Thompson fourth Best cowpeas?Karl Jones first. Olln 15 Watkins second. Alton liimne fourth Best beans?Duncan lvlrkland first, Ralph McDeod second, Jionahl Watson third, Alvo MeCasklll fourth. Shop work ? Steve Kelly first, Klton llrrvi s second. Kim rson llranhatn third, (I T. Hcndrix fourth Sweet pot a t oes? M a 11 tic w Rabun 11 rat. Richard .McNVcley second, Sinway Young . Third. Ittntinrr Wrnn fourth Miscellaneous?G T llcndrlx first. John Hammond second. Kilts Howell third, Baker Hall fourth Hay ? Ben Truesdell first, Carroll Dee Ration second, Dawton Truesdale third. Richard Gettys fourth. FAT BARROW SHOW Best barrow weighing 12<i or less? James Graham tlrst. Robert Hall second. Best barrow weighing l-m to lao?I mug Iii. b firm, Theodore?Ration?ground. Best barrow weighing lily to 180? James Graham first, Marvin Smith see-< ond Best harrow weighing 1M> to 225? Theodore Rabon first, Doug Dynch second. Best barrow weighing 225 to 250?Mat- j thew Kabon first. , J FLOWERS Best maiden hair fern?Mrs. Boheler second. Best sword or Boston fern?Mrs. II. E. ' Oliver second. Best asparagus fenn?Mrs. Henry DeBruhl first, Mrs. W. T. Truesdale second. Best Bprengerl fern?Mrs. II. E. Oliver first, Mrs. Boheler second. Best begonia?Mrs A. J. Boheler first, first, Mrs. Boheler second. Mrs. Claude West second. Best miscellaneous (doming plant?Mrs. . A. J. Boheler first, Mrs. Bessie Klrkland j second. Best miscellaneous non-blooming plant 1 ?Mrs. H. D. Brannon first, Mrs. With- I crs Trotter second. Best display six large dahlias?Mrs. L. | I. Oulon first. Mrs. Carl West second. i Best display twelve small dahlias?Mrs. ! Mary H. Clyburn first. Mrs. H. M. Ito- j gers second 1 BeSt display six large zenlas?Mrs. M. I J. Truesdale first, Mrs Mary H. Clyburn I second. Best twelve small senias?Mrs. Shell, West first and second. i Best display six roses ? Mrs Carl West first, Mrs. J H Osborne second. B?>*t do;play single rose?Mrs. Guion , first, Mrs. ,J. II Osborne second. , Best display six large marigolds?Mrs. Han Ilracey first, Mrs. ?I'. Hilton secolid i Best display twelve small marigolde? Mrs. Guion first, Mrs. Mary H. Clyburn second. Best dlsplAy cosmos?Miss Willeno West first, Airs. Alex West second. Best display chrysantheinums?Mrs. E. B. Mobley first, Olive Raley second. Most artistic arrangement mixed flowers?Airs. Can West first, Mrs. B. J. Tl IH HlIti IV* Hl'COIUl. Gieniest Miricly mixed flowers, named -Mrs. Union first, Mr8. A. C. MeKain second SWNE Poland China H((o hour?-Kliuo ltrown first, Matthew Ration second. Senior yearling boar?James Graham Oral. .^3 Senior boar pig?William McCoy first. Junior boar i> >K?Mat thaw Kabou first, Theodora Kabou ho'oihI Ago sow?Wallace Lynch lirat, Robert llall second. J Senior yearling how?J. O. Jonoa first, TliiHMiort' Kabou second Junior yearling sow?Kit-hard McNeoly first. Kill Cameron second. Senior sow?8. M. llugglns ilrst, Kob*-it llall second. Junior sow pig?Clarence Graham llrHt, John I't-n y second. Sow niul litter?l'uut Jortlan first, Mntt hew Kaboii second. . h lb-si fat barrow?Theodore Kabon first, Hung Lynch second, Carroll Hoe Ration t lilrtl. Champion boar?101 mo Drown first. Champion sow?Richard McNeeley first-* Essex age sow ? Robert Hall first. Senior sow?Jamas Graham first, Robert llall second. Junior sow ? Ri|beil Hall first and Haemal. Hampshire Junior boar?Pat Thompson first. a. M i>t elliuieous ? I .oiinia McCormick first. POULTRY -'i I test old pen Harred Rocks?Emily Mct 'on first, Archie Stein second 1 Stl\er F.ncc W'ya ii lalot (t-s?S. E, Belli u 11 rst and set-out I t'Itl I'.t iSames?Harry l'ortar first, Klchnrtl Gctt\s secoml . Niw Hampshires ? K. S. Smith second. Best cock While Rock?S. 10. Belvln second Pit iJamv- W. C. Williams second. . y-'I Kllic Zcinp first ami .second I lai red Kock- K S. Smith first and second. 't? White Rock?S 10 Kelvin second. I'll Came?lib-hard Gettys first, Harry I 'oi l, r Sect-ltd. Best young pen. Red?Clarence Christ- . I nms first, Hroadus Horton second. Buried Rock -Archie Stein second. New Hampshire?Jlmmte Little first, Mrs?Shebeen second. ? A Ancona?1) 10. Ray second. White Kock ?8. 10. Belvln second.* Pit Gain*?Harry Porter first and second. Huff Orpington?Clarence Christmas . s first, Mrs. J. Shehcen second. J Best cockerel Bnrred Rock?Early Anderson second. New Hampshire-?Jimmlo Little first, Arthur Brown second. White Rock?8. 10. Belvln second. Pit Oame-*-Rlchard (Jettys first, T. J. .-Ja Williams second. Turken?Wade Reynolds second. Best pullet. Red?Arthur Brown first, Lewis Lee West, Jr., Bocond. White Leghorn?Sain llugglns first and second. White Giant?Mrs. T. W. Oliver first and second. Barred Kock?Sam llugglns first, Archie Stein second. Whlto Wynndottea?Robin Zemp, Jr., first. New Hampshire?Mrs. J. Bheheen first, - # Jim Italey second- # White Rock-r-Robin Zemp. Jr., first and second. Brown Leghorn?Woodrow Wilson second. AiH'ona?1> E. Ray first and Becond. Pit Game?Richard Gettys first, T. J. Williams second. ? -<?! Turken ? Wade Reynolds Rccond. Turkeys?K. S. Smith second. Kourhnn Red?K. 8. Smith first, 8. E. Bclvin second Muscovy 1 >ucks?Toodore Rabon, second. *~i^ White Pckin IHtcks?U N. Myers first, Buddy Richie second Pigeons?Howard Rabon second. Junior poultry, huiis, Barred Rock? Archie Stein so<ond. Cockerel. White Leghorn?GladyB Hug- V gins first and second. iy White Wyandottes?Steve McCray seeend. '':M Best pair birds, Reds?Arthur Brown first, Ellis Rowell second. (Continued on Pago Six), 'SI ' -.,4 II BROAD STREEJh^LUNCH I II The Best Nickel Hamburger Anywhere. 11 Milk-r-Bottled Drinks?Beer?Ice Cream COURTEOU8 OPEN UNTIL CURB 8ERVICE 3 A. M. I BICYCLE REPAIRS | We have opened a bicycle repair department, f in connection with our machine shop and are pre- I pared to handle all work promptly and at reasonI able prices. I DeKALB MACHINE WORKS 1 \M. H. DEAL Owner , | ELECTRIC AND OAS WELDING LATHE WOHK I I BICYCLE AND GENERAL REPAIRS ' Wert DeKelb Street ~~~ Phone 42 #1 [ I I I FIRE?AUTOMOBILE?BURGLARY?BONDS g I 3 DeKALB INSUKANCE AND REAL ESTATE CO ? 1 ^ "INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS" * u] rr h CROCKKH lil'ILPING?TKI.KrilONR 7 ? 4 1 X ffl 7* M. O. MDLI.KR AL1ZABETKI CLARKK. Mgr. X I ? m ALL?FORMS ?OF?INSURANCE ~ ~ J I Sanitary Plumbing and Heating I 1 TELEPHONE 433-J I J Estimated Furnished on Short Notice ELECTROL OIL BURNERS | nyiaiiiiiirmTi?'rTnrag^?iroMTT8i?J , I I I Wateree Lumber Company I MANUFACTURERS I I YELLOW PINE LUMBER J I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I Jg I Take advantage of this Low Market ;Jj Build Now and Save Money If interested let us suggest a most attractive means of securing a loan on long, easy terms at a very low rate of interest. I ' zrn From our large stock of Lumber Building Material, which we manufacture w?t are prepared to furnish any size ofder, _ We would appreciate your inspection of our plant and stock. KL-rv . Telephone, 75 -t " "; *7' *