The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 20, 1935, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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SANTA CLAUr LKTTKR8 ' Kershaw, H. C.f Vac. 3Dear Hantu: I am a lltle girl six years old with Iouk curly hair. I go to school at IJaron DeKulb. I want you to bring ine a doll, story book, fruits, nuts and candy- Don't forgot the other little children. i.ov<- to Santa, Margafet Catoe. Kershaw, 8. C., Dec, 3. Hollo Sunta: Wonder what you are doing this merry ChrlHtmua. 1 -waj^t you to bring ine a doll, a tou net and' some fruit and cuudy. 1 hope you a merry Christmas, 1 Your little friend, Alinu Catoe. Kerehuw, B. C., Dec. 3. Dear Santa Claim: J am writing to Jet you-know what I would like for Christinas, uh I am looking forward to your coining. 1 waut u toy Wagon and car, uIho plenty of fruit. I'll bo looking for them Christmas morning. Your little friend, Drank-Taylor; WcBtYlllo, S. C.. Doc. 4.1 Dear Santa CIuuh: I am a little boy hIx years old. I go to school and am a good little hoy. I want you to bring mo a cowboy suit, some fruit, candy and nuts. Thank you, . Marlon Napper. Kershaw, Doc. u.. Dear Santa CIuuh: 1 am a Utile boy live years old. I am looking for* wyrd very much to your visit. 1 want you to bring mo a little truck, car tractor, train, pencil and lotH of fruits and candy. I have u little sister two yours old and she wants a baby doll, little wagon, piano, fruits, candy and nuts. IMease don't fofget all the other little boys and girls. Lots of love, j Cornelia ldaleno Young, lOd ward Thomas Young. Hethune, S. C. Dec. 10, 1035. Dear Santa Claus: As 1 am a little boy eight years old, 1 want you to please bring me an air rifle, a movie joctor, some fruits of ull kind, candy, nuts, and some fireworks of all kinds. Love to you .Santa. Your little friend, John Otis Null Huckubee. Westvillo, S. C., DeC. 10, l?3f>. Dear Santa Claus: As other little girls are writing, thought I would too. I'm a girl eight years old and In the third grade. I like my teacher, Miss Gates. Please remember me Christmas with a doll that has a bottle and black board, rocking chair, some fruit and nuts. Romember other boy's and girls. Love from Mary Evelyn Truesdale. I Caiman, H. (J., Dec. 11, lMi Dear Hanta Claim: \ am a little tdrl throe yearn old. 1 have been try' Iiik to be good no you would bring me something. 1 wuut you to bring me a doll, a doll carriage, a little piano, a big rod ball, a little trunk, fruits, nutH, candy und lire crackers. Your little friend, Helen Faye Hinson. Camden, 8. C., Dec. 11,' 1930. Dear Hanta Cluue: I am a little . girl eight yearn old. 1 am going to put my name on tny stocking ho it 1 get anything you will not make a mistake an?l give it to one of my sislorn. 1 want you to' bring me a tricycle, a little dresser, a blackboard, some chulk, a doll, gome fruit, nutH and cuudy. . 4$ Your friend, Hetty. HlnHon. Camden, 8. C? Dec. 11, 1935. Dour Hanta Claus; 1 am a girl eleven year old. I would like vefy j much to nee your wife, Mr?. Hanta | ( la iih. I wiah 1 could lmve. gone to j Columbia, ho I could have seen her and got a picture of her. 1 want you to bring me a bicycle, a bathrobe, a pair of bedroom shoes, a wrist watch, a blackboard, chalk, fruit, nutH, candy and llrocrackerH. Your loving frlond, Margaret Hinson. Camden, H, C., Dec, 11, 1935, Dear Hanta Claim: I am a little boy hcvcii years old. .1 am going to get up early Christmas morning, bo i can hoc what 1 got. 1 hope 1 get what I name here. I want you lo bring me a tricycle, a wagon, a cowboy suit, a Arc truck, a peddle car, fruit, nutH, candy and lire crackers. Your little lrlend, Kenneth Hitmen. Camden, S. C? Dec. 11, 1935. Dear Hanta Claim: 1 am a girl nine years old. I know you must have been tired when you wont off the street tluit Friday you were here. I wanted to tell you what 1 wanted then hut I didn't have a chance. 1 want you to bring me a blackboard, chalk, eraser, a little piano, an accordion, a Shirley Temple doll, a sidewalk bicycle, fruit, nutB, candy and lire crackers. Your beloved friend, Dorothy Rhodes. Camden, S. C., Dec. 11, 1935. Dear Santa Clans: I am a little boy nine years old. 1 don't suppose it will be any use to want much because you will be loaded down with other things for other children and you will not be able to carry much on your Hleigh. I want you to bring me a bicycle, a wagon, a cowboy suit, a toy pistol and holster, some fruit, nuts, candy and fireworks. Dill Hinson. Camden. Dec. U, 1936 Dear Santa Glaus Don't forget that we have moved eluce laat Chrtatmaa. 1 want you to bring me a cowboy Hult, doll, atove and teaaet, Also Home fruit. Good-bye. Your fflehd, Hetty June Mafaebeau , v Camden, Dec. 11,' Dear Old Santa: Please bring me a tcaaet, doll, and a bathrobe. Also a pair of glovoe and some fruit. Bring Billy Joan a doll, piano and a big ball. Sincerely your friend, Bobby Gene Maaaebbau ? ? Camden, S. C? Dec. 16, 1935. Dear Santa Claua: I aiu a little boy 7 yeara old. I want you to bring mo a football, a bugle, a drum, a cowboy ami," a gweater, glovea, and lota of fruit, candy and nuta, Alao aome fire worke, and don't forget my little coualna and all the otlior little children. Will be looking for you Christmas. Your little friend, Clarence Marlou Chavis. Camden, H. G.. Deo 18. Dear Santa Glaus: 1 am a little boy 6 years old. 1 go to aohool. Will you pleutie bring me a racer, a mouth organ, a little dump truck, some firecrackers, fruits and.? candy. We, live In a oew house by the road. 1 will be a good little boy If you will bring me ?ome nuta too. Your friend, Dickie Trapp "pec. 14, 1936. ' DeAr Santa: I want a baby doll, Home fruit, a wagon, a ball and candy. My name la . . Bollnda Ogburn. ' " Bethune, S. C., Dec. 17, 1935. Dear Santa Claua: I am a little girl four yeara old.. 1 don't have any alatera t or brothera to play with. I get nwful lonesome when mother is busy, ho please bring me a doilio with curia, a trunk with hangera, In It, a bicycle, a chair, a cooking act, Btove and ABC blocka, aome fruit nuta and candy. Don't forget mother and daddy, and other little children. Wishing you a Merry Chrlatmua und a Happy New Year. With lota of love, Iria 1 .aItu? Grantham. ?? .j. f ? Dear Santa:.- I wunt a wagon, a bull, aome candy and fruit and a pony. My name la ^ Corlndta Ogburn. Jefferson, S. C., Dec. -lti, 1935. Dear Old Santa: I am a little girl aeveu yeara old. Am in the second grade. I go to school at Mt. I'lagah. My teacher's name la MIhs Ellie Holly. I like her fine.. Will you please bring me a real watch, doll, tea set, fruits, candy and nuta. i'leaae don't forget my two little brothers, and baby sister. Their names are Charles Wendoll. Joe Thomas and Harriet. They want a wagon, a tricycle, n little doll and other toys. Hoping you will see all little children, I am Mary Frances llorton. Cnmden, J3. C.. Dee 18. f Dear Santa Clans: I ant. a little hoy. 0 years old and in the fourth grade at school. My teacher Is Mrs. Taylor and 1 Alike her very much. Please bring- me a bicycle, a football and lotB of candy, fruits, nuts and fireworks. Please remember all of the other little boys and girls too. Your Dlttle Friend, Joseph C. Jackson Lugoff, S. C., Dec. 13, 1935. Dear Old Santa: Just a few lines toilet you hear from me?to let you know that I moved In a different place, so you would know iny address and wouldn't forget me. 1 am a hard working little girl, but I don't go to school, but I ain going to start soon. 1 want you to please send me u ukulele, some fireworks, candy, apples, oranges, n^ts and grapes. ' 1 wasn't able to get to see you this year but 1 will see you next year if nothing happens. 1 have a brother who is fifteen and he would like to have something too, so I will close. Your little friend, Minnie Dority. Kershaw, S. C., Dec. 14. 1935. Dear Santa Claue: 1 am a little girl just twelve years old. I am In j grade seven. Santa, all I will ask fur ; is u pair of gloves, fruits, nuts und candies. Be good to all little children who are poor. You know they will rrot-have any Christmas wlthfhil >7>i?r! help. Ph ase don't forget lhy utile j brothers and sisters. Your losing fPien.i, Geneva Brad I y. Camden. S. C\, Dec. lb. 1935. '; Dear Santa: I am n little girl six ' years old. Please hying me a sweater, pair of gloves, tea set, large null. | blackboard, some fruits and mil Your little friend. Mary Howard HaneO' k. . Camden, S. C., Dec is ! Dear Santa: I am a little girl 12 years old and in the seventh grade at school, j Please bring me a toy typewriter, an I electric stove and a few cooking uteu- ] nils. Also bring me lots of candy, fruits. | nuts and fireworks. Please don't forget the other little children. With Ie>ve, Elizabeth Jackson Kershaw, Doc. 14. Dear Santa: 1 am u little girl nine years old. Please bring mc a wrist | watch, sowing set. a pair of mlttools, candy and all kinds of fruit. Your little friend, Robbie Coats Doykln, S. C., Dee. 18, 1045 Dear Santa: I am a !ltt4r boy, four years old. 1 want you to bring me a little green automobile, a little gun, a pall- of bed room slippers and all kinds of fruit and candy. He sure and remember all the other little girls and buys. Your friend, Bobby TruesdnU Bethune, l>ec. 11.? Doar Santa Claus: We nro two little boys, ages 8 and 5, and we want you to bring each one of us some marbles, a humming top. an air rifle, a mouth organ, also some candy, nuts, fruits and fireworks. 'Please Santa don't forget our little brother, Fred, who is two and a halt yeaAr old. He wants you to bring Mm a big wagon, baby doll and a pop gjinw Also fruits, nhtk and candy. Your little friends, -Paul and Ted Walking. ;v ? Glse Club Gave Pageant Last Friday evening in. the high school auditorium, the Camden High Hchool Glee Club presented an operetta, "The Enchanted lale." Altho attended by only a very few patron* ou account extremely bad weather, tboee who were present Joined in agreeing that it was one Qf the bestand most Interesting programs presented recently by high school talent. To Mrs. C. 11. Halmond should go the greater shaft of the credit for the success of, the performance. The Glee Club undbr her direction has' been making greater progress than for n good many years, Mrs, flgliiWftC was assisted by Mrs, G. Tv Little and her art class. A largo part of the j seenexy was jBfttiUjtiUuL this J??&! der Mrs. Little's direction and added greatly to the appearance of the! stage. The Home Economics Department also assisted In preparing costumes. The Glee Club is expected to put ou other performances during tlie year at which times it is hoped that a much larger number of patrons may he able to attend. Wlliam Pubst, 18, who slew Ills father in New York, with an a^e when the father came homo drunk and abusive, received a Ave to ten year suspended sentence Wednesday from a judge who said: "God is tl\q only one who knows if your act was justifled." Dr. Leonardo Keeler, co-invontor of the lie detector, wants the contraption tried on Bruno Richard Hauptmann, under death sentence for kidnapping the Lindbergh baby. He thinks tha tost would end 'speculation oyer the guilt or Innocence of Bruno. Schools Close For Holidays The Camden City schools will close today, Friday, December 20 and remain closed Until Thursday morning, January 2, when they will resume school work. Many of the faculty of the schools have gone to their homes for Christinas. Baker?Bennett ' Miss Willie Mae Baker and R. C. Bennett, both of Kershaw, were married November 3, 1935, The cergmo-1 ny was performed by J. C. Jenkins, Notary Public.?Kershaw Era. A Card Of Thanks We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all those who were so nice and kind to us in our recent bereavement for our loving wife and mother, and also during her continued illness. We also extend our thanks to the preachers for the loving services they rendered, also to the doctors \ior their untiring service and to all those who contributed the beautiful floral offerings. Again we thank you, one and all, and pray God's richest blessings may rest upon you. J. W. Moore and Family. Accident Near Stateburg Thursday night on the Stateburg road, near the home of Ned Leavell, Mrs. George W. Dick, Sr., met with a painful though not' serious accident, sustaining a broken collar bone, in an automobile accident. The car was turned over and com! pletely demolished after having 1 struck a dog. Mrs. Dick was accompanied by her husband, D. George W. Dick, and was returning from a visit to their son and daughter in Columbia., She was brought to her home on Broad street and is resting as comfortably as could be expected.?Sumter Herald. Oil wells ^re threatening to spout in the yard of the executive mansion in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Beware The Cough From a common cold That Hangs On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your couRh, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Creomulslon not only contains the soothing elements common to manv remedies; such as, Syrup of White Pine Compound with Tar, fluid extract of Licorice Hoot, fluid.extract of Ipecac for its powerful phlegm loosening effect, fluid extract of Cascara for its mild laxative effect and. most Important of all, Beechwooa Creosoto Is perfectly blended with all of these to reach the source of the trouble from the inside. Creomulsion can be taken frequently and continuously by adults and children with rsoirifcahM results. Thousands of ddetora use Creomulsion in their own families as well as In their practice knowing bow Creomulsion aids nature to soothe the Inflamed membranes and heal the lrrt; y\ 1 tr tated tissues as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Druggists also know the effectiveness of Beechwood Creosote and they rank Creomulslon top for coughs because you get a real doso of Creosote in Creomulslon, emulsified so that it is palatable, digestible and potent for going to th? very ?eat of the trouble. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of coughs, chest colds and bronchial Irritations and especially those stubborn ones that start with a common cold and hang on for dreadful days and nights thereafter. Even if other remedies have failed, your druggist la authorised to guarantee Oreomuleton and to refund every cent of your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottla. Dont worry through another seepleMI' ' night?phone or go get a bottle of Oreoniualon right now. (Adv.) rj^olidaij SQreetings * We value your business and sincerely appreciate your good will. We wish you and yours a Merry Christinas and a Prosperous New Yeajr. *n? DeKalb Pharmacy Mai'i^qjjvwaissaisawsti l'ij.LJ.i iimaij.M'B.'i.w-1-1 i " ". i . .jij.?i-jiLfSiii.1- .L.wiar ]iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii?iiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiniiffl WE'D like to send Christmas pS! Carolers to sing under the win- yQ dow of each of our customers?but that would be a little too much vocalizing for one city?so we'll say psj it here?MERRY CHRISTMAS. ?j agency for p? TOWLE, STIEFF, WALLACE and GORHAM ? |2 STERLING SILVER =j= ELGIN, WALTHAM, HAMILTON, OLLEN- ?= DORF and HELBROS WATCHES H5 ? WATERMAN, SHAEFFER and CONKLIN g g FOUTAIN PENS and PENCILS ? F. D. GOOD ALE ~ I a 539 east dekalb st. sss f?4 555 S Opposite Post Office &lllllIlllllglllllHIIHI[glllllllHIII[g|||||||IHII[g|||||||||||llg|IIIIIIIIIIIlglllS ffi Interwoven Socks I make i ?d ^ a 1 Christmas m gifts. I WOOLS and SILKS I 35c to $1.00 I W. Sheorn & Son ^ > 1 ' MERRY It has made our Christmas merrier to have your patronage ffl for so long ... and for this Yuletide we wish you all that i? II joyous and gay. To you and yours, from us and ours? I CHRI8TMA6 GREETINGS. j CITY LAUNDRY Camden Dry Cleanery TELEPHONE 17 OLDEST LARGEST BEST ?om tmflllTIf BREVHOIIIID IIHES cr. DLL TRSUEIERS - 4 w r itwvnmwi UMTQKIIVBUi mUMffii to? <Uotwfvi Utejjolit&tptl*. LCVV FASES NOW EN EFFECT TO ALL LOCAL AND DESTANT CITIES Don't miss the trip home at Christmas Time . . . the reunion with family and old friends . . . thejipliday gaiety and laughter. But Christmas gifts and other expenses do add up to a tidy figure. So make your Ui? by Atlantic Greyhound and ease the strain on your pocketbook . . . enjoy superb convenience and comfort. There's a friendly courtesy, a sincere desire to please, that makes Greyhound service harmonious with the happy Holiday Season. < 1 Union--- Bus Terminal EAST DeKALB STREET Phone 249