rnTY oncf Pow^er ;"dQ?r __ I * Perfume Combination vOC DeKALB PHARMACY Phone 96?We Deliver * <: I II I ll 1 1 ' gw1--" ' " " : SOCIETY NEWS Telephone 100 ' L __ ~ ? ! CosmoH Club Met The Cosmos Club, which numbers! unions its members educators and literary men of note, had a very 'delightful meeting' with Mr. T. J. Kirkland as host (Saturday evening. Thirty members were present, most | af whom motored from Columbia. [ John K. deLoach and Henry Savage 1 were guests of the club. v Sailing Gaily On" was the title of the very comprehensive and timely paper given by Mr. Weston. This was a political survey of the economic conditions of the country. In tl o dining room a delicious , dinner was served, covers being laid " for thirty guests. Very lovely arrangements of yellow and blue garden flowers were used on the tables. Were Joint Hostesses ois FLOUR, 24 lb. bag 83c j Shortening, 1 lb. carton .'lie j jh?rtening, 8 lb. carton 60c jlC.AR, 10 lb. bag 50c j JL'MXORROOK .Print BUTTER, lb 25c PRODUCE New Potatoes, 10 lbs. 25c Fresh Green Beans, lb 5c Cucumbers, lb 5c Large Lemons, dozen 25c Canteloupes, 2 for 25c Fresh Cabbage, lb 4c Iceberg Lettuce, head 10c Fancy Tomatoes, 21bs 25c Bananas, 4 lbs 25c Fresh Okra, lb 15c Brother Of Camden Man Dies In Chester Chester, May 29.-?William olivet (iuy, former treasurer of Chester county for lfi years, flour and grist mill manufacturer, died Monday morning at his home here following a period of declining health extend^ ing over two years. Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon from the home by the Rev. J. Oscar Mann, pastor of Purity Presbyterian church, and Dr. Paul Pressly, pastor of the Chester Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, after which the burial was made in the graveyard of Zion Presbyterian church at Hawrys, of which ho was a former deacon. He would have been 80 years of age October 81, having been born in 1854. He was married to Miss Catherine Blair, of Blairsvillc, who died in 1929. From this union ten children survive as follows: Mrs. J. A. Jenkins, o.f Hickory, N. ('.; Mrs. Ida Guy Steele, of Howrys; Mrs. J. G. Johnston, of Charlotte, N. O.; J. H. Guy. of Howrys; Mrs. J. H. Lewis, of lewis; Mrs. W. Mel). Westbrook, of Chester; Miss Be ssie Guy, Mrs. J. C. Caldwell and Clarence Oliver Guy, all of Chester; and T. M. Guy, of Richmond, Va. Ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren also survive with one sister, Mrs. A. M. Titman, of Howrys; four brothers, S. W. Guy and R. C. Guy, both of Howrys, and J. H, Guy, of Camden and E. H. Guy, of Lewis. Mr. Guy was a Mason and a Woodman of the World. He took a wide interest in religious activities. Ho was a member of Purity Presbyterian church and a member of the McHure Bible class. San Souci Club Meets An extra table was added to the usual number when Mrs. Hubert Wifson entertained the San Souci bridge club Monday afternoon. Playing at the guest") table wore Mrs. W, M. Alexander, Mrs. Wylie Hogue, Mrs. Lawrence Betsill and Mrs. Henry Niles. High score prize for the guests went to Mrs. Henry Niles and for the club members to Mrs. Floyd Beaver. Mrs. S. W. Vanlgindingham held the floating prize and Mrs. Marvin Reasonover received the low prize. Spend-the-Night Party M iss 'Betty iStevenson was hostess at a delightful spend-the-night party at her father's shack in the country Friday night. Miss Elizabeth Clarke was the chaperon and among the group were: Betty Blakeney, Mjtrgretta Little, Dot iSowell, Mabel Foster, Margaret Salmond, Peggy Little, 'Gary Guthrie, Doris Babin and Jane Hoflfer. Contract Club Met ,V Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Yillopigue cnfertuined their Tuesday night contract club last week at their home on Lyttleton street. Mrs. J. G. Richards, Jr., and Jack Whitakor made the high scores. ? This week Mr, and Mrs. Jack Whitakor, Jr., entertained the members of the Tuesday night club. Mrs. Jack Whitakor and J. B. Zemp were topscore winners at this meeting. Better Halves Club Met Members of the Better Halves Club met with Mr?. Joe McKain Friday afternoon at her apartment on Fair street. Mrs. Hollis Cobb, of Charlotte, was a special guest of the club. Prize for top score was won by Mrs. DeLoache Sheorn. An ice course followed the card games. Spinsters' Club Met Members of the Spinsters' Club were entertained Monday evening by Miss Dotty Zemp. A sweet course was served after cards and prize for high score was won by Miss Mary Goodale. Playing with club members was Miss Emily Zemp. Visitor Entertained A dozen or more friends of Mrs. Randolph Kirkland, now of Newberry but who formerly lived in < amdvn. were given an opportunity to renew their acquaintance with her Thursday morning when h? r mother, Mrs. T. J. Kirkland. entertained a 1 a most, delightfully informal party. Two hour-! wa re -pert ;n knitting, .-owing and t chatting after which Mrs. Kirkland served a delicious lunch. Mrs. Williford Hostess Mrs. J. H. Williford was bridge hostess Wednesday afternoon when she entertained the members of the Neighborhood Club. Others invited were Mrs. Floyd Beaver, Mrs. L. P. Tobtn and Airs. J. H. Guthrie. First and second high score prizes were won by Mrs. A. C. McKain and Mrs. Henry Niles. After cards the hostess served a sweet course with coffee. Too Much Rain Reports throughout the county indicate entirely too much rain for the cotton crop. The Chronicle in its j fifteen years ago column notes that the commissioner of agriculture gave it as his opinion that the entire cot! ton crop of the state would very likely have to be replanted on ac' count of excessive rains. I Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Sterne are vis itiivg relatives in Glen Ridge, N. J, Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Braaington and children visited relatives in Camden last -week. Mrs. George Wittkowaky, of Columbia, was the guest last Sunday of Mr. ami Mrs. L. A. Wittkowaky. Mr. and Mrs. Mollis F. Cobb and children, of Paw Creek, N'. C., wore guests of Mrs. Lonut lyedford lust Sunday. Mr. and Mrs* M. L, Smith, Jr., leave today for Myrtle Beach, where they have rented a cottage for the moti&th of June. Mrs. M. l\^jyeCormiok, of Morganton, N. C., and Soochow, China, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer 1 )u Rose a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Knight and Miss Phoebe Knight and Van Zandt Knight left this past week for Avon, N. Y., to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. I). Kirschner have moved from the Blakoney residence on Chesnut street to the H. G. Carrison, Jr., residence which faces Kershaw Square. Misses Emily Zomp and Mary Elizabeth Woolen, students at Woman's College University of North Carolina at Greensboro, have returned to Camden for the summer holidays. Rev. J. B. Caston will preach the baecalaureate sermon at St. Gehi'ge on Sunday evening. On Monday he will make an address to the gradua- I ting class of the Baptist Hospital in Columbia. Misses Elizabeth Zemp ami Emily : Pitts, graduates of Converse college, I are at home. Other students of ( enverse home fo^ vacation are; Misses Grace Robinson, Katherine Kennedy and Peggy Pitts. .'Mrs. Dewey .lowers and daughter Carolyn .lowers, of Rome, Ga., and Mrs. Lamar Davis and daughter. Ann Marie Davis, of Memphis, are hwe nil a visit to E. P. Truexdale, t-ho rAther of Mrs. Jowers and Mrs. Davis. Friends here will he saddened to learn of the sudden passing of H. W. McMillen at his home in "Heath S-prings Thursday, May 31st. Mr. McMillen was telegraph operator .and ] clerk for the Southern railway here about a year ago. Funeral services will be he,Id from his late home today at 4:30 o'clock. Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cureton announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Carson, to Robt. A. Bruce, May 27, 1934. U. I). C. To Meet The John 1). Kennedy Chapter, U. D. C., will meet Monday, June 4th, with Mrs. R. M. Kennedy, Jr., at her home on Fair street. The meeting ( has been called for 4:30 o'clock and all members are especially urged to attend. < Fix Railroad Crossings The Northwestern Railway recent ly had a force of mop hero.overhauling the railroad crossings on. DeKalb street which have boon rather rough since the paving pf DeKalb street. This force spent about a week in < changing three crossings and this < improvement will be a big help to automobiles using Highway No. 1. 1 The work was done in conjunction with the City of Camden street committee. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the flowers and other i kindnesses shown us during the recent illness and death of our loved one. We shall remember these deeds as long as we cherish the memory of our dear, loving wife and mother. H. R. Hall and Family Economic Division Presents Playlette The home economics department of Camden high school gave their annual fashion show and playlette Friday night, May 2."), at X o'clock in thet school auditorium. The stage was j beautifully decorated with ferns, roses and Black-eyed Susans. The play. "Ciothcs Make 1 he W o-j man." wa- written and diree'ed by M'r.r.ie Sue Bru e and Regina Good-1 an. the .a-t being as follows: j i'at-y Parker." heroine, Maenell j T app; "Kay Roekewellc." friend, | \ .rginia Davis; "Janet Parker, Pat- j -y's sister. Pauline Baker; "Margy. j Janet's friend; lAtty Hollan The Center of Attraction ^ ni in I C 1T N 1 ACE | by Nelly Don r| Wear it with assurance ... it takes the honors in any group! A "ring" pattern of j j great charm ... a detachable grosgrain ; bow spread fan-wise . . . flattering Iir.es i ' ... easy tubbing . . ..are a few of the rea- ! j sons why it's walking cut of the store at j $5.95 fj THE FASHION SHOP J OUR LAUNDRY METHODS ARE MODERN AND SANITARY DO YOU SEND YOUR WASH TO A MODERN LAUNDRY OR PLACE LIKE 1 THIS'; PHONE 17 CITY LAUNDRY CAMDEN DRY CLEANERY OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST