THE CAMDEN CHROWICiE Broad Street and ?ntered,at tha Cam den, South Carolina poetoffice aa econd cliee mall matter. Price pc* ?nnum 12.00, payable in advance. Friday, December 4, 1031 Senator Cole L... Jjlenao said at Charleston that the Democratic party is making a serious mistake in taking over control of the house when congress meets, because the party can accomplish nothing with only one house, and the Republicans will have an excuse for tholr own failures. 'Poisons who want to take contro^ are actuated by greed for position, ho said, "and not by the welfare of, the party or country. They want the chairmanships, the clerkships, an the control of m.inor offices. _ in m1 j ? ' Advertisnig The &g advertisers of the country-the tobaccoand Mnie?T ?ttjfeQm?biUvWl>>?t side while running on a straight stretch of paving. Bodies of the three dead people are being cared for at the Evans Funeral Home awaiting advices from ' ?The aged lady who is at the Camden hospital is suffering.from-a badly crushed left leg and numerous bruises. She is thought to be fatally injured and her name could not be learned. , , ... Identification cards found upon tnc dead people showed that their names were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Murray, of 1)88 Fifth Avenue, and were hea .ea south. Their ages ranged around (? > or TO years. The dead chauffeurs name wa. Charles W. Yickers, of Weatbury New York, and his age was about 34 years. Nothing could bo learned as to tne cause of the accident. Savory BEEF ROAST Whichever way you roast it ?well done or to that rareness your folks may prefer ?you'll it flavory, ten- I der, tasty. And as everybody likes Beef, why not a Roast for Sunday? Telephone 318-J Ogburn Brothers ; North Broad Strksi Near S. A. L. Croifc* Secretary Outlines 1 League's Policy ???? , The editor of the Chronicle ro-i quested of Pierre Maryck, Publicity Secretary of the Farmer*' and Taxpayera' League, a clear statement of tho purpose and program of the League so that those readers of the paper who have not kept up with tho operations of the League up tb this time may inform themselves readily as to the plan of the Farmers! and Twpayers' league. Mr. M^ayck rearranged. several statement* issued by Mr. J. K. Breedin, CJenerhl Director of organisation and acting" treasurer of the League and submitted them- as a ebneise statement of the objects of tho league. "During the war and immediately, afterwards prices were high and money was plentiful and both public .private expenditures were on A very liberal, }f* not extravagant scale. Shortly after the war came the period of deflation and from then until now our state has suffered gradually until it not only is" not making any not revenue but has virtually lost the reserves laid up through the thrift of other years. That is why such a yoar as this Is such a calamity. The people have nothing laid by in store with whirntiment throughout the state in in" vim-shle form in -o dor that the gent-ral assembly may know what it is that the people demand. For this reason it is essential that all of those who think taxes are too high sh- u.d join the league, sign the pledge card, and make thair influence ciuunt . ' reduction. If a man does not j",n i the League he is merely like a stranger hoviing in the wilderness and he ! will have no effect whatever. We shall accomplish our purpose through united effort, a bringing together nil those who wish their taxes reduced, i That is the immediate program of the j league and that is the program that; the League exp?icts to put through at the coming session of the general assembly. Cotton mills of the Manchseter district of England are reported as preparing to increase their output by ( longer hours. Business has been , booming since England went off the \ gold standard and because of the j boycott of Japanese goods by the, Chinese. * HiPMP^r December Advice for Field and Garden j Clemaon College, Nov. 80. ~A brief j farm calendar of important suggestion* for* field and garden and orchard is given below for December attention by k. W. Hamilton, agronomist; E. H. Kawl; horticulturist; Alfred Lutkcn, entomologist and pathologist/ and J. T. McAllister,, agri* cultural^ng^ter. ' ] Agronomy?W e a t h e r permitting, turn heavy soils that have no cover crops. Put cotton under cover to prevent loss of $5 to $10 per balo. Clean up briars and plum thickets around edges of field. Horitculture--Prune fruit trees and bunch grapes. Make garden plans, get catalogs and order seeds before seedsmen are out of desirable varieties. If fruit treee- Iwve not already been sot, dp so this month; fail planting in the South is preferable to early spring planting. Prepare hot beds for sowing in January, Prune scuppernong vines to December. J.5. Propagate grapes and ornameptal deciduous shrubs from new cuttings. Injurious Insects and DiseasesBurn trash and woods in gardens and fields to destroy hibernating insects. Burn, orchard prunings to destroy shot-hole borer. Plow under old stalks to destroy insects. Burn twigs severed by girders. Apply*'lime sulphur or oil emulsion dormant sprays after trees are completely dormant. Agricultural Engineering?Plan to keep the tractor busy during the winter with belt jobs, sawing wood, feed grinding, etc, Cut in cotton stalks and other material on the land with u disc harrow. Build and repair terrace# now so that they may settle before the hard spring and summer rains. This is a good time to build or repair fences if you are to handle livestock. Store machinery that was used -during cultivating season and grease parts that are likely to rust. Dr. Kenneth G. Matheson, G7, noted educator and for the past ten years president of Drexel institute, Bryn Ma'wr, Pa., died Sunday. IN MEM OKI AM The Character Builders' Bible class of?the Lyttleton iStreet Methodist church, through their committee, I. J. McKenzie, Ben. P. DeLoache and L. H. Jones, has adopted the following resolutions on the death of their teacher, Charles W. Birchmore: "Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom, to take from his earthly labors, our beloved brother, friend and teacher, Charles Whitaker Birohiffore, who was called to his eternal reward on November 11 1931, and j "Whereas, In the departure of Bro. Birchmore, whom we loved so well, we as members of The Character Builders' Bible class of the Lyttleton J Street M. E. Sunday school, have sustained an irreparable loss, and our hearts are heavy with sorrow, therefore, be it "Resolved: That although we have suffered a great loss in the departj ure of our faithful teacher and mem. her, who has left the imprint of nis Christian character on our minds . through his teachings and personal contact in daily life, we feel grateful i for the privilege of having been asI sociated with him, who was in every way worthy of our respect and' esi teem, be it also I "Resolved: That his death ^leaves j ft vacancy which will be deeply realized by everv member of our class, as well as tne community at large, therefore, be it further "Resolved: That we extend to the bereaVed family of our deceased Brother and Teacher our heartfelt sympathy and with them mourn our mutual loss, commending them to the care of our Heavenly Father, the Great Comforter. Also that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, a copy be printed in the local papers, a copy be mailed the Southern Christian Advocate and ! a copy be recorded in the class re1 cords." *_ Throat Sore? _ Don't Gargle It is no longer neces-ary to gargle anu choke and take chances^vith patent medicines for sore throat, i'?u ean now get quicker and better relief with Thoxine, a prescription exclusively for throat troubles. Its special action relieves the throat soreness u;th the very first swallow. Its internal action removes the cause which otherwise might develop into u serious illness. Most coughs, especially night j coughs, are caused by an irritated I throat. Thoxine will stop this kind I of cough at, once. Safe?children like it. Remember Thoxine will re! l?eve sore throat or coughs, within lift minutes or your money back. [ 35c, 60c, $1.00 bottles. Sold by DoPass' Drug Store and all other good drug stores. WARNING TO HUNTERS J Hunters are hereby warned not to trespass on hunt on the Water Shed, two miles north of Camden, owned by the City of Camden. No objection is made to horseback riders or persons walking through the property, but this notice is directed particularly to hunters with guns and dogs. By order of City Council. H. M. KENNEDY, Jr., Mayor of Camden. 40-42sb. * " '7- " "wj? ? v-?w \v-y Many Names Added During November 4iy^i i i i'ii The ChrortifleV subscription drive brought in many new readers to our list. Also tho response to our offer for renewals at the dollar a year re*? was very gratifying. However, there are a great number still in arrears, who paid no attention to our request for renewals. We request every subscriber whether old or new to wptch carefully the label on their paper and see if they have been given proper credit.^ Others who are reading this notice are requested to look at their label and if the label shows an arrearago .they had better send it to this office, for after this last notice The Chronicle will fail to come to those in arrears. This is the final notice. We certainly do not want to atop your Chronicle. We hope.that you do not want i ' ' - 1 1 \ m.r A Tribute Fiom An Old Friend Editor, Camden Cnronicle: Dear Sir: I am asking for a little space in your paper to pay my tribute to Charles W. Birchinore, who died at Camden Armistice Day.. . The.-guod things I could say of Mr. Birehmore are. well known to the people of Camden and they, tor1 no doubt, mourn his death. However, I wish to say that personally 1 have lost a friend-? one who in my boyhood days always took pleasure in advising me . and showing me the better things in life. I have tried to instill into my hoys the same advice that he always gave me. It was my pleasure to see and talk with Mr. Birehmore last year and he displayed that same futherty feeling toward me that was so evident when I worked for him 80 years ago. Camden Has lost a good and faithful citizen and in his passing I mourn with the folk back home. To his family I extend my heartfelt sympathy. In looking back over the life of Mr. Birjhmore I see only 'sincerity and consistency, and I know of no words that express my sentiments more forcibly than Longfellow's Psalm of Life: "Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time." DICK BAEFIELD. 109 Maple Ave., Ocean View,Norfolk, Va. Wants?For Sale _ ) FOB SALE?On easy terms, farms Epand hunting preserves, located pear Camden. Address J. C. .Terrell, Field Agent, Cheraw, iS. C. 36-42sb LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN?One large white setter dog with one black ear. Is about two years old. Answers to name of "Pat." Reward if returned to J..H. Burns, Camden, S. C. 33sb FOR SALE?One stock of groceries and fixtures, also meat market equipment. Address Louis A. Sowell, Kershaw, S. C. 36-38pd . WANTED?Old fashioned oil ward,, WANTED?Old fashioned oil lamp, with brass pedestal on marble base. Must be reasonable. Address "Lamp." care of Chronicle, Camden, S. O. ,36sb FOR SALE?-Camellia Japoniea double white, double red, ten to twelve inches at 60 cents each; banana shrubs ten to twelve inches at 40 cents each, post paid. Address Mrs. R. E. Rembert, Evergreen Nursery, Rembert. S. C. 38pd LOST?On Tuesday. November 24, qno black and tan hound dog. Blue spickled spot on chest. Reward if returned to Luke Newman, Hermitage Cotton Mill, Camden, S. C. * 3Gpd FOR RENT?Nice cottage, 212% Haile street, adjoining Dr. McCaskill's recently repainted, new roof, 4 rooms, kitchen, bath, etc., City lights and water, garage in rear. Fine neighborhood and close to public school. Only $20.00 per month to approved tenant. Can be bought at less than cost > to build. Ycry easy terms to good party. iSee Enterprise Building & Loan Association or W. R. Zemp, Camden, S. C. 35tf FOR SALE?Large and small tracts of the most valuable land in the county for hunting preserves and agriculture. None better. One nice country home. Prices in keeping with times. C. G. Rowland, Sumter, S. C. feb30pd SELL PECAN TREES?50 per cent commission and free trees for next 30 days. Write Stewart Pecan Co., Yaldosta, Ga. 35-37pd WANTED?To rent large room with light on two or three sides with bath, twin beds and bed lights, garage, in quiet, private home. Please tell us what you have. Mrs. Burke. 70'.' Gladstone, Detroit. MDh. 3o-37pd WANTED?Yuu. 4.0 know that I have, opened a lunch room and picture shop comb.ned. east exter don of Ha .( street, this city. I ir.'.ke pictun - at greatly reduce^l prices, pine pong.-. commonly called penny pictures, five for ten cent-. All other size pictures at price.- to suit pre.-cnt conditions. My ti.op is equipped with latest photo lights and 1 can make your picture day or night; rain or shine. My shop is open each day and night and I am there on Saturday nights until midnight. 1 also sell hot lunches, coffee, soft drinks of all kir.ds. The location is east Haile street, near Wateree Mill village. Cornel Joe B. Gaskin, proprietor, Camden, S. 'C. 33tf FOR SALE?Fulghum seed oat*r-new "crop corn and hay for sale or consider exchange for cattle or hogs. Will exchange com for peas basis ..five bushels corn for four bushels cow peas. W. P. McGuirt, Manager at Guignard's Plantation, Telephone 148, Camden, S. C. Say "SEI BERLIN G" when you want a good tire at Creed's Filling Station. WA>UiD~No. 1 ptae logs. Highest caff prices paid; year round demand. Sumter Planing Mills and Lumber Co., Attention E. S. Booth, Sumter. 8. C. 1-tf-sb Fruit Cake That Will Make You Glad! * . U i Made of the finest m iterial that money can buy. Mixed and baked in a Ilome-like way, Guaranteocl to iplease the most discriminating customer and priced in the reaOh of evef/one. Wrapped in fancy Celophane Packages: 1 lb. Block* 49c | 2 lb. Block* 98c | 1 3 lb. Bound ?... $1.47 5 lb. Round $2.45 Also a full line of rd'ul old time PQAUld Cake, and-*a large assortment of Layer Cakes. Quality of the highest and priced to suit the times. Sold at all quality grocers and our Bakery. ? ElECTRIK MAID BAKE SHOP V;- 1 ?i?i ? '' 1 > ' -1 CARPENTEKixnu?Jonn S. Myers, phone 268, 812. Church Street, Camden, S. C., will give satisfactory service to all for all kinds of carpenter work. Building general repairs, screening, cabinet making and repairing furniture My workmanship is my refenaci 1 solicit yjur patronage. Thank lag you in advance. 50 y MONUMENTS?I handle, only u? best grades t>f marble and granlU Come to -Ree or write to T. J. Ninch, Camden, .S. C. ldtf y y^j FILLSBURY'8 BEST FAMILY * "*' .FI o u r - ?-^bao 7Sc;j PILLSBURY'S B r an 16c 1 CANOV A?vacuum Packed ? . . J Coffee ** "- 33c | WESSON OIL ^ N4ic H LUX FLAKES 2 19c 1 American beauty -i f-'T .:7:::..:/r:r^dB Macaroni, Spaghetti, ! or Egg Noodles I 2" ?AND ?NE PKa"' JL9C PACKAGE FREE I LUX SOAP 3 CIRCUS FLOUR, Plain or S. R. 24 Lb.g 55c J Line Fresh Fruits and Vegetables I makket specials'i Per lb. White Cornfield Ham ... 18c Picnic Ham 13c Round Steak 20c Beef Roast 15c Lamb Roast 4 15c Pork Roast 15c Pork C^iops 20c I J ' ; P*ibSpare Rib? l5c Beef Liver }?**: Dre??ed Frier# ~^ Dre??edvHen? v ?- ^7 Weintfi Cooked SftWAfi ^