The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, November 14, 1930, Image 2

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BUi, i. n,...i i-T? ...... _ B1 Iodine Products Store 1 549 DeKALU STREET j Specials Friday and Saturday I NOVEMBER 14, 15 I FLOUR, "Lucile," 24-pound bag 80c J | MEAL, Fresh Water Ground, per peck 40c J j SUGAR, per pound , 5c I RICE, "Blue Rose,". 5 pounds for 25c j LARD, Compound, 8-pound pail 95c I CHEESE, Full Cream, per pound 25c MACARONI, "Skinner's," 2 for 15c I TOMATOES, No. 2 Cans, 3 for .-.4 25c j SALMON, Tall Cans, 2 for 25c | j DIME BRAND MILK, 2 for 25c MATCHES, 5c Boxes, 3 for ; 10c - SALT, 10-pound Bags, each 20c WESSON OIL, pints 25c WESSON OIL, quarts . 4 ' 49c SOAP, "Octagon,". 5c Size, 6 for 23c SOAP, "Palmolive," 4 for 29c FRESH STRING BEANS, per pound * .. 12V2c FRESH BUNCHED CARROTS, each 10c FRESH CAULIFLOWER, per pound 15c CELERY, Large Stalk, each ,.... 10c LETTUCE, Large Hard Heads 12y2c Complete Line Fruit Cake Ingredients c Fresh Shipment Dreher's Pork Sausage CALL US: WE DELIVER?PHONE 282 : IODINE PRODUCTS STORE 549 DeKalb Street T. C. Gladden, Manager Two Murderers Are Electrocuted\ Raleigh, N. Nov. 7.?Will Sloan ^ and Willie Massey, negroes, confess- 1 ed double slayers, were eleetrocuted at state's prison here today. Sloan was eonvieted of murdering: a ncL'ni woman and was the confessed slayer of Mrs. Klsa Marshall, 24, of (ireenburtfh, N'. Y. I Massey, who was convicted of killing his sister and her husband .in Durham county, was the first of thu t\v?? to die. Massey admitted killing the two, but claimed it was in selfdefense. He owed his sister $10 in board money and the double slaying followed a quarrel about payment of the sum. Sloan admitted his nuill of the Person county crime several weeks ?? after confessing that he "accidentally" killed Mrs. Marshall. Today, just before he went to the chair, Sloan admitted criminally attacking Mrs. Marshall and then murdering her. The crime was described by Westchester, N. V., officers who came here two months ago to take Sloan's confession as one of the most brutal i/iurders in their county in years. Sloan's home, he said, was in Columbia, S. C. He was tried and acquitted there Hi years ago on a charge of murder. He was suspected of the murder of Rev. F. Frank Ix'e. of Ihi'ham early this year and also was believed to have been implicated in the killing of a Washington. I). C., p? lueiuan sometime ago. He had served prison sentences in South Carolina and New York. ? Two?t?p?Pot?Disbarment Columbia, Nov.' JO.?The Soutn Carolina supreme court today took under advisement the cases of two attorneys charged with unprofessional conduct. I.. 1>. Jennings, former mayor of Sumter and one time,.caadicRite for Democratic nomination for United States >enator; and K. J. Green. of Newberry, are the attorneys. Hoth filed returns to the rule that they -how cause why they should not be disbarred and the court took their i a-es consideration. Five specific- charges are filed against Jennings. These are followed with this general charge: "(ienerally (a): Mr. Jennings commingled trust funds with his private funds; (hi he paid interest to his clients on funds entrusted to him for investment whether or not such funds had l>een invested, thus taking an unfair advantage of other members of his bar." Green also was charged with "unprofessional conduct." TAX NOTICE TRKASCRKRS OKKICK CAMDEN. S. (\ September 2b. I'.t.'U) N'dtii'f i> hereby given that all ( State. County ami School taxes for j the year P.?.'H> shall he due and pay- i able between October Is? and Decern- j bei- olst, P.'HO. Any information J wi'h reference to taxes- w::| he chccr- j fully furnished upon application. When making irnpiiry please state , Sehoui District or Township. Vers ! e>pect fully. . S. \Y. lit HICK. Treasurer Ker-haw County, S. C. I * IMrT j7A White SaYou i Have An Automobile, , Keep Rat-Snap." ' If 1 knew about RAT-SNAP last j Winter, would have saved $120. My! car was in the parage for a few j weeks during the bad weather; when. 1 went to take it out. found that rats 1 had eaten great holes in two new , tires. (Jot them later with RAT- ' SNAP." Three sizes. 3be. 05c. $1.25, 1 Sold and guaranteed by Zemp & I>e- ! Pass, Drugjriats. Camden, S. ('., and 1 Bethune Hardware Co., Camden, S. C. City Tax Notice | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PENAL- | TY OF SEVEN (7) PER CENT WILL BE ADDED ON ALL 1929 CITY TAXES REMAINING UNPAID AFTER DECEMBER 1. PAY YOUR TAXES BEft FORE THAT DATE AND AVOID THIS PENALTY. City Council of Camden, S. C. J. C. BOYKIN, Clerk and Treasurer Associated Charities Report for October The following i* the^ statement of the Associated Charities of Camden and Kershaw county for the month of October, < 11>30, as compiled by W. H. Harris, treasurer: Ha la nee from last month .. $1,835.15 Receipts this month 712.95 Total $2,548.10 Paid Out I General Charity I^amoy's Grocery, groceries .. $16.73 li. CV Christmas, groceries .... 1.96 Sowell's Drug Store 2.10 Huddih'? Book Store 4.04 Camden Chronicle 1.00 Lamoy's Grocery, groceries .. 11.85 Mcleod-Rush Co., groceries .... 1,60 I.amoy's Grocery, groceries .... 7,15 I.amoy's Grocery, groceries . ..'. 3.20 Lamoy's Grocery, groceries .... 7.94 Johnson Crews Co., clothing .. 16.41 I.amoy's Grocery, groceries .. 15.77 Incidentals 5.00 Transferred to Children's Home account 15.00 Fidelity B. & L. dues Oct 9.34 Fidelity B. & L. dues Nov 9.34 Total $128.27 Children's Home Current Water & Light, September . . $ 2.48 Home Furnishing Ca> 3.75 J. L. Mimnaugh Co., clothing . . 2.21 Ithume Bros., feed 2.65 Iodine Store, groceries 43.72 Incidentals 3.00 Labor 5.00 Hell Telephone Co 2.20 W. A. Anderson, meat 2.35 Incidentals . . . .. 1.35 Miss Alma Burgess, Rhode Island chicks 25.00 i Mr. Miles, Rhode Island chicks,. 9.90 Mrs. Nero Reed, milk 4.20 Children's shoes 5.55 Incidentals 1.00 ! Mrs.* Hendrix, Rhode Island chickens 10.0o W. A. Anderson, meat 2.40 Mrs. Nero Reed, milk 3.60 Ithame Bros., feed 7.35 Mrs. W. R. Hendrix, salary Oct. 20.00 Total $157.7! Children's Home Building Account , Southern States Supply Co., plumbing material $81.2" Belk Lumber Co 14.9s! Win. Atkins, lumber 64.42 ' I Texas Co., roofing 39.201 | Guy Lumber C<> 78.96 j | MaCkcy Merc. Co., hardware . . 14'.45 Kirk land Trotter, postage .... 7.50 Rritchard Paint & Glass Co., paints 5 45.11 Labor, pay roll 64.15 1 Burns <& Barrett 27.10 Southern States Supply Co., plumbing 41.00 Guy Lumber Co 88.78 I Labor, pay roll 120.00 I Texas Co., roofing 41.65 : Burns & Barrett 31.51 I I Belk Lumber Co 17.94 Mac key Mor.?C++.? ?1 1.64 G. A. Partin, electrical work . . 20.00 Wm. Atkins, lumber 5.50 Guy Lumber Co .. 51.17 Southern States Supply Co. . . 4.30 Labor, pay roll 128.11 ? Total $998.67 Paid on mortgage. Fidelity Building Loan Asso. . . $300.00 Grand "Total $1,584.65 Balance $963.46 Circus Truck Wrecked One of the largest trucks of the i Downie Brothers' circus turned over j just below the fair grounds, where ' the detour connects with highway 26, and the magnificent white show : horse which was admired by many in the ring, suffered a broken hip, causing the show men to call Policeman James Gardner, who killed the an5nial. The truck was rounding the detour sign when the slippery roads caused it to slide off the sharp embankment. This horse was a remarkably intelligent animal, and was caret! for affectionately by the show people. With tears in his eyes the I show man told Mr. Gardner to shoot '_ the animal. It was after daylight before the circus was able to get off the grounds Tuesday morning to leave for Sumter, where they showed ! on Tuesday. Several of the true ks did not leave until 7 a. m., although they had planned to be out of I^ancaster by 3 a. m. The drenching rain muddied the show grounds and made the roads as slippery as glass. The truck which overturned at the detour siirn remained in the ditch for half ?a day.?Lancaster News. ! , i horty-two undergraduates have boon suspended from Princeton University as an aftermath of a riot at ' a football rally designed to arouse ; enthusiasm for the Princeton-Chicaj go game last Saturday which ended , in a scoreless tie. Four were dropped for a year; two until the end of the Christmas vacation; five for one month; three for two weeks; fourteen for one week and fourteen for an indefinite period. Kitta Moore, negress, said to have, b^jen born in slavery in Mississippi 107 years ago, is dead in Keidsville, N. C., a victim of a paralytic stroke. NOTICE City Council will receive applications for one policeman to serve at the will arul pleasure of City Council. Applications -will be received until 5 o'clock Friday afternoon, November 14th, 1930. City Council of Camden, S. C. TRESPASS NOTICE The public is hereby notified that hunting or otherwise trespassing on the Guignard Plantation owned by the undersigned is strictly prohibited and parties found so doing will be prosecuted. L. O. FUNDERBURK J. B. ZBMP T. K. TROTTER Nov. 5, 1930 32-36pd , | , SUMMONS FOR RELIEF I ? ?r-? State' of South Carolina County of Kershaw Court of Common Pleas Gabriel Baker, Abner Baker, Mackey Baker, Morgan Baker, Marie Baker, Edith Ilerrington, Dorothy House, Alma Boyce, Maggie Keels, Mac Webb, Clarence Bradley, Arthur Bradley, Oscar Bradley, Bernice McCaskill and Dalton Bradley, Plaintiffs, against | A. C. Baker, Mrs. W. R. Outlaw, MYs. W. \rT~Sinclair, Mrs. G. G. Goff, Mrs. W. L. Goff, Willis M. ?nker, Inez Copeland, Thurman Copeland, Donald Copeland, Agnes Copeland, Maggie Baker, Woodrow Baker, Huram Baker, Ruth Baker, Ozella Bradley, Clifton Goff, Ella Goff, Gabriel Goff, I/eonard Goff and Mary E. Baker, Defendants. To the Defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Bishopville, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated October 23, A. D. 1930. C. B. RUFFIN, and M. M. LEVY, Plaintiff's Attorneys To Willis M. Baker, an absent defendant who can not be found: Take notice that the complaint and summons, of which the above is a true copy, were filed in the office of the Clerk of Court on the 25th i day of October, 1930, and are now I < n file in said office. C. B. RUFFIN, and I M. M. LEVY, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Trapped by fire and smoke in a gas j filled tunnel of a mine of the Sunday 11 Creek Coal company in Millftold, O., i Wednesday afternoon, the fate of 165 ,' men, including mine officials and miners, remained undetermined Thursday morning as rescue squads push- J i ed into the workings. The men were entombed in the underground pass- ! ( age by a terrific explosion which swept through workings while some dOU miners and others were inside. j Robert Vance and Thoma* A. Jok&.B; son, both of Allendale county, indicted in federal court in Columbia! Wednesday on a charge of sale <rfl public offices. The nine count* ul the indictment charge that \W?H solicited and received $300 froift B. J,I Sample, rural letter carrier of Salu-M da, as a political contribution. Job&.H son, a traveling salesman, is char^odH with being an accessory, aiding &ndl abetting the transaction. I One Is not Independent I t ' * < Y?- . -j^:U ' . * "M'n If He Cannot Save 1 ! No man is truly independent who has no other I source o'f income than 'his daily wages or weekjy sal- ft ary because if for any reason that income is perman- 9 ently, or even temporarily, cut off, the man instantly m| becomes dependent. mfj Loan and Savings Bank I CAPITAL $100,000.00 I ilflI DRAYAGE STORAGE 1 Local and long distance moving with liability and ' I fire insurance on all shipments. Brick storage ware- i house for furniture, etc. Brick, sand, crushed stone# i * * I Vigoro kept in stock at all times. J. B. ZEMP I I; : Telephones 216 and 100 , Camden, S. C ( Don't Spend All You Earn There is plenty of time for you to spend your money after you have earned it and "made good." Don't start now to spend all you earn and put a mortgage upon your future earnings in, the shape of debts. The First National Bank ' - v -- " . ?' \2 Camden, South Carolina a 7 A * - V- 4 . -J rV ^