The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 15, 1933, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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"gamdkn. i theatre Program' December 18-23rd. MONDAY A ND TUESDAY Pick Powell, Ann Pvutuk, Pat 0-Prion in "COLLEGE COACH" Kntt rtuinment with a punch. A Cow) Comedy and a football thrill for young^teri of nil ayvs, WEDNESDAY Kcurdu Corte/. and Elizabeth YbUhff in I "THE BIG EXECUTIVE" j THURSDAY AND FRIDAY There.!* no sen op to it,? but yuu \vil! have the laugh of your life, when you see * OIJSEN'S BIG MOMENT" W-th I'd Mrendel, Walter Catlett, Weeks, Susan Fleming. " SATURDAY Something nwv in Westerns "SMOKY" Hy Will James, with Victory Jory, ; Irene Bontley Also Chapter 2 "Fighting With Kit Carson" Special Show Saturday Night 10:45 "She Had to Say Yes" COM INC. ATTRACTIONS: "Footlight Parade," "Duck Soup" j w > Camden, Doc. 11, 1033. Dear Santa Glaus: I am a little hoy. 1 go to school at Jlarou DoKalb and .Njiss Ks telle Gramjintf is my t< a. her. Santa Claus, 1 would like for .you to bring me an air title, fruit, fi.< works, nuts and candy. With love to you, Caul ('aloe. * FORECLOSURE SALE" N dice is hereby triven that in accordance with the terms and ' pr-ovi of t lie decree of t he Court of ( < ion Dions for Kerstyaw Comity,. S t'nrritmn, "!n tr.r rn-f of The Knierpi is'e Building and la>an As; oi ' of Camden. S. DiaintiO', vs. Charlotte ii. Marshall and Tin' Bank of Chunden,' Defendants 1 will y.v .. .<< the '.highest l>iddi?V for <ash; 1 i the (V>urt jfoy<e'i1rt(o- in Camd -outh Carrtfinn, dining the lej;al I of jjjfle on the lirst Monday i.n January, 1'KIl,. being the 1st day t of, the. following described p'o!'? > Ai' that parcel- or lot of land in t'-e ( ity of Camden, in tla- County of Ker-haw, m the State of South Carolina, fronting west on Mill Street of sai City, sixty-seven and one-half Ch~ I ,') feet and extending baek ea ard of a uniform width to a depth of two hundred twenty f<et. bounded north by lot forme: ly of Ke* risen; east by property of .Mannin^; south by property of The Camden Ice Company; and west by Mill St: eet. I . above described property is tha conveyed to Charlotte K. Mar vh.Ci bv t ho Enterprise Building and l-1 v -so.- at ion of ( aai'len, S. C. All bidders after the pubiie .-.tie mu .it po.-ut throe (.'{( per eent. of l:.? niiii'litaiti' ndobtednc-,- to bid. ' ?? W. 1. 1 >? D \ sS. .1 K.. .Master for Ker-haw County. 1 - enhancing to "her" beauty JEWELRY A GIFT she'll cherish I always for its preeiousness and lasting beauty. I Many now and novel ideas here: > 1 )i;im uni i *! 1 ;ij.r? r11 n! I Kir .v and \ -;.?111 Ida! : t: i W a i !.!: y K . 11 y t ? I mateiimn sji on up. Our Special Christmas i yroupiny hi Sterling Sil- j ver includes ? I 1 i Water Pit eh or . . $27. 5 0 Clolilets, oaeh . . (J.7a P.." id and Putter Plates, eaeli . . 2.."><) Sar d w ieh Travs . 1 2.50 F. D. GOODALE ; I )? K a 11> St reet 0,;pt?-ite P'?-t Office I LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Camden, Doc. 14, 1033. Dour Santa Claus: I am a little hoy 7 years old, and in the second gnWU'. 1 want yon to bring me a mi key mou -e wriit wateh, cowboy suit, bicycle, fopthali, some fireworks and fruit and nut Don't forget my little sUter; she wants a pretty doll and doll carriage. Dove, Millie Waters. Camden, Dec. 11, 193.'!. Dear Srtnt.u ('laws; I am a little jffiill>;.u\en year* old. .1 ? to school at Ha ort Dt Kulh and am in the eeend grade. Miss Virginia D? Don lie is my teacher, Sunt'u (daus 1 want you to bring me a ram coat, cap and gloves; also "candy, fruit and 1;rcworks, Santa, please bo good to all the little children and don't forgot mother and daddy. Dove, Douuse Catoe. < aniiU n. Dec. 11, 1933. Dear Santa OlttUs: 1 am a little boy seven years old. I am in the second grade. I go to Huron DeKalb school, Mias Dc.Douehe is my teacher. Santa, please, bring me a cowboy suit, air rifle, fireworks, nuts, candy and fruit. Best wishes to you, James Brusington. Camden, Dec. if, 1983. Dear Santa Claus: 1 am a little boy and 1 go to school at DeKalb. 1 have a good teacher. Her name is Miss (Osteite (iromling. Santa, please bring me an air eftle, basket ball, fireworks, nuts, candy and fruit. With love, Homer Brasingto'n. Camden. Dec. 13, 1933. Dear Santa Claus; 1 am a girl 10 years old and in. the ,third grade. 1 want you to bring mo a doll and a bonk satchel, a pencil box, a ball and some fruit and nuts and fireworks, and don't forget the other little children and my mother amD,daddy. > Dove to you, licrniee Amnion-. ! RUPTURE I | E. J. MEINHARDI j OF CIIICACO HERE AF.AIN ||i> will demonstrate the "Meinhardi Rupture Shield" priMitely in his rooms at the .Jefferson Hotel. Columbia, S. Car., on Smulav only. December 17th. from 1:0(1 P. M. to 7:00 1\ M. Ask the Hotel Clerk for the numl>ers of Mr. Meinhardi's rooms. Only men are invited. Mr. Meinhardi says: "The Meinhardi Rupture Shield contracts the opening in 10 days on the average case regardless of the size or location of the Rupture? no matter how much you exercise, lift or strain." The Meinhardi Rupture Shield is skillfully molded to each individual as a Dentist makes false teeth. (No leu straps and no cumbersome arrangements). It is waterproof. sanitary, practically indestructible, and may he worn while bathing <>r sleeping (continuously day and night) until mi longer necessary. After twenty years of experi-' once?seeing thousands of cases-Mr. Meinhardi will he glad to answer questions regarding all methods for Rupture. Do not neglect to see him on the ' above date. There is no charge for demonstration. This visit is for white people only. Chicago Office, Dure Oil Bldg. FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby given that in .accordance with the terms and provisions of the decree of the Court of Common Fleas for Kershaw County, South Carolina, in the case of The Enterprise Building and I/onr. Association of Camden, S. C., Plaintiff, against 1. .1. Johnson and The Bank of Camden, Defendants, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for ea-h. before the Court House door in Camden. South Ciwolina. during the legal hours of sale on t ho first Monday in January. l'.'-Tl, being the ti-st day thereof, the following described property: _ , Ail that parcel or i.e. of land in the t'ity of Camden., in the t'ount y j K< rshaw. :r the ^tate of Sow) h t'a'o n.a. t'r-'.n tr ,r - \ty tniM the* [ '. t k w ' of ,t . t. :. t i: w . t -i | :i : : T a H : ! i - \' - .h > a > r n. : I i .1 ' ' y s J, || . . . a . t . :.r v 1 ' nd : J-'. \ \ : :t . i n : .. i ' .j' ' \ o t K i - h a w . ,t c. S' a t e South. ( i-oli'a. i i nu e- ea-t of Camden, and !\.ng an up. one in.." -ou'.h f t h-- Bt - h. pv:"-. '-n;i : n-d. cor.tatr:r.g *h:rty tiv? ( acre--, iiin! i' or .t -.-. and bounded on t r.e nor*, hi by land of Absalom Corbet*: east by land of W. N. Tromas; soutn ar i w i'f t bv lands ,,f A M Met 'a-- ; h.k. and be.n.g that nr.-porty :nher:- j ted by I. J. Johnson a- the sole he; f it h. r. l-aae .!<?' ns<>n. an ! of his mother. A man via Johnson, and is the -ame described it: the deed of \\ ;!!;:i'ii Thoma-. et. ah. to I ' J. r.:.s.?n. dated Feb uuy Id. ld'>7. > , o i;, ; o-. ;r.e otfe i ! e < ler s of Court for Ki r.-haw ('"-.cry ,n I f < ?k , 1 'I '1 ' it JUlge i.lO A .! i after t ; u:?l:v a n.U Uep.o . '-.! ? e I > r , , nt < f u mortgage .n b n'< dr. -- to bid. U L. i t.-P \SS. J \l, Ma-tv : : . Kefsr.a-.y C ?unty. LOOKING BACKWARD Taken From the File* of The Chronicle Fifteen and Thirty Yeartt Ago I. I ? .1 II I?_ FIFTEEN YEARS AGO December <50, 1018 Completion <?f tho one. Jink of the proposed continental air r<juto by the war department completed and Springdale at Camden selected a a landing lie Id. Cologne, Germany, being occupied by Hri^i h troops since the 'signing iof the armistice, ! Lieutenant NV. .Jhatton dcLojieh, |.Jr. dies in Franco from illnwwi after war's end. Lieutenant Fairly Arthur, brother Of Mrs, Fbon J. McLeod, killed in actiott in France. ( apt. A. L. Humphries, of Camden, writes home that he was on the firing line as the last shot was fired, unharmed and feeling good. i Orders issued by war department that all discharged soldiers be'allow THIRTY YEARS AGO Note?The files of the 11)03 papers for the balance of the year are miss* ing, and the thirty year ago column will bo resumed after the first of January.) od to keep their uniforms. "We.sterham Plantation" in West Wateree, owned by Henry Savage, Sr., to be cut up into tracts and advertised to be sold at auction, yfcVar department announces the following as either killed, wounded or missing in action in France: Bert A. Brown, William E, Adams, Willie E. Outlaw, Thermos M. Moore, Archie Hinson, Boy TruesdtUe, Oscar B, Haley, Abraham Anthony, Hood Williams, Bud McManus, Pat W. Davis, Stun Sowed, Minor I). Hinson, William1 Brevard, Nick Jones, Boykin Clark, Joseph Harriott, Fred McCoy, Robert F. Bell, Hammie Alexander, James Madison McCain, Luther Caldwell, Sam Sanders, Robert K, Bell, Charlie Wilson, Karl V. Carlos, Clifton ,0. Medlin, Nathuniel Cunningham, John Cunningham, Frank Braeey, Lucius H. Truesdale, Julian Burrows, William Hyatt, Robert Smith, John Q. Coleman, Lewis Bolden, Hammond Spann, Jacob Johnson, Lucius H. Truesdale. Quarantine against public gather ings' on account of inUuuu&& lifted ami church services resumed. James A. Davis, 70 year old Pontine citizen, killed when ho steps in front of Seaboard passenger ^train, T. 1*. lJallard reports cotton blooming on the Kaulkcnbervy Jot near Kershaw. ? Clarence Hough moves from DoKalb to Kershaw. In the first 40 hours of repeal, the barroom of ther Park Central hotel, in New York, served 75,000 individual drinlcs. GIFT SUGGESTIONS 1 KADKTTK KAI>1(>S CIGARETTES EASTMAN KODAKS TOBACCOS TOILET SETS' OVERNIGHT CASKS A . ? CI G A RETT K LIGHTERS POCKET BOOKS . Y ELECTRICAL GOODS NOKKIS CANDIES?ChrUtmar wrapped DeKALB PHARMACY Telephone 95 We Deliver ^ 1 ii i I L ? 1 i /l^wrE N N EY S/ . UDy^MAU.' ffy coin tV/CIFTS from WPENNE/S Men's Suspenders 49c FULL FASHIONED wj(\ Chiffon Hose ?"c Warm Flannel NIGHTWEAR For Men, Women and Children 59c to $1.49 MENS DRESS /\Q SHIRTS HOC - FANCIES. BLUES AND WHITES m mmtmmummtmmm yi?i rnrLmammrmmammam ??? CAREFULLY TAILORED ln Christmas (iQp I ICO Gift Boxes U%7C COLONIAL COTTON BEDSPREADS $1.49 Just thething for Mother's bed MEN'S HEAVY . Cotton Sweaters Fleece Lined I Remarkably Priced 98 c Men's * Unlined Capeskin GLOVES. *1.75 Soft grey capeskin. Button style, with embroidered back. Sizes 7V\ to 10. Men's Christmas Boxed HANKS I . ) 2 2SC box! ^ <^koi With those neat, gay borders and hemstitched hems he likes ! j The ever-welcome C?ft! Dozens of trfl t>a'rs' Rrancf ycffil new, smartjfSk ' lor king 1 ( ^ HOSE . ^asv. I <?np-\searing! Rayc*i and celanese ' I.isle-plaited on celancse. Sizes ()' to 12. DRESSES REPRICED FOR QUICK SELLING All the new style treatments?serviceable rough crepes and flat crepes * $3-77 and $4-77 : Warm Thoughts ^?r ^}r*stmas^ (Mv. LlJXURIOUS Blankets Glorious "Deep ^ Nap", ideal for T2r ^kfllgaSm^^ y? A warmth and wear I * _ 1 jTc/ 3-inch satin binding I 1934 colors. 1 Gorgeous DOLLS with Real Curls! 2.98 ra Your little girl will lovq these I "mama" dolls! A Moving eyes, ||Wf ~Jj| Children tot Washing Machine! ^ 7" high, with wringer ! Ro- Jk 4%rf% tating inside machinery ! OTHERS 9Rc .UP! ???????i ELECTRIC TRAIN $2.98 Complete with transformer J.C. PENNEY GO. DEPARTMENT STORE BROAD ST. CAMDEN, S. C. _ _ 1