The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, February 19, 1932, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THE CAMDEJ^CHRONICLE! H. I). NILBH. Kdltor and *'??>lUh?r. Published every Friday at No. "W Broad Street and entered at the Cam' den, South Carolina postoffice aa second class mail matter. Price per annum $2.00, payable in adv*n*. | Friday, February l?, 1932 Teacher* Ask Question* The Chronicle is in receipt of tho following letter signed by "Teachers" and addressed to "Citizens and Follow Teachers:" "We have boon asked if we are willing1 to teach two school months for half pay, which is teaching ono month without pay- We, as a group of teachers, want the following que*lions answered before we commit ourselves to any such agreement. "Are we, as teachers, supposed to support our county and state withfrtft assistance from other county and state officials during this time of financial distress? "Have our state and county officers been asked to work two months without pay? "Do other county ami state officers have to work seven, eight and viiever more than, nine months a year and have to live twelve months? "What expenditures do other county or state officials have in order to qualify themselves for their posi-' tions? ^ '' "Are college's and universities going to accept claims as payments of summer school debts, and it accepted will they be accepted without dis-. count ? "If teachers salaries are being reduced, will summer school expenses he reduced accordingly ? Death of Colored Woman Ko-e Aaron. .VJ, welt-known colored woman, the wife of Abraham Aaron, for. many year-' well .known servant at Mulberry Plantation, died at hot* home, s 1 > Lauren-, street, Tuesday morning of last week and the fuperal occurred from -Trinity M. K. cluMch,^ Friday afternoon, with Rev. K. F.1 Harrington officiating. She is sur\jvod by her husband and nine children. Trouble Brewing A Florida county has received ii,.'U)0 pounds of cucumber seed for planting. Gosh! If every vine from them makes a half dozen cukes there'll be enough colic from them to need all the pain-killer on the continent. Young Men's Mistake "A young man makes a mistake in remaining in the town where he w-as reared." declared Capt. O. K. Mauldin. "People almost invariably consider him a child until it is time for him to die."?Greenville News. Named Regional Director Camden people will read with interest the following dispatch from Washington. Mr. Kldredge was rear. ed in Camden, where his father, the late Captain F. W. Kldredge, founded the Hobkirk Inn, Camden's first tourist hotel, which he successfully managed for many years: Washington, Feb. 17.?Inman F. Kldredge, who has served 16 years in the forestry service, has been selected as regional director for n survey of forest resources in the South. The survey is designed to determine accurately the condition of American forests. Headquarters of the Southern work is in New Orleans. Kldredge has been manager of a private forest property in southeastern Georgia for the last six years. A Bladder Physic 1.^ a medicine that w.oks ?>n the i bl.wiib r a- en-.!or ?:! on the bowels. D:.\e- < r impu itus and < xce-* aeultn'a'n-n w hi- h n-trs u:> !t :ght - . tifoii. tli', " g :-a \ i ' mi ' . . (. * a b,'.\ . |H KK'I S t . V . . . D?!\ : ' I'-;,. : a . . Little Local Lines The lire department was called to the residence of Mr, J. B. Cureton on Cheanut street Suturday where It extinguished a small roof blaze. Only a alight damage occurred, On Sunday afternoon the lire depaitinent was Called to the residence <?f Mrs. Brady, at Brevard pi acq, ?>n Mill street extension. The residence was occupied by Dr. and M/s. F. M. VVoolsey, of Hancock, N..Y7, ahd they were away from home at the time. Neighbors saw smoke issuing from windows and roof and sent in tho ularip, The lire originated in a pile of wood in the basement and luid beep" smouldering---causing the entire residence to be enveloped in a dense smoke, and makin git hard to find. The damage wys mostly confined to smoke and water, with a few timbers and Homing charred in the basement. The firemen succeeded in bringing the water damage down to a minimum. , ...... James Johnson, colored, who was wantc<J in Chesterfield for jail breaking, was apprehended here last Saturday by an officer from Chesterfield who was hero on other business. The negro was returned to Chesterfield Jail. How about closing the stores on Monday afternoon and going out to Springdale to see tho races. It's free! Show your appreciation to the well known sportsmen who have brought these noted attractions to ('a m den. The following were registered at the Marion Francis the past week:, Mr. M. II. Dickstein, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Wise. Belmar, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Fein, Newark, N. J.; Mrs. Arthur Onril, loronto, Canada; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McKain, Follunsha, \V. Va.; Mr. A. S. Craig, Follansha, W. Va.; Mrs. Lillian Beck with, North Hast, Pa.; Mr. mihI Mrs. J. K. Zahner, Rockville, Con/i.; Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Neidsfort, N. Y.; Mrs. Zelma Weeks. St. Petersburg, Fla. Majestic Program Friday, February 19th Charles Farrell and Madge Evans ,rJ.0.. '' through "HEARTHlthAk. With Bardie Albright and Paul Cavenaugh. A romantic drama, with punch, pathos and pusS',>M Also RKO Pathe Comedy "Stop That Run." Saturday, February 20th vA*'Bight up this way folks, for the VB>?* oi your life!" Tigers, clowns, J cluphants, lions?strong men with weak spoks?weak women with strong spots - - Sights! Thrills! Fights! Romance! You'll see them all in "SIDE SHOW." Makes old men young?and young men old! It's a real circus for the kids! And a rare treat for the whole family. Winnie Lightner and Charles Butterworth are in it. Also The]ma Todd and Zasu Pitts Comedy. Monday & Tuesday, February 22-23 Special presentation Southern California?Tulane Foot Ball Game. I lay-by-play as the entire game was played. Also the fastest, funniest hit scene "Gold Diggers of Broadway" ? "MANHATTAN PARADE" with Smith and Dale (of the Avon Comedy 4). Never has any entertainment packed such spontaneous laughs, fascinating beauties, lavish scenes and exciting delight. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 24-25 Llissa Landi with Lionel Barrymore in "THE YELLOW TICKET." Modest maid, chaste, lovely, .caught in the avid, clutch of ignoble nobles. A sensationally wondortul picture. Right Hotel but Wrong Pew In the "Seen Here and There" column of The Columbia State of T hursday we quote the following: "J. B. Murphy, president of the Columbia chamber of commerce, telling with some glee of his brother-in-law, Bob Kennedy, the Democratic mayor of Camden .having strayed by mistake into the Ham-bright Republican meeting at the Jefferson hotel Tuesday.. Mayor Kennedy, accompanied by a friend had come over for the Coastal States Co-ordinated session which was being held elsewhere in the hotel....... After a few minutes he found that the discussion didn't seem to fit in very well with the meeting he wanted to attend, and upon inquiring of a man sitting nearby found that he was in the. right hotel, but the wrong pew." Heard Over Radio Aileon Belk, a member of the McDowell Music Club, of Camden, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. R. Belk. and Miss Gertrude Strother, attended the Senior Group Mozart Music ( lub at Miss Me 1 lie ha nip's -'ikiio in Columbia on Saturday uf: ornoon. The program was presented by vrjov-erta: ;ves of e.ght Junior Fed 'all-.! ( !u!?s of t he citv, and the :: >. .' o..; i . I'l "lie : a-e y a : 1. v },< meet ing \ , ,. ..v . ., , , ... .. K v- . p. Ih ' \ ^ n C i". a W !' "? - r *y. A In . - - . ' a:.-. ;.as a cash balance in ' 1 4 ? * J * . "J 1 A Good Place to Shop To meet your friends, to Ret most any information and t?? rerrive courteous, prompt service. Our prices are in line with the times. Our delivery service is prompt and always at your call. Our stock of Medicines for household and prescription use is unusual in size and variety. * Try us once and we feel sure that you will become a regular patron?that's why we invite you. \VY appreciate our regular customers and want you to become one. Glad you read this. W. R. ZEMP'S DRUG STORE - Phone 30 j Phone 30 Prompt Kodak Work Kirk wood Orchestra Heard Over Radio A musical treat was given Camden music levers with a half hour proSrummo played by tho Kirlewood otel orchestra over station W. I. S. at Columbia Thursday evening. During the rendition of their programme numerous phone calls came in, and the studio was swamped with listeners who came to congratulate the atjists. This will be p weekly feature each Thursday evening at six thirty. lice Specialist Coming to Camden. Mr. E. S, Provost, Extension Pee Specialist from Clemson College, is to conduct bee work with those people who are interested in bee development on Wednesday afternoon, February 24, and Thursday, February 25. . , On the afternoon of Wednesday, February 24, at 8 p. m. a bee meeting will be held in the county ag?nt k office in the Ck>urt House at which time Mr. Prevost will go into details regarding bee work, and wilPanswer questions and make arrangements to visit the next day those bee keepers who indicate at the meeting they need assistance. Those who see this notice are requested to notify their neighbors who keep bees to please bo on hand for the meeting Wednesday afternoon. February 24, 3 p. m., says Henry D'. Green, county agent. Church Services Services Sunday, February 21st, at the following Haptist churches. T. P. Christmas, pastor: Bethany (Westville): Sunday school 10 o'clock, Brother Henry Gaski^Sv| superintendent. We are hoping .everybody will be on time for Surf* day school as we have adopted the six point record system and it counts 20 points for all teachers and members to be on time. It is necessary for each member to do his best inj order that we mav have one of the few standard Sunday schools of the country churches. Comd and bring some one with you. There will be preaching at 11:15 by the pastor and a short business meeting after services. Come and worship with u>. Visitors are always welcome. Beaver Dam: Sunday school 2:30 p. m.. Brother Henry West, superintendent. Preaching 3:80 by the pastor. Come and worship with us. Visitors are always welcome. Thanks The Firemen Wo wish to thank all who assisted at the fire in our home during our absence on Sunday afternoon last. The prompt and kindly assistance of neighbors and most efficient work of the firemen are thoroughly appreciated. M rs. F. M. Woolsey, ! Mrs. A. I). Chamberlain. Camden, S. C., February 17, 1932. Officers Named ' At a meeting of the Democratic Ward Clubs of the City of Camden hold February 16th, 1932, the following officers were elected: Ward 1.?President, W. T. Dempster; secretary, Jim Goodale; executive committeeman, C. W. Billings; enrollment committee, L. S. Mayer and J. W. Wilson. Ward 2.?President, E. L. Moseley; secretary, W.* B. Porter; executive committeeman, J. C. Gillis; enrollment committee. W. B. Porter and Mrs. W .E. Hendrix. Ward 3.?President, M. M. Reasonover; secretary, L. C. Shaw; executive committeeman, C. W. Evans; enrollment committee, L. O., Funderburk ami Wiley Sheorn. Ward 4.?President, L. T. Mills; secretary, W. M. Young; executive committeeman, J. H. Osborne; enrollment committee, Lane Shaw and Luther Sowell. Ward 5.?President, T. K. Trotter; secretary, J. I). Zemp; executive committeeman, J. D. Zemp; enrollment committee, J. I). Zemp and E. M. Boykin, Jr. Ward 6.?President, J. H. Guthrie; secretary, N. C. Arnett; executive committeeman, G. PL Taylor; enrollment commit tee. C. R. Villepigue and Mrs. S. C. Zemp. Enrollment books will be opened at 9:00 a. nr. Tuesday, February 23rd, and will close at midnight Tuesday, March 1st. Books will be at following places and can only be moved by the Secretary or enrollment committee. : Ward 1?W. F. Nettles Store. Ward 2?-DePass' Drug Store Ward 3?City Drug Store Ward 4?Chronicle Office Ward "> -DeKalb Pharmacy Ward - Dixie Radio Shop The Primary will he hold Tuesday, I Mar -h v'h. and polls will ! < open | from - no ;i. ni. until 1 :<?<> p. ni. The vot.nir place- \\;: 1 he anr.o ,| in The Chronicle next week. | V -a* -- mri-' rile edge ' i n>..n of the Fx- . utive Committee and pay assessment' fore u .: of Tue.-day. March As. v . (>c a - : oiw i Ma;, or. >"on 1 Mi- at an. >'v [ manage: . whl h. a nr.- .* > <J in j r.c ( 5;! i1!.!t .< next week. < . W. K\ ANS. < r a rrnan Mui'aipal Executive ( nmittee J. K. ROSS, re'ary Leg Sores A treatment which heais varicose ulrrrs, broken or swollen \e n>. blue knots and other leg troubles? without operations, injections nor en' iced re*t?is available right here :r. you- own home town. You can try it TODAY on the re>ponsibility of a druggist whom you know and fru-t. Without any risk whatever. lr. other words. Emerald Oil, used a- < ng to directions, will give you -ure relief. or DeKalb Fharii.a > aw; gladly refund your money. You rued deposit only Soc with him a- the purchase price to get immediate -ehef. Money back if you are di?:?ppointed. Poultry Shi^iu'iit A poultry shipment is to begin at Camden on the morning of Tueaday, February buying from 8 to 12 o'clock. This car will then move to Kershaw ami poultry will be bought there from 8 until 12 o'clock Wednesday, February 24. Price# to be paid on this shipment will be found elsewhere in this issue of this newspaper in the display advertisement columns. Please do not bring poultry in sacks or with feet tied. Card of Thanka We wish to thank all of our friends for their many acta of kindncsa and for tho beautiful floral offerings, sent at the death of our wife ami Sister. J. H. Joyner Cora McGill 1 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of sundry Tax Executions directed to me by S. W. Hogue, Treasurer, I have levied upon and will sell the following property ; on the first Monday in March, 11)32, i being the 7th day thofeof, in front of . the Court House, Camden, S. C., dur-1 ing the legal hours of sale. Terms of sale: Cash: All that personal property, consisting of Wash Tables, Pulleys, Belts, Shafts, Motor, Desk, Counter, Sowing Machine, table, chairs, ironing board, boiler, etc. Levied upon and to be sold as proprety of Hough Dry deanery for 1928,'1929 and 1930 taxes. J. H. McLEOD, Sheriff Kershaw County. Wanted?$7,500 at Six P?JJr Cent for Five Years Mortgage two-story brick building,! best business section, cos/t $18,000. Lower floor rented to drug store. Upper floor Legion Headquarters and public hall. AMERICAN LEGION CLUB, Inc. Hughey Tindal, Pres. J. Whifaker, Jr., Treas. Card of Thanks To the great host of friends who were so kind, and for the many favors .shown us during our darkest hour of bereavement in tho loss of our wife and mother, \tve take this means of expressing our heartfelt gratitude. Abraham Aaron arid family. 'I ? , Savings Bank Book Lost Savings bank book No. 10-16. on the Bank of Camden, belonging to William Kelley, deceased, has been lost. Finder will please return to Ammons Collins, executor of estate of William Kelley. 46-49pd Wants?For Sale j ROOF REPAIRS?-Does your roof leak? Call Mr. West, phone 21, or 614 Chesnut street. All kinds of tin work done. Glass put in. PERSON A L?Will the mother or father of Mr. William Rush, who once resided in Miami, Florida, communicate with Mrs. Nellie Hodges, 120 Northwest 24th Street, Miami, Florida. 46sb LOST?.Setter puppy, white with black ears. Answers to name of "Snowball." Please return to J. C. Baker, Wateree mill, Camden, S. C.,' and receive reward. 46-48pd LOST?Have you lost your car key? A spare key is more important than a spare tire. Have a spare key made for your car, so when you lose the one you have, which you eventually will do, you will have the "spare" to carry on. It is cheaper in the long run, for without a key you are unable to operate your car which will greatly inconvenience you. Do not hesitate j but right now phone 105 and give your key number and by the time you get there the key will be rea- j dy.?'Camden Chevrolet Company,; Camden, S. C. 46pd I G L A I) I O L I Bl'LBS?For sale at ; Fischel's 5 and 10 cents store,} Camden, S. -C. Bulbs grown by Mrs. L. I. Guion. 46-48pd LOST?On Saturday night one male ' fox hound, red with some white spots. Was wearing collar bearing name of "Clifford Plantation." Fin-, der please notify Hoyt McCaskill or George T. Little, Camden, S. C.! . 46pd LOST?On Wednesday, one pair of' gentleman's spectacles. Regard if returned to Chronicle office, Cam- 1 den. S. C. 40pd 1 REFINED College Graduate, experi-' enced traveler, desires position as; tutor or traveling companion. Write Miss "A. L.'\ care Camden Chronicle. Camden, S. C. 45-46sb ! FOR SALE?.One four -room house,; for $6)00. Apply to either Ellen Mickle or John Kelley, 1302 Gordon street. Camden. S. C. 45-47pd NOW IS THE TIME to plant your - arden. Phone 54 for your fertilizers. We will have mixed ferti/ r- ar<! m"nr. -oed nie.i] in -lock. The Southern Cotton Oil Company. l.">-46sb W t 5 I LI)?hn gun coring (>; survey work. IUa-(>n;tb;e nrd prompt >erAddress Knj;ni ? ? ." Bo nunc. S. C. 46-48pd I OK SALE? i/trrge arrrt .mall tracts' of tne most valuable land in the county for hunting proserves and agriculture. None better. One nice country home. Prices in keeping with times. C. G. Rowland, Sumter, S. C. feb30pd FOR SALE?Kulghum seed oats, new crop com and hay for sale or-con-' sider exchange for cattle or hogs. ! Will exchange corn for peas basis 1 five bushels corn lor four bushels ' cow peas. W. P. McGuirt. Manager at Gutgnard's Plantation, Tele- J phone 148. Camden, S. C. CARPEN'l KKixni*?j onn rf. Myers, i phone 268. 812 Church Street, ' Camden, S. C., will give aatiifactory service to all for atl kinds I . of carpenter work. Building, I general repairs, screening, cabinet ? making and repairing furniture My workmanship is my reference 1 I solicit yuur patronage. Thank- j ing you in advance. 50 tf MONUMENTS?I handle only the best grades of marble and granite., , Come see or write to T. j. Msi Ninch, Camden, S. C. lJKf \ ' V ; " ' . WE $4,500.00 NEED *'1 , BE PREPARED V * ' ' ^ A i J'|W ' C rj> -k' _,.2 ? Vv ' ; ^ OUR DRIVE STARTS TUESDAY MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 * ^ . . - . .."'7-7 ' . ' 71 The ASSOCIATED CHARITIES WE HAVE ENROUTE to us the following garden fertilizers, 8-3*3, 8-4-4 and 7-5-5. Send us your orders. The Southern Cotton Oil Company, Phone 54. 45-46sb GET A SMALL SACK of Shure-W* Fertilizer for your flowers, shml and lawns. It is only seventy-fn cents. The Southern Cotton Q Company, v- 45-46?b [ KUalW I \wm 111 1 ' >" i1 11 ' a HI 1 George Washington's Birthday Specials Swifts Jewel Lard 61c Red Sour fUCDDirC O No. 2 OfiPitted IntRRlLid Z cans ZOC Sunshine FIG BARS ?ruit ' " b.' 10c 1 Delicious Sugar * WAFERS lb. 19c Georgia BRO-LO No. 2 can 29c Large Size OCTAGON cake 5c Fleichmann's YEAST c*ke 3c Rogers' Cold Label COFFEE lb. 27c j Rogers' Santos COFFEE lb. 19c : Norway Salt MACKEREL each 10c ' Banner Brand SAUSAGE No. 2 can lSc PEACHES ?* fc:: 17c | Premium Sodas or Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS lb. pkg. 17c Rogers* Sliced BREAD? 2 16-oz. loaves 15c Rogers' Cheese BISCUIT pkg. 10c Spring brook Fresh Creamery BUTTER lb. 23c i Del Monte in tomato sauce SARDINES-"-* 15-oz. can 10c -j Rogers' Long Pullman BREAD 2 loaves for 15c SNOWDRIFT lOkTENING 3-lb. can 37c I Campbell's Tomato Soup - -- 2 cans. 15c Campbell's Tomato Juice - 4 cans 25c Octagon Washing Star Washing POWDERS 3 pkgs. 10c POWDERS 2 pkgs. 5c O. K. Laundry The Speed Soap ? '? I SOAP 2 cakes 5c SELOX 2 pkgs. 25c Tomatoes - * 25c cans _ 1 ' Mak cakes that stay fresh longer down to fhe I tender crumb! Pillsbury Cake Flour pkg. 25c j < ?? ???^ Keep that school girl complexion Palmolive Soap 3 cakes for 20c I SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! Sweet Milk ~ qt. 10c Picnic Hams lb. 12(/jc Sirloin Steak lb. 30c Stew Beef lb. 10c Pot Roast lb. 17c Pork Chop. lb. 17c Smoked Bacon Banquet Breakfast ^ H Dre.sed Hen. lb. 23c 1 I If good meat ia what you are looking for, we havs it 1 G. W. OUTLAW, Mgr.' ' *