Uoyd?. fau)auii Lowdon underwrtt! have sharply hiked the Insurance tis on nil ?hlpa currying freight* r* the Far Fast, on account of adjied |a?yB due lu thy war lu China. an ordinance R?i?e 8uppliea For the City of Camden, 8. C., For tho Year 1937. ^ u ordained Wy the Mayor and .?.r Aldermen of the City of Camden, Lnuth Carolina, and by authority of fv?i name, that the following taxes be, 5 the same are hereby levied, for ?" current year from the first of unuary 1937, to the Slut day of !> ; cJ.Tb"r 1937, both lnclu.lv.: Section One. A tax of twenty-two / ;?) mills on each and every dollar h real and personal. prbperty within ?he corporate liinltfc of the City of r'ainden, S. C., from the first day of January, 1937. - ; Section Two. The tax books for the collection of the City taxes will be open in the office of the said City ?jerk and Treasurer, Camden, South Carolina, on the 1st day of September, .t)37 and remalu open each day, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m? ?n,l from 3 p. m. to 4:30 p. m., until the first day of March, 1938. The following discounts will be allowed on the payment of tdxes: Two per cent during September. Net after September 30, 1937. Twenty-five '25%) per cent, or fifty (50%) Pei' cent, portion of taxes, If so desired by the taxpayer, will be accepted rather than the payment of the whole thereof In one payment, allowing the discount in affect at the time of tire payment. Sesction Three. That when the taxes and assessments, or any portion thereof, charged against any property or party on the duplicate for the current fiscal year shall not be paid on or before the first day of January, 1938, the City Clerk and Treasurer shall proceed to add a one (1%) per cent, penalty on the City duplicate, and the City Clerk and Treasurer shall collect the same; If the said taxes, assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the first day of February, 1938, an additional penalty of one (1%) per cent, shall be added by the City Clerk and Treasurer on the said duplicate and collected by the said City Clerk aud Treasurer; if the said taxes, assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the first day of March, 1938, an additional penalty of one (1%) per cent, shall be added by the City Clerk and Treasurer op the said duplicate and collected by the said City Clerk and Treasurer; if the said taxes, assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the first day of April, 1938, an additional penalty of one <1%) per cent, shall be added by the City Clerk and Treasurer on the said duplicate and collected by the said City Clerk and Treasurer; and if the said taxes, assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the first day of May, 1938, an additional pemalty of three (3%) per cent, shall be added by the City Clerk and Treasurer on said duplicate, making a total penalty of seven (7%) per cent, and shall be collected by the said City Clerk and Treasurer; that if said taxes. assessments and penalties are not paid on or before the first day of June, 1938, the City Clerk and Treasurer shall issue in the name yf the City of Camden, Mouth Carolina, a warrant or execution In duplicate uKulnat sul ?C jglpl L Nobody's Business Written for The Chronicle by Oe? McOoo, Copyright, 1SI28. THE 80CIAL UPHEAVEL IN FLAT ROCK CONTINUES UNABATED ..miss hiondie head, the wlddow who returned back homo from Washington, d. C. after her husband demised and | passed on, Is still creating a big stir amongst llat rock's social ites ansoforth. us utatbd lu this collurn a week or so ago, miss head has resumed her maiden name which she had befoar she married. ..as soon as mrs. art square and mrs. holsum inoore received the 2 lowslung dogs they ordered so's they could keep up with miss blondie, miss hiondie up and give her long dog to skeet Johnson's wife, the Johnsons do not huve auny standing; skeet works when ho wants to for the wpa, but It seems he rarely over works, mrs. Johnson, the presgent owner of the dutchuound dog takes la* washing for u 11 vying. ..mrs. inoore and airs. square Is now j the laftlag stock j t '" - . .*? y The French steamer Normandle on its last crossing east to west, made the trip from Bishop's Rock, England, to Ambrose Light, New York, In 3 days, 23 hours, 2 minutes, and on the return trip crossed In 3 days, 22 hours, 7 minutes. Both are all-time records. Homer L#. Lyerly, 40, World war, veteran, fatally Bhot himself at his home near Salisbury, N. C., within 24 hours of the hour that he was to be the groom In a church wedding. Before dying he told hiB bride-to-be, "I did it to help you," and made no further explanation. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All parties to the estate of Stephen H. Boykin are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, und all parties, if uny, having claims against the said estate will present them likewise, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, STAFFORD M. ROYK1N and LULA MAE TRIM NAD, Administrator and Administratrix, respectively of the Estate of Stephen H. Boykin Camden, S. C., Aug. 13, 1937 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All parties indebted to tho estate of James Leonard Graham are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all parties, if any, having claims against the said estate will present them likewise, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. LUCIE W. GRAHAM, Administratrix of the Estate of James Leonard Graham Camden, 43. C., Aug. 13, 1937 NOTICE Notice is herebygiven, that the undersigned will on the 7th. day of September, 1937, apply to The Wateree Building & Loan Association of Camden, South Carolina, for a new certificate of stock to take the place of the foHowlng lost certificate: Certificate No. 140, of date June 20, 1935, for six (6) full paid shares, each in the Bum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars, issued to Rosalie C. Block. ROSALIE C. BLOCK CITATION State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. By N. C. Arnett, Probate Judge: Whereas Lewis Lee Clyburn made suit to me to grant to William R. Clyburn and I^ewis Lee Clyburn Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of W. R. Clyburn. I^ese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said W. R. Clyburn deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, S. C., on Tuesday, August 31 next, after publication hereof, at. 11 o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand thhi sixteenth day of August Anno Domini 1937. N. C. ARNETT, ~ Probate Judge for Kershaw County. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that ^n accordance with the terms and divisions Qf the Decree of the Cowt of Cpmmon Pleas for Kershaw, county, dated August 3, 1937, in the case of Home Owners' Loan Corporation, plaintiff, versus, John Anderson and Bertha Anderson, defendants, I will sell to the highest hidder, for cash, before the Court House door .at Camdpn, S. C., during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in September, next, being the &th day thereof, the following described property: "All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with the improvements thereon, or to be erected thereon, situate, lying and being just northwest of the City of Camden, in the County of Kershaw, in the State of South Carolina; said lot being rectangular in shape, measuring on Its northern and southern sides seventy (70) feet, more or less, and on its eastern and western sides one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, more or less; and being shown and delineated as Lot No. 3 on plat of property of R. E. Stevenson and H. B. Whitaker, made by A. B. Boykin, Surveyor, June 11, 1934, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kerah&w county in Plat Book "10" at page 7; bounded on the north by lot No. 30, property of R. E. {Stevenson and H. B. Whitaker; on the east by Lot No. Z, properey of R. E. Stevenson and H. B. Whitaker; on the sooth by continuation of Chesnut street; and on the west by lot No. 4, property of Blandlng; said premises being that conveyed to John Ander son by R. B. Stevenson and Harriett Burnett Whitaker by deed dated first day of August, 1934, recorded 7th day of August, 1934, in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw county in Book of Deeds "CBT? at page 762." Terms of Sale: For cask, the Master to require of the successful bid der tft said sale, other than the plaintiff herein, a deposit of five * case of non-compliance; the bid ding will not remain open after the or