The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 04, 1931, Image 6

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Nobody's Business Wlrltten for The Chronicle by Qee McGee, Copyright, 1928. flat rock news ,.. . mrs, audie jonea got a letter from her darter, ettie, who went off to college last September and she does not understand same and noboddy in flat rock can read t>he language to her. it says: "deer ma: i had zams yestiddy, made math o. k., flunked on fiat, fell down on gom, hit the cinders at 345, weigh 118?trimmed for jim, getting ulong fine, send a "v" for home ecx. love from ettie". it sounds like french to me.t ....we are glad to welcome the ellison fanityy back into our midst after a try out in floridy in the grape fruit bizness. they lost ever thing they carried down there onner count of hoover's rned fly and 400f to boot that he borried off of the hank befoar It went ker-fluey allso. He says tl-cent cotton is good enuff for him and jane from now on. he lust 2 sons and a mother-in-law by matrimony while away and he says that cut his expenses down a right smart, sallie married money. . ...fho all-nite garrage has knocked off, sold out his tools, closed his shop and left friday night owing everboddy excepp the chairv stores, he tried to. keep up henry ford's skedule of shop prices and as the publick could ?6t pay name, ha diddent yet anything' to do but play checker? the last 2 months of his life in flat rock, aevral 'of the grocery stoats are planning to send a search warrant after him \if he can be located dead or alive?* he got yore corry spondent for ci>7' for a nice beef roast on creddick. he should be ketched. ....something broke out in scholl a bout 2 weeks ago and it has spread to nearly every fantbly in the community. dr. hart ^oes not seein to know egzactly what the new mallady is, but he is ordering sulphur by thp keg, as it starts betwixt the fingers, and looks like heat, but hcut do not coine on annyboddy excepp in hot weather, tberefoar, he must be wrong, the scholl" teecher ketched* it amongst the first and she took up wearing gloves right off. some of the folk think it ought to be quarrintecned from the others who do not scorn to have same. f mr. ostra rangle is getting over the jake parallisis and is offering a nice sqt of cypress crutthes for -sail, or will swap for a stout walking stick, a? he can get along on same fairly well now and does not hafter drag his Teet to ann? great extent, he ay* he ketched it accidently, as he bought a bottle of extract at a atoar for his wife^fcnd tasted it on the way h^nie and it was something else'ind he Js talking about suing the man for malfeasance in offis that sold it to him. (mr. editor if anything else happen*, i will rite or foam it in tomorrow. J hear the rfd a blowinj his whittle.) ( ' \ ' 'f . yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd. social news fjront''flat rock ?....the new citty counsel mot last thursday night and papsed a law forbidding cows to live within the copperate limits of our town, and unny person violating this law will have his cow seized and possessed and hell at the citty hall till her fine is paid which is 6$ for the first offense and 1$ for extry cows over one. they need not run for offis no more, as this has ruinjt them, (for sale 2 nice cows fresh in last year, mike Clerk, rfd.) ....the ladies aid of rehober met at mrs. janie stallings pallatia! home at their last meeting and raised c76 in regular monthly dues, and it will be sent to the furrin mission nerry in jappan where she is laboring to savo lost souls which the heathens 'have been carrying around in their harts for thousands of years.they said this money Was enuff to feed 2 little or phans ? weeks, and it was enjoyed by all. ....the citiaons of flat rock are havring' something to say about^the prospects of hawing a new postmaster befoar verry long, it seems that ed. w. whissonant, the pressent encumbrance, failed to send in his donation to tthe republican party and that might, unfit him to serve the next term, they are not fetching as much 'as they were 2 years ago. a , nice post office was sold in our sister state not long ago for 100$. that same post otffip would of fetched 750$ befoar hoover prosperity set in. ....the poultry bizness is picking up I to some1 extent in our tpidst, due, , possibly, to low price of cotton and high price eggs. mr. green sold a bale of cotton last week for 22$ and ' his wife sold 10 heng and; 10 dozen eggs for 23$, so you see, friends, a few hehs and roosters will pay-a man much better than a farm and he do not have to pay no taxes on poultry, bees is allso springing up here and tbere, and it wont be long befoar you can build a wall around flat rock, anil we can live if we can get some , gassoleen piped in ever now and then, hurrah for chickens! ....our pasture has withdrawn ~ his ressignation and will continue to preach on at rehober if the deacons will let him. he got a call up in n. c. but after trying out the new field, he changed his mind and has come back to us. * while he was gone, the members made up their minds to go pasture-less till agriculture fetched higher prices, and it will no doubt be a hard job for him to be -reconsidered, as he has forfitted his rights to continue on, and we. might as well be vacant as have him. (p. s. i wiil rite or foam in the ballance of the news tomorrow.) yours trulie,s . mike Clark, rfd. corry spondent. A commission'* report on the pro. hibition law in Finland says that pro. hibition is insupportable, and advocates a return to the legalized sale of beer and wines. Dr. Frank Porter Graham was on Wednesday formally installed as president of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he then be. coming' the eleventh president of the oldest state university of America. The American Cigar company, of New Ybrk, says^t will double its working force of 1,600 in its Charleston branch factory within a year. ? * ? : Sensational Discovery, 666 Salve 1 _ Motion for Treating Colda Externally I A ^E^'ryWdy iFdW lt-T.ll?n? tLr Friend. I (tc nnn Cash Prizes for Best Answers I ?WhyYo?P^r^^W-??^?;u I TheA?.werUE.?AtDrukgUt | ,?ftAA tttn prizes $100.00 each; Next twenty I . First Prize forty Prizes $26.00 each; Next one hundred . Prizes $60.00 each; Next dred Prizes $J..oo eaoii. In ,as, tlf I ^ Prizes $10.00 each, we*S ono .JJ Hules: Write on one side of h ieIdentic.l Prise, wffl*.?*"?; moN) thtl? fifty word.. Tear I papor only. Ut your '???with letter to il?Mw ( on I J Top of ^..^'piorUia All latter. mu?t be in by midnight, J,n. I t?.t( J?'k?on?lIK ?!wi? have m Of winner, by February I uary ?i? * r l6th j t with 666 SaWe Makea a Complete II 666 Liquid gjUm.! Tr.nt.nent. ? ^ ? ?????mmmrnmmmmmmmmmmm??mafdmum n ^ M. M. REASONOVER Legion Service Officer Kerahaw County Assistance renderei^401 Veterans in Securing Benefits. Hospital and Disability Claims ' _ - . " a u.. located at Rhame Brothers Store Camden. S. C. ^ I, NOT ICEOFSALE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In the Court of Common fleas) C. \V. Evans, Plaintiff, against W. L. Brown and Clifford Brown and Frances Brown, minors, The F}rxt National Bank, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an Order of Court made in the above entitled action and dated November 17, 1931. the Master for Kershaw- County will offer for saie at public auction, before the Kershaw County Court House door, Camden, South Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, being the 7th day of December, 1931, the following described real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land in the County of ^Kershaw, the State of South' Carolina, containing thirty (.'10) acres and known as Section No. 1 of my land as represented by pint of R. W. Mitcham, Surveyor, of date November 12th, 1909. "The land hereby conveyed is bounded on the North by lands of Magnolia Moselev, the "Mulberry Road" the line; East by lands of Hopkins; South by Town Creek (high watermarks the line) and west by land nf grantor. The above describ1 od tract of land is a part of tract conveyed to me by .Jas. Chcsnut and W. M. Shannon, Special Masters and Receivers by deed of date December t)th, 1 SCO. which diwd is of record in Clerk's office Book A- A. page 4." W. L. DefASS, JR., Master for Kershaw County. November 18, 1081 FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on the lOtb day of December, 1931, at 11 o'clock, a. m., I will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County my final return as Executor of the estate of John E. Brannon, deceased, and4 on the same date I -will apply to the said Court for u final discharge as said Executor. C. R. CASSADY, F.xecutor of the Estate of John E. Brannon. Camden, S. C., November 17, 1981. I EYES EXAMINED I and Glasses Fitted I THE HOFFER COMPANY | Jewelers and Optometrists R. E. Chewning & Son General Contractors \ and guilders Phone 386 Camden, 8. C. Estimates Furnished on All . Classes of Work Floors Sanded on Request r ?= ? NO-MO-KORN FOR CORNS AND CALLOU8B8 Made in Camden And For Bala By DeKalb Pharmaey?Phono 15 ^ i ?? I ^ Come to Columbia! || ^ |K Bring the Children! I SANTA CLAUSI * " * *' ^ 'I Will Arrive in Columbia I Friday Evening at 5 o'clock Z _J I In a Special Airplane I IA Blaze of Thousands of Brilliant Lights will Greet Him. A Beautiful I Pageant Will Be Staged at 5:30 o'clock on the State Xapitol Steps. I EVERYBODY IN VI TED l| | What a wonderful program has been arranged. After Santa's arrival at 5 o'clock, a welcoming parade will pass down Main street from Elm' wood avenue to the State Capitol. Governor I. C. Blackwood, Mayor L. B. Owens and other prominent officials will form the escort of honor. On the arrival aH5:30 at thd'State Capitol, the Christmas pag- ffl eant will start. During this presentation the lighting display on Main II street will go on, illuminating more than 7,000 cblored lights and 40 I decora led trees. Carols will be. sung aiid everyone will be made happy. II I Christmas Gift Week Sale Starts Saturday 1 I j Following the welcome to Santa Claus, the stores of Columbia will reI main open until 8 o'clock, this "open house" to be a special feature for ' the out-of-town visitors. The "Gift Week Sale" will be another new I feature ... a week of special values for holiday shoppers. Every day from Saturday, December 5, through Saturday, December 12 will ? I have special features, each day being designated to excite particular | interest in the many advantages of shopping in Columbia. Arrange 1 now to come Friday,([and every day thereafter. Be sure you come 1 during this special GiftTWeek. ? iin HI These Firms Cordially Invite You to Come to Columbia: II I AVERY, THE JEWELER _ Jewelry BELK'S Department Store | . - BERRY'S, Inc. Shoes BON MARCHE Department Store I R. L. BRYAN CO. Books & Stationery A V\ A Mim CMDMHUO , Ladies Ready-to-Wear CALDWELL'S Ladies' Ready-toWear CAROLINA TAILORING CO. Tailors i COGGINS & JOHNSON CO., Inc. Men's Clothing COLUMBIA PETROLEUM CO. Gasoline & Oils COPELAND C., Inc. Men's Clothing DIXIE Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Cleaners & Dyers EFIRD'S Department Store EMPIRE FURNITURE CO. Furniture EVANS MOTOR CO. Gasoline, Oils & Tires FREE BROS. DRY CLEANING CO. Cleaners & Dyers HABENICHT-McDOUGALL CO. Sporting Goods H A LTIW ANGER'S Ladies Ready-to-\V^ar - HAMILTON'S CREDIT JEWELRY Jewelry HAVERTY'S Furniture LEON HOOK Men's Furnishings T. D. HOOK Men's Clothing HOPE-DAVIS CO. Men's Clothing JACQUELINE SLIPPER SHOPPE Shoes M. L. KINARD, Inc. Men's Clothing G. R. KINNEY Shoes ** KOHN'S V Ladies Ready-to-W?ar P. H. LACHICOTTE^ Jewelry LORICK & LOWRANCE, Inc. Hardware & Household Goods MANGEL'S Ladies Ready-to-Wear MARSHALL-TATUM CO. Men's Clothing MAXWELL BROS. & QUINN Furniture McCRORY'S 5 & 10c Store S. B. McMASTER Sporting Goods SCHULTE UNITED Department Store J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. Department Store REYNER'S Inc. Jewelry ED ROBINSON Dry Cleaning & Dying RUFF HARDWARE CO. ^Hardware & Household Goods NATIONAL FURNITURE STORES lljfl Furniture A SAXON-CULLUM SHOE CO. ; I Shoes I SILVER'S 5 & 10c Store I SIMMONS FURNITURE CO., Inc. " Furniture SOUTHERN STORES CO. I Furniture STATE BOOK STORE , I Books & Stationery - 11 SYLVAN BROS. IB Jewelry _ |;| JAMES L. TAPP CO. |! | Department Store M WATSON'S - J H WARWICK DRY CLEANING CO. K Cleaners 6c Dyers 1 R. C. WILLIAMS 6c SONS, Inc. I B Furniture - "7" ?"S mM WRIGHTS Men's Clothing YOUNG MEN'S SHOP Men's Clothing