I /tun r uyn "" 1 ' I Fiii' CAMDEN CHRONICLE . I). NJLK8.. Editor ilnd'Publlihor Published every Friday ait. No. HOD Broii(I St-rod ?ynay as follows: Bible school at 10 a. m.; church worship at 11 a. nv.J the* B. Y. P. U.'s will meet at 6:15 i p. m. ! The past, year was literally satur-** I ated with blessings so graciously I lavished upon us by the bountiful ! hand of a loving Heavenly Father, land for these innumerable blessings 1 1 am sure that we are profoundly .grateful. The blessings of the past year fortify us for the work of God's kingdom this new year. We ure conj tcmplating greater accomplishments 1 in the kingdom of God by the local [ church this year. Our members J manifest a spirit of consecration and enthusiasm, and therefore the pastor is prompted to make this expression j of faith and confidence. Our chief objective this year is "Soul Winning." In Daniel 12:3 we And this scripture: . "They that bo wise shall shine as the ; brightness of the Armament: and they i that turn many to righteousness as Kthe stars: for ever and ever." We j want to be far more evangelistic this year than ever. Are we going to do business for "King of Kings and Lord of Lord's" this year in reference to the "God's Acre Plan?" The members say absolutely. This proposition was discussed at the monthly deacon's meeting Monday evening. The pastor suggested that wo do our best to raise two thousand dollars this year from tho "(rod's Acre Plan" source, but others said we much not stop there. "Let's make it twonty-Ave hundred dollars, they replied." It was decided that we begin enlisting the members on the God's Acre Plan now, and those who were present at the deacon's meeting subscribed sixj Iceland a half acres. A great start, j isnt it ? The public is most cordially invited j to worship with us. Luther Knight, Pastor. j \ movement has been started in Nt'.H Carokna for a 50 per cent reduction in the co.-t of automobile licr.-e plates. The scheme will probably huvc the backing of the North u-.'l.na Fair Tax association. 1 >ur;ng the last Ave months of !;?;{.{ mules were sold on the Atlanta, (la., market representing a |cash turnover of $4,834,128. It was j the greatest amount of business in a like period since 19'?8. Premier Mussolin of Italy and Sir John Simon of Knglnnd, are still at work on plans by which it is hoped an agreement may be reached among the nations for a satisfactory basis of arms reductions. "bids invitee^ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will receive bids for the following supplies to be uses! by the Kershaw County Board of Commissioners, for the repair of the Wateree River bridge: 50.000 feet of Ixvng I/eaf Pine; 50,000 feet Short Leaf Pine: 50.000 feet Rosemary Pir.e. Bids to he submitted at on e as J work is to begirt at an oartv daTeT COUNTY BOARD OFFICE, Court House, Camden, S. C. r A Yes/ They're Here/ CO-ED DRESSES : Our New Collection $7.95 and worth considerably v morel / *r Illustrated "A Star Success" * Fc:sy to slip in and out of I * f! is is "Evefybody's Dress" " Livo" In It ! I * Colors good enough to eafl * \ -lort colorful print! y !~T CNE OF A NEW COL!. "TION IN SIZES 14 TO 20. The Fashion Shop Opposite I'ofct Office Rt_ 1 Capital Observations (Special Correspondence) Washinkrt'"i. ?*??? addrei* of President RoosoveH to congress upon its convening last Wednesday niet with enthusiastically favorable reception both at homo and alJJj id. Its conciliatory tone was gratifying to foreign nations and the I^atinAmerican countries to the south of us were particularly pleased with the enunciation of the policy opposed to military intervention. In fcfho past grave apprehension has been caused by tho presence of United States troops in Nicaragua, Haiti and Cuba. Tho president resumed the practice of addressing congress in person upon its opening session. * The first matter gf major importance is the passage of a new law raising the Federal tux upon alcoholic beverages, As passed by the house df representatives, tho new rate upon whiskey will be two dollars a gallon, with a varying1 rate upon wines and champagne according to strength, with five dollars a barrel on beer of any grade, which is the same as at present on beer of a strength of not more than 8.2 per centof alcohol, t Efforts are exerted to have the new law become effective at tihe earliest moment possible, as since the repeal of the eighteenth amendment on December fifth the government has been losing a tremendous sum daily because under the law still in force until superseded there can be collected a tax of only $1.10 a gallon on whiskey. ? ? In order r to keep the financial wheel? of the government greased it will be recessary for congress to puss the regular appropriation bills, eleven in number, for the coming fiscal year. Other legislation likely to be enacted is as follows: A general tax measure, revising and tightening the income law; further appropriations for emergency relief; authorisation for the continuation of the reconstruction finance corporation and the civilian conservation corps; prolongation and amendment of the acts under which the NRA and the agriculture adjustment were foundej^ and probably authorization for the president to negotiate reciprocal trade agreements without submitting each to the senate for ratification. Matters .likely to be debated, some of (vhich may be favorably acted upon, include ratification of the St. Lawrence waterway treaty; revision of the banking laws; authorization for. the president to declare arms embargoes in co-operation with other nations; regulation of stock exchanges; and regulation of the communications systems. * * * * The president has firmly expressed his intention to advocate additional appropriations for a further necessary period in order to continue the relief and recovery program, with a view, however, to a diminuation of expenditures as circumstances may warrant, when conditions get better. The-figures now almost stagger human understanding. Whereas formerly we dealt with millions as the limit, now it is billions, and in the emergency the credit of the national government remains unimpaired, showing the fait/h of the people of the nation, and a realization of the necessity for drastic and unprecedented measures to meet an unprecedented situation. Millf^jp have been put to work, and to relegate these mililons back to unemployment would probably precipitate a situation which the nation could not quietly endure. The people are upholding the president and apparently are not wavering in their faith and confidence. * * The South Carolina Society, a congenial organization of natives of the state in this city, will hold its opening reception and dance of the season on the night of the fifteenth instant. Congressman II. P. Fulmer is now president of the club and General It. L. Carmichacl is first vice-president. ? t ? * t The South Carolina legislature will doubtless be confronted with several difficult problems, not the least of which is the question of a sales tax, unpopular and burdensome, but difficult to get around in view of the cry for more revenue, with sources for taxation so limited. It is understood that ? majority of the members are opposed to state prohibition, but are in a quandary whether or not they are obliged to accept as a mandate the vote of the state against the repeal of the eighteenth amendment for continued state prohibition, while realizing that a liquor tax would bring in much badly needed revenue. There probaUy will be and ought to be efforts to abolish or curtail some of the numerous costly hoards and commissions which have Ix-en brought into existence in recent \ea r? * * * * On an occasion in the past the [writer of this column expressed tho 4 opinion that it would bo well in advancing the iodine idea to furnish some tangible specific data or infor* matron concerning the basis of claims for the benefits derived from iodine products, so that outsiders, or insiders either, might understand or realize that the contentions were not mere buncum, so to speak. In connection with the subject the following item, appegr|>fg a few days ago in a Washington newspaper, is deemed worth while to reproduce here: "Lewis Wood, of the Now York Times staff in Washington, a joyal South Carolinian, thinks his native heath ought to abolish the legend of "The Iodine State," which now adorns its automobile license ^igs. Mr. Wood says "Palmetto State,'1 .South Carolina's historic nickname, would be a much more esthetic slogan, despite the commendable desire to mftke propaganda for iodine." " __ _ ' 11 j i i i i THE M*AN AND THE ERA Capt. Hamel, editor, owner and published of the Kershaw Era, has a right to boast. Under his management and bosship the paper has reeled off 42 years, and still chalk- j ing up the weeks. We lay emphasis on this record for several reasons: pi 1. Kershaw is not a wealthy and populous county. The town of Kershaw is small and not a county seat. 2. With rare exception, weeklies uiyler. similar conditions, have either been swallowed up, or gone on the rocks. 3. It's subscription is two dollars a year, which is higher than most weeklies in South Carolina. 4. There is little or nothing about it flashy, radical or sensational. In short, jt is one of our most conservative weeklies. As we have said on prior occasions, The Era is Capt. Hamel. That means you can rely on everything in it as the unadulterated truth, genuine merit unadorned with gew-gaws and furbelow, and substantial wisdom without acidity or sting. Being fashioned out of far more progressive and aggressive clay, it would be natural and justifiable, from our angle, to marvel candidly over- the loilg life and success, under the handicaps mentioned, did we not believe, in fact know, that Capt. Hamel per se, is the explanation. Long may both live and thrive.? The Calhoun Times. Business failures in the United States for the last week in December, say Dun & Bradstreet, totaled 229, compared with 250 and 260 for the two preceding weeks and 485 for the same week of last year. CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for Mayor of the City of Camden in the coming Democratic primary election, subject to the rules governing the same. Should 1 be honored with this nomination and election, I pledge myself to conduct the affairs of the City of Camden in a progressive manner; at the same time seeing that strict economy is observed. J. H. OSBORNE. Gnmden, S. C., January 10th, .1934. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of A Merman for the City of Camden from Ward Five, and will appreciate the support of the voters. ' HENRY SAVAGE, JR. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce my name as a candidate for Alderman from Ward Three for the City of Camden in the primary to be held iit March and will appreciate the support of the voters." F. N. McOORKLE. " NOTICE To Delinquent Taxpayers on Personal Property, Road and Poll Taxes. I will collect tax executions that I have in Sheriff's office if the parties that I have executions against will come in and pay them any time during the next six months, and there will be no Sheriff's and Treasurer's cost added. J. II. McLEOD, Sheriff of Kershaw County. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC This is to notify the public that Andrew Melton, my son, who is a minor, left my home Friday, January 5, without my consent, and all parties are heroby warned not to harbor him but to arrest him and notify the undersigned immediately. Said Andrew Melton is fifteen years of age, with brown hair and gray eyes, weighs 130 pounds, five feet seven inches. Was wearing cap, Oxhide overalls and lumber jacket. A. L. MELTON, Oassatt, S. C., Route 1. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on the 12th day of February, 1934, at 11 o'clock a. m., I will make to the Probate Gou*t of Kershaw County my final return as Administratrix of the estate of Boykin W. Rhame, deceased, and on the same date I will apply to the said Court for a final discharge as said Administratrix. ANNIE L. RHAME, Administratrix of the Estate of Boykin W. Rhame, Camden, S. C., January 10, 1934. NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Directors and Stockholders of the Fidelity Building and Loan Association, of Camdeni S. C., held at the office of W. F. Nettles and (Son on Friday, January ID, at five o'clock in the afternoon. W. F. NETTLES, Secretary and Treasurer "notice to debtors Xniv CREDITORS All persons indebted to the Estate of W. L. Jackson, deceased, are hereby required to make payment to the undersigned Executor of the said Estate, and all persons to whom the said Estate is indebted are hereby required within the time prescribed by law to file their claims, duly attested, with the undersigned Executor. JOHN K. deLOAOH, Executor of Estate of W. L, Jackson, Deceased. January 4, 19S4. ?' t Wants?For Sale TAKEN UP?On Seaboard Square, two barrows, one White ana one spotted. Owner can recover said property by applying at City Lot, W. D; Whitaker, Chief of Police, Camden, S. C. _ 42sb CARS FOR RENT?By week or more. Call Creed's Filling Station, Telephone 406, Camden, S. C.. 42-44sb LOST? One male pointer, white with liver colored spots. Reward if returned to J. D. Watson, Blaney, S. C. 42sb LOST?On Sunday, January 7, one white setter with liver colored head. Also has a few liver colored spots on body. Weighs between 40 and 50 pounds. Answers to name of "Doc." $5.00 reward for the return of this dog to Johnnine N. Davis, Bishopville, S. C. 42pd FOUND?A pair of black kid gloves, boys size, found on postoffice steps. Owner can get same by calling at this office and describing property. FOR SALE?At the Club Market, Saturday, prices 10 to 60 cents. Cedrus Oeodara, Lauristinus, Nandina, Sweet Olive, Banana Shrub, Buddelea, Weigeliu, Magnolia, Hawthorne, Gardenia, Crab Apple, Red Flowering Peach, Judas, etc. Borden 'Nursery, Mrs," C. M. Emanual, Rembert, S. C. 42pd WANTED?Peas; we are in the mar- ' ket for all varieties and any quantities from 10 bushels to a enr load Send small sample, stating quantity and price asked. We are prepared to take truck lots at your farm or warehouse. H. 'B. & Olin Salley, Salley, S. C. 42-46pd ' FOUND?One mottled fountain pen. Owner can have same by describing < and (proving ownership and paying for this ad and finder wants small reward. Call at Chronicle office. FOUND ? One child's pooketbook. Owner can have same by applying at this office, describing same and proving ownership. SIGN PAINTING ? Estimates furnished on all kinds of sign*work. Camden Sign Shop, 1107 Lyttleton Street, rear of Standard Oil Filling Station, Camden, S. C. 41-43pd FOR SALE?'Choice Barred Rock fryers at 20 cents per pound. Telephone Allan Norris, No. 490, Cam- . den, !S. C. 40-42sb WANTED?Cash paid for old jewelry, whole or broken gold teetji, ^ gold,, watches, gold chaiqs, eye glasses, also plated and sterling silver, at Frierson'-Drug Store, 261 King Street, Charleston, S. C. Drop us a card for full information. 23 tf RADIO REPAIRING?Expert radio repairing, any make. Other electrioal repairing done, all work guaranteed. Creed's Filling Station, telephone 486, Camden, S. C. 60tf CARI'EN'l JKUiixu?jonu a. Myer. phone 268, 812 Church Strse:, 0 Camden, S. C., will give sati* factory service to all for all kind* of carpenter work. Building, general repairs, screening, cabinet making and repairing furnitur* My workmanship is my reference * 1 solicit your patronage. Thank ing you in advance. pJUENcJn?OUR I Poland, Cool Spring*, ApollinarU, White Rock, Per- j rier and Kalak Water, C. C. Ginger Ale, Canada Dry Shivar's. Vermouth and Grenadine. H. I DePASS' DRUG STORE I wi POQtWMT SELECTED Shipped EGGS, doz,..,, 25c 1 PALMETTO FANCY ASPARAGUS, Picnic Cans 8c ~ PALMETTO *? ASPARAGUS TIPS No. 2 . 13c | PALMETTO Fancy ASPARAGUS, No, 2 17c ~ PREMIUM * - - FLAKE CRACKERS, lb. pkg. .... 15c FANCY EVAPORATED , ' PEACHES,lb ^10c STANDARD' String BEANS, No. 2 Can, 2 for 15c JERGEN'S Toilet SOAP, 3 for 10c OCTAGON . ^ Scouring CLEANSER, 2 for 9c BEST AMERICAN c CHEESE, lb. 12c SHORTENING, 4 lb. Carton 28c SHORTENING, 8 lb. Carton 53c PURE LARD, 4 lb. Carton ... 29c PURE LARD, 8 lb. Carton 55c ? ROGERS BEST FLOUR, 121b. Bag .... 53c. j ROGERS BEST FLOUR, 24 lb. Bag $1.03< PRODUCE . Li English Peas, lb 15c Green Beans, lb 10c Fancy Tomatoes, lb. .. 15c Lettuce, 2 large heads 25c Carrots, bunch 10c i?? A tfajL k ? Spinach, 2 lbs. for .... 25c Broccoli, lb 15c Bananas, 2 lbs for .... 15c < i Cauliflower, tr., 2 lbs. 25c Irish Potatoes, 7 lbs. 25c ~ i y >i \ i