The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 01, 1933, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Ir^oOKING BACKWARD prom the Files of The Chronicle Fifteen and Thirty Years Ak<> I piK'rKKN YEARS AGO December 6, 1918 I telle ("lyburn, 13, dies at Bothuiie Btofluenza. ^v p Hu , 39, dies of influenza K"irimro<i .section. KfiroVer ( Welsh assumes office of ^rifT of Kershaw county, succeedK. J, C. Houghs. Mr. Hough goes Lth the ( aiiuh n Loan and Realty Oorporal Walter J. West, of Ker ikiw, reported killed^ in action in Capt. L. U' Clybum purchases old frffloa property on North Lyttleton I "Irish Rose," blooded horse belongI g to George T. Little, killed by aulj#Diobile driven by colored boy while Earning from Lqe County Fair, father of )???>' settles for all damages. I Henry 'J'ruesdalo farm in West ll'ateree cut up into tracts and to be poldat public auction by E. L. Wooten I, W, b. Wooten. I Joseph .J. Boone, son of 'Jailor Alex Boone, reported dead in France, I president Woodrow Wilson on his Ifty to Europe in an effort to abolish I ii.i i i i i . . . j THIRTY YKAR6 AGO December 4, 1003 Store of Jordan and Carson, located at Catarrh, destroyed by tire, with loss of several thousand dollars. Orangeburg Brick and Ice Plant destroyed by lire with a loss of $14,000. Frank 1'. Milburn, Columbia architect, making plans for new union depot for Columbia. J. W. Hamel, chairman, and Howell Morrell, secretary, of Temperance, l*aw and Order League, issues address to people of the state, J Safe blowers at the Hank of Brunson, crack safe and steal therefrom $300. Mixed mob of 1,200 whites and negroes lynch Phil Davis, Walter Carter and. Clint Thomas, three negroes, for shooting to .death Robert Adger, one of the most popular business men of North Louisiana. militarism. S, ('. Gardner, 75, of near Heath Springs, dies. Major William Sinclair Manning, son of South Carolina's war governor, killed in action in Franco. ' ' ' . . " lews of Interest In And Near Bethune Bethune, Nov. 20.?Mrs. T. J. Burley, With her little daughter, Melita, t{ Columbia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. H-earon. Miss Louise Clyburn, of Kershaw, jpent the week end with her sister, Irs. Loring Davis. Basil Lee Parker has gone to Perisicola, Florida, accompanying his brother, Walter Parker, and Mrs. Parker, who have been hero several weeks. I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Foster and children spent the week end visiting relatives in Spartanburg county. W. K. Davis, who is attending ichool at Cochran, Ga., was at home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baker and children, of Rock Hill, were Sunday fuests of the W, W. Mungos. Jliss Kloise Miller spent the week ,?nd with her parents at Pauline. Miss Lizzie Davis, who teaches at | Jefferson, visited her sister, Mfs. Leslie M. Rest, during the week end. Tfoe ladies of the Methodist church with Mrs. if. M. Mays chairman served a turkey supper for the benefit of their parsonage Tuesday evening at the Jving-Pavis hotel. A number of Camden people^ bought tickets and came over for the supper. Clarence J. Peterson, painter of West Asheville, N. C.| entered a plea of guilty of manslaughter in the Huncombe county court, where he was on trial for the murder of Major H. Wcrley, a policeman. Peterson was sentenced to 25 to 30 years in prison. Adolph Hitler, chancellor of Germany, in an interview with a Paris newspaper, offers peace and security to France. In return he asks equality for Germany. He says he is willing to give any kind of security to France not involving dishonor or danger to his own country. 0 SOI Til CAROLINA FIRST It Was the First State In thirty Different Things, Editor Says Tho Calhoun Times rises to ask why anybody should be surprised over South Carolina doing the unusual thing, and being the first of 30 states to vote against the repeal of the lKth amendment ? She was first to do many thingssome 30 odd in number, which could be enumerated. Among tho outstanding, she was the first to secede from the Union. The first decisive victory of the Revolutionary war was fought on her soil. The first gun tired in the mighty Civil War, was on FOrt Sumter. It ift "diflfeamt" in having no divorce law. It was The first to nullify a Federal law. It had the first woman editor. It was the first to have an agricultural association. It had the first manual labor school in the Do la Howe Institute?"expenses to be defrayed by the profits of the estate." Of course we all know that it is now feeding ravenously out of the public trough. It is silly to borate South Carolina for being "different." That has been its history and its chronic habit. State highway funds of Arkansas have been impounded by an interlocutory decree of a three judge fedoral court, which has taken under advisement a petition for a permanent injunction to tie up the road funds. When Cleveland JefTeoat, a Lexington county farmer, tried to boaid a moving freight train at Edmund, by grasping a handhold and putting his feet in the axle box, he had both his legs cut off and his skull fractured* The burgomaster of Frankfort-onthe-Main, Germany, has ordered 1.600 bachelors employed by the city to get married, the order affecting all classes of employes. _____ ? tt ' Summons For Relief State of South. Carolina County of Kershaw ' (In the? Court of Common 1 leas) W. A. Edwards, Plaintiff, against Thomas E. Carpenter, Marion Carpenter and Upmie Turner, or Mamie Murrell and, if she be not living, John Doe, representing cohec* tively all heirs at law and distribu! tees of the said Mamie Turner deceased, unknown parties, DefendTo The Defendants Above Named: I You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint lr this action of which a copy t? herewith served upon you and, to serve a conv of the Answer to the said comi plaint on the subscribers at their ofI fices in the City of Camden, S .C. ! within twenty (20) days after serv.c i thereof, e*dusive wqf the day of sut 1 : service, and if you fa*l to answer th< i complaint within the time . i the plaintiff in this action will fepplj I to the Court for the jelief demandet I in the complaint. XOAr*Ti KIRKLAND & deLOACH, Attorneys for I laintin I ' To the defendants, above desigga i ted as Mamie Turner, or Mamie Mur | rell and if she be deceased to hei i distributees and heirs at law, un ! known parties: . ! Take Notice: That the complain i and Summons in this action wen I fled in the office of the Clerk o | Court of Common Pleas on the lot! 1 dav of November, 1933. I ' y KIRKLAND & deLOACH, ! Attorneys for Plaintiff i " TAX NOTICE Books for collection School Countv and State taxes year 1933 wil open October 15, and stay open unti Decern her 31, 1933, inclusive, withouanv penalty. Any information con corning this office will be given b} mail. When inquiring about taxe: please state School District in wruer you live or own property. Following is a list-of total levies for each School District, for School County and State taxes: DeKalb Township Mil" District No. 1 4? District No. 2 36 District No. -1 3e/j District No. 6 49 District No. 25 District No. 43 ; 24 Buffalo Township District No. 3 3'% District No. 5 *1 % District No. 7 District No. 15 ~1% District No. 20 7? District No. 22 40 District No. 23 28*4 District N6. 27 3;' District No. 28 v 21 % District No. 31 District No. 10 40 District No. 42 N* 21% I- 'at Rock Township District No. 8 \... 35 District No. 9 35 District No. 10 25% District No. 13 24% District No. 19 35 District No. 30 21% District No. 33 35 District No. 37 35 District No. 41 35 District No. 46 25% District No. 47 ^ 21% Wateree Township District No. 11 24% District No. 12 35 M? District No. 16 26 District No. 29 27% District No. 38 ....'. 21% District No. 39 26% Yours respectfully, S. W. HOGUE, Treasurer Kershaw. County, S. C * \ Aa King George ended his formal address at the opening of parliament from the throne on Tuesday, a Bubonic, J. McGovom, broke in with the query, "What about the abolition on the sale of liquor in that state, inent cuts? It's a shame while people are starving.,' The outbreak caused a sensation. The king took no notice of the interruption and turning in ceremonial fashion as if nothing hud happened, offered his [arm to the queen. | James P. Warburg, Now York bankand financial adviser to the American delegation at the recent economic conference in Ixmdori, declared in a Philadelphia address it is "up to the latent majority to let the President know that the American people are ready to faco^ whatever suffering there may be in a slow, orderly process of recovery." Lieut. Commander T, XI. \V, Settle and Major C. L. Fordney camo down in a marsh in south 5jew Jersey Monday evening at 5:&d o'clock, after having reached an altitude in the stratosphere of 59,000 feet , in a specially constructed balloon. TTley saile'd out of Akron, Ohio, Monday morning at 9:27 and were in the air about eight and a half hours. The Nashville Banner has announced that it will not accept liquor advertisements even if the lonnessoc dry laws'are repealed. * notice of sale In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern % District o South Carolina. foln Bankruptcy No. 4955. fn the matter of J. M. Clyburn, Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given thaU under and by virtue of an order and decree made'by Hon. J. Lyles Glenn, Judge of the United States District Court, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, before the Court llouse door of Kershaw County, South Carolina, at Camden, South Carolina, in the Eastern District of South C arolina, at twelve o'clock noon, on Monday, the 4th day of December, 1983, the two following described parcels or tracts of real estate, to-wit: "That certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying, being and situate, ir the Town of Bethune, Kershaw County, South Carolina, with the building? thereon situated, lying on the Wes side of Blackmon Street, on which ii fronts 200 feet, extending back at a uniform width to a depth of 200 feet andobeing bounded on the North by Fair Street, East by Blackmon Street South by premises of M. O. Ward, ant on the West by premises of Jermar and Mays. . "Also that certain piece, parcel oi , lot of land lying, being and situati in the Town of Bethune, Kershav . County, South Carolina, on the Eas side of Main Street, fronting on pan Main Street 30 feet, more or less, ant extending back Eastward at a uni I form width to a depth of 210 feet , bounded on the North by Chestnu , Street, East by lands no\V or formerl; of McDonald, South by Merchants an< r Farmers Bank, antL on the West b; i Main Street; said lpt being the lo upon which is lo'cated the store build ing of the said J. M. Clyburn." The above parcels of land will b sold separately and teach bidder wil be required to deposit with the unuer r signed, at or before the beginning o the sale, the sum of One Hundre ($100.00) Dollars in cash or certifie t check, before-bidding on either of sai * tracts or parcels; deposits of "tmnuc r cessful bidders to be returned to ther immediately at the conclusion of th sale. The deposit or deposits of th successful bidder or bidders to be re tained as earnest money and to appl on the purchase price. The property will be sob! free an clear of liens. t This 10th dav of November, 193. f B. W. BEST, Trustee. t FORECLOSURE SALE r Notice is hereby given that in ac Vordance with the terms and provis i ion'< of the Decree of the Court o Common Pleas for Kershaw Count) ? South Carolina, dated the 15th da . of November, 1933, in the case of An drew Craft, et al, plaintiffs, agaiws Allen Richardson and Mrs. Rebbi * Cobb, defendants, 1 will sell to th highest bidder, for cash, requiring o the successful bidder a deposit of fiv i (5) per cent of said bid, in cash o by a certified check, before the Cour House door at Carnden, South Cam lina, <luring the legal hours of sal on the first Monday in December , 1933, being the 4th day thereof, o , on sonu- subsequent convenient sale , day thereafter, the following describ , ed property: (1) "All that piece, parcel or trac of land in Kershaw County, State o , South Carolina, containing sixtyeight ami one-half (08 1-2) acre? , more or loss, bounded North by land , of Sam Shannon; East by lai.d formerly of Allen Richardson; Scut! , by lands of Grafton Wages; and oi the West by lands of Jesse Rawlin son. ' (2) "All that tract of land ii Richland County, containing twentytwo (22) acres, more or less, ani bounded by adjoining owners as fol low*: North by Robert Miles; Soutl by James H. Wages; East by Ran som Cha\ is, and West by Henry Har rell, acquired by Mack Richardsoi from James H Craft. (3) "All that tract of land ii Richland County, contaiing twenty two (22) acres, more or less an< bounded by adjoining owners as fol lows: North by Marie Jackson; Eas by Cynthia Wages; South by Poll; ifarrell and West by Henry Harrell acquired by Mack Richardson fror Andrew Richardson." W. L. DePASS, JR., Master for Kershaw County. . Charles Erickson, of Two Harbors, Minn., and his brother, August Eriekson, of Mulino, Ore., met a few days ago after not having seen each other since they se pari tod in 1X80, just after coming to the United States from Sweden. The village o'f Sativa Norte, Colombia, was completely destroyed by rt landslide, and was turned into a lake two miles square when mountain .streams overran their banks. The country has been greatly, damaged by unprecedented rainfall. Sevonty-ftve prisoners in the eastern penitentiary of Pennsylvania, located in J'hiladeplhia, went on a rampage Tuesday, and it was two i hours baforo order was restored. The rebellious prisoners did much damage to prison property. Senator Norris, Republican, Nebraska, moving spirit in the development of electric power on the Tennessee river, now says lu\ will introduce a bill hi (he next congress to do the same kind of development work on the Missouri river. The steering committee of the disarmament conference has voted to suspend the parlay until January. foreclosure sale Notice is hereby given that in accordance With the .terms and provisions of the Decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Kershaw County. South Carolina, dated the 13th day of November, 19.38, in the case ot C. D. Moseley,".Plaintiff* vs. Maggie Moseloy, 1,. L. Hloek, and The First National Hank of Camden, Camden. S. (\, Defendants, lcwill sell to tho highest bidder for cash, requiring of the successful bidder a deposit of Five (b'A. ) per cent of said bid, in cash, or by certified check, J>ofoyo the CourtHouse door at Camden, South Carolina. during the'legal hours ^of sid? on the first Monday in December, 1933, being the 4th day thereof,* the following described property: ! "All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Kershaw County, South ^.Carolina, containing one hundred sixty-seven (1(57) acres, more or less, lying about ' ten miles Fast or Northeast of Cam' den, bounded North by lands of Amanda E. Hall and Clyde Waters; ' East by lands of Beecher Montgomery and by lands of John T. Nettles; South by lands of John T. Nettles and West bv lands of Mrs. McMullcn." 1 *W. L. DePASS, JR., ' Master for Kershaw County. notice of Tale " Pursuant to a decree and judgment of foreclosure and sale of the Courl J of Common Pleas for Kershaw County, South Carolina, in the cast j of Atlantic Joint Stock Land Hank o! Raleigh, plaintiff, against Wade Clar once Hoi ley, - J. K. lielk, W. T.. Holly C. M. Jordan, E. J. Clark, W. R , Rollings, J. C. Munn and D. W " Knight, as Liquidating Committee o; I The Citizens Hank (of Jefferson j S. C.), Chesterfield County Agrtcul j tural Loan Association, Federal In termediate Credit Hank of Columbia and Standard Oil Company of Nev 1 Jersey, defendants, I will sell at pub lie auction, to the highest bidder o j' bidders, before the Court House doo in the Town of Camden, County 'o ^ Kershaw, and State of South Caro lina, during the legal hours of sal on the first Monday in Decembei 1933, the same being the fourth da; U of said month, the promises herein after described. The said decree an ^ judgment provides that the sale shal (j be made for cash; that the purchase . or purchasers shall pay for all paper (j and revenue stamps; that the undoi signed officer making the sale do rc ^ quire the highest bidder at the salt other than the plaintiff, or its attorn eysj and all other persons ex cept the plaintiff or its attorr " as provided by law, t6 make a cas y deposit of ?ne Hundred and Twent d ($120.00) Dollars, as earnest mone or evidence of good faith in the bid j ding, the deposit of the last highes bidder to be applied on the bid shoul there be a compliance with the same that if the"person making the highes bid at the sale, other than the plain tiff, or its attorneys, fail to m:ik - such deposit immediately at the tin) 1- of (he acceptance of his bid, then th f said premises shall be resold at th r, i"isk of such bidder on the same sale* y day or on some subsequent and con - venicnt salosday, at the option of th t plaintiff, or its attorneys; that if th e last highest, bidder making the sai c deposit fails to comply with his bic f without lawful excuse being dul e shown, then such deposit shall be dc r live red to and retained by the plain t tiff as liquidated damages, and th - -said premises shall thereafterward e be resold on the same terms and a *, the risk of such purchaser on som r subsequent s^lesday to ho designate s by the plaintiff or its atio^io'ys. The following is a description 0 the said premises: Tract No. 1. All that cei-ta':i :> <*? parcel or tract of land containing wo hunJU'd and forty-eight (&I8) en, more or lets, situate, lying ard ' oing on the Kershaw public road about four miles west of the town of ?u!' rson, in Buffalo Township, Kershaw County,. State of South Carolina, having* such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully pp.'h* by reference to a plat thereof made by Will Clark, Surveyor, on the 13tb day of March, 1928, and attached to the abstract now on tile wit a the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Hank of Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by lands of K. C. Mungo, W. C. Bird, <?. llplley and -J. R. volley lands; Bast by lands of (1. \Io"?y, J. R. HoRey and C. W. Ilolley, *tvd Sowoll lands'; South by jands o It M. I Mungo estate, C. W. ilolley ard Sowlell laiuls; and West by lands of Mungo estate and K. (\ Mungo, wtfng the identical tracts of land con eyed to Wade C. Ilolley by the two I >11 >wing deeds; deed from John F. Mungo to Wade C. Ilolley dated No cmhes 11), 11)20, and recorded Npvem. !0, 1920, in the office of the It. M. > . fo? Kershaw County, S. C., in dot . .. ok B-C at page 350; deed from J. R. Ilolley to'Wade C. Ilolley dated August 28, 1918, and recorded Augu-t 29, 1918, in the office of It. M. C. fo* Kershaw County, S, ("., in deed b?-ok A lt at page 787 and being a p of that certain tract of land eonve>od to Wade 0. Ilolley by deed fro I. 10. Mungo by deed dated Novembe Irt, 1925, and recorded November 21, 1925, in the office of the It. M, C, foi' .\ershaw County, S. in deed boa! It at page 107. Reference being craved to all of said deeds for a more par, ticular descriptldb of the premises herein conveyed. i Tract No, 2." All that certain p dee, '.parcel or tract of land containing -no hundred forty (110) acres, .mo or less, situate, lying and being on the Kershaw public road, about f ur miles West of the Town of Jelfer on, j Kershaw County, State of South arolina, having such shapes, metes, courses aiyi distances' as will more fully appear by reference to a p at thereof made by Will Clark, Surveyor, on the 13th day of March, 192N, and attached to the abstract now on die with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Hank of Raleigh, the same bong bounded on the North by lands of Dr. G. W. Gregory and W. 0. Bird; Fast by Lynches River; South by lands of J. R. Ilolley and J. S. Mungo; and West by Jands of J. S. M.?n .0, G. Ilolley and W. C. Bird. Being''he ! identical tract of land conveyed by deed from L. E. Mungo aho ck Mungo to W.- C. Ilolley dated No e n. her 10, 1925,. and recorded November 21, 1925, in the office of the R. M. C. for Kershaw County, S. C., in Deod Book B-R, at page 107, less eleven ;. acres of same conveyed by deed from r W. (T Ilolley to J. Gilliam Ilolley . "dated the ?:? day of , 1925; f less 35 acre's of same as shown on . the said plat hereinbefore referred to ... as. tract No. 2 oil the said plat, ihe . said 35-acre tract of land being in. eluded in the 248-acre tract desigr nated herein as Tract No. 1. Refer, ence being craved to all of said deeds - for a more particular description of . the premises herein eonvdybd. , j W.? L. DePASS, JR., v> Master for Kershaw County. . SAMUEL WANT, r ' MHLVIN IIYMAN, r 1 Plaintiff's Attorneys, r -i , ? e | | :: Why Children Need : a Liquid Laxative i. The temporary relief children pet h from some synthetic, habit-forming y pathartic may cause bowel strain, y and even set-up irritation in Lhe . I- kidneys. A properly prepared liquid t laxative brings a perfect movement, d ! There is no discomfort at the time ; j and no weakness after.., You don't t have to give the child "a double i- dose" a day or two later. ej Can constipation be corrected in e children? "Yes!" say medical men. e ] "Yes!" say many mothers who have c* followed this sensible medical advice: >- 1. Select a good liquid laxative. 2. i- Give the dose you find suited to the o system. 3. Gradually reduce the doso 0 j until the bowels arc moving regularly d , without aid. ' j An approved liquid laxative (one y that is widely used for children) is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. The " mild laxative action of this excellent e preparation is the best form of help s for children?and grown-ups, too. 1 The dose can be regulated for any ? age or need. ^ Your druggist has Dr. Caldwell'a Syrup Pepsin. Member N. K. A. Tax Notice Notice is hereby given that after the 31 st day of December, 1933, no discount will be allowed on the payment of city taxes for the year 1933. All city taxes paid between now and December 31st, 1933, will be subject to a one per cenC discount. J. C. BOYKIN, Clerk and Treasurer, City of Camden, S. C. November 27, 1933. ^sC"' 1 Crush and dissolve 3 Bayer Aspirin Tablets in half a glass of water. 2 GARGLE thoroughly ? throw your head way back, / allowing a little tc trickle down your throat. 3 Repeat gargle and do not d rirtse mouth, allow gargle to " remain on membranes of the throat for prolonged effect. Remember: Only Medicine Helps Sore Throat M"Hern medical science now throws ari entirely new light on sore throat. A ** " !y that eases the pain, rawness an'i irritation in as little as two or th/rc mmuttsJ '1 requires medicine?1 * Vc e BAYER ASPIRIN- to do these lair.gsl That is why throat speeiall*ts throughout America are prfr cnbing this BAYER gargle in P'ace of old-time ways. Be careful, however, that you get real RAYER Aspirin for this purpose. For they dissolve completely enough to gargle without leaving irritating particles. f The World's Most Interesting Magazine ?k EVERY WEEK FROM WASHINGTON J The Most Important Place in the World Local news?you get it in your favorite home paper. But you cannot he equally well informed on national and world affairs without Pathn finder. ITiink of all that is going on I New industrial developments! The all-important agricultural situation! Acts of Congress I (iovern,i mental orders and a thousand other things! But how will this affect you personally?THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE GOT TO KNOW. n The true inside story of what goes on at Washington; understandable and reliable information that is so hard to find; the maze of current happenings and fast changing conditions clearly analyzed and explained ^ for you?that is exactly what the Pathfinder will give you. By all means order Pathfinder with this paper in the club which we have arranged rl for your benefit. 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