The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 22, 1933, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Dear Santa Glaus: I want a doll, I want a mickey mouse watch. ^ want some writing paper and a atoeking for the poor. I want a surprise. And Dear Santa Glaus please do not forget the poor little children. From, Rosemary Camden, Dec. 14, 1933 Dear Santa Glaus: I'm not going to ask you for much this year, hut I do want you to bring me a nice cowboy suit with white fur down the front, some fruit, candy and nut* and lots of firework*.' Don't forget to bring my two younger brothers a football and some fruit, candy, nuts and fireworks. And don't forget my brother, I>. C., and my sister, Mrs, Watson ut 'Batesburg. And don't forget the cook and her bftbjr. tLove, Shelby Clifton Hough Camdthi, S. G? Dec. 9, 1933 Dear Santa: 1 am a little girl six years old, in the llrst grade, I want you to bring me a bicycle, a mickey mouse watch, a negro doll, baby, a big ball, old maids cards, a bow of red ribbon, a jacket with a zip, and golashes. If you havn't everything 1 have asked for, bring me what you can. Love, Olive Mae Stokes 415 DoKalb Street. Westvile, S. C., Dec. 15, 1933 Dear Santa Glaus: I am a sweet little girl. 1 help my mother to do lots of things. . I am four years old. Santa, I want you to please bring mo a great big Mama Doll. One that can say "Mama" and go to slet^ I want a rocking chair, a pair of mittens, a little stove, a lumber-jacket with a zipper fastener, a pencil box and fruits, nut's and candy. Santa, I hope you fill all the little boys and girls stockings-to the very tip top. Thank you Santa, Mnrjoric Ann Glyburn Cassatt, S. C\, Dec. 15, 1933 Dear Santa Glaus: . I am a little girl. 1 am eleven years old, and I am in thy fourth grade. I go to Pleasant Grove school. I want you to bring me a sleeping doll, fruit and candy. Don't forget Mother and Father. Your friend, c Faye Bowers Cassatt, S. C? Dec. 15, 1933 Dear Sanat: I am a little girl iu the third grade. I want you to bring me a sleeping doll, a pencil box, and also lots of fruits. Remember my j little friends, Your friend, Viola Bowers Gassatt. S. C., Dec. 15. I Dear Santa Glaus: I arn^ a little I boy live years old. I want you to I bring me a cowboy suit, npjpickeyI mouse wrist watch, a football, a wagon and a ukelele. You need not bring me any nuts, fruit nor candy, because daddy has a store and I can get plenty of them from him. Just carry my share to some other little children. Love. Glaude West. Jr. Cawatt, S. Of Dec. 17, 1983 l)ear Sent a: I am a little 'boy 3 years old. I want you to bring me it little cap PUtol, some candies and fruit. . Bo good to all little children. Your little friend, Marvin Anderson Cassatt, S, C., Dec. 15, 1933 Dear Santa: I am a little girl. 1 go to Pleasant Grove school. 1 am in the fifth grade. 1 want you to bring me a doll, nuts and candy. Remember other little children. Do not forget my daddy. Your friend, Frances Baker Cassatt, S, C? Dec. 15, 1938 Dear Santa: 1 am a little girl 8 years old and 1 go to Pleasant drove school. I am in thev third grude. I try to study hajd. I want you to bring me a sleeping doll, fruit and candy. 'Do not forget my classmates. Your Little Friend, Edna Baker - Camden, S. C., Dec. 18, 1933 Dear Santa: I am a little girl 9 years of age, and in the fourth grade. Please bring me a cooking set and a doll crib, fireworks, fruits; nuts and candiy. I hope you will soon come to see me. Don't forget my sisters and brothers. Also other little boys and girls. Your little friend, Juanita B. Godwin Cassatt, S. C., Dec. 15, 1933 Dear Santa Glaus: I am a lritle boy ten years old. I am in the fifth grade. 1 gf> to Pleasant Grove school and want you to please bring me a stopper gun, fruit and nuts. Remember Other little children. Don't forgot mother and father. % 0 Your frientl, Guy Bowers Cassatt, S. C., Dec. 17, 1983 Dear Santo: 1 want you to bring me a little wagon, nuts, fruits and candies. I am a little boy five years old. Remember mother and father. From your little friend, "Buck" Anderson Cassatt, S. P., Dec. 15, 1933 Dear Santa Glaus: I'm a big boy. I'm going to school and 1 am in the fifth grade. I want you to bring me a watch and some apples for Christ.mas. Don't forget ml?. Your friend, Elza Melton Cassatt, S. C., Dec. 17, 1933 Dear .Santa: I am a little boy (5 years old. I want you to bring me a stopper gun, a little wagon to pull my little sisters in. Remember my little sisters, Dorothy and Pollyarn. t From. Paul Hall Camden, S. C., Doc. IS. 1933 Dear Santa: 1 am a little girl seven years old, find - in the first grade. Please bring me a piano and doll carriage, fireworks, fruit, nuts and candy. 1 hope you will soon Cfloue to see me. Don't forget my sisters and brothers. Also other little girls and hoys. * Your little friend, Betty W. Godwin Camden, <8. C., Dec. 20, 1033 Dear Santa Claus: I am. four years old and I live in the country and like it. We have moved since you were here last year, but I will give you our new address. Will you bring roe ? groat big tricycle? and anything <dse you might care to bring me. 4'4 appreciate it very much. I have a' bird dog, too, whose nam? is Hob. He'd like a big juicy bone. My gouts name is Nancy, and you might bring her-some now baby goats. Two any way. I know she would love them. Hope to* see you soon. Is?ve to Santa, Bobby Hasty My new address is Route 2. ('assatt, S. ,C\, Dec. 17, 1933 Dear Santa: I am a little boy 2 years old. I want you to bring me a little wagon with horses hitched to it. Remember my little brother. Ix>ve, Harvey Anderson Camden, S. C., Dec. 20, 1933 Dear Old Santa: 1 am a little girl only three years old but when you stop to see my brother please leave me a baby doll, u carriage, a tea set, a picture book, some candies and nuts. I'll have my stocking hanging for you. Your little friend, Mary Celeste Collins Cassatt, S. C., Dec. 15, 1933 Dear Santa: I am fourteen years old. I go to Pleasant Grove school. Study hard. I want you to bring me a doll, a pair of beads, fruits and candy. ? : Your friend, Eva Mae Melton Camden, S. C., Dec. 20, 1933 Dear Santa Glaus:, I am only two years old and of course I'm very small, but I &jn quite able to ride* a horse or a tricycle and maybe I like to play with a teddy bear, too. Love from, * Pat Hasty * Bethune, Dec. 19, 1933 Dear Santa:., I am a little girl two and a half years old. I want you to bring me a doll, a doll bed and a train, fruits, nuts and candy, and I have a little new baby brother and he wants a rattle. Don't forge^ffte other girls ami boys. Lots of love, Esther Lee Waters Camden, S. C., Dec.'-20, 1933 Dear Santa Claus: 1 am five years old and I shall go to school next term. I want you to bring mc a pretty doll and carriage, a tea set, and bathrobe. I'm suro*> I'd enjoy these very much. Sincerely, Peggy Sinclair Hasty. Cassatt, S. C., Dec. 17, 1933 Dear Santa: I am a little girl 2 years old. I want you to bring me | a doll and a doll carriage. Remember "Bob," my little sister. Be good to her also. Your little friend, Thelma Anderson Bethune, Dec. 10. 1933 Dear Santa Claus: 1 want you to bring me a sleepy doll and a doll carriage, fruits, nuts, candy and fireworks. I am not going to ask for too much for 1 want you to visit Margie Hough and other little children. I" am a little girl five years old. With love, Mary Frances Yarbrough Bethune. Dec. 10, 1933 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy six years old. I want you to bring me a guitar so I can jparn to play like Lee Ernest; A watch and :i hall, fruits, nuts, candy and fireworks*. Don't . forget Mother and Daddy. With love, Edwin Yarbrough, Jr. Camden, S. C., Dec. 20, 1933 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy six years old and I've been very good. So please don't forget to bring nie a gun, a bicycle, a wagon, some fireworks, candy and fruits. My, home is in Lancaster, so please SaoPta, don't forget to stop and also remember my little sister. Your friend, Aubea Collins Camden, S. C.. Dec. 20, 1933 Dear Saata: Will you please bring me an air rifle and a football? I want these most of all and if you care to bring me anything else I'd like it verv much. Thank vou, Bill Ha -1 y, Jr. Caniden. S. C., Deo. 19. 1933 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little ir:r! ten years old. I am in 'he fourth grade. I want you to b-ing me a little s'ove, fruits, r.tits, candies and fireworks. Your fricr.d, Peggy McGuirt. BIDS INVITED Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will receive bids for the following supplies to be used by the Kershaw County Chain Gang for the mont.h of January. 1934. Bids to be received not later than Saturday, December 30, 1933: 900 lbs. Bacon 4 barrels Flour 6 bags Meal , 100 lbs. Rice 200 lbs. Grits 100 lbs. Sugar 30 lbs. Cotjbe 4 cases S.\Ttip (gallons) 59 dozen Pork and Beans (small) 2<>0 lbs. Dried I.;ma Bear.s 10 dozen Tomatoes (small) 20 lbs. Chewing Tobacco (Brown's Mule or Blood Hound) 19 dozen (io'-l n Grain Smoking T obncco. E. L. MOSELEY Superintendent Chain Gang Camden, S. C., Dec. 20, 1933 Dearest Santa Claus: I am a little girl twelve years old, and in the 6th grade at school. I am not asking for much this Christmas. I want a pair of galoshes, an all weather coat, and a pair of gloves. Bring#me some ^reworks, fruits and nuts. RememT>er pll^the other boys and girls. Hope you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Sincerely yours, Margaret Sinclair . p Ellerbe?Shaw Bia'hopville, S. C., Dec. 11?Mrs. Edward Benjamin Ellerbe of Bishopville, announce the engagement pf her daughter, Mary Haynesworth Ellerbe, to Wilson F. Shaw, of Saint Charles, the wedding to take place December 24. FORECLOSURE SALE ?? k Notice is herdby given that in accordance with the terms and provisions of the decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Karshaw County, South Carolina, in tnF case of The Enterprise Building and Loan Association of Camden, S. C.. Plaintiff, against I. J. Johnson and The Bank of Camden, Defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the Court House door in Camden, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in January, 1034, being the first day thereof, the following described property: . ' All that parcel or lot of land in the City of Camden, in the County of Kershaw, in the State of South Carolina, fronting sixty (60) feet east on Lyttleton Street and extending back west of a uniform width to a depth of Two Hundred Sixty (260) feet; and is bounded on the north by premises of Lizzie Brasington; on the east by Lyttleton Street; on the south' by premises of John Meek; and on the west by" premises of the Second Presbyterian Church. ^he above described property is that conveyed to I. J. Johnson by S. D. Hurst, et. al, by deecD of date December 26, 1925. Also All that parcel or lot of land in the County of Kershaw, and State of South Carolina, nine (9) miles east of Camden, and lying about one mile south of the Bishopville road and containing c. <thirty-five (3fM acres, more or less, and bounded on the north by land d'f Absalom Corbett; east by land of W. N. Thomas; south and west by lands of A.- M. McCaskill, and being that property inherited by I. J. Johnson as the sole heir of his father, Isaac Johnson, and of his mother, Amanda Johnson, and is the same described in the deed of William Thomas, et. al., to I. J. Johnson, dated February 12, 1907, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Book PPP at page 450. All bidders after the public sale must deposit three (3) per cent of the mortgage indebtedness to bid W. L. DePASS, .JR., Master for Kershaw County. **tax returns Office of Auditor Kershaw County, Camden, S. C., December 15, 1933 Notice is hereby given that the Auditor's Office will be open for receiving Tax Returns from January 1st, J934, to March 1st, 1934. All persons owning real estate or personal property must make returns of the same . within said period, as required by law,' or be subject to a penalty of 10 per cent. The Auditor will attend in person or by deputy at the following places in the county on the dates indicated for receiving returns: . Ira Ellis Store?January 5th. Kershaw?January 9th and 10th. Bethune?January 11th and 12th. Liberty Hill-^January l<3th. Blaney?January 17th and 18thr. Raley's Mill?-January 19th. Westville?January 25th. ltabon's Cross Roads?January 24. All persons between the ages of 21. and 60 years, inclusive, are required to pay a poll tax, and all persons be-tween the ages of 21 and 50 years, inclusive, are required to pay a Road * tax^unless excused by law. AH Trustees, Guardians, Executors, Ad. ministrators or Agents holding property in charge must return same. Parties sending tax returns by mail must make oath to same before some officer and fill out the same in proper manner or they will be rejected. B. E. SPARROW, Auditor Kershaw County CAMDEN } j THEATRE Program December 22-29. FRIDAY . * ~ pi There's no sense to it but you will have the laugh of your life when: you see "olsen's big moment" with El Brehdell, Barbara Weeks. Also Comedy and News saturday Something new in Westerns "smoky" with Victor Jory, Irene Brentley. Also Comedy and Serial. monday and tuesday "foot-light parade" a With Ruby Keeler, James Cagney, j Joan Blondell, Dick"Powell. ALso Comedy-News. wednesday j "hold your man" With Jean Harlow imjrsday~ j "tugboat annie" 1 With Marie Dressier ^ frTday ^ j "PEG O'MY HEART" <Mf With Marion Davies , :1 #' V Yule-tide Family Reunions * by Telephone Families and friends become scattered with the years and we miss their smiling faces and cheery voices?more especially at Christmas time, Probably you are wishing now that you could visit them this Christmas. Why not? Are they too far away? You fcan't get away? Or is it that it costs too much? {Yhen why not surprise them this holiday season twith a telephone visit instead? You can reach them jenywhere by telephone. Distance doesn't matter. A voice visit by telephone, you will find, has tha personal charm of a face-to-f*ce visilj i|( convenient and costs little wherever you call. For example, by u?in?'Station-to>Station service you can talk with folks fifty ralfes away for about SSc^ and hundred miles for around 55c, and greater or lata distances ,at correspondingly low cost. If you can't go fn person, go by telephone. Southern Bjell Telephone end Telegraph CoV i^sessssstts Doctors Give Creosote For Dangerous Coughs For many year* our beat doctors have |> librd creosote in some form for ." c h, colds and bronchitis, knowing how d rows it is to let them hang on. . j nnulsion with creosote and six other j important medicinal elements, quick* I ' (Tectively stops all coughs and colds t. terwise n,light lead to serious trouble. tiiiulaion is powerful in the treatment o i colds and coughs, yet it is absolutely Ij iless and is pleasant and easy to take. or own druggist guarantees Creomub si i liv refunding your money if you are r i relieved after taking (.'rromulsion as d ?<>ted. Beware the cough or cold that h i on. Always keep Creormilsion on bund for instant use. (adv.), Notice of Sale of Personal Property On Tuesday, December IP, 1033, at 2 o'clock ]>. m., I will offer (.or suit* the highest bidder for cash at the residence of the late W. F. Truesdale (deceased) 3 miles southwest of Wostvillo, S. 0., the following personal property:, 1 mare mule; 1 bay mare mule; 1 disk harrow; 3 two-horse wagons; 1 two-horse plow; 1 stalk lifter; 1 stalk cutter; 1 mowing machine; 1 hay rake; 1 cane mill; 1 molas es pan; 2 plow stocks; 2 guano distributors; 2 oultivators; 3 harrows; ? Cole cotton planters; 1 Cole corn planter; I log cart; .1 terracing machine; 1 Model T Ford car; 1 cotton gin; 1 press; 1 20-horsepower steam engine; 2 shares bunk stock (Bank of Kershaw). SHELBY Tit UE.S DALE, v Administrator. FORECLOSURE SALE *5- ' ; Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the terms and provisions of the decree of the Court of ^Common Pleas for Kershaw County, South Carolina , in the case of The Hank of Camden, Plaintiff, vs. J. T. DeBruhl, Camden Wholesale Grocery, and M. - Citron, Defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the Court House door in Camden, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in January liKM, being the first day thereof, the following described property: Ali :hut parcel or lot of land in'the vill: ge of Cassatt on the Seaboard Air Line Railway in the-County of Kershaw in the State of South Cnroohna, and designated as lots Numbers Three and Four (Nos. and 1) in Block One (1) on a plat of the town of Ca-ssatt, which j)lat is recorded in the off ce of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in plat Hook Number l! at page 10. S;?: ot fronts Sixty ((>(>) feet west on Main Street and extends back east of a uniform width to a depth of One llur-di>d (100) feet and is bounded on the north by land now or formerly of i'. M. Melton, on the. east by lot i of L. M.- bowman, on the south by | hire, now or formerly of Robert M. Coopei and on the west by Main Street of tho village of (.'assail. AL bidders after the public 'sale I must deposit three CD per cent* of I the mortgage indebtendness to hid. I W. L. DePASS, JR., I Master for Kershaw County. BILIOUSNESS j Sour stomach lj? i gas and headache |l ((no. do Hf jj CONSTIPATION gg J (alotaLs I "special tax noticeAn Act was passod at last session of Legislature allowing taxpayers in this county ten (10) years to pay their 10.'t2 and hack taxes in instalnents of one-tenth each year provided they pay current year's taxes each year b< fore books close M arch 1 a of each year. This applies to rial esVfr a- i personal property only when 1; -" with real e*tate. Personal p " 'axes a re in hand- of She IV f r . t <>n a - lioia t fore. Y..:ii s respr : fuhv, s. \v. iior.rfh Ira it-; 1\ .I . * ' y . 6 66 Liipi'd. Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Chirk- Malaria in 3 days. Colds first da\ Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes. fine laxative and tonic Mo-t Speedy Remedies Known Our Foot Comfort I ?w fl Eipc rt. trained in tlx I abcmh mrth. ?1* < rfDr.Schofl. obamt H] noted foot luttwrrty, emm in in Hai!y attrndaima. H root Let turn show yon the B wmu ^Hl way u? (jinrk, Laatirtg Bi JB5 rrhr( So ciuiry !" f** R. S2& jooi irtt or mruWyaia. \\\ Sheortt & Son That'a what it f#i?i takes to give you the NEWS while it IS NEWS. THE STATE ' HAS VAST. FAST FACILITIES for giving you the NEWS of the hour. COI. I'M B IA NEWS, STATE NEWS. NATIONAL NEWS, WORLD NEWS. COMICS, EDITORIALS, Interesting. Instructive Features ? and all the time, SPORTS. SUBSCRIBE TODAY ?6 e i State Columbia, S. C. Daily and Sunday, $9.00 Per Year The State will make an ideal Ch r (almas gif t. ^ 1 ! gll?IIIIIIIIIIIISlllllllllll!l?llllllllll!l[llllllllll!IIIISIII!llllllil[SIIIIIIIIIIII? j Tax Notice || ^ Notice is hereby given that after the 31st day of |g == December, 1933, no discount will be allowed on the \ =: payment of city taxes for the year 1933. All city jXLj = taxes paid between now and December 31st, 1933, ; == will be subject to a one* per cent, discount. | J. C. BOYK1N, H ^ Clerk and Treasurer, City of Camden, S. C. E November 27, 1933. SH ^UIIlillllllS]||||||||||||{Slllllllllili[SIIIIIIIIIIII(SIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIII)IUIIiSlt?