SsOCICTY NEWS M Telephone No, 133-W Her Sixth Birthday ftfhur?doy afternoon of last fc JJjtrs. Kmmi I>. Drakeford ?n8 *2pe the room w^re a |L>r wheme of yellow and white C effectively carried out. Yellow I tnd white chrysanthemums were arIraM*1 HlM>ut the roo*n8 and ,n of the table was placed a large whit? cake upon yyhich six tiny yelkw candles burned. Placed about the table were attractive favors, candy and cak^s. Oute little paper caps ?re worn by each guest who inlj|jje(|v TWarjorie Hatfield, Natalie CoUen, Ma'")' Walsh, Frances West, gnS Wilson, Molly Ruth Redfearn, ^rolyn Baruch, Peggy Little, Bessie Little' Doris Stakes, Jean Stokes, yfa Stokes, John Partin, Cleo guyr), Doris McLeod, Jane Thomas, Hirold Hatfield, J*., Samuel Nichol- j son, Jr . and Lottie Smyrl. The host- ! oss served ice crewm, cake and canoes. Hot Supper at Hagood Friday This Friday night, November 14, Ascension Episcopal church will hold an old-fashioned hot supper at the I beautiful brick Rectory and iCom-1 I munity House next door to the church. The church is located half way between Rembert_and Hagood tn a paved road. Supper will be grved promptly at 8:00 o'clock. ^ " The committee on entertainment, biased of Mr. Antrum Boykin, Mr. H|! Myers, Miss Theresa Scarbor and Mrs. Charles Sanders, Jr., fas planned an interesting mu^icaL jfogrum of numbers lay a negro fzrtette, and also a talented quar tette from Sumter. This musical program will ,be supplemented by I humorous talks from prominent visitors. A delightful evening has been promised by the committee. ; The supper committee, composed of Mrs. Clyde ICtarke, Mrs. Arthur W. Scarborough, 'Mrs. B. F. Myers and Mrs. Walter 'Sanders, lias planned a bountiful menu, including ibar-, fyxoe and fiH'ed chicken. These splenT did cooks may be depended Upon to furnish a fine supper in-every respect. Tickets are (being sold this week by the Sunday school and the Young People's Service League. The price for the supper is sixty cents for adults and thirty-five for children. Visitors may pay at the door Friday night if they have not secured a ticket. The proceeds of the supper will be turned over to the church treasurer to help make up a deficit in the church budget. Everyone is cordially invited to enjoy a good supper and an enjoyable evening with this Hagood congregation. Mrs. tKllbpiguf ilutUiu! Mrs. John Villepigue wan the canning hostess at the Thursday afternoon 'bridge club lust week entertaining in her lovely new home on Lyttleton street, beautiful pink rose buds and pot plants decorated the rooms where the four tables were placed for bridge. After the gume congealed fruit salad with hot rolls and coffee was served to the folloVving guests besides the club members: Mrs. Lee Little, Mrs. Henry Beard, Mrs. Hughie TindaJ, Mrs. Nettles Lindsay, Mrs. George Brunson, Mrs. Alfred MoLeod, Mrs. J. H. Osborne, H4rs. MoHimer Boykin and Mrs. J. G. Richards, Jr. 'Mrs. Garrison Was Hostess On Wednesday morning of this week Mrs. H. G. Garrison, Jr., entertained the (bridge club of which she is a member, at her home on Rectory Square. Other guests besides the club members were: Mrs. Warren II. .Harris, Mrs. B. O. Boyr kin, Mrs. F. M. Wooten, Mrs. Rufus Thurman, Mrs. Dan M. Jones and Mrs. Jack Whitaker, Jr. A delicious luncheon was served ut noon and the ifamo continued until 1:30. Mr. and Mrs. Goodule Entertain Mr. and Mrs. F, P. Goodale entertained the weekly bridge club last Thursday evening at their home on Broad street, witii a delightful supper and the bri<^e games followed. Invited guests wei* Mr.-Colenpan-Harris, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Goodale, Miss Mary B. Goodale and Mr, Bernard Sidwon the ladies' high score and to Mr. Basil Bruce went the high score for gentlemen. Those to receive low score prizes were Miss Mary Baker Goodale and Mr. S. W. VanLandingi ham. November Meeting of U. D. C. The November meeting of the John I). Kennedy Chapter U. D. G. was hejd at the home of Mrs. It. W. White on Lyttleton street with Miss Minnie Clyburn as assistant hostess. The past president presided as the committee selected to secure her successor had not been ablp to do so. The meeting was opened with the LdrcTs prayer followed by the readjjrg of the minutes of the last meeting. Committees reported as follows: Treasurer, that $62.75 'balance was on hand which puts the association in better financial standing than for soni#' time. The registrar reported having delivered a set of papers to a member. The corresponding Ae^retary said she had mailed in Ser 1yearly report to the state secretary of the association. Mrs. N. IC. Arnett, Mrs. Burwell Bovkin and Mr^ J. B. Wallace were appointee! fo list homes ibr the meetings for the year. Mrs. S. iC. Zemp, the retiring president read a copy of her report sent in to conference. The yearly report was read showing" *l4 most one ^>undred per cent- was made on mating all obligations of the chapter. The meeting was then turned 'over to the historian who gave to each one a slip of paper containing a short' history of some distinguished Southern man,* which was very instruct-*' ive and interesting. A guest Of the chapter for the meeting was Mrs. M. L. Bonham, wife of Judge Bonham, who was holding court here for the week. > I The hostesses served delicious refreshments and a pleasant social hour was spent. Mrs. R. E. Chewping, secretary. i ' The lumber schooner Brooklyn turned over and sun-k off Eureka, Calif., Saturday afternoon. It is .believed that the seventeen members of the crew lost their lives. Claud Henson, 31, is dead in Spartanburg, the result of gasoline burns which he received two weeks ago when he used the fluid to start a fire. Majestic Program Friday, November 14th ?Metro - Gotdwyn - Mayer presents "MEN OF THE NORTH," with Gilbert Roland, Barbara Leonard and Arnold Korff. Of all dramas , that have come out of the great Northwest, there is none to compare with this exciting tale that hammers out thrills like a machine gun. Also RKO Comedy. Saturday, November 15th As romantic as thrilling and a.thrilling as romantic is "SHOOTING STRAIGHT." Richard Dix thnlb you with thrill and romance combined to make this an exceptional.> interesting picture play. Also Metre Dogville Comedy, "Who Killed Rover?" with All-Gold Star ( ast. Anc Aesop Fable, "Snow Time." ... . . . Monday & Tuesday, November 17-lt The story of the new angle in the triangle! The most seiisationa^ storj ever filmed, barring none. ' THE OFFICE WIFE," with Dorothy Mack aill, Lewis Stone, Hobart Bosworth and Joan. Blondell. Has the hom< wife a chance when the office wif< is alluring? Has your husband ar I office wife? What do you know oi I your husband's secretary ? Is sh< 1 his office wife? A story of wive; j and their lovers and husbands am their office wives. Wednesday & Thursday. Nov. 19-2( That distinguished actor, Georg< Arliss, in "OLD ENGLISH." A gram old sinner gets into difficulties an< debt, and you are entertained as 110m ! other than that grand old master o the stage and screen can. Its i Warner Bros., and Vitaphone Produc % V >v Fleming-Joye Announcement is made by Mrs. J. E. Fleming of the marriage of her daughter. Miss Lucille Fleming, of Military trail, and Henry Joye of Jhis city, which was solemnized by the Rev. Lillian B. Full ton ?t the Congregational church, Lake Worth, at 8 o'clock on the evening of Satur' day, October 25. Miss Fleming was attended by Miss Mary' 'Si Ketcham j and the bride's 'brother, Orson Morgan, was the beat man. f TV bride wore a handsome gown old brussels lace with nile green accessories and carried a bridal bouquet of butterfly roses. , Jf'' anarents, Mr. and J^fW^.B, i Kirkland. [ Mr. It. L. Auten, of Charlotte, left Wednesday for his home after a visit i here to his granddaughter, Mrs. W. ' M. Alexander. . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beaver, of Salis- i bury, N. C., spent last week end ] with their son, Mr. Floyd Beaver, on | Laurens street. Moultrie Burns and Benton Burns, of Sowanec, will ^pend this week end with theri parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. H. Bums on Fair street. Miss Harriet Steedman returned to Charleston Tuesday afternoon after a visit of several days to her mother, Mrs. It. Y. Steedman here. Mrs. A. S. Llewellyn will leave to-, day for Richmond, where she will spend a week with relatives, while Mr. Llewellyn wrll go to Boston on business. Messrs. W. L. Goodale and N. R. Goodale, Jr., last week attended, a convention of the Southeastern Florist association held in Birmingham, Alabama. Miss Sarah DePass spent last week end with her parents and had as her guests Miss Lucy MfcDonald, of Chester and Miss Betty Smythe, of Charleston. | . Shannon Blackwell and Charles DeLoache, students at the University' of South Carodinw, were visitors here , last week end at the home of their respective parents. ''' ' n Mrs. George Coleman left laat Satn urday for Washington to spend fiome time with Mr. and Mrs. J. R* Mont-1 gomery, who are making the capitol city their home now. | Mirs. Grace Knudson and Misfc Ma-1 bel Apple ton have returned after a, \ttitoftfner spent in CaStine, Maine, j TKfcy "have again opened The Torii Shop on Broad street. ! Miss. Nadege Brundl has returned Ito Camden after spending the sum- : mer with relatives in Geneva, Swii- , zerland. She is at thd home of Mr. j Mrs F. M. Woolen. [ Messrs. George W. Potter, Drew , McLaughlin, Harry Porter and Cool-; ey Gillis returned Sunday from Gainesville, Florida, where they went 'to attend the Florida-Alabama foot- j ball game. . t Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Danforth oi ; Sheneateles, N. Y., arrived on Wednesday find are at the Hdbkirk IniV for a short while before moving into' the John Villepigue home on Lyttleitpn street. Mr. and iMrs. Joe H, Thomas leave today for LaFeria, Tex)as, where Mr. Thomas will manage a cannery there this winter. Their many friends will, be delighted to learn that they will return to Camden in the spring. Dr. George Rhame and, sister, Mrs. M. M. Reasonover and son, William Reasonovej-, left Thursday* for Charlotte where they Will spend several days and Mrs. J. S. Rhame, who is visiting relatvies there, will accompany them home. Mrs. Little Hostess to Club Mrs. George Little entertained her bridge club this week. Besides the | regular members other guefits included: Mrs. C. H. Zemp, Mrs. Mortimer ' Muller, Mrs. John K. deLoach and ' Mrs. T. Lee Little. A prize was . given at each of the three tables and ' those receiving high scores were: Mrs. Charlie Green, Mrs. Ancrum Boykin, Jr., and Miss Agnes DePass. Mrs. Mortimer Boykin assisted the ' hostess in receiving her guests. In [ the late afternoon very delightful re* freshments were served. Entertained by Mrs. Houser The Kirlowood Bridge citfb was delightfully entertained this week by Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Houser. Dr. Corbett and Mrs. Marye were guests of the club for the evening. After the games tfif? hostess served an ice course with cake and hot coffee. d NOTICE OF SALE. Under and ,by virtue of sundry City tax executions directbd to me by J.C. Boykin, Clerk and Treasurer, I have levied upon and will sell the follow m????? bvg property on the first Monday in December, 'being the 1st day thereof, in front of the Court House, Camden, S. C., during the legal hours of sale. Terms of sale Cash. All that, lot and building thereon,1 bounded on the North by lot No. 30; on the East by Jordon Avenue; on the South by Hampton Street; on the West by Lot No. 32. Levied upon and to be sold as property of SeLma Mc. Sheorn for unpaid City taxes for 1027. AH that lot with building thereon, bounded on the North by J. B. Zemp; on the East by Rosa Deas; on the South by formerly Tobe Kirkland; on j the West (by Broad street. Also lot and 'building located on Campbell street on West side, having such boundaries as on record in Clerk of Court's office. Levied upon and to bo sold as property of R. H. Haile for unpaid City taxes for 1927. All that lot with building thereon, bounded on the North bv Elise H. Myers; on the East by City Lot No. ?; on the South by formerly Arthur; on the West by Church street. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Estate of Tenah Bracey for unpaid City taxes for 1927. H. D. HILTON, Chief of Police. I The - I DOLLS I Want You To Visit Them |j TODAY I , Dimpled baby dolls and elegantly dressed young lady dolls invite you to come in to see them. They want to help you decide what kind of a doll you want for Christmas. Bring i, mother . . . she will be delighted with our thrifty prices. ?p J. C. PENNEY CO INC | i THE CATHERINE HARRIS ! GOODALE SHOP r ! presents t | New Patterns -1 ! in ; CHINTZES and CRETONNES t , make your rooms | more charming 5 for the ? Cay Holiday Season, hitofco.'.'' ' H I ' , . j ] | The Rewards of Consistency An active, modern institution which is thoroughly organized in every de- ^ partment to handle promptly, effic- j iently and effectively the business of firms, corporations and individuals, I based on an experience of more than 11 forty years. I THE OF CAMDEN 1888 1930> I V