The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 02, 1930, Image 8

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hi i - ; ' 'j " . ' . i Casper Tillman, .'16, of Onaxo county. Missouri, has lonfessvd to participation with l>r. A. J. Haas, of (Columbia, Mo., in tins murder of William it. Pear man, automobila salesman, whose body was found near Gravette, Ark , some weeks ago. The murder was part of a ache me to collect $200,000 insurance in a swindle plot. NOTICE OF HACK Sheriff's Sale of Contraband Go* ?ds Forfeited* f .'ruler SexTi'-n Hrtfi of Volume 2, (.'ode of Kaw l'J'?2. P'eiitake notiie'Hhat 1 will sell at public auction, for eash to the highest bidder, in from of the Court House door at Camden, S. ('*., on the first Monday in May, Ibejnx the f.t ri day thereof, during the je^al hour4 < f - i I-, one upright steam boiler; or,< burner oil stove; one sa< k > racked rc, two sacks corn meal;' Uu .-ah- xranoiuted -uxur; forty do/en ; ia , ipjai't jars, .-aid X"ods hav.ntf !? * ,. i onlisi ated by roe under Si- t.oi -so i f \ duine ' ode of I I'fJ'J. provdifijj fi.r On' f ?? feitn re r| -food ' uin illegal iiia/'.'.jfa1 ture ol alcohol:' !>ipj<?r*. J. II McLKOD. Shei iff Kershaw County April 17, l'.MU M \S I'KK'S SALE State of South Carolina i ii ' y of Ki r-haw (( ourt of < ommon Plea--) .1 G. Kelly, Piainliir a^ainst I I' (.eraid and < . C Gerald, Dotendon! -, I'eii I iiiiij by v It M|e of a Decree and art Order of th; Court m the above i n!; t led eau-e I \\,.| oiler for sU.i ill t' ol the ( ourf II >11 e door " l he ( if ;, o! ( oiiiden, S fon the Mon .'af, in May. b? uy May I I'-' . in ,< 'hi I' ^ i! !i" ii ..f -a"' 1 'he f" ! .'. i< i in. | . i oj.ert y : All l i ' 11 . < . , j i 11 , i 1 ,i ! in o f I and, 1 in: , ; i., a d !> u up ,n t be i ' our.' \ . or p.; ' ..... , . . t 'of ' tl S . I I . , I , < If ?. u II111 Ii .1 .1 ., v. : N , | I , 1 f' by .' I r I \\ W . ?< |; . j , if u- M ' ' C. ( let .,01 ). I,. ' be pa I ad. a Wt b.> i ,i,.| of M '.lid .h yt i f I 'II t |, I - h I 'll I eha - I t : l ' pay lot papt W. L. In I- \SS. .JK . Ma-ter for Ker-haw ( ountv April 17. 1 ii.'tU. EYES EXAMINED and Glasses Fitted THE HOFFER COMPANY | Jewelers and Optometrists r ? > NO-MO-KORN FOR CORNS AM) CAU.OFSKS M.nlr in Camden And For Sale Hy Delvalh Pharmacy? Phone 95 | v. J I j Dr. II. M. Padgett CHIROPRACTOR Second Floor of Fashion Shop Hoi Id ink' Office bouts' tn ii p. m., Tups- . day. Thursday and Saturday of each wi'ck. ikt?*??--*? Tr= \ Nurse Tells How cardui Helped Her | Mi \\ A f\>\ a |T (: >\\ n I l IV , 1. I ' .... I j ? tj ' ' t; t ? \ ' . 1 ? t - ...... .. t . * X 5 ' > r t. a a , i t ; V ;;; ; iv ? , 1 11.? ' HI:-! . < v.- f' * ? ! if .V I Wo-:.-:.. f- W i ! wh<> IS \S ? .- ; . :i : (I 1!: ;t J'.H T 7 (low n i r>! > t . t v (' o x ?J. tilii. hut i ' t . i \; t . ; i' i r\ lx>t t:to iv ike t r wi-it. | ? ' take two nr liiric !.. I'io ? T 7 vt-nr. now, Hiui 1 Uh I I.iii " T CARDUI ( i sF.n r.'i womi:n v KOK OVLU :?0 Y IIA us *1 * ' I r (to" T! ? l!(V ... ! ' UK i >r . . c!i: f tI oo-.-Oi <i r ? I } Camel City Wins Bus Line Rights _ The Camel City Coach line wu? granted permiuHion to operate a firat class ptthnenger aervice between Camden ami the North Carolina state line above Cher aw and from the North Carolina line to Darlington in an order issued Thursday by the state railroad eoiuntisaion. At the a*me time the petition ?f the Safety Transit company for permi#n:es in a two-day hearing before the same routes was denied. Both pet.11ons for the service were' b.tteri. oposed by railroad eompanie iu two-day hearing before the -.-ion April 1 and >. So large a a-, the crowd at this hearing that it overflowed the railroad enmrr -.e?r?'- 'office, ne< es.sitatmg rernov .1 the hearing to the -up/Pixm oiroom in the Stau* Hou>e. The ra 1 lroads opposed the petitionon the ground that t:i* y were at pn ent operating many passenger trair at a financial loss and that th> net dj d j>i'ote?'t<on. The Camel ' 11y company now hua bus line from Camden to Augu-' ti.lough Columbia and other Iiim-s in various sections of the state, arid ix now m a position to give a wider < ! vice. Thin day'-, dee:-ion ua- the -< <' ond ii icsal for the tram-it company -11 1 t '.< coin in. -ion la -1 No ve m t >< ' had di i.;i-d i's petition f?.t t lie 1: >-i;-< and had reopened the nee, Mr. K;ile\ Dead -,g || !, \ [fill !7. Her Ha."y. K ? haw co j ' y. did at 'he R.?ti re pita! in Columbia Wh dneI e i, d . A., - ? |.t ' < .H,id. I. I > da . at'erri.Hir. i 1'a I a 1 1 1 . . 1 w d net t d : n d r "ad M < : . : <!: -" 1 n u1. h. h 1 .da y o; ii. rig- |] I,v hi- pastor. " n e Rev. .!. A. <ii I'iaitt. Interment a a- made 1;. the 11 u 1 < h ii-meterv. He 1- survived by In- widow, who was .M:ss Bertha Marshall of Ker-haw county; four daughters and one -on; two -i-ters. Mr-. Taek Hlackwell of Mc|'ee, and .Mrs. ( day, of (ieorgia. II it-and- Hun Suspect Arrested Charlotte, April lia. ? VV'ylie Hawing, lit), was arrested by police today 111 their investigation of the death of Lillian Condon, 11-year-old daughter of Mrs. ,1. L. Condon, of Morriwtown, N. J. The girl was injured fatally last night when a speeding motorist reached from his automobile and seized her arm as she walked the street with a companion. -Jerked from the edge of- the sidewalk, she fell again-t tin* curbing and her sku'l u as t ract ii- d l.awiiig cj: Mimed any knowledge t t he <>< . i| 1.. 1 ,tj |t hev j ' . .(.11 1 a a- " ;. r, whdeh i ' ' -el". 1 i. .,1 ' ,,|,.n j ' 1 -|( T < t' y 1 an. ai r man !>< ;< vi .1 So have been I " 1 '!! .tilt >ll|o!l , Ml I I I. I le:. 11 ui js he id with ..1,: IoV-i t "he ja.: at Morgantor. N 1 u -ction with tlie kill ing a 1 > ut ti n dyas ;igo of her hu-bnr.d. \\ . M Adams, alleged illicit lover o| the woman, is also held in connection wrli the killing. Would You Know One If You Saw It? It you ever came face to face with a germ, would you recognize it? Of course it is not likely that you ever will see a germ, unless you own a tremendously powerful microscope, for you would have to magnify one over a thousand times to make it ;i- h'g a- a pin head. Hut you should en.. 1 the fact that these tiny ' m c u get into your blood v,i,am- ' igh the -malles' ctl*. 1 \ j yphoid fever, tubercut - blood p:>: ::?g, and ! " o.ugero:;- ar.u perhaps ' Idle:- re Slli'i V cut . ' .. .. .. }ytr\ . A !....! H.,1 ,1. N ; r. ;?K.: CITATION K- : I ' M 11 p Nth " I' ; :!' t g ; > r - . ' .. . of am f Wli: .n s .t' I h> - ' c. t e am . ..ii ami -ue kit; i : ed :o: s f t .1 \ Will ia n ' :e? ea-t d. - v be arc 1 * ! ue me, r'ouvt <v t !>e lii Id at 1 . -r.dt n. S?vut* n Sat-r.dav May loth 1:' publi. at ereof, at 1 k 1 ::e formo-m. to -how cause ' ' < > have, why the said Ad n -hoU'ld t g-anted. (i ruler my liami. this 2'Jnt oav \i> il Anno 1) 1 iklO. W. L. MclH)WELL. 'nt.g^ t H-obate for Kershaw l^ount; rum.-hed ??n. the 2"dli day of Apr; and she ,?:)i day of May. l'.i.lO, fn th 1 amder. < hromclo. and posted at th i ourt 11-u-e door for the time pre -C: .bed by law. Forty Jerseys to be Sold at Newberry Greenville, April 2*5. ?Forty registered Jersey* carefully selected by a sale* committee consisting <f W. R. Gray, Greenville; John S. Matthews, Florence; R. D Steer, Spartanburg; and T. F Cooley, Newberry, will be auctioned at Newberry in the fourth annuul hale of "Palmetto quality" registered Jerseys at noon on Monday, May 5. These animals, all from herds of members of the Jersey Cattle Club, are chiefly young cattle l>orn in 1929, and each has passed the tests for contagious abortion of tuberculosis. These young animals, say- Prof. J. P. Fa.Master, chief of the dairy division, offer a special opportunity to boys and girl, starting in calf club work, ami he and olhei extension workers hope that many of them will be secured by calf club members. It is a fine opportunity also for dairymen and farmers to add good sound individuals to their hoards. Breeders who have consigned animals to this sale are Dr. N. (i. Ayers, tit err; 1). A nod J. M. Bridges, Heath Spring*; J. C Bu*sey, Modoc; C. T. ('arson, Manning; W. P, Connely, Ninety Six; W. J. DuBnap, l.amar; J E. Faulkenberry, Heath Springs; F. <'. I ll-tiling, Laurens; B. Fretwell, Spartanburg; \V. ('. Graham, Pamjihco; F. F. Hammond, Kershaw; Bay llu.son, Heath Springs; S. E. Jefford-. Timmonsville; G. W. Jones, (Ireeriv 1!,-; J. 1). Ketnp, Edgefield; B. S. Ktrk. Heath Springs; \\*. ]{. Niclio! i.ii. Greenwood; John I. Oxt c. I\11 lo; 1- J-. Bainsford. Trent"ti; (i. I . Rankin. Saluda; Claude B tra 1!, Jr.. Saluda . K. P. Sc-ele. Jr., B?u-k Hi!!; II. K St iver, Kershaw; ; U i.. <-ler Bio-.. S.I .nla; I. M. Wood, ' <i . . ; F. II. Young. ,vi!m; \ 1' : t y lii\i-.on. < !cm-i,n ? "Beg. ; 1 > II Bill ,V Son-. B atrtor. Ontario. Bears Marks of \ iolence Mull.'n--, April 'J I Mystery, which I for nearly four months hung over | the disappearance of Alva Cox. 56year-old fi-herman, today centered on how he met his death as county officials continued a pro he begun yesterday when the water-soaked body was taken from the Pee Dee river. Coroner Clark Casque, who has po>tponed the inquest until April .'JO, in order to assemble all the facts posi sible, today declined to make any 1 statements that might be taken as an indication of the clues officers are: following. | I)r. James L. Martin, who performed an autopsy on the body, said that in the dead man's right temple there appeared to he a small hole as if made by a pistol hall. The ph\ -ician today continued his xamina: ion of X-ray pictures, but I - of! ,i! rej><> t w!' not bo made public U.".!s; the ll'.Otl. \ -rowrl of sevp* :t! hundred men W i u n.t - day shot ami killed Dave H i i .".."i. negro, who was accused ' a . . i; g k I led Clayton Eunderberg, !>. i wr. t< boy. near Gunnison, Miss. 1 he <-o killed the boy \\^i< n he was iiiest oti,-d about a theft-at the Funderberg home the night before. MASTER'S SAFE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In the Court of Common Pleas) ! I.oring Davis, as Administrator of . the Estate of W. E. Davis, deceased, Plaintiff i against M. C. Johnson and U. N. Myers, W. ! 1>. Cameron and W. M. Mercer, copartners in trade as 'Advertising Supply Co., Defendants. I uier and by virtue of an Order of Court made in the above entitled i a-e. and dated the 11th day of March. It'oi'. tn? Master for Kershaw i v will ..tV. for sale at public a i 'ion. hef < ?>,. Kershaw County i t 11" ! r. Camden, South ' ' na . c legal hours of n Monday May, ' '* u day . t ne fo't.o\\ > -tail . \ . pirce. pa- > ? " t'g a- -i !> in.g it.- . i - -. . k, 1 " i -.i.i. ami . i t. !, a . N.'-Vth bv : gh " \ Fin, IF,.'. ^ < \ hundred tw. ntv 1 . a :< ,.f A. It Me " \ t:ttv seven feet 'h .-n Davis High I w a . ! . a ay of Seaboar, B ? ov ,\ ( . . .. South by Jotter I - Da\11 a..v two hundrei v i ' ' Mh -t by lands, oM I D... \ kindred fifty-sever -an- ... .letters on Davi; l II caw... ., Railway Com a par\ - vg-' way. It - t'u .it-red that befor. 1 th,- M a-ter - , . a. eept the bid o , ar.y . r., at a ; -ale. except holder: - of . . v.- upoi. *he -aid premises h. -ha . le.piir, a d, posit of $50.00 il 1 i a.-n t a -.tied check for a lik< amount upon - mo responsible banl from <Uv h bidder as a guarantee o y good faith, a. such deposits made b; [1 any unful bidder to be return e ed at the conclusion of said sale, c \Y. F. IVPASS. JR. Master for Kershaw County Dated April IT, 19150 Governor Gardner has warned North Carolina that the state priaon at Raleigh is a veritable fire trap and that what has occurred at Columbus, Ohio, might easily happen at the Raleigh prison. 6 6 6 '"bleU Relieves a Headarhe or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the firat j day, and checks Malaria in three day* 666 also in Liquid. EXECUTION SALE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw Oscar Sodergren vs. | Om Ford Touring, License No. A -56136, S. < ., 1929. By virtue of an execution to din ted in the above stated case, I wil sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, within the legal hours of ale, at Camden, Court House, on Mo; day, the 5th day of May, 1930, the following described property to wit i tine Ford Touring car, South Carolina license plate No. A?56136, levied on and to be sold as the property of Oscar Sodergrcn, to satis?} the aforesaid execution and costs. Terms: Cash. B. M. SMITH, Magistrate of Kershaw County. Camden, S. C., April 2, 1930. MASTERS SALE * I State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In the Court of Common Pleas) The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, Plaintiff against S. F. Hrasington, B. C. Brasington, Loan & Savings ,Bank of Camden, and the Waleice National Farm loan A -,-ocia11... , Defendants I Cnde- and by virtue of an Order of r'ourt m:io in the above entitled t and dat'-d the 10th day of April. I'.nlu. ' Master for Kershaw County v, ' ffer for sale at public auction. the Kershaw County Court II' u-c Door, Camden. South Carolina, during the legal hours of sab- on the tirst Monday in May. 193(1. \n ing the 5th day, the follow- > ing described real estate: "All that piece, parcel or lot of , land, situate, lying and being in the j State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw, and DeKalb Township and on the waters of Swift Creek known as the "Dunlap Place," containing 310 acres, more or less, as shown on plat of It. W. Mitcham, Surveyor, bearing date March 12, 1919. The said tract of land is bounded on the North by Swift Creek; on the East by lands of Mitchael Ingram; on the South by lands of Nancy Nelson, and on the West by lands of Nancy Coleman. The tract of land is the same ' 1, ? convoyed to S. F. Brasington by deed of A. I). Dunlap bearing date May 27th, 1911, recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Deed Book , page 244. That the Master do require the successful bidder to deposit at once with him the sum of three hundred ($300) Dollars, either in cash or by certified check, the same to be applied on the bid should there be a compliance with the same; but should there be a failure to do so, then it shall be forfeited to the plaintiff and the premises resold on the same or the next con* : venient salesday thereafter upon tb? same terms and at such bidders risk. W. L. DePASS, JR., Master for Kershaw County j Dated April 17, 1930 22S5HB5E2B5S55H53E5E5525Slt .1 IredpTthI p Notable Singing Organization |1 | The Cathedral Choir 1 jfjj Songs Y ou Love To Hear _ 9 I |i| Delightful Old Time Ballads j| | | THE BEST IN POPULAR MUSIC | | I SOLOS " || | DUETS || | ENSEMBLE | ] A Season Ticket For All Attraction# of I REDPATHWEEK 11 H 5 Big Days 11 | $3.00 I J 1 CHAUTAUQUA HERE BEGINS 1 1 | MAY 26 11 |REOPATH| General Electric I Refrigerator Makes It Safe to Be Hungry SIMPLIFIED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION CONSTANT, SCIENTIFIC REFRIGERATION?CAREFREE YET ALWAYS UNDER CONTROL Unusually Quiet m. Very Economical *** I Easy to Clean Never ; Needs Oiling m v K. No Radio Interference All Steel Cabinet (Hundreds of Thousands of Owners and Not One Has Spent ONE CENT For Service or Repairs This Record Stands Alone I 1 Wo will de'iver anv Gen? i' FYetric in vour home for onl\ 10 per cent down and allow I * . | j two \tars to pa> balance. Full value allowed for vour old refrigerators traded in on the new General Electric p j ;j Camden Furniture Company f| Phone 156 . 1036 Broad Street v | ? \ " ? ??^1~