The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 20, 1935, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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. ... 1 " ' ? JIW'HJ J I I Jill I I I II I I ll IJ I.I II .11 III III . I I1 " 1 ? fa?????^ LOOKING BACKWARD; Ttlum From Urn Film of Tfio CkroakU Fiftmn u4 Tklrtjr Ymra A#0 ???w????mmmmtmmmmm??< i ?i i . i . i wurrwm rwum amo OtMmbtr 17, 1920 Twenty automobiles loaded with prominent New Bnglanders stop for It stay In Camden on an automobile alfht seeing trip. Sheriff Qrover Welch, deputy Henry MoLeod. policeman HolUs Hilton and K. Barnes made Important liquor raid in Betty Neck section, capturing one of the largest and most complete moonshine outfits in the history of the county. Williams Insurance Company moves from second story of Baruoh-Nettles building to a location on the ground floor on West if sin street. Yeggs attack Bank pf Bethune, get no cash, but two explosions damage door to vault to extent of about $100. Solicitor Spigmefs report shows that he tried 36 cases la Kershaw county for the year and secured 83 convictions v Bo many burglaries in Camden that city council puts on extra policeman In the person of U, N. Myers. Joseph C. McCaskill, of Camden, wins recognition at I>avidson College as manager of its football team. C. P. McDanlel comes to Camden from Albany, Alabama, us secretary of the Camden Chamber of Commerce. Bulletin issued shows automobiles tOf'be licensed by weight,. making a Ford touring car cost $6.00 and a Cadillac seven passenger touring cost $16.00. Charlie Flowers, 42, well known colored citizen dies at his home on Campbell street. He was a shoemaker by trade. . ,, , "Portland Ned," notorious yeggman, charged with various safe robberies in many sections, captured at Raleigh, N. 0. Civic League holds meeting at home of Mrs. Jokh B. Lindsay. Invitations issued to marriage of Miss Henrietta' Shannon DeLoaohe to A. Kennedy Blakeney. George Crooker, of Boston, visiting his brother J. B. Crocker, in Camden. Mr. and Mrs. Julian JaCobson, of Atlanta, visiting relatives In Camden. THIRTY YRAM AGO v Dtcsmber~22^ 1108 < The Camden German Club to give < annual ball at Opera houee. , Dt 0/ Mitcbfell, eye specialist, of ^ Columbia, spending a few day# In c*!*den at the Workman House on < professional bhfluess. 1 i Camden Country Club planning , Chris tjuas tree at Club houae. ( Seaboard Air Line announce? FlorIda Limited, crack passenger train to pass Camdeu beginning January 8. Sid Smith In Camden, after coach* I log at CltadeL and ban been drafted < by New York American baseball club. hi, O. McCreiglrt reported critically . Ill at hltt home In Camden. J. W. Hyatt, citizen of tbe county. 1 stricken with-paralysis. i Mih J. f Bateraan and children , go to (Charleston to spend the Christ* mas holidays. Chief of police serves notice that ordinance-against shooting fireworks on Main street will be enforced. H. 0. Carrison, secretary of the Wateree Iron Bridge CJompany advertises for a bridge -keeper to take up fares across the toll bridge. M. L. Smith in Qeorgetown as ora* tor for the day at Centennial celebration. Cotton quoted at eleven and one-half cents per pound. George Hasty, at Gaffney, shoots and kills Milan Bassett, musical director of the "Nothing But Money" musical comedy. Abbott Davidson, the star performer, was also mortally wounded. '( Greensboro, N. C., practically Isolated from the world by damaging aleet storm. All wires down from Lynchburg, Va. Monument erected by public subscriptions unveiled to the memory of N. G. Gonzales at Columbia. Russian revolutionary leaders declare Russian treasury bankrupt. The Florida supreme court has ruled that slot machines are not within the constitution's prohibition of lotteries in Florida. JOHNSTON ANO ARISTOCRATS If Governor Johnston were better acquainted with aristocrats?the real thing, not the spurious Imitation thereof?this paragraph would have been omitted from his opening address to the special session of the South Carolina legislature, which '"jsavored more of a stump speech than a state paper: "Of course, my election as governor did not meet with the approval of the blue-bloods and aristocrats of this state to whom I was obnoxious simply because I had come from poor but honorable parentage and had by earnest and conscientious effort been elevated from a cotton mill hand to governor of this great state of South Carolina." ^ Those who are sure of their own ^position in soctety never boast of it and are the last to hold it against another man that he has not been so fortunately placed. As a matter of fact, had not the aristocrats rallied to the support of Johnston in the seci t i i i i i ond primary last year, he would have been defeated. Several of the dalles of the state are controlled or edited by men who have more or less claim to ranking as aristocrats and they drummed up support for Johnson between the primaries and, therefore, have been disposed most kindly to his administration. If he has lost their support, he has only himself to thank for it, as they naturally wanted him to sucoeed so that they could Justify their support of him in the second primary. It might profit the governor to take a little time off and delve into psychology. It might teach him how to wrestle with his very evident "inferiority complex," which will handicap him until he conquers it. As a starter in that study, he might consider what is the heart of the code of true aristocrats, to wit: "One man la as good as another until and except he thinks himself better."?Greenville Observer. T?)andy fygg?ttof, But? "Otve yourself a new linotype tor [v'brlstniM" admonish* sa ad In ? newspaper of the printing trade Few < publishers cau be so generous toward 1 hemselves, however much they may reel their efforts deserve reward. U- ' notypee cost from around 14.604 pp. lepending on the model, and if purihaned on the deferred payment plan, u they usually are. prove even more )t pensive.'/ fftlfl, they coihe about as sear being worth what they cost as : AOf Qttewr miehlne. No other has Ftor eliminated eo much drudgery? the painfully alow, tedious pad endleee task of "sticking" type by hand. Men who.have been In tha printing business twenty years or more know what a dull and waariaoms job that was. Back in those days It would hare taken * oompoMtor twenty minutes to set this item; now only about U?ree minutes are required. Newber ry Herald and News. Wanto-For Sale LOST? On Monday morning one black suede pocket book. Lost between Kirk wood Hotel In Camden and Columbia. Contained considerable aum of money, keys, eyeglasses, ring and bank book. Finder will receive a reward if returned to The Chronicle-office at Camden, 8. C. ltpd WANTffD?Work In hotel or as housekeeper and companion with family of culture and refinement. Miss D. Rogers, General Delivery, Columbia, 8. C. 39-40 p<l. LOST?On Thanksgiving day, near Liberty Hill, one black and white fox hound. Answers to name of "Buster." Was wearing collar bear lag name of M. C. Wilson, Darlington, 8. C., thereon. Reward If returned to N. 8. Richards, Liberty Hill, <43. C., or M. C. Wilson, Darlington, 8. C. 37-34 pd. TAKEN UP?At my place on December 9, one Sorrel mare mule. Owner can have same by paying for feed and for this ad. Edgar Marsh, Route 2, Camden, 8. C. 39 pd. FOR RENT?By Shannon Realty Co. ?Cottage, furnished. Five rooms and bath. East Chesnut Street. Cottage?Furnished. Five rooms, 4 miles out Liberty Hill Road. Both available now. See Shannon Realty Co., Phone 7, Camden, S. C. 37tf FOR 8ALE?Two hundred year old mahogany grand father clock. Address Mrs. Pratt Henderson, 901 Edgefield Avenue, Greenwood, S. C. 39-45pd FOR 8ALE?Excellent farm land. I>arge and small tracts, with good buildings. Well located. Bargains. Easy terms. See Carl A. Hortou, Kershaw, S. C. " 38-44pd WANTED?More cottages to rent. We have many calls for furnished and unfurnished five and six room houses. List yours with ua.?Shannon Realty Co., Camden, S. C. 37tf FREE ROAD SERVICE?Creed's Filling Station Fifty-Mile Free Road Service. Call Telephone 486, Camden, S. C. GOOD RAWLEIGH ROUTE?Now open near you. Industrious man can earn better than average Income. Complete line of household necessities established 46 years. Permanent. No investment or experience needed. Write us today. Rawleigh, Dept. SCL-20-Q, Richmond, Va. FOR 8ALE?Pink Thrift, Sweet Williams, 8napdragons, 35c dozen; Blue Phlox, Candytuft, Columbine, Delphinium, Canterbury Bells, 50c dozen; Pansy, English Daisy, Forget-Me-Nots, 90c per 100. At Club Market or , address Mrs Robert Rembert, Rembert, S. C. 36-42pd WANTED?You to know that I have moved my shop from thb Sparrow place on the Camden-Bishopville Highway to a point ne^r Antioch church, where I will continue to do gun and rifle repairing and sell home-made knives of most any description.?C. W. Shiver, on Camden-Bishopville Highway, ten miles east of Camden. ^ ltsb FARMS FOR SALE?Small and large. Some very fertile lands. Prices in line with the times. Let us show you.?Shannon Realty Co., Camden, S. C. v 37tf MULE LOST?Strayed from my place on Tuesday, December 10, one dark red mare mule, weighs about 700 pounds. Has one ear split. Reward if returned to C. L. Connell, Route 2, Camden, S. C. 38pd APARTMENT For Rent?Four rooms and bath. Furnished. 1305 Lyttleton Street. Private front porch and rear entrance. Second floor. Call at apartment or see Shannon Realty Co., Camden, S. C. 37tf CALL CREED'S FILLING STATION? For Free Road Service. Only equipped free alf service truck In the city. Telephone 436. WINTER HOMES-For rent and for sale. Furnished and heated. Five to fifteen rooms. Best sections of town. 8ee Shannon Realty Company, Phone 7, West DeKalb Street at Broad., Camden, 8. C. 37tf FOR SALE?A fine seven room house in best section of city. Well built, convenient, attractive Large lot with fine trees and shrubbery. Garage, barn, stable. A real home. We have many others, all' sizes. See Shannon Realty Co., Phone 7, Camden, S. C. 37tf CARPENTER AND BUILDER?Before you decide who should do your work, telephone John S. Myers, for ; any class of carpentry work?out- : side or inside. A11 work guaranteed. Specialize in cabinet! and ] screening. Any*'kind of furniture ] repaired. I solicit your patronage. ] Telephone 268. John S. Myers, 812 ] Church street, Camden, 8. C. 16 tf. FREE ROAD SERVICE?Creed's Fill- ] ing Station Fifty-Mile Free Road ] Service. Call Telephone 486, Cam- 1 den, S. C. ~ j WISE AND THRIFTY PEOPLE are J Investing In shares in Firet Federal 1 Savings & Loan Association. Are yon one of them Y Safe and insured. ' o' "r * - TAX RETURNS f Notice to hereby given that the Aur flltor's Office will be open (or receiving Tax Returns from January let, 19*6, to March 1st. 19S0. All persons owning real estate or personal prop* erty must make returns of the same within said period, as required by law, or be subject to a penalty of 10 (MF? iH&nt The auditor win Be at the places and an the dates mentioned below to tfor the pnrpose of taking tat a MWJiiiuary 11th. ?e-JanuAT 16th irfid l<th. w- January tord and 14th. " Liberty Hill?January Slat. WeetvlUe?January 28th. Blasey-^Jaauary list. 11 persons between the ages of 11 and 60 years, inclusive, are required to pajtSip poll tax, and all perbons between the ages of 11 and 60 years. Inclusive, are required to paara Road tax, unless excused by law. All Truft&Of* Guardians. Executive*. Administrators or Agents holding property In charge must return name. Parties sending tax returns by malr must make oath to same before soma officer and fill out the same in proper manner or they will be rejected B. E. SPARROW, Auditor Kershaw County. 39 sb. citation"" State of South Carolina County of Kershaw By N. C. Arnett, Probate Judge Whereas, Sal lie D. Carlos made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of Joe Carlos. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said B. Joe Carlos deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate; to be held at Camden off Monday, December 23, next, after publication! hereof, at 11 o'clock In the foiwnodtfcl to show cause, If any they haye, why the said Administration should not be granted. ? . w j Qlven under my hand this 12th day of December, A. D. 1936. N. C. ARNETT, Judge of Probate for Kershaw County no trespassing All persons are hereby warned not to trespass on the lands of Carrie Stokes Horton, one mile south of Caasatt, in School District Number 26. All are forbidden from hauling straw, setting fires or in anywise destroying this property. Forbidding cows and hogs running at large on this property. MRS. CARRIE STOKES HORTON, Route 2, Cassatt. S. C. 36pd. notice to debtors and creditors ~ All parties Indebted to the estate of J. E. Glllis are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned and all parties, if any, having claims against the said estate will present them likewise, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. MRS. MAMIE SMITH, Administratrix. Mayesville, S. C. 38-40 sb. NOTICE TO VETERAN8 Judge Isaac F. Holland, chairman of the Board of Honor of Confederate Veterans of Kershaw county, has requested me to notify you that meetings have been called for the board to meet at the office of Judge of Probate, Camden, S. C.r at 11 o'clock a. m., on the following dates: Tuesday, December 10, 1935; Tuesday, December 17, 1935; Tuesday, January 7, 1936. Please let me know If It will suit you to attend, as at least one of the meetings in 1935 it Is hoped to pass on the eligibility of one or two widows for pensions. N. C. ARNETT, Clerk of Board. tax notice Tax books for the collection of State, County and Sohool Taxes for the year 1936 will open September 16, 1935, and will remain open until December 81, 1936, inclusive without penalty. Please state school district in which you live or own property when Inquiring about taxes. 4 The following is a list of total levies for each School District for School, County and State Taxes r DoKalb Township. Mills District No. 1 42 % District No. 2 35% District No. 4 .. 38% Distrlot No. 6 40% District No. 26 84% District No. 48 24% Buffalo Township District No. 3 86% District No. 6 .. ..88% District No. T .81% Distrlot No. 15 88% District No. 20 88% District No. 22 |0U District No. 23 ..28% District No. 27 88% District No. 28 82% District No. 81 ., * 86% District No. 40 48% District No. 42 22% Flat Rock Township District No. 8 83% District No. 9 38% District No. 10 ..26% District No. 13 25% District No.-19 83% District No. 30 22% District No. 33 88% District No. 37 38% District No. 41 38% District No. 46 26% District No. 47 .. 22% . Watoree Township District No. 11 26% District No. 12 88 District No. 16 25% District No. 29 28% District No. 28 ||% District No. 89 27% Tours respectfully. C, J. OUTLAW. Treasurer Kershaw County, 8. O. - ' , . Midway Honor Roll. Grade 1?David West, Stuart Teal. Grade 2.?Donald Holland, Sarah June Rosier, Betty Jane McCaskill, Margaret Luclle Elliott, Claud West* t Jr., Bertha Hayes. > i Grade 4,?Wllbum Langley, Ulllan i Rodgers, Lillie Rodgers, Sarah Cath* ; erine Watkins, Ralph Young. Grade 5?Vera Bran ham. Ralph Car toe, Coleen Hall. Asa Dee Ingram, Leo McNeeley, Cleatls Threatt. Grade 0 .?Margaret Robinson, Sadie Mae ttdweli, T^roy West, Annie Mae 1 West. ' ' 1 Grade 1?Pauline Catoe, Lunnel Eh llott, Carl Holland, Claudel Welch, Roy Wes|. Grade 8?J. R. Teal. Grade 9?Thelma Brannon, Elisabeth McCoy, Willie J. Parker. Grade 10?Margarette Anderson, Gene Cooper, Emily McCoy, Laurie West. Grade 11?Ruth Walters, Ethelyne ; Corbettp""Minnie Pearl Anderson. A flock of ducks were caught in a sleet storm at Winnipeg, Canada. Their wings and bodies were encrusted with ice. They fell to the roofs ^f buildings and on the streets in droves. W. M. Baker Diet at BllhopvlUe. Uee. 16. l uiuiS vices for W. M. Baker, 71, of fl who tiled Friday night was u,uJ at Well# church near Elliott'J afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. ]H death resulted ttom a stroke ofl ysla. I Burvlvlng are six sons, A. u. I Olanta; W. M. Baker, Jr., HumH J. Baker, Blahopvllie; Gabriel fl W. Baker. St. Charles, and lluH ker, EHlott. Five daughter# afl vlve: Mrs. P. T. Boyce, Bunnell Tommte Herrlngton, Tlmmol Mr#. H. House. Atkins; Mr^H Baker, Camden, arid Mrs. It. dell, Elliott; one brother, MM ker, of Sumter, also survives. ^B It is claimed that 8f600~^B complote sell out, have been ^B for the Rose Bowl football gad played between Stanford uml Methodist University at Cal., New Year's day. B G. L. Bridges, a traveling fl of Shelby, N. C? 1# under $l,fl , at Lenoir, N. C., charged slaughter in connection with fl | of a 6-year-old child which wl ! by his automobile. J How Calotabs Help Natur To Throw Off a Bad C<| Millions have found In Oalotabs a most valuable aid in the treatment of colds. They take one or two tablets the first night and repeat the third or fifth night if needed. How do Oalotabs help Native throw off a cold? First, Oalotabs Is one of the most thorough and dependable of all intestinal eliminants. thus cleansing the Intestinal tract of the germ-laden mucus and toxines, 111 fa kidneys', whfcff^rFCe^^d f9%*j Ofclotabs are quite econofl only twenty-five cents tor s?r fav.r?,or th? J^JLovelyGi?ts| gt H ?Don't fail to see our Beautiful Holiday Display. ) Lovely gifts for every one. I I DePASS' DRUG STORE I Phone 10 We Deliver I -@t "time... Rlili MMDS lilMl TO HOIOi Go home for the holidays if you can. The clasp of a welcoming hand, the sound of a friendly voice, aoo gifts of happiness that nobody should forego. Time or distance, however, may prevent jour visitI** a few close friends and relatives whom you would so much like to see. Then all you have to do, as manyfolks have learned, is to let "long distance" bring you and your friends together for a voice-to-voice visit. < It doesn't matter whether you call on Chriatmei day or not, you will both get a real thrill from your telephone visit any time during the holiday season. The pleasure you will experience from your visits by telephone is not expensive. For example, by using Station-to-Stntion service after 7 P. M., you can talk ISO miles for about SO cents, and other distances for similarly low cost? Your 'long distance" operator will be pleased to inform you about rates to any point, and help make /your holidays pleasant by giving qtyick connections to the friends you want to greet. ? i " *> SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. ?:-* iicoAaoj|AriD ' ( HOME-MADE CANDIES All kind* to fill that Chrittma* Stocking FRESH FRUITS | pj? > " IP. : : CIGARETTES Vv * 'r nuts wines cigars Fwh ahipment of WwumUy't Candy _____ ^REWORKS CAMDEN CANDY KITCHEN ? - j I notice! u; j .pi ' \ J?r *\ K' I Ai'penalty will be addedB * K I 1935 taxes on January J. C. BOYKIN, B I i m^m ii lAx' ,_?... y i-y * f i2 -C .' o c /; Wir^xJ I FARMS FOR SAB | -oh- ,/".'4*- ;r 1 have several nice farms for sale in Ker^^L V? *?' &!. rj I county on long terms and low rate of intl B I Will be at Hotel Camdeh every Fffl W I A? I I H. G. BATES, SR. I ^ "N **** ~;.*f I - ; - *" - 1 fl I B ?I 1 [?^< ^ft I; Annie S. Davidson ft ~ General Insurance > See Us For Accident Tickets j|t I ftk 522 E. DeKalb Street Pho| I We 8ot tho Standard For Insurance Sorvlco E