The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, June 01, 1934, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Bank Robbers Meet Waterloo In Chicago Chicago, May 2<k -- Six robbers, who atomus) tin- ijuict lilt to suburban town of South Holland today, found thomselvc s facing a bank guar*!, who had waited twin*months to avenge hi-s ? I son's^ death. They took a bloody defeat, lb-fore they i ould lire a shot, one of their band wa- dead, another wa* mortally j wu.uti.lvil, a third was hit and stuggetfjl;** The three other* dragged hint into their ear and fled. " com- i pletely routed and in fright. Armed with all the ,paraphernalia ; of modern crime,.-''the six robbers! found themselves trapped. They were at the merey of a batik guard eager j to avenge the wanton murder of his only son, killed in the same bank , i four months ago, the police said, by the. same holdup gang. Tlie guard, Jacob 1*. Do Young, Ad, routed the robbers in fright and runfusion witli five, shots from a high po we rod, rille, Those who eould flee ran opt into the lire of three or more; vigiiant.s recruited ? nn five minutes' -jiG* no! ice t(, (tap the gunmen. v? Four i - ap? d, leaving one dead and vn?* d> mg. Three hour* later a speeding ear shoved before the Jefferson Park hospital and dumped outa .w womU-d man, who po!a e >aid was Isad- ti I' one of the South Holland gang. IIo-.ji.iat al'a> i,* - -aol j he Wa- ileal dealt! from o.- -. <tf b.ooil. ; Methodist Men's Itible Class "Time ami Kurt ;ly" w;i. be 'he tin n > of In. W.mher!-,- b> foie the Mel/- 11: b.e 1 la-- ! . At S;i'i,;ay tig. ot . W ... lUuc I at 10 u v ,.tcr? for > "in W i w . h to in g< m r ' m< I; ' a Vit ' !.t 111.. ./ ., if 1 e gI'll .i '-.j i I., t ea !. mar: !> a eo.'i. :n." to a fr.end a'olig and then we knew they w: 1 wat.' t come again. Jack M a.-e, secretary. ' * < On- man \Tt- killed and II i- .iu ? d by a a r. i on > e< ? mho.-> >n explo-j sion ii. a grain elevator at St. Louis, ' Mo. Property damage was $AU,(H>(>. j SPECIAL TAX NOTICE ' An A' t wa? p.i-sed at 'a*t session 1 of legislature allowing taxpayer in j t.his oiiin'y ten (IP) years to pay p their P.?"J and back taxes in n-tali- j merit- of one-tenth each year provided they pay current year' taxes I each veai' In fore hook* . ThP ajsjuo * to ri'.'ii e-tate ar l personal property only when listed with real estate.! property taxes, are in hands of Sherilf f<u' col'ection ns heretofore Y(?urs respect full v. S. W. HlKil'K, ' Treasurer Kershaw County Chills j 7oitli Heat ' | ...and serves your home with dependable, economical and modern' refrigeration. SI l'h K 1' hX is the perfected oil-burning refrigerator that works every day i and never fails or falters when real hot weather | comes along. Superfex, in fact, thrives on heat. SUPERFEX i* powered with Giant kerosene burners j that, operating a short time each day, generate enough I re frige ration to last for 24 I hours. I he operating cost is astonishinglv low ?less than anv other modern type of refrigeration. j Investigate the SI PI RI EX today. When a have seen a demonstration you [ I will think as thousands of others do who now own a SUPERFEX? that no home is complete without one. 1 Hill Plumbing Co. j Phone 689 29 Dugan St. j SUMTER, S. C. Superfex THE OIL - BURNING rf.friqkrato r Death Trap Sprung Notorious Couple A mi ilia. I?a., May - > ( lyde Barrow, notorious TVxa.s outlaw, and his (Mgar-sinoking gunwuman. Uoruiie Barker, were? ambushed and shot to (U-ath near here today in a sensational encounter with a post Id by a Louisiana sherdl; and an old-lime Texas ranger. The law-mocking desperado, wi'.iz-: zing along the Jamestown-Sailes . road, a little used,, highway, at S"? j miies an hour, ran right into a trap sot for him, after having been lured, into the state by a relative of an es-i eaped convict, who promised protoe- j tjon. ' Before ho or Bonnie Darker could j get thou: guns into action, the officers riddled them with bullets, Harrow's car, running wild, ca- , roened from the road and smashed into an embankment. As the wheels J spun, the posse continued to lire until! the car was almost shot to pieces, | The body of the gunman, who four j year- ago was a minor hoodlum scarcely known outside of Dallas, was found slumped behind t he ^steering j wheel, a revolver in one hand. Bonnie Barker died with iur head! between her knees, clutching the; machine gun. ii I' d flyde a.'j-J Lvjuiu'. n.t 1 P ! ,'i this morning." reported Ted j 111 n' 'ii, o-ne of lh'.* leva- oHieei's. I'M '.lie -io : ill 's ofti.'e m Dallas. ' T/.i y | were a' Hla-'k Lake, a hideout we had \ bit!, watehiiig for week.-." 1 Unmet. former captain of j the IY\a- Hanger-', who had been j waiting in tfa- bru-h for dnvs for, I H:trm-.v rn c_rnr by or. hto regular -an. add..!: "i .vile and It nine no*, get to; tiie a -hot; l fteii mr wa- full of J gut;-- and ammunition, hut they did) g t a chance to u-e them." Harrow had been lured into north-I I we-i I."iii>iana. through arrangement; with nf'rjrer:--. for what he thought j wa- a rendezvous with an underworld friend near Itinggold. A relative of an escaped convict) and former member of Harrow's i Southwest gang, working with the authorities had promised him protection at his home. As the "t'li or> lire I, IlaiiM'.v open-; ed a door of his small gray sedan and j attempted to raise his gun. So did Bonnie Barker, but both were shot before they could pull the trigger. In the wrecked ear were three army idles, two sawed-otT shotguns, 1 J pi-tol- and large quantities of ammunition, besides Bonnie Barker's machine gun. The officers towed Barrow's car with the bodie- into Arcadia. Barrow's' head was hanging out the window. and the woman's body was bent a- -he had been trying to duck the officer-' fire. Throng- of curious resident? es- j t imated at 12.001) ?came to view the ( i ear. I How To Combat The Fly The be-' way to abate the fly nuis- j tmce is to prevent the breeding of i flies rather than to attempt the <ie-! st u t ion ,.f the full grown in-ects. I Tiie female lly lays her egg- in j -table manure jireferabiy. but any j tilth will do if it l>e warm and mo;-t. . Filth !.- lie e--ary for the propaga-( ; In'; and breeding of the lly. In tiie, ab < i of tr.i e- will be t;o tli.-.j .ne am pt and t ubeivu'.osis, ty-| .d f? < r. aifeitieis howel tround -. - u i. a- diarrhea, dy-entery. sup: er- j a' - >: ft rung of w .-und- and li'e a - . ' - . -ill. Ilt, " d a' ! I. I II of eil ; I dli :.. r.'ie-e d:-ea-e- are a . t'ai.-tted . n the pacta ie.- of tiittl which ! < g- ' tie- i airy bo :y an : leg- ,.f * e fly. ;a:'. .e- eot'.-i-t rig ef human, animal i \< retro nt. pus, bb'd or d<-av ;ng food may contain, t he get m f the \ariou- <i i -c a -? - named. Since ti e- do no; traw l more than a f< w ti'.ndiad ya: i- eacl; per-en le-pm. '-dee, u tiadv . for : is ewr. - and tier: breed, r.g place-. St-abb manure -iamb: be i t mo\ ed at b-a-t on. e weekly. Ab garbage .art- and tra-h :?. v - -iron d i? - r. .-r ha * a ' C' t fit .tig ' o , U w i. a n - . 1 . be , ,. r-.. 1' > a r' -' v t e.| ue -' > i ' a' ? a r. : i : . \ : v rt - ee t a a'. a.. p o * .ab in < 1 , i.g i lie f.a Hy "P. t; e. r premise* be rcni. .: a' or.. . T>*. '-altri off . er will !* gad t coop. .'ate w,tit v.'W at ad time-.- Joht1. \\ . U r,. Health Olf . . :, !' : ma-t.-r Hi t.i ral larbv r.a- an'.'a r:it. d tr.e of !< n r.a'.onn: pars pe-tage -tamp.-. The tr.te!'. !' department lias designated thts a- national park year. Virginia'.-, first three liquor stores were opened in Had.mend or. Wednesday. having on their shelves 2?0 brands of imported and domestic whi-ky, wines, etc. The stores are under state control. Ogdon L. Mills, form or secretary, of the treasury in the Hoover cabinet, expre-vses the op.nion that a third party is entirely impracticable and points to the "Bull Moose" party as an example. Eight coal miners made their est cape from a mine at Linton, Ind., j after being trapped for two hour* by I Nobody 's Business Written for The Chronicle by (ice Mi'tiiV; Copyright, T. Lee Little left this past week; fur Myrtle Beach, where he will he located for the summer months. Judge and Mrs. M. L. Smith moved) Monday into their new and attractive home on the corner of Union a: d I Mill streets. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN FLAT ROCK . . ?o>me more mud-.-lingmg has took place in tlie flat ro? k nuinycipp:.! campane. had language i- being used by the ditfrent assp;rant? to olfiabout character ar.d a light might en-ue at army minnet. ..tein lead, the loafr. has come it " ward. no. aga;n-t yore <o :y -p.anient. nir. mike Clark, i f<i. for aloermar.. h .: :f ho ? ur> >e hi* r d . he wot.' get h.i- own \ oe. mil h !< -s | h;- w : fe- a n.- > f >rt n. i [ hi- r eppei'a".*"r, r- had for r.ot ; ay-1 f ii.g h:- detts w her. he can get <t< i; flick, an i he ito.lgi d the We' Id r | ormer count of ilat feet, and he \ '.o<i wet in the la-t print* iry. and h;- a o has to do ev? : thing. and he .i .| whim he can g> t h.olt to iicker. when this u a-- ,.r. the p. (he now mad ar.d a< < u ? d < y I -p.mue:.'.. ir.r < .aik. rfd. . 1 rebut!". f " n.g : !.? <! w : i : oo! ro, tr. ar.?. the k.dt ap. : - .1 ' ' ? ef p.ddhr-. and nil-" -aid tha r.ev\ or ! > ?r a - r.g.e . h. r\v : : . i "A a - a a r. or t'.a' - 'A*'" ' e r.i w a - ... 1 : : a : ar. e \a n.. r.;i . r. w a - hi . . < a?; ar.d I ? -1.*. - w a - a .n e w ;. 1 ; e t< t1 K < < r.' a * 1 . m -s .1 . 0'.:' r w a - t! \.\. : h y ; k: w t v : ? n gr : r.a\ ? < . > r. ? : f of 1.;- rna* ny f 1 a are a. ' <mly r.u me 1 , hat fums when h: - name is it rug in. : e d i rt. the other wards ' ts 11 he quiet, and r.o ftixJheiNhh.od- m ; expeokted in ward no. .{h*^5* torn, had a pfetty good <iost of h;> own tin ison with that brick, he still stands for the world coart ar.d the lyncnir. gs' of kidnapers and hit and run driv. rs. : he is trying to got his doctor bill out of yore corry aponder.t's cam pane mannager. ..if annything else turns up of a high and agger-vated nature, 1 will rite or foam you for publercation.. | there will be only .'5 more campane speeches made, and our poleesman says he will search ever man in the crowd for brick bats and rocks and brass knucks. yore corry spondent has been picked as the winner at the poles on bets ranging1 from 5 to 1 to 10 to 2. yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd., corry spondent. THEY SHALL NOT PASS . . With r.ew model automobiles that will skeet down the road at 00 miles per hour, and trucks as big as barns hogging the middle of the road at 70 miles per hour, the outlook for our undertakers is fine. . . A pedestrian has r.o more chance to navigate our highways, unless he walks on the shoulders or in the ditch, 'Iran a jaybird has becoming the mother of rhinoceros. There is only one hope for the trawler who still has to ride in the aut<> of last year's vintage. Big tru ks -Would be required to have a ticad of at least S feet, and the ^wheeN should ho 1 ."> feet high .so that the chassis might be suspended in such a manner that pleasure and business tars can run under the said tru k - while meeting or passing *. hi m. Wo "axpayers are all going to wake up fine morning, about IPSO, and fin-: that our paved roads have become crushed stone and sand, and that our d.- are a- numerous (and untaxed as ever, and that our gasoline w . b<- 1 *lng a levy of about 20 cents per* go .on. Thi- uou!d-he writer ?i?*o\e up behind a -trvam of apartment houses or wh-oi-. all marked ''Vans," a few r.igi : - ag . and he had no more pa - - that bun h of tra"-p.'t - tnan Tom HefTlm has to become garv.e warden of Alabama. They 'stayed In the middle of the road for 20 mile.-, and trailed one another at about .'><? yards apart. They finally stopped for beer. Nothing can or will be done about this matter. The railroads themselves are partially to blame for our highways being made railroads. They refused to reduce rates and furnish proper service, and try to compete for about 10 years,' ^nd finally, when they woke up. the trucks and buses had all of the business and all of the roads and two-thirds of the political pull. . . We presume these large freight and passenger carriers have as much I right on our highways and by-ways; as the rest of us have with our old boats and new turtle-backs. They . are paying all that is required of them to operate, and they are built < ^ no wider and no longer and no higher I than our legislatures specify, so, acI cording to my way of thinking, we can only grin, cuss and endure this ( pestilence, or stay at home, where we ought to stay more, anyhow. Williams?Trucsdale A marriage that came as a surprise to the many friends of the contracting parties was that of William Richard Truesdale of the Hanging Rock section, to Miss N'aomi Gertrude Williams, of the Center Grove section, Friday. May 18. IP.'M, at the home of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Magistrate \V. R. Taylor, of Kershaw.?Kershaw Era. j Seventeen persons, ten of them children, lost their lives when swept away by a wall of water caused by a cloudburst, which roared down the narrow streets of the ancient city of Tiberias, on the sea of Gallilee. The dead bodies of Miss Eloise Tate, 21, and of Richmond Comoli were found at a tourist camp near Richmond, Ya., Tuesday last. The police believe it to be a case of murder and suicide. Sheriff's deputies are making an intensive search for one Wes Bryson in the mountains of North Carolina in the vicinity of Sylva. Bryson is charged with shooting two men from ambush and threatening the lives of seven others. * James Adkins, Danville, Ya., man borrowed a gun with which to kill a snake. The gun was accidentally fired and the load took off one of his hanus. i|CL Al ^ oSTP?W^ ?wr *if i i f ~yffj5x HORSE-^ I ^O^RTOBURIIp .'sj. SO WHAT! I W ^0* ? ' ? v. . ... - - ? ? . . .. ... ----- 'V*V?>. While some moke claims in printed word, And others on the air ore heard, The Owl soys: "I prefer for you To prove by test what I con do!*' Essolenc's guar a ntcc of smoother performance is backed by the oil industry's acknowledged leader. We invite you to try it out in your own car. Make any test you choose. Be as critical as you please. Convince yourself of Essolene's ability by comparing it with other motor fuels. [Essvlube Motor Oil in the crankcase enables Es sole tie to do its best] 0/^ AT REGULAR H GASOLINE PRICE tssolene ' Smoother Performance BUY AT THIS SION | , This sign identifies the 30,000 Fsso I j Stations and Dealers (rum Maine ) to Louisiana who represent the j services and products of the j world's leadinft oil organization. MOTOR TRAVEL INFORMATION FREE OF COST i Youth for the asking at all Esso Stations and Dealers?"ESSO ! TOl'RS AND DETOt'RS." Profusely Illustrated. New every month. Contains official map of current road construction; j vacation Information; touring data; etc. Also free Individual ! I road maps. I & Copr. 1934, Esso, Inc. ' ST AN DARjD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY Emile Harley, Announcing Candidacy, I Pledges Rigid Economy And Fairness I Barnwell Citixan Endorsed By I Several Counties Of Hit I Section?Served With Diitinction In General Assembly. BARNWELL, Ma7 * ?Endorsed, by county Democratic convention' In six counties, J. E. Harley, wei. known Barnwell citizens, who served the state with distinction while a member of the Oeneral Assembly, has announced his candidacy for lieutenant governor. In announcing: for this office, Mr. Harley pledges the people of South CarohnA that he will exer else his official duties. If elected. In the Interest of strict economy lr. the affairs of South Carolina, ana fairness In the discharge of the duties of the offloe. Mr. Harley'i satemont follows: To the People of 8outh Carolina: I am again announcing my candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina, having been defeated for this office four years ago by a very cloee vote. I have the support of the people of my section of the state, having been endorsed by the Democratic conventions of Aiken, Barnwell, Bamberg, Allendale, Hampton and Jasper counties. X have always been faithful to the Democratic party since my first entrance Into politics nearly thirty yean ego. I served as a member e< the Oghc * J. X. HAKIXT ?U Assembly from Bvnvtll oounty for Mvirtl tanna betln^*1* with th? jMr IMS, and whlla ***** I fought consistently for ecoi*w< to ?UU and sounty forernm<mtYour support and firflnsn? ***' *ly ioBeftad. Toon wjr truly. jt?' />.. j