fsociirY news TtltpkoM 29 _ I 1 ~*m7hTJones Was Hot* teas Thursday afternooa bridge lub wan delightfully en^rtained this 1 ?>k by Mrs. I>*n M. Jonea. Messes K. B. Pitts, P. O. Houserr H. G carrison, Jr., A. G. Clarkson and Miss Minette Boykin substituted for absent members. . After cards vthe, guests were invited out on the lawn where little Mirtrt Ann Clarkson assisted the hostess i" serving tea, sandwiches and cookies. \ "" Party at Boykin Honoring her niece, Miss Charlotte Sslmond, Mrs. J.' T. Hay entertained twelve members of- the young college set at hor attractive home at Boykin Thursday afternoon. Mixed garden flowers were beautifully used in the rooms where three tables were placed for auctiop. Miss Elizabeth Zemp was awarded high score prize and Miss Caroline Houser cut the consolation. Punch was served during the afternoon and a sweet course was served after the games. Bachelor's Club Host The Bachelor's Club entertained informally last Wednesday night at their club rooms on- Walnut street. Each member of the club was given the privilege of inviting one guest Dancing enjoyed till ten o'clock when a delightful supper was served. Mrs. Jaynes Entertained Thursday Mrs. Garwood Jaynes entertained Thursday afternoon with six tables of contract. Thfe rooms were bright with spring flowers. ' Mrs?* Lambert DePass received high score prize, Mrs. J. L. Williford low prize and Mrs. G. II. Baum cut consolation. After cards a delicious salad course was served. Miss Robinson Honored A lovely bridge party of the week was that given by Miss Dorothy Van Lnndingham for Miss Alice'Robinson, who left on Sunday for her home in Saratoga. Arrangements of spring flowers were used in. the room where the games were played. Players ineluded the intimate friends of the honor guest^ -Score prizes were given Misses Mary Lucia T6bin fuid Mary Lee Blakeney. Miss Robinsqp was presented with a guest prize. ? T ?j A Birth of a Paughter Mr. and Mrs. Burchill Richardson Moore announce the birth of a daughter, Harriett Whitaker Moore, June 5, at the Camden hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are making their home in Rock Hill but at present are in Camden with Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Clarke Whitaker, Sr. Mrs. Moore is pleasantly remembered as Miss Harriett Whitaker and she and Mr. Moore have a great many friends "throughout the state who will be interested -to know of the birth of their daughter.?The State. Mr#. Clarkxon Entertains The neighbor ho oil bridge club met this week with Mrs. A. G. Clarkxon. Mrs. Jack Whitakcr, Jr. was the only substitute for the afternoon. Score prizes were awarded Mrs. J. J* Williford and Mrs. W. O. Hay Hospital Graduation Exercise* Friday night, June 3, the graduating exercises of the Camden Hospital were held in St. Mary's Hall. Miss Mary Ruth Truesdale was the only nurse to receive a diploma. The program included; Invocation 'by the Kev. J. B. Caston, introduction of speakers by Mr. L. A. Wittkowsky, piano solo by Miss Ann Rowland, presentation of diploma by Dr. John W. Coiibett, music by choral club, Florence Nightingale oath and presentation of pin lj>y Miss R. L, Rob|bins, music by cndral club, benediction by Rev. W. G. Ariail. A reception followed immediately after the exercises. Punch and cake were served by the student nurses assisted by a few of the college, girls. To MacDowell Colony Mrs. E. ache, of Atlanta, ia visaing his parents, Mr. ami Mra. W. R. -DeLoacne. Miaa Margaret I>aney attended the Gordon-Gardner wedding in vBethune Sunday afternoon. Mr." ahd Mty, C^yde Flowers, of Charlotte, ^visited Mra, Flowers' parents last week end. Mra. T. J. Kirkland has returned from a week's visit to her son, M. A. Kirkland, in Winnalboro. Walter Wooten, l>elx>ache S'heorn and Christopher Vaughan spent last Sunday at Myrtle Beach. Miss Carolyn Burnet, recently elected librarian here, has returned from South' Carolina University. Mrs. L. B. Horton, of Rock Hill, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Stogner. Mrs. F. M. Wooten left Monday for a visit of several weeks to her sister, Mra. J. C. Rowan, in Concord, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Killough and little' son, Billy, were guests of Mrs. M. C. .Vaughan *V>n Friday of last week. Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Elmer Watts left on Wednesday for an officer's training camp in . Pensacola, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Armstrong and daughter, Ix>uise, of Orangeburg, spent the week end with relatives in Camden. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spong and children, of Columbia, are visiting Mrs. Spong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Blakeney. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Graham and son, Leonard, left Wednesday to spend the summer on a ranch in Emigrant, Montana. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Ariail and family, of Colunfbia, were visitors here this week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Warren G. Ariail. Mr. and Mrs?' W. L. DcPass, Jr. are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith, Jr., who have a cottage at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. W. R. Hough,* Mrs. E. S. Hough and Mrs. J. A. Bell attended the furjeral of Mrs. A. I). Sowell at Timrod Sunday afternoon. Mr. Frank Ooursen and Miss Ella Keller, who have been spending the winter in Camden, left for their home in Easton, Pa,, today. Mrs. J. F. Moody and son, Bobby Jack Moody, of Canton, N. C., ore here on a visit to the former's mother, Mrs. W. E. Jackson, oil Hampton street. , Mrs. H. K. Hallett and children, of Charlotte, have returned home after a visit here at the home of Mrs. HSallett'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lindsay. * - > ' Mr. and Mrs. Roibert W. Pomerojr, accompanied by Mrs. Robert Deans and attractive children, Bobby and Lucy, left this week for their home in Buffalo. Mrs. Paul S. Pearce has returned to her home in Charleston after a two weeks stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Stogner, on north Broad street. Mfs. F. M." Wooten had as her quests for the week end Mr. and Mrs, Louis deLoach and daughter of High - Shoals, N. 0.7-and Mr. and Mrs? Jean Lind, of Miami, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lee, of Fort 1 Mill, and their daughter, Mildred, who graduated from Winthrop last week, spent Wednesday ' with the family of Mr. R. L. Bell. Mrs. T. J. Kirkland and daughter, Miss Fay Kirkland, were among those Who attended a party in Ridgeway Wednesday afternoon given by Mrs. J. S. Edmunds for Miss Bee I McfCarrell. Mr. and Mrs. W. iC. Moore left Sunday for Norfolk and from there thfiy will go to West Point, N. Y., to attend graduation exercises when Mr, Moore's brother will be a member of the graduation class. 'Misses Mamie Bryant and Elizabeth Salley are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Garwood Jaynes. ''Miss Salley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Elliott Salley,-who formerly lived in Camden. * Mr. and MrA. W. H. Harris and daughter, Jean, have taken a cottage at Myrtle Beach for the month of June. Mrs. W. L. DePass, Mrs. D. O. Houser, Misses Mary Jane Mackey and Alice DePass are their guests for this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Tucker and Mrs. Woods Robinson and children left last Friday for their homes in New York City after spending the winter here. Mr. C. P, DuBose, Jr. accompanied them to New York for a short vacation. The folio wing yo u ng ladies spent the"week end at Myrtle Beach: Misses Willie Haile, Nancy Dempster, Mary Goodale, Pete Boykin, Tommie Guthrie, Gertrude Zemp, Mary Cureton and Virginia Haile. They were chaperoned by Miss Wollner of Rock Hill and Mrs. F. D. Rogers, of Bennettsville. Friends of ?H. P. Oglesby, who formerly resided in Camden but who Is now making his home in Miami, Fl*., were pleased to see him in Camden on a visit last week. IMr. Oglesby was stopping with his son-iA-brw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Qrati am. I See oar Mileage Con- ; test Prize Winners on I Page Three of this paper. 1 CAROLINA MOTOR CO. I Junior Auxiliary Formed James Leroy Belk Junior Auxiliary met at the legion hall with nine present. Miss~ Loulio Whitaker was named president; Phylis Karesh, was made treusurer and Betty Sowell as secretary. These children have the honor oft beinj? the ftrst officers and charter members. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Che wiling and opened with the singing of America and the reading of the preamble. The children all joined in singing patriotic songs. It was agreed to hold meetings on the second Wednesday in each month at legion hall. After the meeting adjourned ice cream was served. His Thirteenth Birthday M rs. L. M. West entertained about 25 of tho younger folk at her home on Monday evening in honor of" her son, Lee, on his thirteenth birthday. Many games and contests were enjoyed, after which weiners were roasted over a bed of oak coals in the yard. Then the young guests were invited to the porch, where, amid decorations of green and white they beheld the pretty birthday cake and candles, reminding them again of the thirteenth milestone. Delicious cake and punch were served. Death of Mrs. A. D. Sowell Mrs. 'Maude Sowell, wife of Mr. A. iD. Sowell, passed away at a hospital in Charlotte, N. C., Friday night, June 3rd. She was a daughter of thg latq^r. G. K. Horton and Mrs. Alice Hough Horton and a niece of Mr. W. R. Hough, of Camden. She was reared in the Bethune section but with her husband went to Charlotte a number of years ago to make it their home. She was laid to rest beneath a mound of beautiful flowers in the Timrod cemetery Sunday*afternoon, funeral being conducted by one of her former pastors, the Itev. M. B. Gunter, of Jefferson. Besides her husband, a daughter and two sons, she is survived by her mother and a number of brothers and sisters and a host of friends. She was a kind and loving mother and a devoted wife and was loved by all who knew her. Police of Vineland, N. J., shot John B. Tamanini to death Saturday after he had murdered his wife and attempted to shoot his 10-year-old son, and then barricaded himself in Ms home. ' - - Cr,, Mrs. Tup per Hostess The Friday afternoon bridge club was entertained last w$ek by Mrs, Kirby Tupper. Substitutes for the afternoon wore: Mrs. Jack Whitaker, J*., and Miss Josephine Cureton. Two prizes were given for high score and these were won by Mrs, Mortimer Muller and Mrs. Jack Whitaker, Jr. After cards the hostess served a sweet course. mnmiim Jordan?Chewning An announcement of interest td friends of the young couple is that Miss Lura Jordan and Mr. George Ohewning were married in Bishopvillo Wednesday, June 8. Miss Jordan has been in training at the J( Camden hospital for the past year, Mr. Ohowning is in the contracting business with his father here. They will make their home at 1411 Lyttleton street, this city. Parker Houie . f Finger Rolls ROLLS * J , U IM t Special /or Special for ^ ^ _ SATURDAYS jg| BAKERY SPECIALS lip: Parker House_ROLLS, now per doz. 10c Iinger ROLLS, now per doz.' 10c WHOLE WHEAT ^ BREAD, Fresh Daily, now per loaf .. 5c I. LADY FINGERS, now per doz. 10c Lemon COOKIE, now per doz. ..... 10c SATURDAY SiPECIIAIL 15c Sponge CAKE, 2 for 25c j 5c CREAM PUFFS, 3 for ... 10c ! 5c Marshmallpw Devil's Food, 3 for 10c 5c APPLE TURNOVERS, 6 for . 25c 20c Whole Wheat Muffins, 2 doz for 29c SATURDAY SPECIAL?PLAIN, RAISIN, CHERRY 25c Old Fashioned POUND CAKE .. 19c SAT. SPECIAL?CHOCOLATE, ORANGE, COOOANUT, CARAMEL j 25c LAYER CAKES r. : r. . 19c 25c ANGEL FOOD CAKES 19c | SATURDAY SPECIAL?DELICIOUS JUICY Linnamon ROLLS, per doz.. ?... 15c Saturday Special?2 doz. for 25c SLICED THINPQ? SA?JD(W?CHBS , 3 Sandwich jBRE AD, per loaf 10c All of out prodyict* made from ve/f be?t ingredients? 1**! jSold only on ? money-back 'guarantee. Be ture to specify KREAM KJRUST BREAD when ordering from your groodr and you'll get the best bread on fhe maiket-Only 5c per loaf | JpJECTRIK MAID BAKESHOP ' ^' 1 - ??? Circulating Library We have 200 Books, all modern fiction" . A nominal charge only /V Just received a shipment of new books , DePass' Drug Store - The Rexall Store Telephone 10 SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday Only 'yyyyy vwyy "?*??? * v yr ? v w~ v T~ . . . .... ' . . For Next Winter > . Have your winter Dresses and Coats dry cleaned ~7 and sealed in a genuine ~"~ . Sanitary Moth-Proof Bag i They will be ready for you next winter when you need them. The price* are in line with the times. * Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats $1.00 t Ladies' Plain Coats 75c Ladies' Plain Dresses 75c MEN'S SUITS 75c MEN'S OVERCOATS 75c i f ^ A- . J j We Specialize on Washing Quilt*, Blankets, Curtains t II ^ - "* Draperies and Rag Rugs \ ^4=-v- . :! I ; WE CALL FOR AND DEUVER ;\v?. PHONE 17 * CITY LAUNDRY 1 ????? 1