THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE H. I). nTlBS. Kditor nnd Publisher ~ Publt*h'?d fvery Friday" at Numb?r 1WW Hrottd Mtrael and ?,Uer?d,f)l\* OaTiiidi-it, Houlli Carolina poatofTloa ? second clurn* mail matter. Price P?r annum $2 00, payable in advance. I " Friday, May 31, 1935 \ Z \ I | WITH OTHKB i'AI'KKH j Greed gummed tii> the cards of the new deal Greenville Observer. The beat Inaurance Hgalnut automobile accidunU la * Sunday arternoon nap ?Grand Rapid# Prowa. The a been t minded professor used to be a joke. Now he Ih a govern lueut aHuet.?Florida Times-Union. A married man says that bis home j Ih run by the rule of three-baby, wife, and' motherin law. Columbia State. | ' ' r? - - J " li.iM ibene HflieinoH to soak the rich Will eailne us to howl when We In gill ( to prosper again Columbia State A s< i< n11st Huys that bowlegs ui ; a sign or e??urage 'I'lli? Ih especially! true ir tin y are in knickers. Spring-j field t'ii Ion South Carolina's new Ihjuor law may not be perfect but at least it has Home teeth, as violators will discover. ?Anderson Daily Mall. You can preserve your faith in your fellow inuii by saying "No" when he asks you to endorse for him ?-Greenville Observer. v ... i It's about time for all right-minded inen to give serious consideration to the problem of locating a good fishing liolv-?Orangeburg Times Demo crat. The trouble is that the administration has tackled ,-the world's hardest job ? saving those who will do nothing to suvt; themselves.? Greenville Observer An old-timer Is the one who can remember when you didn't have to let the other fellow heat you at golf to close ti business deal.?-Brooklyn Daily Ragle. College diplomas are much smaller j than they used to he, an education J magazine informs us. An so, unfortunately. Is what you ran collect on : them Boston Herald. I'm Ir Sam is getting results from tie war on crime. Soon all of the living Public Cnemies can hold a meeting in ;i Telephone booth. -Greensboro (Gal I braid Journal. I.ots ot men have a hard time locating their wives, but George 1'almer Putnam ran find Amelia Karhart any time by just reading tho papers.-? Albany Knickerbocker Press. Hitler snys unemployment in Germany has been reduced from G,000,000 to -2.0uo.oou but does not say whether it was by beheading or banishment ? Helena (Mont.) Independent. An honor-system has been put Into effect in a boys' reformatory. Thjs will make the boys feel stranger than ever when they mix witli tin* outside world again. -Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. . The reason the centenarian crop Is so short has been discovered. A Chicago woman, 101 says, nobody lives that long except by minding his own business. '-Danville, ill.. Commercial-News. A man 1 OT. years old has been ' found in Cleveland w ho lias never. ben for an automobile ride, never spoke over a telephone or listened to a radio.' Gradually tin secrets of longevity a"re being" r?r\e?'iied Spring- * field I'nion I'v- n i1 M.- ? ould lo p our niiml on jt we wouldn't he a good proot read ! ? r hut we can't keep our tniml "ii it Anyway, its aw telly hard on folks : that want to lind iault with tin pap< r If there are no mistakes in it l.awr once Chieftain. Ml Vernon. Mo A snake serum recently discovered by a Brazilian scientist is said to have proved te he an effective antidote for bites .a t he deadliest reptiles, including the rattlesnake, tohra, inocasin and 'oppeilnad. Sonn- day science, may tied an antidote for bootlegwhisky Monroe Kmjuirer Well, if the farmer can hire no hoc builds to ?hop grass irotn cotton fields this spring season, there will be no overproduction unless his wife and. kids are willing to do the work. Komi- j er farm help nr.- now on F< d< ral re lief and will not work for less than .'hi r<-nts an hour, a price the cotton farmer cannot pay Monroe Knijuirer. ; t Stream-Lined Trains Are Proving Popular, The Burlington Zephyrs. Htuinless steel, Htroamllno trains, one of which pawned through Ctuudeii last March, are going to undertake an unprecedented dally mil of 862 miles each beginning June 2. the Burlington Hullroad announced In Chicago today. In doing wo they will replace the equivalent of four steam trains. This record breaking mileage, which la in excess of the performance of any other locomotive now in daily operation, haw been made necessary, the announcement said, because the trains have been unable to meet the passenger traffic they have created singe tlmy were placed In service between Chicago, Minneapolis und St. I'aul on April 28. Alter the first of the Zephyr Twins hud been taken on an exhibition tour over the Seaboard Air Line from Richmond Incite east and west coasts of Florida, W wus placed in service with lis running mate on the ChicagoTwin Cities route with each train making a one-way run of 4.11 miles daily. I'mler fie new schedule each I'Se itself. I lilt- year, two V-us. mill the legalized sale of aUoIndn beverages will again be prohibit, d Mr Liquor Dealer, it will be unwise to invest heavily in liquor shop equipment -The t'nioii Daily I OIL S. Oranges Once Grew In This State Columbia. .May 22. Oranges once ut.w abundantly in South Carolina The Lords Proprietors of the CaroImas were interested in introducing as many crops as possible, and orange growing flourished for a few years, according to C. L. Kpting, instructor of Wngltsh in the Cniversity of South Carolina. J list us the orange was becoming | an important crop, the cold winter of j I Tin destroyed all the trees, and they were never replanted. Two small children were drowned tn Rear creek. Stanley county. N. C.. when a pair of mules ran away with a wagon and threw the children with the wagon into the stream. I Gifts for Gradution i ! Dusting Powders, Perfumes, Compacts, Kodaks, Cutex Sets, Candies, Fountain Pens, Pocket Books and l Flashlights. j I DeKalb Pharmacy I | Phone 95 The Rexall Store We Deliver General News Notes Wilhelm Krtieger was executed at Berlin fur betraying military aecreU. A volcano on northern Iceland has been In violent eruption for eovoral days past. New oil wells have been discovered in Germany after intensive drilling to a depth of 10,000 feet. " The new 14,500,000 post office building of Philadelphia wan dedicated on Saturday. There have been a total of 10 caeca of Infantile puralyala reported to the health department of North Carolina during the laat week or two. The caaea are widely scattered. Mra. Emily Whitfield, a former wife of William H. Vanderbllt, waH fouud deed in her ranch house near Lau Vegaa, N. M., with a bullet wound in her heart. 8he la auppoaed to have committed suicide. , United Btatea air forces to the number of 235 gave a display at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on Haturday on the return of the fleet to that port, it wua the greatest diaplay of uirplanea ever made by a single nation. Mra. Nellie Taylor Welch, American wealthy widow, provided In her will that she be buried in her fur coat and that all who attended her funeral ahould be liberally paid. She died at Hove, Sussex, England. Andreas rGediceck, notorious terrorist of Jugoslavia, and blamed for the assassination of King Alexander at Marseilles, France, some months ago, was hanged at Belgrade on Sunday for the killing of a policeman. '1 he 75th annual general assembly of the Presbyterian church of the United States will convene at Montreal, N. C., Thursday, with Judge Samuel B. Sibley of Marietta, Ga? as moderator, presiding. Alfred Warren Eagans has been arrested at Norrlstown, Pa., charged with threatening to kidnap two children of Albert A. Garthwaite for a ransom of 112,000. Eageans was arrested as he picked up a fake money package. Jack Wlllard, a riding master at a riding school, near Ralpigh, N. C., has been formally charged with arson aud placed under bond, the charge being that he fired the Zander Hill Riding club buildings and destroyed with other property, seven horses. A New York pawn broking concern Is authority for the statement that it finances many people for their pleasures in Florida and elsewhere by loaning them money on their jewelry. In this way lots of "easy money" is put in circulation. Pope Pius told 400 delegates to the iuticruationa! hospital congress at Vatican .City that "incalculable damage will result for the whole world it' Nazi Germany's program of sterili zatinn and paganism extends to other nations. A Topeka. Kalis., woman told the relief ofticials of Shawnee county that she and her family just can t live on the supplies and money given th in, and threatened that if more is not torthcoming she and her husband would go out and try to find a job. Two men were convicted and sentenced to death at Doylestown, Pa., for the kidnaping and murder of William Weiss, a Philadelphia racketet r, and three other defendants, entered pleas of guilty as participants in the crime, one of them a woman. Mayor Key, Atlanta's very wet executive, is being urged by some of his friends to offer for the governorship of Georgia. He says he prefers to tight for his proposed municipal liquor stores to being chief executive of the state. With 21 member nations represented with fifth-Pun-American commercial conference opened at Buenos Aires. Argentine. Sunday. One object of the conference is to increase the flow of commerce and travel among the American nations. Petitions for the recall of U. S. Senator Haydcn are in circulation at the veterans' administration hospital at Whipple. Aiizonia. The veterans would recall the senator because he i voted against the payment of the bonus, and is also opposed to the Townsend old age pension. Boys and young men are responding by thousands from all over the empire to England's call for volun leers for its avaiation service, which, is to be increased to the level of the dying service claimed by Germany ? 2,.'.0" to be aviators and 22..">00 to be 'mechanics and ground service men. The estate of the late Alfred I. DuPont of Florida and Delaware, who died a few weeks ago, is appraised at $32,736,933.63. Most of the estate is left to found charitable institutions for the care of crippled children and old people. Rev. H. E. McBrayer, has been suspended from the pulpit of the Lakewood Heights M. E. church in Atlanta and faces a church trial because of his active participation in the recent repeal referendum in Georgia, in which be advocated repeal of the liquor laws. t'olonel Alexander E. Williams has been convicted by a secret army court martial and sentenced to dismissal from the service after 37 years, on charges of having solicited a loan and obtaining it while a brigadier general, from a representative of, an automobile tube concern. Seven men in a saloon at Mexico City, shot dice to see who should Kill the first man entering the place. A little later when an unidentified man entered the place he was stabbed to death by Felix Ramirez, who drove a knife into the stranger's back, killing him instantly. France could have Ix>uisiana back and welcome, for that $15,000,000 Napoleon got.?San Antonio Evening News. A LIQUOR *AD We wish to call attention to an advertiaeiueulr by a manufacturer of whiskey. In one of its advertisements Seagram's says: 'Drinking ami <1 riving do not mix." The advertisement proceeds: "Liquor has no place In the front seat of un automobile . . . Alcohol and gaaoliue do not mix ... It is very much to our self interest to see that the privilege of drinking Is not abused . . . Whiskey ia a luxury which should be treated as such, It should bo taken in moderation?and only in its proper place . . . Neither whiskey nor any other alcoholic liquor has any place at the wheel of an automobile." This shows that some of the manufacturers of liquor fully realize the danger of letting an iutoxlcated man drive a powerful automobile on crowded highways or streets. We hope the law enforcement agoucios of South Carolinn will have convictions just as decided on this matter. Any one who tries to drive un automobile in South Carolina while under the influence of liquor should be arrested and put in jail because such a person is endangering the lives of other people who have a right to bo safe when traveling to and fro. Law enforcement officers should likewise be on the alert to prevent liquor-hogs from making the streets and public places objectionable to lawabiding* and decent citizens. If the police will promptly arrest and take I off the streets or out of circulation the first few people who become objectionably drunk and disorderly they will , set a good precedent and will do a great deal to prevent the consumption of whiskey becoming a great nuisance to other people. Thereare many people who can drink in moderation and whose drinking does very little harm to other people. Those who cannot so control themselves should be made to .stay out of public places where their drunkenness srill he objectionable and distasteful to others exercising their rightful privilege of walking the streets or circulating in public places. ?Orangeburg Times-Democrat. Dies In Electric Chair Columbia, May 24.?Asserting he | "didn't mean to do it." Curtis Williams. Greenville negro, paid with his life today for the slaying of Ansel Drummond. a Greenville taxicab driver, last February 13. Wliea he was led to the electric chair at the state penitentiary here about ?; a. in., Williams admitted the murder but said he was drunk at llle time. I'm sorry that I done that," ho told prison offieials. "I didn't mean to kill him. 1 have done other things that were wrong but I ain't never killed nobody before. It was sin that caused me to do it. I'm forgiven and ready to go." He said he had served two sentences in North Carolina and one in Georgia for lesser crimes. The current was turned on at t>:04 a. m. and Dr. L. H. Jennings prison physician, pronounced Williams dead three minutes and forty-eight seconds later. Bonnie Hill, frequenter of the New Orleans night clubs, was convicted of manslaughter. Wednesday in her trial for the stabbing to death of her lover, in a club'last March 21. She is liable to a sentence' in prison of one to 20 years. SUMMONS AND NOTICE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In the Court of Common Pleas) The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank, Plaintiff, against G. Frank Cook and Cornelia E. llinson, as Administrators of the Instate o! it. II. ilinson. deceased, Cor- ' nrlia K. Hinson. individually. Robert () Hinson, Mrs. J. W. Connor, Mrs. M. c. Seruggs. Ruth Hinson, Mrs. ] ]. H 'Parte, and bank of Kershaw. Kershaw. S. ('., Defendants. To The Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the eomplaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you. and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint, upon the subscribers at their offices No. 3o.?-309 National I/>an and Exchange Building. Columbia. S. C.. within twenty days after the service hereof, i xclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. You will also take notice that the undersigned attorneys on behalf of the plaintiff herein will move before his Honor, G. Duncan Bellinger, at Chambers, Columbia, S. (V, on the 29th day of June. 1935. at eleven o'clock a. m.. or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be hoard, for an order appointing some suitable person receiver to take charge of the mortgaged premises described in the complaint herein, together with the rents, profits, crops and proceeds arising therefrom, during the pendency of this action, and to hold the same subject to the order of the Court herein. NOTICE To the Defendants Above Named: Take notice that the complaint In this action, together with the summons of which the foregoing is a copy, and the notice for the appointment of a receiver of which the foregoing Is a copy were duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Conrt for Ker shaw County, at Camden, in said County and State, on May 20. 1933. MELTON & BELSER, Attorneys for Plaintiff Columbia. S. C.. May 29, 1935. 1011128b. I Wants-For Sale WHEN YOU GET READY to Hide dress your crops, use Soda or Sulphate of Ammonia and potashes. Vou will find at the Southern Cotton Oil Company all kinds of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, Kainit, Manure Salts and Muriate Potash. Any fertilizer dealer In Camden can supply you from our stock. Phone 54. 10-I2sb FOR SHOE?Rebuilding, call at The Red Boot Shop, A. M. Jones, proprietor, next door to Express office, (119 Rutledge street, Camden, S. C. 47-June l-?b. WE HAVE SEVERAL CARLOADS of Champion, Old Style and Arcadian Nitrate of Soda on hand, and two additional cars are enroute to us. Let us fill your orders. The Southern Cotton Oil Company, Camden, S. C. 10-12sb FOR RENT?Five room house on West side Highland Avenue. House in good condition. Price $17.50 per month. Call William L. Goodale, Phone 193, Cafhden, S. C. 8-10 sb. HOUSE FOR RENT?Five-room bungulow, 1410 Lyttleton street. House in good condition. Apply to Arthur Smith, Camden Furniture Company, Phone 150, Camden, S. C. 9-11 pd. YOU WILL NEED some fertilizer for that late corn crop. You can find same at the warehouse of The Southern Cotton Oil Company. Any fertilizer dealer in Camden can supply you with our goods. Insist on the famous SCOCO fertlizers. 10-12sb FOR RENT?Seven room house, <(,;. ner Hroad and Chesnut streets.' All I modem conveniences. given June 15. Apply to 1). a. lu.s kin, Conservator Iiank of Catndet* Camden, S. C. I FOR 8ALE or RENT?Eight r,