The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 31, 1935, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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TAX SALES I (/jidet u"d by virtue of sundry Tax execution* directed to me by H w l(,.tfue. County Treasurer, I huve levied the following BQTPtlty and will sell Etanic !)" drdt Monday In June, being th'- i"1 ,Uy <In front of Court jjouttc, during legal hour# of sale. Term* ah i*'"' parct'1 ?f containing 36 ^ res. bounded on the North by Henry }D<k?y, on East by J*no Muckey; on W'r*t by I' T- '1'wltty. Levied upon and ?> b? eold us property of M D. und <> V Hunnlcutt for 1928. 1929, 1930, 1)931, ulvd 1933 taxes. I Also: I All that lot with building In City of faindcn, bounded on the North by 8am Hurrah; <>n Eaat by Church street; on Eailh by Evans property; on West by Estate of Kareah. levied upon and to K* sold u? property of Katute of Halite jjrown for 1927, 1928, 1929. 1930, 1931, Eh? and 1933 taxes. Also: I All that parcel of land containing 60 Ei< In District No. 48, bounded on Eforth by Federal Hand Hank; on East Ey John Jenkins; on Bouth by William Bjlawkins, on Went by Andrew Ingram ml Federal I.iuid Hank. Levied upon E?| to be aold na property of Jamee Ejalley 'or 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 En,| r.?33 taxes. Alao: I All that parcel of land containing 116 Efres In District No. 43, bounded on Korth by Jock Halle; on Kuat by Mrs. Hi. K. "MurthlHon; on South by Allen H Boykin and Hwlft Creek; on West by Hock Halle and Kam Boykln. levied H|?>n and to bo sold as property of J. M. Burroughs for 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 Hud 1933 taxes. Alao; . I All that parcel of land containing 20 Herts in District No. 2, bounded on Hlorth by 11. 8. Zeigler; on East by Ht-igler lands; on West by Boiglers lands. vl. <1 upon tnid to be sold as property Kf Hester Bosh for 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, Ht*32 and 1933 taxes. Also: I All that parcel of land containing 42 Hoes in District No. 6, bounded on H'orth by Trtipp lands; on East by I>avls End Burns; on South by Brewer Spring Branch; on West by Estate Dock Trapp. Hyfvittl upon and to bo sold as property B'. V. S. Trapp for 1928, 1929, 1930, 1981, H'.c>2 arid 11)33 taxes. I All that parcel of land containing 100 Bore? :n District No. 9, bounded on North Hy W V. Hilton; on East by W. Z. Hliiion. on South by Wateree Power H'ompany. on West by Beaver Creek. B vi? d upon and to be aold as property Hf Estate of W. E. Johnson for 1928, 1931. 1932 and 1933 taxes. AH that parcel r.f laml containing 17 Hens in District No. 8, bounded on North Hy .Major James; on East by Will CauHlon: on South by Davis estate; on West By Emma Edwards. Levied upon and Ho be sold as property of Levi Duren Ht. al for 1929, 1929, 1930, 1931. 1932 and ^ 933 taxes. I All that parcel of land containing 4 Hcres fn District No. 29, bounded on Berth by Maude Campbell; on East by H 1 Guion; on South by L. I. Gulon; V West by L. I. Gulon. Levied upon Bud to be sold as property of Jess Blaapy for 1929, .1930, 1931, 1932, 1983 ^Bnd 1934 taxes. Also; All that lot In DuBose Park and desig uted as Lot No. 1, as shown by Plat B> Book 7. at pages 2 and 3. Levied Bpon and to be sold as property of Dan HI. Jones for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and H?33 taxes. Also: ^^A.l that lot and building In DuBose Hnik ntar Camden, designated as lots It and 15 In DuBose Park. Levied pon and to be sold as property of EsT a. Stewart for 1929 and 1930 I Also: All that Jot and building In City of ^ann.d, ti. bounded on the North by or H^rtncriy T. C. Gladden; on East by J. B. on South by Huggins property; n W, st bv Fair street. Levied upon " be sold as property of J. J. H ^"r 1029 and 1930 taxes. I Also: A,, ibut parcel of land containing 30 H';:, '!l I'lstrict No. 30, bounded on R ,v Estate Caston Stewart; on ^a'1 ' ''v -Ev-t-ats Gp.?"to? Stewart;? on. p L. C. Hough; on West 1 road. Levied upon and to H" Pcoperty of J. D. Duren for ' 1931. 1D32 and 1933 taxes. I Also: >' oatcel of land, containing 13 I. District No. 30, bounded on E i -'.-il place; on East formerly E ori South by Samuel J. on West by formerly L. J. E n Levied upon and to be sold "I" riy c>f J. p>. and Rebecca Dureh 1930, 193). 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: l|'t lot and building In Monroe "i I'ark or near It. North of Cam ' '"""idod on North by Mannle WllH*1'' (>n Enst by William Brevard: on E'"t,v fttllio Carlos; on West by Lot Levied upon and to be sold as E I" :.',V "f n??Plns Carter for 1929, 1930, R" 1 "32 and 1933 taxes. I . Also: B that tract of land, containing 20 R..? ^'strlct No. 9, bounded on East and South by M. M. Kirk "" West by John Drakeford. Levied E. M lo ho "old aR property of Alva E' (1 for 1929, 1930. 1931, 1932 and taxes. AU that tract of land, containing 170 RrTi 'n D,8tr,ct No- 9. bounded on by lands of McDowell: on East Hrr!y lj Ij Clyburn; -on South by or Hj'l', ry L)uBoac; on Weat by* or formH J ,^l,m ,ands- Levied upon And to Hr ni pp?l>?rty o' William Atkins E-S. 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. I Mi Also: H ' that ,ot ?nd blulding in City of H. on the North by WalB...K tet; on Ea*t by Lo* No- on Bmn. !*/ Lot No. 1*; on Wast by Hid ?> ^ Levied upon and to be H-; ,"0,brop*rt3r J. L*. Alexander tot ,930' 1M1. and IMS taxes Hah .v Atoo: Km , part>o| of land, containing 108 Hrth k" ??*trtct No, #, bOMlld on K wm,.-".1*. Jones; on West by Waters? Rower ^ oinpuny. Levied upon and to be sold as property of William p, u e for mtt 1^30. 1931, 1932 and 1933 luxe*. Also: All those bits in Monroe Hoykln I'ark. Just North of Camden, bounded on North by John Timbers; on Kant by Khe<t Patterson; on Mouth by Mlttle Carlos; on West b* Grace Brown. Also one lot. bouiuled on North by Ix>t No. 162; oa Bast by Perkins lands; on Mouth by First avenue; on West by Lot No. 60 Levied upon and to be sold us property of I^wls and Mchlosburg for 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that lot and building In City of Camden, bounded on the North by City Lot No. 1121; on KaHt by City Ia>t No. 1H0; on Mouth by City Ia>t No. 1120; on Wost by Campbell street. Levied upon und to be sold us property of James Chapman for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also; All that parcel of land containing 69 ftcres in District No. 10, bounded on North by W. 11 McCullough; on East by L. M. Hilton; on Mouth by L. M, Hilton; on West by WiUlam Gaither." LeVled upon and to be sold us property of Estate Mary McCullough for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 und 1933 taxes. Also: All that {Mircel of Jand containing 160 acres, In District No. 39, bounded on all sides by lands now or formerly of Martins. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Ed Jones and William Grant for 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 tuxes. Also: All that parcel of land containing 100 ax.Tes, in District No. 6, bounded on North by Pine Tree Creek; on Eu?? by Harriett lands; on South by J. J. Campbelle; on West by J. H. Burns eslate. Levied upon and to, be sold as property of B. M. Hull for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934 taxes. Also: All that parcel of land containing 114 acres, in District No. 10, bounded on North by Jock Duren; on East by T. J. j ftirkland; on South by Spring Banking & Mercantile Company; on West by W. Z. Hilton. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Estate R. D. Beckham for i928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that lot and ballding In the City of Cafnden, bounded oil the North by Mary Wallace; on East by Broad street; on South by Ilattie Mitchell; on West by Church street: Levied upon and to he sold as property of Ben and Wash Bennett for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 tuxes. Also: All that parcel of land containing 193 acres in District No. 39, bounded on North by J. W. Klllsor; on East by lands of Kershaw county; on South by Anna Schlosburg; on West by Rachel Leo. Levied upon and to be sold as property or W. L. Dally for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1032 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that parcel of land containing 62 acres, in District No. 19, bounded on North by Zlon Hill church; on East by James Stratford; on South by James Purman; on West by Scott Reed. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Schlosburg and Karesh for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1982 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that parcel of land near Camden containing 4 acres, bounded on North by DeLo&che street; on East by formerly Kimble Wilson; on South by formerly Kimble Wilson; on West by U. S. Highway No. 1. Levied upon and to be sold as property of J. H. Walker for 1929. 1930, 1981, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that lot and building In City ,of Camden, bounded on North by 19th street; on East by Jennie Williams; on South by Daisy Shropshire; on West by Albert Duren. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Tillman Mickle for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that lot in the City of Camden, bounded on the North by A. G. Vaughan; on East by Church street; on South by Burke property; on West by Henry Davis*. u.pcitv and to be. sold as property of Mary Vauahan for 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that parcel of land containing 12 acres, In District No. 8, bounded on North hy Lot No. 2; on East by Lockhart road; on South by Alex Boone; on West by Lot No. 4. Levied-upon and to be sold as property of Bertha Duren for 1929, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that lot In the City of Camden, bounded on the North by Nineteenth street; on East by Broad street; on South by Henry Savage; on West by Estate George T. Little. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Lllla M. Banks for 1939. 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. I Also: All that lot and building thereon in the City of Camden, bounded on the North by formerly Trapp; on East by Mill street; on South by formerly W. R. Outlaw; on West by premises of Zemp. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Mrs. Bessie R. Sheorn for 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes. Also: All that lot and blulding thereon In the City of Camden, bounded on North by SAllle Williams; on East by Mrs. Walters; on South by H. O. Carrlsc.n; on West by Mill street. Levied upon and to be sold as property of L. E. Hurst for 1929 taxes. Also: All that parcel of land, containing 46 acres, In District No. 4, bounded on Blast by S. A. L. Railway; on South by Wilson Momier; on West by Wire Road. Levied upon and to be sold as property of T. W. McNeely for 1933 taxes. Also: All that tract of land, oontalnlng IS acrss. in District No. t, adjoining lands of William Atkins. - Levied upon and to be gold aa property of Bststs Mary Atkins for lMf, 1330, 1031, lots and 1383 tevss J. H. MeLBOD, iwig IhsISO Oooaly. Nearly t?ix million hunters in this country paid closo to nine million dollura for utatc licenses in 1933. the last year for which records are now avail' j able. Monthly Report Of; Associated Charities' , i Report of the Associated Charities of Cumden-Kershaw county for the mouth of April, 1036: Balance from hint mouth ... $2,338.62 Receipt* thia month 822.60 $3,161 22 1 libhu rami: John Villeplgue Co $53.00Kennedy Insurance Agency ... 21 DO Hospital nurses 26.uo j Kent 6 00 | Wuter and Lights 0.90 j Ldwia & Chribtimib 3.20 Camden Chronicle 21.60 DcKulb Pharmacy 5.60 Wilson, W. G. (dry goods) .... 6.15 Hasty's Battery 5.60 Thomas & Howard 0.00 Guthrie, J. II 10.00 Zemp, J. 11. (hauling) 10.00 Southern Hell Telephone 4.01 Departs' Drug Store 11.07 Plants 2.00 Plowing 2.60 1206.30 Disbursed at Home: Groceries '. . ..,.$84.72 Milk 41.78 ! Servant hire Oil.60 1220.00 TOTAL DISBURSED 1426.30 j BALANCE $2,734,83 1 Has Killed 300 Lions in 30 Years Giles Goswlck, of Prescott, Ariz., figures that In "nigh on to 30 years" he has killed 300 snarling mountain lions. He also hus taken ma,ny a member of the treacherous tawny colored stock killers alive with a (left i toss of his lariat. The secret of his success is blueblooded bounds. The hardy hunter of the Arizona mountains traces tho ancestry of His eight hounds back 35 years. His father brought out from the east "a cross between a Pennsylvania Blue Pick and an Easter Walker fox hound." It's a rare hound. Goswlck says, that realizes speedily it has been mistaken by the smell of blood of some prey of the slinking puma and begins "yelpin' the other way." One recent! trail which Goswlck followed was littered with the carcasses of 17 deer and 6 calves. Goswick's latest prize kill was a 200 pound puma which had destroyed $2,000 worth of livestock. Blizzard in the Sahara Desert Meknes, Morocco, May 26.?A blizzard accompanying a rare cold wave swept the Sahara today, blocking the highways from Meknes to Sahara and freezing to death thousands of newlyshorn sheep In the Sahara oasis. The snow was two feet deep and drifted badly. Scant crops In the famous Sahara oasis, on which thousands of the adjacent desert population depended for life, were flattened by Icy gales. ' . . ' ' 11 1 ' Farm Housewives Are Buying Again Faun house wives are buying again. An Agricultural Adjustment Administration study of railroad shipment figures shows that from July I. 1933, to June JO, 1934, the llrst year in which the farm adjustment program and other recovery measures wore in effect, northeastern . manufacturing states sent to southeastern agricultural states more than 57 per cent more manufactured goods for home and personal use than they had the year before, Oarlot shipments of all kinds of industrial and mauufaetured goods from lti northeastern states to 10 southeastern states increased more than 38 per cent during the period in which shipments of domestic and personal goods increased more than 57 per cent. Farm income In the southeastern states increased 59.9 per ceut during tliis period. With more money at their disposal, southeastern houaewlvles apparently restocked on various household and kitchen needs. Shipments of tables were 10 times as great us tho pervious year, shipments of chairs increased 121 per Cent; sewing machines, 182 per cent; stoves and heaters, S3 per cent; refrigerators, 14.8 percent; electric lamps and fixtures, 85 per cent; radios and radio parts, 09 per cent; carpets and linoleum, 49 per cent; bedding. 137 per cent; dishes, 39 per cent; toilet preparations, 56 per cent. Children shared in the improved financial condition us shown by the increase of 62 per cent in the shipments of toys. The agricultural states to which the shipments were made were: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, (leorgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia. The figures were taken from the waybills of four largo railway systems. Students Have Good Appetites Columbia, May 22.?Do South Carolina high school students have appetites? Seventy hampers of beans, 40 bushels of potatoes, 156 loaves of bread, 200 pounds of rice, 300 gallons of tea and 300 pounds of tomatoes were consumed by high school students who were the University of South Carolina's guests for dinner and supper at the May Day Celebration recently. Nearly 2,000 meals were prepared for them by three cooks at the University Steward's Hall. Five college students, serving as waiters, served all these meals and attended classes as usual. Great Men From Rural Districts Columbia, May 27.?Ninety-two per cent of the presidents of the United States and 91 per cent of the governors of the states came either from the country or from rural communities, according to a thesis, "The Country Church" submitted by C. D. Drearley to the University of South Carolina In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of master of arts. Spring Is Profit Time For Flocks Clemsou College, May 26.?Demon?tration (lock records show that when the sale of eggs, broilers, and cull hens Is taken into consideration, the flock returns are Kreater In spring, states P. H. Gooding, extension pooltrymun, who says that many people believe that chickens do not muke money in the spring when egg prices are ut minimum. According to Mr, Gooding, records on 64 flocks during April show a profit of 16.5 centB per hen after deducting the feed cost, interest, and depreciation from the gross income. This is the greatest profit the hens havo made during the year. The highest producing flock of less than 50 birds was that of H. T. Stewart of Pendleton, the record shows, and the winner among flocks of 50 to 200 birds was that of J. II. Crows of Lutta. Mrs. Frank Carson's flock at Moncks Corner made the best record in the 201 to Ouu-bird class In the dasH of 500 or more birds, the highest record was made by the flock of J. C. Fpting of Little Mountain. "These four flock owners have White Leghorns," adds the poultryman, "and tlie average egg production for the month runged from 20 to 23.0 eggs per hen." Clear Streams Protected The closed season on fishing in Little Pee Dee and nearby clear water streums comes ut a time when game fish are spawning, and when these streams have about been cleaned out. "Catches" on Little Pee Dee in recent weeks havo been made up of fingerling bream, redbreast, and a few small trout, indicating that the "pot-hunters" havo almost succeeded in landing the last of the line game fish in these waters.? Marlon Star. Byrnes and 8mlth Desert President Washington, May 22.?Three Carolina senators lined up with a majority of senators, which failed of the necessary two-thirds, to override President Roosevelt's veto of the Patman bonus payment bill tbday, while the fourth Carolina senator Btuck by the president. Senators Byrnes and Smith of South Carolina joined with Senator Reynolds of North Carolina in voting to override. Senator Bailey of North | Carolina voted to sustain the veto. Dies From Eating - Poisonous Food Dillon, S. C., Muy 22.?Kvander Lu ue, t>o, prominent Dillon county farmer, wus (tend today, and nix other members of bin family were critically ill uh a roHUlt of eatiiiK vegetables poisoned by arsenate of lead tmnsferred from other vegetables. Stricken members of the family were taken thin afternoon to a Florence hospital, from which reports reaching hero early tonight indicated little hope was held out for the six. Mr. Iarno died last night, and a coroner's Jury today attributed his death to accidental poisoning. Testimony at the imiucst disclosed lame had put arsenute of lead on potato and bean plants recently to destroy iusocts. It is thought the wind blew the mixture, a deadly poison, to mustard. These wore eaten by the family. Belief also wus advanced that milk consumed possibly was poisoned from the same source of infection. Among the six strtckon is Mrs. Lane. The another and ilvo children of a Dillon county farmer, who died from lead arsenate poisoning of mustard greens by the powder blowing from vegetables, on which it bad been placed, are recovering in a Florence hospital. Tho funeral was held on Sunday afternoon of Mrs. J. K. Norment, a prominent Darlington woman whoso husband was for IB years editor of The News and Press there, who survives her with one son. CITATION State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. By N. C. Arnett, Probate Judge: Whereas John Laney made suit to me to gruiit him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effectB of Lucy Laney. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said Lucy Laney deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, 8. C., on Monday, June 10th next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, If any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Qiven under my hand this 28th day of May Anno Domini 1935. N. C. ARNETT, Judge of Probate for Kershaw County. S^HO^/VE/m^ER^f j Is now approaching. Don't forget our delicious I j lemonades, orangeades, ice cream sodas, sundies, all j j daintly served before or after tin? theatre and all dur- j j | ing the day. We use BUTTERCUP, which has more butter fat than any known ice cream. | OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30 DePASS' DRUG STORE I ; j Phone 10 THE REX ALL STORE We Deliver j _ _ You feel safer... You are safer AMERICA'S ONLY BODY ALL OF STEEL) _ I No other lowest price car gives you the greater safety of.. . ^ ? AMERICA'S ONLV BOOKS ALL OF STEa ... BIG HUDSON ROTARY-EQUAUZED ft P |P \ BRAKES ... TIE ELECTRIC HAND (OPTIONAL) . . . 88 100 H. P. WHEN I * |W W 1 TRAFFIC DEMAIDS QUCK ACTION... ROAD BALANCE ON HGHWAY CURVES I JlJ J I TERRAPIANE \^r/ Hudsex Motor Car Company CAMDEN. SOUTH CAROLINA