?P?? I NOTICE j/|? 1930 City Taxes un- j I (paid by January 1, 1932T I property will be advertised I J. C BOYKIN, City Clerk anekTreasurer. P- - * * An UI.I rasi.iom.l Mother" * Byplay "An Old fashioned Moth E*.vj|| bo presented at the Mt. l'isK high school building Friday K December 4, at 7 o'clock, pro Ej to be used for the Sunday WL\ rooms.' Admission 10 and 20 Eyt of characters: Deborah UnLjll, a mother in Israel, Miss LuETsutherland; Widder 'Bill Pindle, Eer of the choir, Miss Tincie Hod E; Miss Lowezy Loving Custard,f En sewing and gossip, Miss ElizaE Holley; Isabel Simpscott, the Eige belle, Miss Viola Catoe; GlorE Perkins, as good as gold, Miss Ee Holley; Sukey Pindle, the widE's mite, Miss Margaret Horton; En Underhill, the prodigal son, E, lifattie Louise Appleby; Charley Ederhill, the elder brother, Mr. Joe Eoe; Brother Jonah Quackenbush, a Eited sepulchre, Mr. Clyde Munn; Efintnh Gosling, a merry heart, Mr. Hfrris Catpe; Enoch Roi\p, an outEtandtaWanderer, Mr. Shala jMunn; Bj&itos Todd, the county sheriff, >Mr. Era fl. Gaskins. Ehnopsis: Act. 1. Settin' room at EiUDderhill farm house: a rehearsEl of the village choir and Sukey's BflNewith the gray cat. Act 2. A Htolhr's love, the mortgage of the engagement ring; John is ^Efylobe a man from now. on with K|p. Act 3. The prodigal ' -J' ' ". ' son returns in time to prevent his mother from leaving tjie old hon\e for the poor house. 'Winnie May' May Be Put In Museum - - r New York, Nov. 21.?The famous airplane, Winnie Mae, in which Wiley Post and Harold Gatty circled the globe in little more than eight and a half days, may be turned ever to the Smithsonian institute at Washington, D, C., to join the relics of other historic flights. Before, the two fliers left this morning for Winston Salen, N. C., wherevthey will open a lecture tour of the South they revealed that a subscription was beitig raised to purchase the plane from them and present it to the institution. H. C. Price, Jr., of Newville, Ala., is in the Geneva county jail charged with first degree murder in connection with the death of his wife, it being alleged that she was killed when the automobile that Price and his wife , . % ?? were in went over an embankment. The police claim a man made a confession in which he charges the car was wrecked deliberately in order that Price might collect a double indemnity insurance policy on his wife's life. . - Scuyler Marshall, Jr., known several years Ago as "the kid sheriff of Dallas county," and Herbert Scales, young Dallas clubman, are under arrest at Fort Worth on charges of robbery with firearms and kidnaping in connection with an alleged bank burglary plot. MASTER'S SALE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw Court of Contmon PleaK The Federal Land Dank of Columbia, l>luintif f, against Bessie G. Holley and Wade Holley, Defendants. Under and by .virtue of an Order of Court made in the above entitled action and dated the 15th day pf September, 1931, the Master for Kershaw County will offer for sale at public .auction,, before the Kershaw County Court House door, Camden. South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, bving the 7th day of December, 1931, the following described real estate: "AH that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in Buffalo Township, County of Kershaw, State of South Carolina, containing ono hundred sixty-five (105) acres and bounded north by lands of Wade C. Holley; east by Lynches river; south by lands of Wade C. Holley and land9 of Sowell and west by lands of Wade Holley and having suph shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by W. A. Clark, Sur.veyoiy dated January 7th, 1925, and which is on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia and being the same land conveyed to J. B. Holley, Sr., to Arthur Holley by deed dated December 11, 1920? and recqinled March 8, 1922, in Bopk "BG" at page 9, and by Arthur Holley to Beasie Holley by deed dated November 18, 1921, and recorded March 8, 1922, in Book "BG" at page 10, in the Registry of Kershaw County comprising sixty-five. (05) acres and in addition thereto ninety-eight (98) acres conveyed to J. R. Holley, Sr., to Bessie Holley by deed datet^. October 8, 1919, and recorded October 10, 1019, in the Registry for Kershaw County in book "A^' page 310." /terms: One-fourth *< ^4') of the accepted bid to be paid in cash and the balance on credit, payable in four (4) equal artriiihl installments, with interest thereon from the date of sale at the rate of seven (7%) per centum per annum,, payable annually; the Master to require of the successful bidder" a deposit of $200.00 before accepting his bid as final, the same to be forfeited and applied to costs in the event of the purchaser's non-compliance within thirty days from date of sale. * W. L. DeFASS, JR., Master fdt Kershaw County. Dated: November 20th, 19Q1. TAX EXECUTION SALE Stat? of South Carolina County of Kershaw, Under and Ijy virtu? of sundry Wrtys of Enpoption directed to the I undersigned as follows: . S. W. Hogue, County Treasurer, County and State taxes for the yours 1030 and 1991. J. C. Boykin, City Clerk hiu! Treasurer, City Taxes for the City of Camden, for the years 1020, ,1930/" and ,103x. yv-/ Aiui in th? following ca^es against the- said K, P. Trues dale and R. B. DeLoathe, co-partnei s in trade under the firm name of Enterprise Mercantile Comnany: : Meador-Ralsey Company. I. Epstein and Brothers Company, a Georgia corporation, Wnllkill Hat Comnany. The Hageratown Shoe & Legging Company. % Mohawk Dross Company. Merit Clothing Company. Jacob Magid, trading under the firm name of Jay Manufacturing Company. We have levied upon the accounts, stock of goods, wares, merchandise and fixtures of the said E.' P. Truesdalc and R. B. DeLoache, co-partners in trad? Under the' firm name of Enterprise Mercantile Company, situated. in^ the storehouse . heretofore occupied by tnem on the ?West aide of Broad street of the City of. Camden, County of Kershaw, {State of South Carolina, and will sell the same, or so much thereof as necessary to satisfy the said executions and costs, to the highest bidder, for cash, before the Court House door, in the City of Camden, County of Kershaw, State of South Carolina, on the first Monday in December, 1931, being the 7th day thereof, during the legal hours of sale. Said property levied upon and sold as the property of the said E. P. Truesdale and R. B. Delvoache, copartners In trade as Enterprise Mercantile Company, to satisfy the aforesaid executions and costs. J. H. McLEOD, Sheriff, Kershaw County, S. C. ? H. D. HILTON, Chief of Police of the City of Camden, S. C. NoVemWer 19th, 1931. * ...... MASTER'S SALE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw Court of Common Pleas The Wateree Building and Loan As1,3 sociation, Plaintiff, i against Mary L. Goodale, Defendant. Under and by virtue of an Order I of Court made in the above entitled action, the Master for Kershaw County will offer for sale at public auction, before the Kershaw County Codrt House door, Camden, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, being the 7th day of December, 1931, the following described real estate: "All that lot or parcel of land, in the City of Camden, County of Kershaw and State of South Carolina, fronting on _ Laurens Street fortyeight (48) feet, more or less, and expending back South of a uniform width, to a depth of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet and bounded North by Laurens street; East by property of N. R. Goodale, Jr., And W. L. Goodale; South by property of R. E. Stevenson and West by property now or formerly of Warren H. Harris, and being part of the property conveyed to me by Nellie E. Moseley by deed of date July 2, 1924, which deed is recorded 'in the office of the Clerk of Court'for Kershaw County in Book BM at page 306 and being-lots Nos. 27 and 28 as shown on a plat of John L. Stacey, Surveyor, of date October 27th, 1923, which plat is recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County, in Plat Book 7, at page 22. "Also, all those parcels or lots of land, situated in the City of Camden, County of Kershaw, State of South Carolina, on Laurens Street of the said City of Camden being known and designated on plat of John L. Stacey, Surveyor, of date October 27, 1923, and recorded in Plat Book 7, page 22 in the office of the Clerk of Court- for Kershaw County as lots No?. 31, 32, 33, and 34, each of said lots fronting twenty-five (25) feet North on Laurens Street and extending back Southward of a uniform | width to a depth of On< Hundred | Seventeen and four-tenihs (117.4) feet and bounded as follows: North by Laurens street; East by lot No. 30, on said plat; South by property now or formerly of Moseley and West by lot No. 35 on said plat, property now or formerly of Warren H. Harris. . , -"Als-o, all tho.?e pieces, parcels or lots of land, with ouTTdlrigS therebh, situated in the County of Kershaw, State of South Carolina, and City of Camden, on Laurens Street and known on plat of John L. Stace>, Surveyor, of date October 27, 1923, as lots 23 and 24, said lots .having each a frontage on Laurens street of Twenty-five (25) feet and extending back Southward of a uniform width, to a depth of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet, bounded North bv Laurens street; East by lot 22, shown on said plat of John L. Stacey. Surveyor, being the property of Whitakcr and StevensonJ South bj iot ?>7> shown on plat of John L. ^StacoN, Surveyor, and West by lot 2<> as shown on plat of John L. Stacey, I Surveyor, as property of N. K. Goodale, Jr., and W. U Goodale. ; Terms of Sale: Anyone besides the plaintiff bidding herein, shall \ first deposit with the Master the sum of $200.00 cash or certified check on some responsible Bank for said amount; that upon default of the purchaser to comply with tne | terms of sale, said property to f be resold on the same or some subsequent saleaday thereafter at the risk of the formeT purchaser; that all check# from unsuccessful bidders be at once returned to them. W. L. DePASS, Jr., Master for Kershaw County. Dated: November 20th, 1931. T ... . i \ A survey made by the United Press shews that the fatalities in the country on Thanksgiving day totaled 100 lives. The deaths were due to hunting and home accidents, fires, automobiles, drownings, etc. A. A. Mo V it tie, Denver, <'ol., restauranteur, fed 5,000 jobless and homeless on Thanksgiving day, giving them a turkey dinner. NOTICE OF SALE~ Notice is hereby given. That under and by virtue of the Decree of the Court of Common Pleas for Ke>shaw county, State of South Carolina, dated the 28th day of October, 1931, in the cause of The Federal Land Hank of\ Columbia, Plaintiff, against T. 11. L, MeNeeley, Individually and as Executor of the Estate of Queen V. MeNeeley, et a), Defendants, 1 will sell to the highest bidder or bidders bdforo the Court Nouse door in the, Town of Camden. State of South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale, on tho first Monday in December, 1931, tho same being the 7th day of said month, the following described property: "All those two pieces, parcels or tracts of land situated in -DeKalh Township, Kershaw County * South Carolina, the first tract containing 823 acres, more or less, as will more fully appear by plat and description of T. W. Secreat, Surveyor, of date August 22, 1921, bounded Northeast by Pine Tree Creek; East by ThrenttCarson lands; and by lands of R. M. West, South by Nohead branch, ami one tract of 154 acres, more or less, bounded North by lands of Christine MoCaskill, Southeast by public road known as the Wire Road, and West by lands of Mrs. T. M. C. Mosier, as more fully" described by motes and bounds as shown by plat and description of T. W. Sccrost, Surveyor, of date August 22nd, 1921. " The sale will be made, upon the following terms: One-fifth (1*6) of the accepted bid to be paid in cash and the balance on credit, payable in Six (6) equal annual installments, with interest thereon at Seven (7) per centum per annum, payable annually and secured by a first mortgage of the premises on the part of the purchaser; the purchaser shall pay for the preparation and recording of all papers, ^including the requisite revenue stamps. The successful bidder must deposit at once with the Master the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars/either in cash or by certified check, the same to be applied on tho bid should there be a compliance with the same, but should there be a failure to comply with the bid without legal excuse then the said deposit shall be paid to the plaintiff as liquidated damages and the premises resold on the same or next convenient sales day thereafter, and at such bidder's risk. W. L. DePASS, JR., Master for Kershaw County. Camden, S. C., Nov. 20, 1931 MASTER'S SALE By virtue of a decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Sumter County, in the State of South Carolina, in the case of The First CaroMnas' Joint Stock Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff, against William Ancrum Boykin, Planters Fertilizer & Phosphate Company and Carolina) Power & Light Company, Defendants, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Court House door at Camden, S. C., bn Salesday in Decembef, 1931, the same being the 7th day of said month, during the legal hours of sale the following described property, to wit: "Tract No. 1. AH that pi^ce, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, in DeKalb Township, ten mil?s south of^Camden and being designated as tracts 8-A and TD-A on n plat of subdivision of Red Bank Plantation of F. M. Wooten made by W. L. Kirkland, C. E., and T. E. Wilson, C. E., dated September 12, 1919, and September 24, 1919, respectively recorded in office of Clerk of Court for Kershavi#County in Plat Book No. 4 at page 24, containing in the aggregato seventy-one and forty-six one hundredths (71.4(5) acres, "bounded on tho North by lands of Shannon; on tho East by Tract No. G-A of subdivision, now owned by B. D. Boykin; on the South by Plantation road which separates same from lands of W. A. and D. A. _Boykin; on the West by Plantation road which separates same from tract 12-A of said subdivision, now property of F. M. Wooten, said tract of land being the same conveyed to W. A. Boykin by deed of F. M. and Aline Wooten dated November 2fl, 1923, recorded in the off ice of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw county, in Book "BM" at page 10, dated September 2U, 1925. and- also "Tract No. 2. All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw and in DoKalb Township, about ten miles south of Camden, and adjacent to the Southern railway at the station of Boykin s on said railway, containing eighty and seventy one hundredths (80.70) acres, shown by plat of A. B. Boykin. Surveyor, dated September 12, 1925. The said tract of land is bounded on the North by lands of D. A. Byokin; on the East by rightof-way of the Southern railway; on the South by lands of the Estate of B. E. Bovkin, deceased; and West by lands of D. A. Boykin. bernp the same tract of land conveyed to W. A. -.Boykin by deed of Walter M. Lenoir, Sr., R. F. Jackson. Margaret Caroline Sanders as Executrix of the lust will and testament of Thopias Polk Sanders, deceased, dated September 29, Said decree further provides: The Master to require of the successful bidder a deposit of $250.00 before accepting his bid as final, the said sum to be forfeited and applied to cost* in the eveftt of non-compliance fifteen days from date of sale. Terms of Cask. Purchaser to pay for ^**d' HUGH C. HAYN8W0RTH, . Master for Sumter County. November 20th, 1931. TRESPASS NOTICE We, the underpinned property owners, do hereby positively forbid any trespassing upon our lands for any purpose whatsoever. Hunting, fishing, cutting wood, hatfiitiK straw or otherwise trespassing positively forbidden. Anyone found violating this notice will be dealt with strictly according to the law. H. L. SCHlvOSBUKG M US. AN NIK SOUTHERN M. H. HKYMAN W. K. NELSON K. H. LORICK <\ 1'. LORIOK Wm. UI.AIU1EN DAVID FUR MAN H. -43> ^c" - - ..rr.. ...? GOOD LAXATIVE FOR ALL AGES All people?young and old? need Thed ford's Black-Draught wlum troubled -withconstipation, lndlges-rt^gSBSI1 tlon, biliousness. Con- rfSSX tains no chemicals, sMCPg Composed of puro mo- ? d 1 c 1 u a 1 roots uud A biW herbs, finely powder- ro&Wfl ad. carefully cotnbined. Easy to take? ^SSSWT no disagreeable aftei;- - - '-fesy effects. In use sinec 1835. Sold by druggists in 26-cent packages containing twenty-five or more doses. O^t a package, today, and try it in your case. nu ? m- DeKALB COUNCIL. No 88 Junior Order U. A. M. mjffir Regular council second and /' X fourth Mondays of each month at 8* p.m. Visiting Brethren are welcomed. A. W. HUMPHRIES, L. H. JONES, - " ^Councillor. Recording Secty. ROBT. W. MITCH AM Architect __ _ Crocker Building, I Camden, S. C? - j-J? KERSHAW LODGE No. 29 A. P. M. Regular commfunWation pf /&H<$\this lodge i? held on the ' first Tuesday in each mentis at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethren are welcomed. W. R. CLYBURN, J. E. ROSS, Worshipful Secretary. 1-14-27-tf TAX NOTICE > T; Books for collection of School, County and State taxes year 1931 will open September 15th and stay f open until December 31st, 1931, inclusive, without any penalty. Any information concerning this office will be given by mail. When inquiring about taxes please state ' school district in which you live or own property. . Following is a list of total levies for each school district for School, County and State taxes. DeKalb Township Mills School District No. 1 48 Va School District 'No. 2 46 4 School District No. 4 48 School District No. 0 48 School District No. 25 31 School District N?.-43-...~?.--31 Buffalo Township School District No. 3 46% School District No. 5 28% School District No. 7 . 87% School District No. 15 28% School District No. 20 ......... 28% School District No. 22 81 School District No. 23 School District No. 27 -rrrv rr..41% School District No. 28 28% School District No. 31 School District No. 40 51 School District No. 42 ........ 28% Flat Rock Township School District No. 8 <*.41% School District No. 9 41% School District No. 10 32% School District No. 13 28%, School District No. 19 . . * 41% School .District No. 30 28% School District No. 33 41% School District No. 37 41% School District No. 41 41% School District No. 40 36% School District No. 47 ........ 28% Wateree Township School District No. 11 ., 35% School District No. 12 46*4 School District No. 16 ......... 32 ?_ School District No. 29 34% School District No. 38 28%. School District No. 89 - ?--JWE Yours respectfully, S. WTHOGUE, Treasurer* ' , Kershaw County, ^ Camden, S. C. September 14th, 1931.