The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 15, 1933, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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m- ' SOCIETY NEWS I Telephone 100 Will Winter Here Miss Olive Whittrodge has rented 1 the following homes in Camden for the winter season: The Proctor residence on north Lyttleton street to i Mrs, Thomas H. Somerville, of Mont-"0 pelier Station, Va.; Dr. Oscar Seelcy, of Paoli, Penn., will occupy the Dr. J. E.1 Brady cottage in Brevard Place ( and Dr. Franklin Watson, of South ] Dartmouth, Mass., will occupy the cottage on north Lyttleton street, the ] property of Miss Euphenia Whitt- < redge. _ . _ ^ ; Reception For Young Couple On Tuesday evening an informal I reception was held rft the home of Henry Deas Boykin, at Boykin, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Team. Miss Francos Boykin and Mrs. J. W. C, Boykin, sisters of Mrs. Team, assisted in entertaining. Only the im- ] mediate families of the young couple I were present. The young friends of j the brid6 serving were the Misses El- N len Salmond, Charlotte DuBose, Me- i Jita Team and Ann Clarkson. D. M. Mays and F. D. Ogburn will- j leave Saturday for Detroit where i they will visit the Chevrolet factory j ( to see the new 19114 models. < To Sing Carol* Christmas Morning Tho young 1 people of the PresbyCerian church are preparing to sing carols on Christinas morning in various parts of thy city. They extern! a cordial invitation to all the boys and girls and young people of the city to join with d.hem. A practice will be held at the Presbyterian Sunday school Sunday evening at seven o'clock and those interested in taking part are cordially invited to be present for this practice. Kirkwood Book Club Notes A most delightful illustrated talk on Chinese customs, which was given by Mrs. Palmer DuBose, featured tho meeting of the Kirkwood Book Club held at the home of Mrs.(J. B. Zemp Thursday morning. The sapie subject furnished tho topic fQr an interesting article, which was given by Mrs. W. R. DeLoache. An honor ?ueat on this occasion was Mrs, J. C. Rowan, of Concord, N. C. After business a social-hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Tindul Entertains On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. j Hughoy Tindal entertained the members of the Neighborhood bridge club, idding an extra table for Mrs. Edna i Qh-hurn, Mrs. Henry Nilcs, Mrs. S. { [?7enip, Mrs. B. G. Sanders and Mrs, j E. B. Moblcy. Ice cream, cake and ! coffee were served after the bridge tjames in which .Mrs. A. M. McLeod j received the top-score prize, Mrs. B. 3. Sanders the low prize and Mrs. J. I,. Willifbrd cut the consolation. Personal Mention Horn to Mr. and Mrs, Horace 2eigl lor a son on Tuysday, December 12th, at the Camden hospital. 1 Jlenry Kennedy and Alfred Kennedy. of Atlanta, Cra , were visitors in Camden last Sunday. \ Mrs. Hughey Tindal, Mrs. S. W. VanLandinghum and Mrs. M. M. Keasonovcr wero visitors in Charlotte this past week. Miss Snia DePasa, who is teaching litis year in the "Spring Hill" school at Ridgcfleld, Conn., will arrive Sunday for the Christmas holidays. i>r. K. K, Stevenson, l>. O. Houser and John Mnekey were in attendance upon United States district court held jn Florence this week. Dr. John VV, Corbett and Iris granddaughter, Miss Caroline Richardson, have returned from St. Petersburg, Fin.,* where Dr. Corbett went to attend a convention of the Seaboard surgeons; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chase and two children, of Powder Horn Farm, Middletield, Conn., have returned to Camden after an, absence of several years and will spend the winter at their home nea?" Sarsfteld. Miss Ella Dane Hilton, < who has been working in Orangeburg for tho past two years, is now with Tho Marian Beauty Shop, of Camden. Miss Hilton is the twin sister of Miss Lola Haile Hilton, of this city. I m Marriage Announced Of interest to a wide circle of friends and relatives in Kershaw county and throughout the state is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Margaret Hay Boykin and Stephen Clyburn Team, on October 22. Mrs. Team is the youngest daughter of Henry Deas Boykin and the late Anne Johnson Boykin, of this city. . -_v _ Mr. Team is the son of Mrs. Melita Clyburn Team and the late James Team of LugolF. He has been one o$ the outstanding players of the 1U33 Camden high school football team. The marriage of the young couple crime, as.a surprise to the relatives and friends, the announcement being made Monday. ? For the present they are making their home with Mr, Team's mother, at LugofT. ... Marriage Announced. Of interest to friends and relatives here will ber.the announcement of the marriage of Donald Zemp Team to Miss Edna Day, of Dayton, Ohio, on October 31. The marriage ceremony was performed in Urbana, 111. The bride has been making her home with her brother-in-law and sister, Sergeant and Mrs. M. F. Brent, in Fort Bragg, N. C. Mr. Team is the son of Robert R. Team and the late Mrs. Edna Zemp Team, of Camden. He spent his childhood here, later moving to Asheville, where he resided for a number of vears before joining the Air Corps of "the United States army. He is now in training at ChanUte Field, Rantoul, 111. Spinster's Club Met. ? The Spinster's Club held a delight-1 ful meeting Monday evening with i Miss Caroline Richardson as hostess, j Mrs. Craig Wright, who is a'guest > of Mrs. W. L. Wright, Miss Phyllis i Carrison and Mis* Hallie Carson] played for absent club members. The \ evening's high score was made by <, Miss Nancy Dempster, who received a prize. Late in., the evening a de- j lightful supper was served. Club Met Monday ! The Plaze-u-pleze contract club ] were guests of Mrs. J. H. Osborne on Monday night. All club members were present. Miss Ada Mbntgonoery, who scored high, was presented a sowing basket and Miss Cornelia Oliver, who scored low, received a dainty handkerchief. After cards Mrs. Osborne served a delicious congealed salad course. Met With Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Hubert Wilson entertained at bridge Tuesday morning, her guests being the members of the San Souci club and a number of additional friends. Mrs. Leon Schlosburg was winner of the high score prize, Mrs. Henry Niles the low prize and Mrs. Hughey TMndal received the floating prize. Sandwiches, tea and cakes were serve dby the hostess. Club Met at Boykin The Friday contract club members were guests of Mrs. Deas Boykin this week, when she entertained at her home at Boykin. Mrs. George Brunson, Mrs. Edwin Mullor, of Columbia, and Mrs. Jack Hill were additional guests. A sweet course was served after cards. High score prize went to Mrs. C. H. Zemp. Mrs. Lindsay Hostess The Wednesday contract dob . was entertained this week by Mrs. Nettles Lindsay at the home of Mrs. William Shannon on Fair street. Substitutes were: Mrs. Alice Marye, Mrs. George Brunson, Mrs. Jack Whitaker, Jr., and Mrs. Mortimer Muller. Prize for top score was won by Mrs. Charlie Green. A delightful sweet course was served by the hostess. CHRONICLE OF THE WEEK A good cause to which to give a j Christmas present is the Junior Welfare League, of this city. This up-and-doing organization accomplishes a surprising amount of ! good work throughout tho yea,r, o* * very moderate budget, it the Children's Home see that undernourished children get the milk they so 1 much need, makes it a Happy Christ| mas for children who would not otherwise have even a Christmas tree and | does a lot of other good deeds, too I numerous to mention. * j The new book by Henry Savage, ( Jr., entitled "America Goes Socialisj tic" will J>e published in a few days it is understood, by Dorrance & Company, Philadelphia. ? The Chronicler Mrs. (iuion Honored. In compliment to a recent bride, Mrs. L, I. Guion, Jr., who before her marriage was Miss Mary Louise Hutchinson, of Trenton, N. J., Mrs. B. (J. Sanders entertained at bridge Friday afternoon. The rooms were lovely with Christmas greens and bright flowers of the Yuletide season and the bridge players wcit seated at four prettily appointed tables. To Mrs. Guion the hostess presented an attractive gift. Mrs. llenry Niies held the top score and Mrs. Edna Clyburn the low score. They each received an appropriate prize. Mrs. Ilughey Tindal ast held the floating prize. Following cards a salad course with coffee was served. Mrs. L. I. Guion, Sr., called after cards. Entertains at Bridge Complimenting the members of the ocntract club Mrs. W. Ij. Wright was hostess at a lovely dinner party on Thursday evening at her home on Chesnut street. Other guests included Mrs. Will Goodale, Mrs. J. Thornwell Hay and Miss Ethel Yates. The hostess was assisted in entertaining by her daughter, Mrs. Craig Wright. ; In the dining room an attractive; arrangement of pale yellow snapdra- i gons and blue baby's breath in blue crystal bowls centered the charmingly appointed tables. Covers were ' laid lor sixteen guests. In the bridge games which followed dinner dainty boudoir pilows were presented top , scorers at each table and those wln; ning were Miss Lai Blakeney, Mrs. Thomas Ancrum, Mrs. J. Thornwell Hay, and Miss'/Ethel Yates. M rs, Wright was bridge hostess again on Wednesday morning, entertaining at a bridge luncheon in honor of the members of the Wednesday contract club. An extra table was added for' Mrs. H. G. Marvin, Mrs. W. H. Harris and Miss Klara Krumbholz. In the contract games which preceded luncheon served in the dining room pit 10 o'clock two decks of cards wer6 given as a prize for high score at each table and the winners were Mrs. T. J. Kirkland, Mrs, Willis Cantey, Mrs. D. O. Houser and Mrs. Alice Marye. Mrs. James M. Worcester and son, Jimmie Worcester, are guests at the Hobkirk Inn. Dr. Worcester will join them for the Christmas holidays. 1 " " . !. 1 ' H. E,Beard, of .-Hartsville, is the guest of his son, 11, E. Beard, Jr., this week. England has organized a vigorous offensive for the elimination of slum districts in cities of the empire. LOVELY FLOWERS To Say "Merry Christmas'' For You Colorful and beautiful, they best express your happiest Christmas thought for others* Either fresh-cut or growing, we have a gorgeous / variety for you to choose from. Stop in. * * The Camden Floral Company Telephone 193 CAMDEN, S. C. 211 East Laurens St. Christmas Gifts and Toys GAMES Books Stationery Flowers Novelties Christmas Candies The Corner Book Store QUAKER MAID Wfr k&9SALE W Wl DO OUB PART QUAKER MAID APPLE I BEANS 4 1-lb. cans 19c SflllQE Baking Powder Mb- can 15c ?nr CATSUP 14-oz. bottle IQc 0^40'|| ij Page PRESERVES "b iar 15? , . pea BUTTER 2'b- iar23e j All Flavors FN CORK _ pkg [ j j SPARKLE MACARONI ma j j GHaUn d , SPAGHETTI Q fi Ipki" 9C NOODLES ll I RAJAH rt' Jar (,t* Jar I I salad DRESSING 13- 23 1 Blended SYRUP 2-oz. bottle 15c I ORANDMOTHKR'S Round ROLLS 1 doz. 9c I Flavor CHEESE round \5c I Er1 NUCOA 2ib8- 2,5 c i i ' holiday suggestions i! I CITRON PEEL lb. 29c GLACED lb. 49c COLOANUT ? lb. ? 19c RAISINS Bleached pkg. 15c Mince Meat Atmore's lb. 19c Pitted DATES 8-oz. pkg. 15c Cranberry Sauce 7-oz. can 10c FIGS ? lb. pkg. ? 10c NUTS I BRAZIL lb. 15c MIXED lb. 18c WALNUTS lb. 25c WALNUTS lb. 20c IN. R, C. FAVORITES, PACKAGE 21c | smeary SOUP 2 15 I PRODUCE Cooking Apples, 3 lbs 10c Bananas, 2 lbs 15c Large Celery, 2 for .. 25c Chesnuts, lb 15c Cauliflower, trimmed 15c String Beans, 2 lbs... 15c Jr MARKET . Pot Roast Beef, lb 15c Veal Chop*, lb 15c Round Steak, lb 17c Pork Roast, lb 15c Pig Tails, 3 lbs 25c Neck Bones, 4 lbs .... 25c t , mm a. Afilantiic & IPACiiirnc '<? | Dress Smartly For Christmas ! This can be done thrift- 1 ily by letting us Dry Clean and Re-shape your garI ments. ! Men's Suits 75c I Ladies Plain Dresses 75c AVOID THE RUSH 'PHONE 567 , NOW And be ready for the holidays. We specialize in ladies' fine dresses. Our equipment is com*j plete and the best experts handle your garments at our plant. And remember ? Dry Cleaning Protects Your Health. Wear clean clothes. Quick Service on DYE WORK. We do it here, 1 in our own plant. DesChamps, Inc. 403 DeKalb Street u I HOLIDAY DISPLAY I j ^ SCHAFFER PENS ? PARKER PENS AMITY LEATHER GOODS ? DRESSING CASES ! i COTY'S, HOUBIGANT'S, GEMEY'S ELIZABETH I j ARDEN, HUDNUT, and other toilet goods K Innumerable Exquisite COMPACTS ? CHINA I j A big assortment of DINNER TAPERS I i , NORRIS' and PAGE & SHAW'S CANDIES I Christmas Packages of I CIGARS, CIGARETTES and PIPES ( I of every description I CALIFORNIA FIR CHRISTMAS TREES ! CHRISTMAS CARDS AND WRAPPINGS FIREWORKS ?We invite your careful inspection? I | REASONABLE PRICES?COURTEOUS ATTENTION I DePass Drug Store I | Phone 10 We Deliver I - - - - I i I The Stunning Gift A ^^D^ing BRACELETS $1.00 to $45.00 WRIST WATCHES $2.75 to $75.00 BELT BUCKLE SETS $1.00 to $15.00 PEN AND PENCIL SETS $1.00 to $15.00 RING AND NECKLACE SETS $2.00 to $20.00 And many other items such as BILL FOLDS?KEY CONTAINERS WATCH CHAINS CIGARETTE CASES ? LIGHTERS BROOCHES ? TOURIST SETS ? TOILET SETS HAND BAGS ? WEEK END BAGS, etc. ranging at different prices THE HOFFER COMPANY Jewelers and Optometrists 4