10CIETY NEWS nr. France# M, B. Wooten " f?l?ptu?e No. 1S3-W -"fjb Bntertnined Weekly -^ kly bridge club recently orher? wee entertalued on last 2iy by Mine Lowe TruefcWle, j/hpme on firo^ street. The L for bridge were arranged in Log room in * setting of love' 11 flowers. Besides members ring the boatees had as her guests U K /Wnnon, of Orangeburg, was her house gueet and Mrs. g. Reasonover and Mrs. Garwood m High scQty was won by Mrs. sonover and Mrs. S. W. Van Lanlbam received low. The hostess d a salad course. n Tuesday Mrs. S. W. ,Yan Lanll>am was the gracious hosteas to dub. Besides members she had ted Mrs. J. H. Osborne, Mrs. M. Reasonover and Mrs. William who is soon leaving for Char,'to make her home. High score won by Mrs. F. D. Goodale and was received by Mrs. M. M. sonover. A tempting salad course seized at noon by the hostess. Auxiliary to Meet Today meeting is called of the :^meriLegion Auxiliary for this afters at 4 o'clock at Legion headrtera 0n DeKalb street. All memare urged to attend as commit.jre to be appointed to serve he coming Legion carnival. Mrs. ^ Whitaker, Sr.", and Mrs. M. M. sonover will be hostesses. Governor's Daughter To Wed n interesting social event*of Nober T will be the marriage of 5 f$kah Richards, daughter of ernor &nd Mrs. John G. Richards, toi&tin Frances, of Sumter. Mis3 bids is being honored by many pre-nuptial affairs. ? - ; Celebrated Sixth Birthday in. Kirby Tupper entertained a jp of children on Tuesday afteri from 4 to G o'clock with a lovelj ,yfo^l}er son, Kirby Tuppdr, Jr.,^ jritig his sixth birthday. Many ghtful games were played. In peanut contest Edna Aldret won girls' pirze and Leonard Schenk, won the boys'. The guests were ted into the dining room where olor scheme of orange and black actively carried out -the Hallowi idea in every detail. In the iter of the table was a large bowl \td with yellow flowers and the ite iced cake held tiny yellow cani. The sanie color scheme was *ied out in the ice cream, cake and Hes. The guests included: FranRhame, Virginia Guthrie, Mar5 Thurman, (Mary Pitts, Edna et, John Langford, Bill Clybum, ry N'iles, Alva Rush, Jr., Leonard ink, Jr., Roy Wooten, Jr., and ir-Wootern ? Miss Clarke Was Hostess delightful compliment to the attive bride-elect, Miss Harriet comb, was the bridge party on ay afternoon given by Miss Eliz;h Clark at her home on Fair et. Close friends *of Miss Lipnb composed the Invitation list. hostess carried out a c pointed by Ben M. Sawyer, chief highway commissioner, as chief of the department to enforce the state automobile drivers' license law, effective October 1. Mr. Sawyer states that i the department will not make cases for not having licenses until .October 15. 140,OOft-haveThready been issued. I. aL . ? - _ LOOKING BACKWARD Taken From the Filea of The Chronicle Fifteen and Thirty Years Ago THIRTY YEARS AGO . October 10, 1900 / Old Ijafayotte Hall sold to 0. L. Emanuel of Marlboro. T. J. Kirkland, democratic county chairman, issues warning to Democrats that there may be one or more candidates to run independently at general election. Gus Hirsoh on n trip to New York. Dr, Albertus Moore, of New York, on a visit to his father, Dr. A. A. Moore. Lewis Clyburn meets with accident in collision with another rider while playing polo. History of Kershaw's Brigade by Col. Dickert of Newberry being published by E. II. Aull & Co., of Newberry, Mrs. Elizabeth West dead and was buried at Westville. Glasten Barnes, negro, at Vicksburg, Miss., lynched by a mob of his oWft race. Henry Youtsey, charged with complicity in the murder of Governor Goebel found guilty at Georgetown, Ky., and sentenced to life imprisonment. Thirty thousand applications filed' for pensions growing^mt of SpanishAmerican war. Gets Collar Bone Broken While towing u Ford with a Ford yesterday afternoon, Mr. J. R. Montgomery, of the Redfeurn Motor Company, had the misfortune of getting his left collar bone broken. The accident happened when Mr. Montgomery attempted to detach the rear car. The driver of the front car instead of going forward, backed the car and caught Mr. Montgomery between the two cars.^ I.? FIFTEEN YKAK8 AGO October 15, 1915 Bulgaria enters the great war on the side of Germany, Austriu and Turkey. Mrs. Minnie Watts McCants died at her home in Columbia. (marlotte boosters make trip to Camden and pronounce it ''most beautiful city visited." Frank P. Truesdell, aged 05 years, died suddenly at his home in Kershaw. Henry David Herbert, 61, manager -jjdLjthe Commercial Hotel in this city, dies and buried in Quuker cemetery. Mrs. Mary Outlaw, aged 74 years, an invalid for three years, dies at her home in Bethune. Cotton seed bringing $40 per ton on Camden market. 7,500 bales of cotton reported ginned in Kershaw county. John 1). Shaw, of the Cassatt section', badly scalded while working at ginnery. Cotton bringing 12 1-1 cents on tho local market. Death of Daniel Murdoek Betbuno announced. Mr. Bethune * was 70 years of age and the town of Bethune was named for him. 'Major T. T. Hyde defeats JTohn P. Grace for mayor of Charleston by 10 votes. Engagement of Thomas Gauthen Fletcher to Miss Nannie Elizabeth Brannon announced. - I . <1 Miss Rosa McLeod has returned from Leroy, N. Y., and will be with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Rhoden on Lyttleton street for two weeks. Mrs. 8. C. Zemp attended the celebration in King's Mountain the past week. She visited relatives in the mountain city during her stay. * We are now showing a complete line of f ' * Coats, Dresses, Shoes I and Clothing for the whole family 'j - . . * ? +.) Special Prices to Teachers Wolfe-Bchel Company 1 Camden, S. C. - c3i. OR Italian Rye Grass Seed, I Bulbs and Plants of all kinds, ? CALI ? THE CAMDEN FLORAL COMPANY TELEPHONE 193 " Catherine H. Goodale's Shop Presents a collection of smartly correct and distinctive Wedding Gifts PRICE TWO DOLLARS Oft MORE Phone 136 . 1811 Fair St. There's a Gotham Gold Stripe Stocking Shade for Everything I If your Costume's your Stocking should he SaLBUck i MmIi Brown | D . . Ctekot Gn??n { BrownkW fc-JJl-L ?? - I I iu?ux-vw [ ( N*?n?* Sri&G^o. ! . fcoMoiwI. Crdar Brown | Afetmoon "No run th&t sierts Above can pees the Gold Stripe" THE FASHION SHOP