The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 10, 1930, Image 4

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THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE H. D. Nil,KB Editor and l'abliaher Published every Friday at No. 1109 Broad Street and entered at the Cam* den, South Carolina postoffice M second class mail matter. Price per annum $2.00, payable in advance, Friday, October 10, ^1930 "1 see'by. the papers" in a common expression in almost every American household. Everybody reads the locul newspaper to see what is going on?and they read the advertising too. The Chronicle ? thoroughly read throughout Kershaw county and is a mighty good medium in which to tarry your printed message. t The reduction in power rates granted Camden by the railroad commission will he good news to users of electricity in this city. Mayor R. M. Kennedy, Jr., says that the reduction is not in keeping with what the city had expected and they will press for a further reduction. The War On ('annua Early in the game, we said thai Bishop Cannon should t>e forced to strip his holy robes. The ianger the stench lasts the worse it will be. Let the war continue until the Methodist church is purged of the disease. It was cowardly in the big Dallas conference to back away from its plain duty. His spiritual influence is gone. He is also an execresence upon the church. The knot sadly needs the scalpel. As an opporent of liquor, we believe he is sincere. Let him remain there. He is able. He is a fighter. He can't throw too many monkey wrenches into the Raskob machine. The more, the better for the country. As u minister, with clean skirts, a little politics on the side would not damn him. The others, in ajl churches do it, more or less. Often more. Hut no gambler has any business wielding the holy gavel. The sheep will not tamely submit to that. ?-Calhoun Times. Signs of Better Business Big mercantile concerns throughout the country are preparing for good business thus fall and winter. They are adding many thousands of employees, and that they would not he doing unless they clearly foresaw definite signs of a business revival. A recent announcement says that Macy's New York store will add 4,000 employees. ( Lit Brothers, in Philadelphia, will add from 800 to 1,000 by October 1st. Gimble Brothers will add GOO saleswomen before October 1st. The Philadelphia Storage Battery company which employed 1,500 men and women four months ago, now hius 4,000 employees. I. Bamberger's store in Newark is adding several hundred employees. Three leading department stores in St. Louis have added 3,200 employees for special sales and an?? ounce?that -they will- be rotaincd through the fall and into the winter. Scars Roebuck and Company have added 1,000 employees to their New-j ark store and a few smaller stores in northern New Jersey. Hahne and Co., Newark, .Nvill add from 300 to 400 employees to their store within the next few weeks. Bloomingdalo, New York, has put in an application for 500 more employees, and expects to add a thous and within the next month. Thus it is going on all over the country.-?'Gastonia Gazette. Chicago Daily News?It ma$* bo true that just now dollar bills go farther, but they're so forgetful alxiut ever coming back. .. . ... , ..j. , . ^ . a.. ? ? ?" ? t ? Lower Power Rates Granted To Camden I Wholesale electric power ratea to the towns of Camden and Bumbqjrg were ordered reduced approximately 20 per cent, yesterday morning hy the state cailroud coinmiHsion. The new rates in Camden are effective after October 30 and those in Bamberg apply to the new contract that must be executed when the present contract expires in November. Decisions in both cases came after arguments and testimony had been presented l^efoie the comrnossion at u scries of hearings. July 23 the town of Bamberg and the South Carolina Power .company locked horns when the town demanded that it be given a substantial decrease in .its rates and that it be allowed to redistribute the local small consumers. large cotton mill, located just outside of the city limits, refused to make a contract with the town, deciding to purchase directly from the company. Subsequent hearings were conducted before the commission July 27 and July 20 and September 23. The new rate to the town wholesale will be: First 10,000 kwh per month at $1.50. Next 20,000 kwh per month ^|t $1.45. Next 20,000 kwh per month at $1.40. Next 20,000 kwh per month at $1.35. Excess 20,000 kwh per month aV $1.30. This same rate will apply to Camden, tile percentage of reduction in Camden being slightly smaller than in Bamberg because more power is used in the larger Kershaw county tow n. The Carolina Power and Light company, serving the Camden territory was charged by the town with selling the electric power at too high a rate July 24. At a hearing on this date the town authorities cited figures to show their contentions while the power company claimed that the rates were just. In both towns a consumer, under the orders of yesterday, must pay for GO 2-3 per cent, of' the maximum amount contracted for on a bi-monthly basis. Dive Cures Deafness Waycross, Ga., Oct. 3.?Francis M. Roberts stepped from an, airplane today and announced that during a dive of 3,000 feet "something popped" in the back of his head and that he no longer was deaf and dumb. Roberts went to the airport here today and asked for a ride "with a "long dive" in the hope of restoring'his hearing and speech. He-said he fell from a second story window in Detroit last fall, which resulted in his loss of speech and hearing. He has been cared for hern bv thi^Salvation Army. Three women were shot and killed I near Williamson, W. Va., Wednesday, | and Win, C. Adams, husband of one of the victims was .> arrested and charged with the crime. Adams, who was separated from his wife met her and the two other women on the street and shot them down. Buster Keaton, baseball nut, home from Europe intends to commute between Philadelphia and St. Louis shortly. He is rooting for the Cards especially because he made a discovery on the sandlots near Moviedom. An errand boy was so good that Buster got him a job with the Vernon team. Now the fellow is in the St. Ixruis outfield. The name is Oisetti. Greatest Air Ship is Destroyed by Accident Beauvaia, France, Oct. 5.?H, J. Leach, pilot of the British dirigible R-I01, which crashed in u field here this morning carrying to their death 47 of her 63 passenger* and crew gave the Associated Press the i$r, lowing account of the tragedy: **VVe got into a terrific storm "with high winds and the dirigible aimply would not rlae. I gave her more gae to get her up in the air, but ahe did not row pond. Rain was falling in 8uch torrenta that our ahip waa blown down to earth. She bumped twice slightly and then with a terrific impact ?he buried her noae into the 'ground. Immediately came a terrific exploaion followed by two leaner ones. Flamea engulfed the airahip. I waa ahot outside my pilot window and found myself on the ground. At the moment of the catastrophe everybody aboard except myself and assistant 'navigators were asleep. The motors were .turning to perfection. It was the tempest which caused our destruction." I^each was burned aI bout the,, hands and, face but was able to walk about. Despite his painful burns he insisted on returning to the scene of the disaster with several other surviving members of the crew and directing a search for bodies. South (Carolina buseball fans may get a chance to see Babe Ruth slam out a homer next season as the New York Yankees have been booked for an exhibition game with the Columbia Comers of the Sally leagle for April 8. Temperatures slightly below fr^ez ing were recorded in Montana Wednesday following a snow storm which hit Lewiston Tuesday night. Florence (Ala.) Herald?Banishing illiteracy has one drawback. If all | were literate, where would we get I our jurors? "~j Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends for the sympathy and kindness shown us in the recent illness and death Of Mrs. Come Belle Truesdale. B. C. Truesdale and Children. Trespass Notice All parties are hereby warned not to hunt, fish or trespass on my lands known as the Doby Mill tract in West Wateree. All parties caught violating this notice will be prosecuted. This notice is final. I mean for you to stay out. J. E. JEFFERSo. . LugofT, S. .C., Route 2. NOTICE OF AN INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given: .That the undersigned will, on the third day after the publication hereof, apply to the Secretary of State for South Carolina for a Charter of Incorporation of MeLeod-Rush Company, a business corporation to deal in staple and fancy groceries, meats, vegetables and the like, in wholesale and retail lots; to own real estate ,and do such J>ther things incident and pertaining to the grocery business. Notice is further given: That a meeting of the subscribers to stock in MeLeod-iRush Company will be held on Monday, October 13th,' 1930, at ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon, in the law office of Kirkland & de Loach, ( amden, S. C., for the purpose of organizing said corporation and the election of officers, and such other business as may come before the said meeting. MARTHA M. RUSH. WALTER L. RUSH. Corporators. October 9, 1930. CITATION The State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (By W. L. McDowell, Esquire, Probate Jjtdge) W hereas, S. J. Jackson made suit to me to grant him Letetrs of Ad, ministration of the Estate of and effects of Mitchell Jackson. These are. therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindrec and creditors of the said Mitchel Jackson, deceased, that they bo anc appear before me, in the Court o1 Probate, to be held at Camden, Souti Carolina, on Saturday, October 18th next after publication thereof, at 1 o clock in the forenoon. to shov cause, if any they have, why the sail Administration .should not be grant ed. , Given under my hand, this 3rd da' of October. A. I>. 1?J30. w. l. Mcdowell i Published on the 10th and lTt days <>t October, 1930, in the Cam den Chronicle and posted at th Court House door for the time pre scribed by law. Wants?For Sale FOR SALE ? Several nice shoats f< sale. Average weight 37 pounc each. Best offer takes them. A] I ply to D. E. Jeffers, Lugoff, S < 28 pd. Si RA^ ED -From I.. I. Guion's plac three mare mules, one iron gra and t\^ blacks, weighing fro ; 1.200 to 1,400 pounds each, j seen or found please notify L. Guion or Joseph M. Smith, Lugof FOR RENT?Two furnished or u fm nished rooms. Good locatio Apply 301 DoKalb Street, Camde c?. G. . OKFOR SALE?'Pansy and Engjish da sy plants by \\ oman's Auxiliary J (?race church. Telephone Mrs. M. Kennedy, Jr., or Mrs. H. E. Beard. Members of Garden Club and tlowjr lovers, your orders will be appreciated. 27-20pd WE WANT you to know that each dollar invested in stock of our No. 16 Series and paid for 78 months ($78.00) paid the holder $104.25. The member paying $10.00 each month received, hi the 6Vk years, $1,042.50. Are you THRIFTY? looking to your future? Then buy our October Series stock NOW. Enterprise Building and Loan Association. Camden, S. C. l&tf LOST?On September 6th at Hermitage pond, one white gold Hamilton boy's wrist watch with, broad wrist band. Reward if returned to James H. Burns, Camden S. C. a&tf. WANTED?No. 1 pine logs. Highest cash prices paid; year round demand. Sumter Planing Mills and Lumber Co., Attention E. S. Booth, li'vi Sumter. S. C. l-tf-?h I ^ CARPENTERING?John S. Mjers, V" phone 268, 812 - Church Street, Camden, S. C., will give satis- H factory service to all for all kinds I ; 1 of carpenter ' work. Building, I general repairs, screening, cabinet I ' mailing and repairing fumitur?. My workmanship is my refwwce. . I solicit yoar patronage. TWak ing you in advance. 0# 11 New Meat Market j We have leased the meat market and j fixtures in the store of MeLeod-Rush Company and on Friday morning*, Octo; her 10, will open same with a choice line ! of Native and Western Meats. Ample refrigeration room will enable us to keep I on hand at all times the best line of I meats. Anything usually found in an up-to-date meat market will be carried. ! Telephone orders handled promptly. Sheorn's Market Telephone 26 I lil i ? |li|i ANNOUNCEMENT V ... ^B . - S . ; < ' - " li|| We are pleased to announce that we have engaged IB Mr. M. L. McLeod to manage our store. He has had a |j |SJi IB long number of years experience in the grocery busi- IB ness and is well known to the Camden trade. The ? .. |A IB stock has been rearranged; new stock added and IB everything marked in plain figures, with a reduction?|fi in prices all along the line. Special attention will be -? ?) j given to telephone orders and prompt deliveries will 11||| be made. We solicit your grocery patronage. IB McLEOD-RUSH CO, I |:^B TELEPHONE 44 ':-jl CAMDEN. SOUTH CAROLINA II ^ 4 i , J i Welcome, Teachers! I When you come to Camden for your monthly convention Saturday, I you will find a hearty greeting awaiting you at our store* And in your j honor we are putting on some "Specials" which are sure to merit your approval. All Occasion Dresses I FOR FALL WEAR 1 j We have in stock some exceptional values in Dresses* of all types. ! j Especially useful are those smart plain flat crepes that can go to school I or to parties equally appropriately. For cooler weather, here are new I light weight woolens and really dressy crepes for afternoon and even- j ing. Look them over. ! $7.50 $2Qoo $1^.75 I f I A "Once-in-a-Life-Time" > I Opportunity I 10 years of free hosiery for the I best letter on | ,rl&)hy I likes new Phoenix "1 eer -1 HOSIERY Let us give you details of this >r I great contest. 'JAUNTEE' HAT1 I A very special "Teacher's / Special". These well-Known custom-made hats, regularly $6.50, now* ' I $4.95 I Also beautiful quality felts for 1 as low as $1.95 and $2.95 I 1 Hirsch Bros. & Co. ? I THE BIG STORE"