The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, April 01, 1932, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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I'AUA SI A IL . . .'IJ.'.f' ! Nobody's Business Written for Tbe Chronicle by Gee McGee, Copyright, 1928. GRT IN LINK. FOLK8 We keep hearing: about the proapoet of the "dole" being installed in the United States. That's a ridiculous thought of course, Some parts of our country might need it, but down here in South Carolina.. where wv have always been fairly pour ami good liveia, we want to say how we wish our "dole" doled out to us,... if we must submit to it'at all.Instead of giving us a piece of meat and a hunk of bread, we think the following items should be substituted: 10 gallons gas, 1 (|rtart of oil, f> pounds of flour, 10 picture show tickets, 25 prize fight tickets, 2 pounds of beef, 25 bottles of coca cola, 1 inner tube, 10 boxes cigarettes, 12 boxes snuff, 2 boxes Brown's Mule. When a man or a w'onian gets to the stage where they whll have to do without any of the aforementioned necessities, then somebody's going to get hurt. 1 have not heard of a single man or woman, or a married man or worn^n, as for that matter, in this community, .that has chewed 2 chaws less, puffed 2 puffs less, or missed a single picture show that they wanted to see for the past 12 months. There's plenty money for everything iri the world except meat audi bread and paying debts. About twothirds of our charity could be dispensed with if <>ur state and fexjeral j governments would reduce the tax <le-i I |inumls on our manufacturing enter-, prises so> ibt-y could u-a- that money.; to put folks back to work with. In-; stead of the government putting out i a dole, let them givu that money to industry and the workers could work' for their dole..and that's what they; want to do. I , We are in a mess, it's true, but if j we can stand it till we wear it out: it's going to be good for us. This! thing had to happen. Our politicians were wonderful just so long as they could borrow and spend but they have' struck a snag. Individuals were like- . w ise keen guys till, they over-instalmented themselves, and they simply cut their own incomes by over-! doing the matter. Prediction No. 88,-; (>54,432: Prosperity will sneak partly from around the corner in about 10 , months. Times are nearly O. K. now, i 12 j ' hut the foJka ain't. A WBKK ENI) VACATION My best doctor came to me a few lays ago and toUl me that I was working too hard. (Gosh, ain't it nice to be accused of working too hard?) He then told my wife that I must take a vacation: a Ion* one, if possible, hut a short one anyhow. Well, we talked about where we'd go. We figured that we could spare i days away from home. My old lady calculated that we could live just as cheap away from home as we could while at home, and informed me that it would not cost much to get ready for the trip. I found where I could borrow 30 dollars and I knew where I could get a check cashed for 20 dollers. (Ij dearly love drug stores). So 1 joined my wife in believing that we could afford the trip that we had selected^ She had to buy a little travelling dress ($<).K6) and the baby needed a little travelling coat ($7.06) und the car needed a little spare tire ($6.70). And then she bought a few things that we actually needed. After buying all of these "little" things, my $f>0,00 had vamoosed, and I had to hop out and borrow some more money. So I cranked up my Ford and family and we lit out early Thursday morning for Florida. I always travel in a Ford so's folks won't know I'm rich and "dig" me at every hotel and filling-station. (P. S. Why, I don'r*let my own wife know that I am rich. . . .much less strangers. . . . with things to sell.) My wife packed everything we had except the piano and kclvinator in "ur limousine. She apparently thought we were going to spend the entire winter.... instead of $,">0.00 away from home. Hut when we stopped the first night, we discovered that -he had left out my nightcap, my cascara pills, my razor, my pair of socks, my light union suit, my night shirt, my soda-mint tablets, my Wine of Cardui and my spirits of ammonia, and I didn't sleep a wink the room cost me $6.00. We made good time. One filling station man put 11 gallons of gas in my 0-gallon tank, and he got the balance of my f>-dollar bill for 10 or 16 quarts of oil he said he poured in. That motor simply ate and drank my money. We tried to convince our first hotel that the war was over, but he said the man he rented the building from didn't know it, and neither did the tax collector and the license collector and the electric light and gas men. I sympathized with him and paid his rates. We slept all right that night, hut a cob in my mattress dug a hole in my back. The orange juice the next morning was 20 cents for the juice ?ut of the two 1-cent oranges. The whole meal wa- $1.06. including the 10-cent tip. After figgering all over the table cloth, we made up our minds not to ?.at but 2 meals a day from J then on: our minds stayed made up nearly all day. (The second day s journey will follow tomorrow.) Governor Ibra C. Blackwood Wednesday had for his signature a bill passed by the legislature authorizing an investigation of the "stretch out" system, out of which grew labor troubles in the state's textile mills three years ago. The bill is directed prin:ipally toward determining the effect of the system on the health of the operatives. NOTICE OF SALE State of South Carolina County ?>f Kershaw .! I1. Lewis. Landlord. again-! .) C M < ask:i! and W. M Ixdlis. lYnants. i .i .. .. . . ? " -* ; u.??uu. 11 ic .11 Lr.e aboVC; , . : tv.a' "? ; . 1 -hail offer for sale h ro' 4 a-v.. on the i a f \:r 1. !: *.2 a* 1 ! .2 V k. \ M . a* ' - : ' u-o f ' rn.-rly I C, M < :: a: : W. M It a : c a n.i? r.. K? > , a - c , ho < n! i re " o k ::1 h a . - < and fixtures r.ow loi-?i< ? ? H ?1 O ?n *!>?} WHT*4-' *. ;;pi r. t y.o -ame e r.- , - -* ng p'" n<npallv of a -!<?ck of gr,?con-;st:r.g of neat. lard, can-j re : g extract-, tea-, coffee, l'o.s-1 turn, dried fruits, oat meal. corn. com! flak.-, peas, macaroni, candy, vine-; gar. butter, raisins, currants, tobacco, -ugnr, molasses and other articles of men handiso consisting of patent medicine.-. lamp globes, lantern glo)?es, fruit jar tops, gun shells, shoe soles, snuff, garden seed and such other, merchandise as now located in said store building and warehouse build-j ing, about 1.000 pounds of coal and f al.-o .store fixtures located in ?aid , -tore building and warehouse consist-' :ng of show cases, refr gerators.J peanut parcher. chee.-e utter. c..ffee mill, adding machine, cater, scales., electric fan-, cour'er -hr.w vases.? ;:? i-n.T mil' ard u-h r* a! o, . ,? <dd For.; tru g0~T. ... . ** ' . ; i' i\ . t I \g * S. ' ! " r.l I Man h 2ftr.. !,:j. ' , Mrs. B. D. Steedly, owner of the Steedly infirmary, appraised at $257,000 in 1030, has offered the property free of cost to Greenville county on the condition that 'the county operate) the hospital for charity and for pay patients. The county would he expected to assume an .outstanding bond obligation of $46,000 on the property. NOTICE OF SALE Under ami by virtue of sundry tax executions to me directed by J. ('. Boy kin, City Clerk and Treasurer of' the City of Camden, South Carolina, 1 have levied upon and will sell the following property on the first Monday in April, 1032, being the 4th day thereof, in front of the Court House in Camden, S. C? during the legal hours of sale. Terms of sale cash: All those pieces, parcels or lots of land, situated in the City of Camden, County of Kershaw, State of South Carolina a? follows: All that lot of land, fronting One Hundred Ten (110) feet on Lafayette Avenue and running hack North of a uniform width to a depth of One Hundred Twenty-four (124) feet and bounded as follows: On the North by land now or formerly of F. M. Zemp; Fast by property formerly of Spero Beleos now of Rogers; South by Lafayette Avenue and West by lot formerly of the Estate of F. I). Campbell, now of II. S. Campbell. Levied upon and to be sold as property of aallie W. Moseley for 1923, 1929 and 1930 City Taxes. Also All that lot of land, containing onehalf (Vs) acre, more or loss, fronting Sixty (GO) feet North on a Street or road separating this lot from property of R. \V. Pomeroy and property of Benj. Carlos, bounded North by property of R. W. Pomeroy and Benj. Carlos, separated by the .said road or street; Fast by property of Benj. Carlos; South by Josephine Bracey and West by propdHy of Rachel James and having a frontage North of Sixty (GO) feet and running back of a uniform width, to a depth of One Hundred Five (105) feet. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Ben Truesdale for 1929 and 1930 Citv Taxes. Also All that lot of land.'fronting Sixty (GO) feet on Laurens Street and ex- i tending back South of a uniform i width, to a depth of One Hundred, (100) feet, more or less and is bounded North by I^aurens Street; Fast by lot of Anna Rebecca Collins; South ! by lot of Jesse F. Withers and West j by lot of James H. Burns, of which : this lot was originally a part. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of Alberta Watkins for 1028, 1929 and 1930 City Taxes. Also All that lot of land, being designated as Lot No. 9 on Block "C" of a plat of the subdivisiin of property formerly known as the "Team Property", as will more fully appear by reference t-o a plat of same recorded < in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County, S. C., in Plat Book 2, at page 2, the said lot fronts Fifty (50) feet to the Fast on Lee Avenue and extends back Woutwardly of a uniform width, to a depth of Two Hundred (200) feet and is bounded North by lot of John Wheeler; Fast by I^ee Avenue; South by lot of Sonny Alexander and West by lot of ?. Levied upon and to l>o sold as the property of John Williams for 1930 City Taxe? Also All that lot of land known and designated in the plan of said City as Lot No. 112G, and bounded on the North by LoWNo. 1127, formerly of Flora Wright and Lot No. 1130 of J. P. Ix'wis; East by Lot No. 1135, property of Annette O. Williams; South by Lot No. 1125, property of Grace McGirt and on the West by Campbell Street. Fronting Sixty-six (GG) feet on said Street. Levied upon and to be sold as the property of j Mack Wolst for 1930 City Taxes. Also All that lot of land, fronting Sixtyfive C$6);- feet on Gordon Street and running back Eastward Two Hundred Ten (210) feet, being a portion of the lot of the Estate of Tom Cook and is bounded as follows: North by lot of I>ora Kelly; Fast by lot of William Brooks; South by lots 1, 2 and 3 of the Estate of K. S. Villepigue and on the West by Gordon Street. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Alice Blanding for 1930 City Taxes. Also -* All that lot of land, fronting West Fifty (50) feet on Gordon Street of -aid City and running back Kastwardiy therefrom with a uniform width to a uniform depth of One Hundred Thirty-six (136) fee t and ;? bounded n : he N<>rt h and Fast bv nrotu-rtv <" T-* j{, i ' ' 1 x ' I.,." ? ; V _ . ' 'n*'- " >ear...-n ! In-.a nrd Wr it by Gordon j S:ree*. Levied upon and to br -old I a- : "e :rope-:v < : Jame-' :"o- :.* :<? ' v Taxes. Also Al. : ha I lot of la.-,!, fronting N : th ^ : y and lot N-. Jul. .n vie plan < f the City of Camden ndj 1' 2'>ui ipp anj joi J V ' . ? I ' - or. i o r k .'street Sixty-six. i i feet, more or less, anil extending j da k Southwardly with a un:f- rm I a dth to a depth of One Hundred N nety-eight ( 3 ) feet, more or -ess ai.d bounded North by York Street; Fast by lots No?. 198, 199 and 200; South by lot No. 197 and West by lot No. 202. Parts of lots N'os. 200, 199 and 198 having a frontage of Thirty-three (33) feet on York Street and extending back Southwardly with a uniform width to a depth of One Hundred Ninety-eight <198) feet, more or less and being bounded North by York Street; Fast by remaining parts of Lots Nos. 200, 199 ar.d 198; South by lot 197 and West by lot No. 201. Levied upon and to be sold as property ?.f Sam Bower, f--r 19.30 City Taxes. Also Ad 'rat lot r>f Sand, bring ' the Nor*hem ha!' of rj-.y Lot No lu36. v?-r North h\ premise- of P,,-n -1< hV * - . Fa -1 by premise? ( y liar South by prt rr.ises (.f Uuren v j Wftit bv Broad Street of the Citv of Camden. Levied upon and to be ,old as property of James Carter for 1930 City Taxes. , Also , . All that lot of land, f'rontulK S^J1 nUn feet West on hair btreet ana extendi!.* l>ack K^t^H.'dly of a !." ; form width, to a depth of Two nun dred Forty-nine (249) feet, bounded , n the North by property of M. West; South by' R. W. "??? ?? ???! lot now or formerly of J as. H. Burna? Fast by M. C. West and West by Fair Street. Levied upon and to be sold as property of 0. W. Huggms for 11)30 City Taxes^ p Chief of Police, City of Camden. South Carolina. TAX NOTICE Taxes for 1931 will bo collected until April 1st, 1932, with two (2)_ ner cent, penalty added. An aciai tionfll penalty of five <5 por cent, will be added April 1st, KM- Ex cutions will be issued after P ? but not delivered to the Sheriff fore June 1st, 1932. Very respectfully. * S. W. HOC.UK, Treasurer Kershaw ( ounty, S. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given, that under ?nd bv virtue of the decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Kershaw County. State of South '<Carolina, dated the Sth day of March, ud-. m the cause of Moses E. Lopez, plain tiff, against Nelar L. Trapp, et. a defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder or bidders before the Court House door in the Town of Camden, State of South Carolina, duringthe legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in April, 1932, the same being the 4th day of "said month,,, the following described property: "One Hundred and Sixtty-One acre., more or less, the same being tract Number Two of the subdivision of the estate of lands of W. J. R*ynoTds, lying in Kershaw County. De^ Kalb Township, said Stale, as will oe more fully shown on plat of the division of said estate on file in the office of the Clerk of Court for Lee County, said land bounded North by lands now or formerly of Sutton, East by lands of John Croft, J. E. Campbell and H. F. Tnmnal; South bv lands of Z. Z. Barfield. and Mary C Bateinan, and West by land of W. E S. Trapp, D. S. Trapp and a portion of Tract No. 1 of the estate of \V J. Reynolds, now the lands of Holloman. This being the land conveyed to W. Kr S. Trapp by Martha \ Ferguson. . ,r Also all that tract of land in Kershaw County, said State, containing fortv-two and one-half acres, bounded North by lands of Sutton; West by lands of Mrs. W. E. S. Trapp; South by lands of D. S. TJ^PP aa<* West by land above described; this being the land conveyed to W. b. b. Trapp by the estate of Marion Moise and A. B. Stuckey." Terms of sale: Cash. Anyone besides the plaintiff bidding hereon shall first d^ltwith thc Master the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars cash or certified check on some responsible Bank sa|^ a" mount. W L. DePA&S, Master for Kershaw C-ount> March 18th, 1932. ^NOTICE-OF SALE Notice is hereby given. That under and by virtue of the Decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Kershaw County. State of South Carolina, dated the 5th day of March, 1932, in the cause of Mattie E. Gerald, pla.n.iff, gainst Charlotte J. DuBose. et. al.. defendants, I will sell to the highe-, bidder or bidders before the Court Hou-c door ir. the Town of f amden. <.'Ve ,,f South Carolina, during the iegal r. Air< ot -aie. on the first Mondav :r. April. 1932. 'he same being the 1th day f said month, the lowing described pro pert > . \'' 'hat piece, ;?areel ? r t'ai " lard. - tuattd ir. the County K? rshaw. State of South < aro.-.r.a,, ahout ten ( lot miles below the < itv of Camden, and < Hundred Eif* v-Fight <1."?M acre-, more or less." Said tract of land N bounded on the North by land- of 1-. M. footer.; formerly of Boyk.n; East b\ Swift Creek; South by lands of Henry Boykin and State Farm and \\ est bv the Wateree River." ' The above described property is that devised to NV. E. Johnson, Jr., by the will of the late T> B. Ancrum. Term? of Sale: Cash. Anyone besides the plaintiff bidding hereon, shall first doposit with the Master the sum of TA-o Hundred ($200.00) Dollars cash or certified check on some responsible Bank for said a mount; that upon default of the purchaser to comply with the terms of sale, said property to be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday thereafter at the risk of the former purchaser: that ail checks from unsuccessful bidders be at once returned to them. W. I. DePASS. JR.. Master f r Ker-naw < ounty M-.rCn 18th, 1932. Fire of unknown origin damaged the city hall of Montgamery, Ala., to the extent of $300,000 Tuesday night. ""notice of election Notice i? hereby given that an election will be the City ot Camden, County of Kershaw, ?tat? of South Carolina, on Tuesday, April 12th, 1032, for the election of ? Mayor and six (0) Aldermen, one Alderman for each ward in the City or Camden. That the polls will be opened at 8:00 o'clock, A. M., and will close at 4:00 o'clock, P. M. Voting places will be as follows: Ward 1.?At, Opera House, at corner of Broad and Rutledge streets. Ward 2.?'OesChamps' Pry Cleanc? r y i Ward 3.?Redfearn, Motor Com|a\Vard 4.?Mr. John Whitaker, Sr. Ward 5.?Mrs. J. M. Dempster. Ward 0.?Mrs. G. E. Taylor., The following managers are hereby appointed to Conduct said elections: , - W fy Ward 1.?J. K. Goodale, vJno. U. Farrell and Mrs. Iaiwis Haynes. Ward 2.?O. J. Smyrl, Mrs. C. *. McCoy and Mrs. W. E. Hendrix. Ward 3.?-Wiley Sheorn, Mrs. C. U Vaughan and Mrs. M. M. Reasonover. Ward 4.?C. H. Barrett, Mrs. J. H. Osborne and E. L. Phelps. Ward 5.?W. D. Trantham, E. M. Boykin. Jr., and Mrs. D. O. Houser. Ward 0.?G. E. Taylor, J. b rank West and Mrs. S. C. Zemp. R. M. KENNEDY. JR., Mayor of City of Camden. Attest: J. C. BOYKIN, City Clerk and Treasurer NOTICE OF SALE ~ Notice is hereby given, That under and by virtue of the Decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Kershaw County, State of South Carolina, dated the Gth day of January, 11)32, in the cause of Pilot Life Insurance Company against Thomas Kirk land Trotter, I will sell to the highest bidder or bidders before the Court House door in the Town of Camden. State of South Carolina, during the j legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in April, 1932. the same being the 1th day of said month, the following described property: "All that piece, parcel or lot of | land with residence thereon, in the State of South Carolina. County of. Kershaw, and town of ( amden, fronting One Hundred Six (108) v feet South on new road or street.v being an extension Eastward of Green Street of the Town of Camden, same extending back Northward therefrom, and having a dimension of the East [ line of Three Hundred Twenty-three (323) feet, on the North line of Two j Hundred Thirty-eight (238) feet, and j on the West line of Three Hundred; Sixty-seven (3G7) feefT "Said property consists of portions of lots numbers twenty-three (23), and twenty-four (24) as shown on plat by Z. L. Mobley, Surveyor, of the K. C. Johnson estate lots, recorded in the*office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Book Two (2), page 27, and is located as a corner lot along the new roadway, which is an extension of Green Street and Mill Street of the town of Camden, and is bounded North by property now of Samuel D. Bush; East and South by said new street or roadway, and West by property of Marie A. Kirkland and T. K. Trotter, and is a portion of the property acquired by T. K. Trotter by deed of Mary I). Jones and C. P. DuBose, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Book BR, page. 368, and Book BR, page 356." Terms of Sale: Cash. Anyone Se| sides the plaintiff bidding herein,,1 shall first deposit with the said Masj ter the sum of $200.00 cash or certiI fied check on some responsible Bank for same amount; that upon default of the purchaser to comply with the terms of sale, said property to be resold on the same or some subsequent sales day thereafter at the risk of the former purchaser; that all checks from unsuccessful bidders be at once returned to them. W. L. DePASS, JR., Master for Kershaw County. March 18, 1932. Mistrials were ordered in the cases of eight persons on trial in the F4 eral court at Dothan, Ala., on,charges of conspiracy to defraud the govehj." ment in connection with seed loans. i FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that cue month from this date, on the 4th day of April. 1032, at 11 o'clock, a. m, 1 will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County my final return? Guardian of the estates of Eva Irby, Jane Irby and Albert Irby, minors, and on the same date I will apply, to the said Court for a final discharge as said Guardian. MRS. EVA IRBY, '"J Guardian. Camden, S. C., March 2nd, 1932. NOTICE OF SALE 1 Notice is hereby given, That under and by virtue of the Decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Kershar County, State of South Carolina, da* ted~the 17th of March, 1932, in the cause of Fidelity Building and Lett Association, against Maggie Ellerbe; et. al., I will sell to the highest bidder or bidders before the Cooit House door in the Town of Camdty State of South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Mofc day in April, 1932, being the 4th di|j of said month, the following describe ed property: rl "All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and beiaf; a shoTt distance North by the rightof-way of the Seaboard Air IiM'^ Railway, just North of the Corporito Limits of the City of Camden, in tbt County of Kershaw and State of South Carolina, and is bounded North by lands of Henry Truesdell and lands of Horace Reynolds; East by lands of Zellie Brown; South by land! of Estate of Mose James; and Wert by' lands of Winnie Ballard." Terms of Sale: Cash. A I will also sell at the same ti?t and place to the highest bidder lot cash, four (4) shares of the Capital Stock of the Fidelity Building mL Ix>an Association, held as collateral to plaintiff's mortgage. W. L. DePASS, JR., Master for Kershaw Courrtf' March 18th, 1932. BUILD UP TO PREVENT PAINS If jou are run-down,nervous, or suffer every mouth, i take C a r d u 1, a ^ medio!no used by lOTjmJ ij w o in e n for over b ! fifty years Aa your i* health Improves, ? 1 you will share the Bj. euthuHlaam of fimjSjjie thousands of others . JfL iw I who have praised I yig, |tj CarduI for tho ben- ttVAjwfe ||J eflts they have felt |F after taking It. 10x- "wamssr Is j perionoe of several 3^r?y^ar p! generations tosti- "WtSQJr ID flos that ?? ? 0Ku/l?i^ Si CARDUl ILSP Helps Women to Health How to train BABY'S BOWELS Babies, bottle-fed or breast-fed with any tendency to be constipate? would thrive if they received duiW half a teaspoonful of this old famij doctor's prescription for the bowei That is one sure way to train liny bowels to healthy regularity, p0 avoid the fretfulness, vomituw crying, failure to flain, and other ill! of constipated babies. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin * good for any baby, bor this, youhac< the word of a famous doctor. Forty. ' seven years of practice taught him just what babies need to keep their little bowels active, ftgular; keep ' little bodies plump and healthy. For Dr. Caldwell specialized in the treatment of women and little ones. He attended over 3500 births without loss of one mother or baby. Dr. W. ft. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative Cs * -*3 * ??- ^ I NO-MO-KORN FOR CORNS AND CALLOUSES .Made in Camden And For Sal? By Do Kit lb Pharmacy?Phone 96 i ROBT. W.MITCH AM Architect \ Crocker Building, Camden, S. C. i ft KERSHAW LODGE No. 29! '/7\ A. F. M. 4^/ C V--) Regular communication of ; /y \ this lodge is held on the -v i first Tuesday in each month at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethren are wel- | conmi. W. R. CLYBURN. j J. E. ROSS, Worshipful Maatdr. Secretary 1-14-27-tf DeKAl.B COUNCIL No 88 , . Junior Order U. A. M. Regular council second and /^r\ fourth Mondays of each v. at P. r. rn Visiting Brethren welcomed. .1. W. THOMPSON. L. H. J ON Eh. LuUi^illur. Recording Secty. r M. M. REASONOVER Legion Service Officer Kershaw County Assistance rendered ail Veterans in Securing Benefits. Hospital and Disability Claims IxKaied at Rhame Brothers Store Camden, S. C. EYES EXAMINED ! 1 and Glasses Fitted THE HOFFER COMPANY Jrwrlcrs and Optometrist* | I H ' i ?? , | mm??? BAYER ASPIRIN | is always SAFE J i BEWAR6 OF IMITATIONS! i i -3 I Genuine Bayer Aspirin, the Kind ? doctors prescribe and millions ol users have proven safe for more than thirty years, can easily be identified by the name Baver and the word genuine. Genuine Bayer Aspirin is sftfe end sure; always the same. It has the unqualified endorsement tj physicians and druggists ersfy* J where. It doesn't depress ths I heart. No harmful after-eff?* follow its use. " Bayer Aspirin is the univert^ J antidote for paint of all Jnnda 3 Headaches Neuritis Goidi Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache ! Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of monoacetic?^"**^ 3 | ? 1