The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 19, 1932, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAG1K HI\ Stock Market Surges Upward New York, Feb. 18.?The Atock Market surged upward with increased Vigor today in the most feverish week end session in nearly two years, to the ; dissonant accompaniment of cheers from bulla and groana from boars. The powerful anti-deflation tonic administered by tho proposal to liberalize the Federal Reserve system had by no means turned stale over yesterday's market holiday, but rather appeared to have increased in po, tency. Net gains in most leading issue* ranged from $2 to $14.60 a share, and several issues in' which bears found themselves painfully pinched, zoomed upward even more spectacularly than they did during the sweeping upsurge Thursday. Price averages indicated a gain in quoted values of more than $5,000,000,000 during the two sessions of swift recovery, restoring tho general level of prices close to the peak of mid-January. Several leading issues, including United States Steel und American Telephone registered new high levels for 1082. Two bandits in a roadster held up, a gasoline station at Lincolnville, Cheater county, the other night and got awuy with $12. Their car had a North Carolina license and departed toward Carlisle. How One Woman Lost 10 lbs. in a Week Mrs. Hetty Luedeke, of* Dayton, writes: "1 am using Kruschen to reduce weight?1 lost 10 pounds in one week and cannot say too much to recommend it." To take off fat easily, SAFELY and HARMLESSLY?take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water in the morning before breakfast?it is the -tafo way to lose unsightly fat and one bottle that lasts 1 weeks costs hut a trifle. Get it at any drug store in America. If this first bottle fails to convince you this is the safest way to lose fatmoney back.. Hut be sure and get Kruschen Salt s?imitations are numerous and you must safeguard your health. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on 27th day of February. 1922, af 11 o'clock a. m., I will make to the Probato Court of Kershaw County my final return as Executrix of the estate of Joseph Mickle, deceased, and on the same date I will apply to the said Court for a final discharge as said Executrix. JESSIE L. MICKLE, Executrix. Camden, S. C., Jan. 27, 1982 r > NO-MO-KORN FOR CORNS AND CALLOUSES Made in Camden And For Sale By DeKalb Pharmacy?Phone tl ROBT. W.MITCH AM Architect Crocker Building, Camden, S. C. ? KKRSHAW LOIKIE NO. 29 A. F. M. Regular communication of VVv^'vKthis lodge is held on the - ..' first Tuesday in each month at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethren are welcomed. W. H. CLYBURN, J. K. ROSS, Worshipful Master. Secretary. 1-14-27-tf . * DeKALB COUNCIL No 88 Junior Order U. A. M. Regular council second and > fourth Mondays of each month at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethren are welcomed. J. W. THOMPSON, L. IT. JONES. Councillor Recordvng Secty M. M. REASOINOVER Legion Service Officer Kershaw County Assistance md-'red a! Veteran* in Securing Renofsts. Hospital ?nd Disah'li'y < !aims Ix>cated at Rhnme Brothers Store Camden. S. C. I EYES EXAMINED and Glasses Fitted THE HOFFER COMPANY Jewelers end Optometrists i | NOTICE OF SALE j Under nml l>y virtue of v. 't? j ; execution, to me diteeJ* * S' ; i inWM?rc1'h,"Kin!i the 70. dny thereof, !?. ^^l%X."0huotr?Win.: 'IVrmM of sulo Cftaht All that lot ami building thereon, bounded north by 18th street, wist >y estate of Jesse* Champion, s^utn by formerly Haile, west by Marshall. Levied upon and to be sold aa Pr?P" erty of estate Charlie Benson for 1980 city tax?#. A I k-Q All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by estate M. A. Watts, east by City Lot No. OIL south by Sam McLaughlin, west by Market street, levied upon and to be sold as property of Anna Carter for loot) City taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Lucy Jones, eftft y Gordon street, south by City Lot No. __ west by S. A. L. Railway, levied'upon and to bo aold as property of Bennie Carlos for 1980 < ity taxes. . . - Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Ellen Cook, east by Market street, south by formerly l. J. Boykin, west by City Lot No. 814. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Estate West Alexander for 19.80 City taxes. Also All that lot and building therein, bounded on north by intersection 19th Street, east by Campbell street, south by Allen Johnson, west by City Lot No 1902. Levied upon and tu l?e sold us property of Estate Burrell I)oby for 1930 City taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by City Lot No. east by Broad street, south by Jon" Barnes, west by City Ix>t No. 510. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Estate W. H. Jones for 1930 City taxes. A Ijhv All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Frietag property, east by Mill street, south by King street, west by City Lot No. 700. Levied upon and to be sold as propert> of S. T. and Lillie Mae Stephens for 1930 Citv. taxes. Also All that lot with buildings thereon, bounded on the north by C oca t ola Bottling Co., east by Broad street, south bv City Lot No. 853, west by Citv Lot No. 852. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Schlosburg and Reeves for 1929 and 1930 City taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by York street, east by Kizzie Boykin, south by Mai> Jones, west by Market street. Lev-j ied upon and to be sold as property of Sohlosburg and Hellmnn for 1J2J and 1930 City taxes. A1 so All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Hampton street, east bv Mattie E. - Shaw, south by Mrs. E. E. Sill, west by W. M. Alex' under. Levied upon and to be sold us< property of Ida Belle Shaw for 1930 City taxes.. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Hamilton street, east by HirscK"&.Block, south by Mrs E. E. Sill, west by Mrs. Ida Belle Shaw. Levied upon and to bo sold as property of Mrs. Mattie E. Shaw for 1930 Citv taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Jane Long, e-ast b> Highland Avenue company, south by Phoebe Williams, west by Campbell street. Levied upon and to be sold as property of \\ esley Met ullough for 1930 City taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Walnut street, east by Mrs. Ruby Wilson. south by Sehlosburg. west by Mrs. Ruby Wilson Levied upon and to be sold as property of Mrs. Sallie E. Trucsdale for 1930 City taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Hampton street. | cast bv Broad street, south bv M.-s .'Mcinc Turner, west by Mrs. Lil.ian Bruce. Levied upon ami be -- id ;,s propel :y of Estate Leila Treu.-daie for 1930 City taxes. Also \i! thai '.o'v and building- the-eon. jbounded north by N o-k -tire'., east by China b. street, south by (i Iftle. i by C;t> Lot No. ,Uo. Levied I xi|>..)i and to be soul as projiertj of | Estate of Harriett Curetoii for 1930 ( ;t v t axes . | \ Also j A!: that lot K-undcd north by J._v\. S-over. east by city Lot No. 511. south by City Lot No. 513, west by Broad s'treet L'V.ol upon and to be sold a- property- of K;zzie Brisbane for lt'oo C.ty taxes. Also \", that lot .and hu.5i.og Ht-rt?n. I bounded r.ortn by City Lot No. 1 ? 1' east bv Ilibb'e "property, south bv .1 ,iT?s Biamhng. we-t bv Cortn I I upon, and to be - U a. :o -y John W IhiBad for 11' t i ( "v ta \? Abo V and. b , id ng- *h. ! :*. . n-n ??ru bv .<;? C a- *.< ". ea-t te. . -V i * V s_'T. -O r ". bv ( I'V lot N w. bv lb. ad -'re,*. tilVi Also 1 A:i that i ' an,; nu;i<l;ng ' n. [bounded ra-it'll by R H. Hate, t a t bv R H. Haile. - irh by King n west b v R 11. Ha..'1 1 v : > 1; . p ' and to be =o;d a- proper*.y <?t K n-r ! S'evvart. et a*... for 193d Citv :ax? -. Also All that lot bounded or. the r.o-*n by Jame* A Bates, ea-t by Campbe.. street, south bv James A Bates, on west bv LuCi .Lloyd. IwW.-d up-e, and to "So sold as property ..f W,.b~ Boyd for 1930 city taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by York street, east by W. F. Nettle*. Jr., weat by < tara Clayton. Levied ujrtm and to he sold as property of Nellie B. Duren for 1930 City taxes. Also ,_j All that lot and building thereon, HOW KBYNOLDS BROKE RECORD Cigarette Company Had Moat Proaihtouh Year in Blueat of Times | The Charlotte Observer notes that the R. J. Reynolds Tobacoo Company made money in the year of depression. It was the most prosperous year in the history of that company ?and the state shares in that prosperity, for the Reynolds company, out of its profits, is to send the state treasury a check for two million ' taxes. The money the state gets from that corporation will pay 27 per cent of all the income taxes coming to it. The Reynolds people did not out wages and gave work-in to more people than were employed The secret of tbja succd^p^WHSN^evealed in statement by pi^jW^it Clay'i Williams. Its new methodipx paoking cigarettes was oTfe fat^mjL<&Mt the thin# that put the over l>ig was advertising. \ The Winston-iSalem Journal says the company resolved to put newspaper advertising to the acid.test. Long ago, R. J. Reynolds had domon-' | strated that newsjwper advertising was good for his business in ordinary times, i But how about times such as came upon the country in 1080 and 1081 ? That was to be determined. R. J. Reynolds company evidently set out to prove or disprove the theory that newspaper advertising was even more essential and profitable in har^l times than in good. The company put on the biggest newspaper advertising campaign in its history?a scientifcally planned and thoroughly sustained campaign.. This was new. This was revolutionary. But it was no' newer and no more revolutionary than the result? which followed, And now the whole world sees that scientific improvement in product plus bold and courageous investment in intensive newspaper advertising brought highest prosperity in history in the midst of the deepest depression in history. And that is the best tip that might be offered all other managers of business, big and small. Advertising had its test when business was bad?and it made business "good." Quadruplets were born to Andrew Johnson and his wife, negroes, at Oxford, N. ^C., this week. There are now twd sets of twins, one of triplets and a single child in the family in addition to the newest arrivals. ^ Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, viee-chair'man of the national Democratic executive committee, speaking at Emory university. Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday night, told her audience that the nation is turning to the Democratic party us "the party of the people." Over near Pinehurst, N. C., a fox turned the tables on a hound. In stead of the fox being caught by the dog the fox caught the dog, and a hunter had to release the dog from the jaws of the fox and captured the fox alive. The Madison Parish bank at Tallulah, I>a., was held up by bandits Tuesday. Two white men got awav with $'5,000. | bounded north by City Ixit No. 707, cast by Fair street, south by Rebecca Dease, west by City Lot No. 701. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Estate Charlotte Caldwell for j 108O City taxes. A1 so ; All that lot and building theron, j bounded north by \V. I >. Duron. ea>t i by Broad street, south by City Lot ; No. 711. west by Goodale. levied upon and to be sold as property ui : Jennie for 1 td'.ll Cilv taxes. Also All that . lot and building thereon, adjoining the Parri-h property and Southern Oil Mill property, being just otT from Hade street. Levied up<>n and to be sold a-* property of Estate of Henry Boston for 1930 City la \es. : Also All that lot and building thereon, ; bounded north by Mcintosh property, least by l.yttleton street, south by formerly Liehman, west by Mcintosh p-o|?erty. I/evied upon and to be sold as property of Lilhan Sutton for 1930 < ?*v tnxrv Also All that, lot and budding thereon, bo iruled north formerly Team prop-j ea-t by a r<*adway. south by Hamuto -timet, west by City Lot N .. J. I.i-viii! upon and to be s,,jc! : r per * y E-tate Ella T? ltty for ' . I j ' aXce. A l-o V ' ...... 1 Iv:r.g and j . r.or'h Hampton -tree!. Loved up- [ o a- : ' be -< 1! a- property of E. j P I :.i for 1 to ( it v taxes. Als? All t'.i ! * and building thereor.. ' rairth by City !x>t N'o. < a-1 " i :*y Lot No. south b> Lot - o west by Broad street. Lt'. a d ami To ho sold as prope-'y i.f It. n and Wash Bennett for L' tu ( ;t\ taxes. Also A that l"t lying and being situated <?n Gordon street, and extending Campbell ?treet. Ix-vied upon and to iw ns property of Bessie F. K. Rrmrn for T7*30 City taxes. Also All that lot and building thereon, bounded north by Charlotte Boykin. east by Campbell street, south by Abram Kainey, west by City I/Ot No 1710. I/evied upon and to be sold as property of Florie*VToVy for 1930 City i taxes. H. D. HILTON, ' Chief of Police City of Camden K. B. Bo Lin, a fighting bootlegger of CJaffney; had his sentence of six. months or $500 fine, given him by Judge Shipp a year and a half ago, sustained in the supreme court the other day. Receipts from the sale of automobile license plates to the end of last week. were near the $2,000,000 mark, and the number of cars and trucks provided with plates is 10,000 less than last year. ^ The Royal* Canadian mounted police have so far failed to capture Albert Johnson, the mad trapper, for whom they have been searching in the Hat river country for ten days or more. Johnson either fights the police or fuies away as he seems to think ex ? >KiFranklinxD, Roosevelt's name has been filed in North Carolina for the 'statd primary election as a Democratic providential nominee, The seaplane from the M-2, British submarine recently lost in the English channel, has been recovered from the under sea boat wreck. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (Court of Common Pleas) Fidelity Building and Loan Association, Plaintiff, against Maggie Ellerbe, and all other parties having or claiming to have any right, title, or interestin and to, or lien upon the following lot of lftnd, situate in the county of Kershaw, State of South Carolina, owned by Horace Ellerbe, deceased: "All that certain piece, pa*<*?) or lot of land situate, lying and being a short distance North of the rightof-way of the Seaboard Air Lino Railway, just north of the Corporate Limits of the City of Camden, in the County of Kershaw, and State of South Carolina, and is bounded North by lands of .Henry Truesdell and lands of Horace Reynolds; East by lands of Zellie Brown; South by lands of Estate of M ose James; and West by lands of Winnie Ballard," by, through or under the said Horace Ellerbe, whose n&mes and residences are unknown and cannot, with reasonable diligence, be ascertained, Defendants. To the Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint in tbe above entitled action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your/answer thereto on the subscriber at his office in the City of Camden, S. C., within twenty (20) days from date of .service hereof upon you, exclusive of the date of service: and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. E. D. BL.AKENEY, Plaintiff's Attorney. Camden, S. C., January, 28, 1932. NOTICE To the Defendants above named, and to the father, mother or guardian of and the person with whom any and all of the infant defendants, if any such, reside: Take notice, that the original Summons, of which the foregoing is a copy, together with the original G|pmplaint, in the above entitled action, were duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County at Camden, South Carolina, on the 1st day of February. 1932. E. I). BLAKENEY, Plaintiffs Attorney February 1, 1932 NOTICE To the Unknown Infant Defendants, if any, in the above entitled attion, and to their general or testamentary guardian or guardians, if any. and to any and>iiU persons or p? rsons with whom ftny of such t infant defendants reside: The following is a copy of an Or-! de? in the Court of Common Pleas j in '. lie above entitled action: "On reading and Wing the petition , of hi. D. Blakeney, Attorney for plaintiff. for the appointment of S. N. Nicholson as guardian ad litem for! the unknown minor defendants, if ! any, for the purpose of said action, j and the written consent of the said; S. N". Nicholson being had, and it ap-j ptaring that the names and addresses of the said infants, whether resi-1 or non-residents of this State.; are unknown to the plaintiff, and j cannot with reasonable diligence be j appertained; that the said S. N.j holson is a competent person to j undertake and protect the rights of. rsaid infants, if any. in said ac-. ti'-r.; that he has no interest in same, ad.t rse to the said infants, and is n< * connected with the plaintiff in -a. i action. ^ "It is ordered that the said S. N". N. holson be, and he is hereby appointed guardian ari litem for the paid unknown minor defendants, if any. and is authorized to appear and d. :'i-nd said action on behalf of the -,:;d infants unless th?* paid infant?,! if any, or either of them. or someon? in behalf of them, shall within twenty days after service of a copy of this Order upon them, procure the appointment of a guardian ad litem for <aid infants for the purpose of La d suit. "It is further ordered, That this Order shall be served upon the said infant defendants and on their re spectlve fathers, mothers, general or testamentary guardians, or any per- t sons with whom any and all of said infant defendants, if any, reside, by publication of a copy of this Order in the Camden Chronicle, a newspaper ! published in the City of Camden, S. <?., once a week for three successive j weeks." E. D. BLAKENEY, Plaintiffs Attorney. Camden, S. C., February 1, 1932. 1 I ARE YOU GETTING * Satisfactory Dyeing and Cleaning Service ? " DOUGHTY'S The old reliable firm at 1410 Taylor Street in Columbia, S. C., on Jeffereon Davie Highway. Dyeing thirty-five year#?but atill living. = i in i Hen^Cows^og^ Gain in Allendale Allendale, Feb. 13.-Ae facte1*8 In the trend toward a variety of cash returns, poultry rai C fa"11 pitying ?-d feedmg of hoaa are taking a more importan ulace in this county than heretofore, aa ahown in facts and Hgu-s from V M, Johnston, county farm agen , who sees unmistakable sums that farmers hereabout are becoming; livestock-minded. <? _ , , Following a poultry short course held in the county last year, new fjtereat was shown in poultry ticularly in ? Mr. Johnston reports, and 16 ton. feeds were ao handled throug agent's cooperation with a krouh farmevs at a saving of $250. Wit J good feed mixtures the ^" I horn flock of .S, M. Rice Allendale, J led the state in egg production dur ing three months; and so did John G. Bramlet, Fairfax, whose flock of 445 hfiis returned a labor income o $1.58 per hen or $743.49 for-the yeai. The cream station, established at Allendale by Summerland Creamery in the fall of 1931, through co-operation of the Extension Service an The Allendale Citizen, an energeUc I promoter of more livestock, has furnished a direct outlet for sour cream and has thus stimulated greater-interest in farm dairy cows and better ! feeding. As a result Mr. Johnst reports 35 to 40 cream patrons sel ing over 600 pounds of cream week > and points out that not only small farmers but large farmers are showing sustained interest in this sourc? of revenue. A sale of dairy u s brought seven more purebred sires into the county to improve the quality of dairy animals. As to hogs, 15 feeders of 30*) hogs were object lessons in the value of balanced-ration feeding as a means through which to sell surplus com and other feedstuffs. In these tests I the corn fed to hogs returned 24 cents Lore per bushel than the market price of corn at that time. Increasing numbers of hog feeders are profiting by these facts. Many tons of fish meal for feeding are ordered co-operatively at a good saving. Charles J. Thurmond has been removed from the editorship of the Cento, student publication of Center college, Danville, Ky., because of his expressed views on matrimony under the title of "Stupidity of Marriage "He expressed himself to the effect that marriage "ends in wrecked lives and the casting of ugly blemishes on young lives having to come in contact with it." \ prison ship carrying 110 political prisoners sailed from Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, for Bata, Spanish . Guiana. A cry of "Long live anar-, chy; down with the republic," was the. last greeting from the shore as the prison ship sailed away. The Bata^ prison is especially noted for its ter-; rible climatic conditions. I Edgar Wallace, noted English au-J thor of mystery stories, who began ^ life as a newsboy in the slums of'. London, died Wednesday at Beverley j Hills, Cal.,. from the effects of an at- J tack of double pneumonia. Wallace, was a most prolific writer and his ^ books were widely sold and read. The court of causation at Buda- I pest, Hungary, reviewing the sen- , tences imposed upon six women last year for poisoning their husbanas, confirmed the execution of one of them; a on t her was condemned to life; imprisonment, two others received long terms and uo were acquitted. , I 1 BILIOUSNESS The Hot. J. J, Wiaener, of Draketown, Gil,, ?jn he hae taken BlackDraught, when needed, einoe childhood, and he ie past fifty years of age. "When I would get bilious," he eaye? "I would feel like shuffling along Instead of walking. My feet felt too heavy to lift. I had such a dull, tired feeling, and I would feel dissy and nauseated like I couldn't t hold my head up. .1 found how much the Black-Draught helped me, and t took it. I quit having theae bad spells, and find now I only have to tak? a few (loaea and I am irood h? new. Don t have to take much now. My health la good. Got the genuine ThedttHrtTs ? mm. hm BlackIN USE NEARLY 100 YEARS Mexican Treasure Millions of dollars worth of gold and -precious stones were recently discovered in an ancient tomb in the old walled and fortressed city of Monte Alban 6,000 feet up the mountain above the present city of Oaxaca, Mexico. It contained the skeletal re- ( mains of six ancient 'MixteOMl caciques or feudal lords as well as the hundreds of priceless relics. The treasure so far uncovered consists ot heavy gold crowns, gold arm bands, gold necklaces, gold vases, gold death masks, necklaces of jade, turquoise, pearls (as large as pigeon eggs) and amber, gold breastplates, etc-? etc. According to Alfonso Caso, chief Mexican archaeologist in charge of the excavating, it is the richest and most important dis^very made in the New Worl^.^^Th^ PMhfjndpr. i .*... ' Have you any repair work about ? your premises that ought to be done now? If so, have it done if you possibly can. The man who does the wrok will make a little and pass it on to some one else ahd the material dealers will get a .little business out of it and he too will pass on at least a part of what -he gets. .Sooner or later you may get part of it back. A joint resolution introduced in the Kentucky house and senate would put a tax of $100 per year each on "Kentucky colonels" bearing that honorary title from the state. TAX RETURNS. Office of Auditor Kershaw County, . Camden, S. C., December 17, 1931. Notice is hereby given that the Auditor's Office will be open for receiving Tax Returns from January 1st, /.. 1932, to March 1st, 1932. All persops owning real estate or personal property must make returns of the same within said period, as required by law, orv be subject to a penalty of 10 per cent. . , All persons between the ages ol 21 and 60 years, inclusive, are required to pay a poll tax, and all persons between the ages of 21 and 60 _year?,_ inclusive, are required to pay a Ro^d tax, unless excused by law. All Trustees, Guardians, Executors, Administrators or Agents holding property in charge must return same. Parties sending tax returns by man must make oath to same before some officer and fill out the same in proper manner or they will be rejected. B. E. SPARROW, Auditor Kershaw County. Additional Penalty on Taxes State, County and School taxee for the year 1931, payable between September 16th and December 31st, 1931, according to law one per cent penalty will be added to all taxes- not $ paid by January 1st, 1932, al?** ackiitional one per cent will be added to all taxes not paid by February 1st, 1932. Any information concern-, ing this office will be given at office or by mail. Wheii inquiring about taxes please state school district in which you live or own property. Yours respectfully, S. W. HOGUE, Treasurer, Kershaw County. Camden, S. C., January 23rd, 1932. LUMBER A17E ARE DELIVERING ; * " to our customers Rough and ?Dressed Framing and .Boards at Twelve Dollars per thousand feet. ' I Guy Planing Mill & Lumber Co. - ._;r^".3