Special Offer i I ii r -> Cut out th.. ?d .nd bring it in to u,. ? Sj low you 15% off on .ny *ift until June 4th I I ?I | I ' DICK, GOODALE I -Watchmaker and Jeweler I I Watches ^ " R. I Kings a SOCIETY NEWS I Telephone 100 0 M Better Halves Club Jr.* Kalph Ml tie entertained mem!l yi ilte Better Halves club Friday ernoou at iter home on Fair street. tre were three tables of players I guests, besides club members re Mrs. Charles Shannon, 4th, and g T. Lee Little. Thetwo prizes s T Lee Little. The two prizes g Clifton McFarland. A sweet irae was served by the hostess afcards. Mrs. Hogue Entertains ire Wiley Hogue gave a pretty ty Saturday afternoon, inviting vers for live tables of bridge at home on Walnut street. Early uner llowers in mixed shades were (1 in the card rooms. Mrs. Wylie orn scored high, Mrs. D. I). I^ee low I Mrs. Glenn Mitchell held, the ee deuces. They each received an iropriate prize. Following the :leo games the hostess served^ an con rse. Mrs. Schenk Hostess lemhers of the Thursday afternoon itract club were guests of Mrs. mard Schenk this week, when she fitainc.i at her home on North >a7 for about eight miles and then turning to the loft uud proceeding by a good dirt road for about a mile and a half This is u high steep blulT overlooking the lake, An area is nicely cleared off at the termination of this route which affords a nice picnic ground. Perhaps the moat intfrestlng view to be found in this section is at a point about halfway from the highway to the "Kagles Nest," Just as the crest of the first hill is reached? ?where there is unfolded a panorama of the lake to the westward and a splendid view to the eastward over the hills and valley in that direction. Perhaps every one in Camden has visited this location. If so the old Gold Mine, and hills consisting of appeurently solid quartz on the west side of iho river would prove of interest. 1 Also "Hue.k Hill" just beyond affords a splendid view of the Wateree Power company lake from the west side of the rfvtrtv There are still a number of excavations and slumps. Some about fifty feet in depth at the old gold mine. This ' mine is reached by taking the road! up the west side of the river past j the power company for perhaps a half mile and turning left shortly ufter passing an unpulnted church , building on the left side of the roadway, turning left at first negro house j after passing the church. Although there was standing until a 1 few years ago the old stone locks : which were built to bring barges up past the shoals on the Wateree river, j Perhaps they are still there. If so these are a point of interest whleh give us a look backward to the crude transportation facilities of the early settlers of our section and so worth a visit. This canal was constructed of blocks of stone, was only about , ten feet wide, so could hardly have ; accommodated a craft of much size, i It lias been some years since 4.ho writer saw them, so do not know rt* they were removed or covered up by the Power company in their construction of the dam. Let's hear about different places of Interest chip in and write of some place you know that is worth a visit for the flowers or shrubbery or view or for some historic value. Cast Attracted Attention A case that attracted' much attention ut Kershaw on Tuesday was that of Hill Hinson who wa? arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct. As many as could ho accomodated hoard the case before Magistrate Threatt and the result wuh u mistrial as the Jury could not agree. Illnson was arrested by ltural Policeman Hough of Kershaw county and Illnson clalniB ho watt-J?r.r?sted without cause. Ho hud been threatening to bring a suit against tho officer. The matter will be heard ag{LI!i? next Wednesday. Allen Supp represents Mr. llinson while < Murdoch Johnson represents tho stute. ?Lancaster News. There's a mouthful, and, perhaps, considerably more in the following from Tho Charlotte Observer:" If all of those on the relief rolls of this state and of the country generally who, like the Wilmington unemployed who refused to earn $2 a day picking strawberries, prefer to "stay on relief rather than work," wore stricken from these rolls, the President could get along on far leas than the $4.kK0,000,000 he has been allowed." I J?-?-??I /dm Xrnpoatourvt P