uspected Bomber I lynched By Mob Bxampa. *^a-' AI,r^ ?'ihe bulletIddlctl body of John Hodaz, suspectB a Plant City home, imd swinging from a tree ten E', northwest of Plant City today E, x. M. Davis, a wood cutter, aeKrdirig to Sheriff R. T. Joughin. I jl<)da?'was believed to have been I, i by a group of eight men ; according to Deputy Sheriff on, snatched t he pi it oner aB.(l. last night while he was taking E ,: Bartow foi safe keeping. E.i, on said he r< ted Hodaz here Bte yesterday. Davis, who lives about a mile from H; , i nc (>f I In' lynching < 11 QOVei fid body as he entered the wood* Cut railroad ties. ..It was suspend- j about five f<< ' from the ground K(. sheriff quoted him as saying. I The British Collier Kirkwood was l ;m Heligoland, off the mouth the Kibe river, Germany, Satur m,.,- moi iiliir; after the cblliei had in collision with the American B-'" resident Harding. The PresB'b 11' 11arding: rescued all of the crew H; the Kirk wood except one fireman. B"~~ AN pRDINANCE Bo Require the Payment of License on Business, Occupations, and ProI f ess ions in the City of Camden, I S. C? for the Year From May 1. 1930 to May 1, 1931. I lie it ordained by the Mayor and ouncilmen of the City of Camden, in ouncil assembled and by the authorBy of the same. Section 1. Every person, firm ompany, or corporation, engaged on May 1, 1930, in any calling, business, profession or occupation in whole or Kn part within the city of Camden, as may be hereinafter specified, shall obtain during the month of May, 1930, a license therefor in the manner hereinafter prescribed. Every per son, firm, company or corporation commencing business in said city on or before the first day pf May, 1930, shall in like manner obtain a license therefor before enteripg upon such Ettlbogi business, profession or occu p&tion as hereinafter specified. B Section 2. Every person, firm, company or corporation engaged in or intending to engage in any calling, B business, profession or occupation for which a license'is required, shall ap ply to the Clerk and Treasurer of the City of Camden for the same? by whom all such licenses shall be is rueor year 40.00 (No licenke to Ix* prorated.') No huckster or person selling fresh meats, fowls, fruits, vegetables, merchandise, manufactured articles, melons, eggs, or other farm produce may sell same 6n DeKalb Street from Church street to Market Street or on Broad Street from Lafayette Street to York Strdet, on Kutlcdge from ( hurch Street to Lyttleton Street. Wholesale deliveries of meats and fow.s to retail meat markets may be on said prohibitive areas. All such wagons from which said fresh meats may be sold during every month of the yeur except December, January, February, to keep the meats on said wagons in refrigerators of sufficient capacity to carry the said stock and, all ]>ortions of said wagons not taken up by refrigerators to be screened and said refrigerators to be screened and- said refrigerator at all times kept in a sanitary condition, subject at all times to inspection by the health officer, or any one designated by him. No license for sale of such meats in wagons on streets is be K van ted by the City without the application first being submitted and approved by the health officer of the City of Camden. Ice dealers, not delivering .... 5.00 Ice dealers, delivering 25.00 Ice manufacturers, each fac. tory 25.00 Labor agents, per year 250.00 per day 50.00 Lund loan companies, or agents lending money on real estate, by mortgage or otherwise 25.00 Laundries, steam, maintaining ' Plant in city 25.00 Laundries, steam, or agents for ^ laundries, trucks soliciting business for laundries, not maintaining plant in city .. 100.00 Lawyers, each 15.00 Firms or lawyers, each additional member 10.00 Lenders of money, on personal property, whether in connection with other business or not, except such as. are otherwise specified in this ordinance 1,000.00 Livery, feed and sales stables 25.00 Livery and drayage business for each animal 5.00 Lumber dealers or brokers, retail whether resident or not, other than lumber or shingles from timber on land owned by sellers 20.00 Lunch stands 10.00 House painters, p iper hangers, interior deco/ators taking Contracts, per year 15.00 Steeple jack painters, per year 15.00 per day 100 Piano tuners, repairers of musical instruments, per* year 5.00 Machine shops 1000 Marble Yard gioo Moving picture shows, for each place of business 50.00 Manufacturers or bottlers of soda water, Coca Cola, ginSer ale and such like soft r!nk? 25.00 Musical instruments, not connected with other business.. 15.00 Manufacturers of ice cream, not in connection with ice cream parlors, per year .... 10.00 Meat markets, green groceries, per year 30.00 (No license to be prorated.) All markets to be screened in accordance with the directions of the Board of Health and subject at all times to inspection by the Board of Health and kept in sanitary condition. Mutual fire insurance compVT an?e? 25.00 Newspapers, whether connected with job work or not 15.00 Old hoss sales 10.00 Oculists or opticians 15.00 Peddlers or agents soliciting of delivering photographs, lithographs, pictures, etc., for copying or enlarging per week 25.00 Peddlers or venders selling merchnndise of any description, per week 100.00 Per day 20.00 Physicians and surgeons, or either 15.00 Physicians and surgeons, or either, in firms, for first member 15.00 For additional member 10.00 Planing, molding and lumber mills, whether paying lumber dealers' license or not .. 25 AO Popcorn and peanut parchers each not in connection with other business 5.00 per ,day 2.00 Printers, job in connection with newspapers 5.00 Photographers 10.00 Photographers, per day * 5.00 Pressing clubs 10.00 Plumbers, gas fitters, heating contractors,? tinners ana \ ' ~r " steam fitters, or eithe^, taking contracts, local 15.00 transient .. 25.00 That no such license shall be issued until the applicant shall first stand u satisfactory examination before the, inspector of sewerage. I'rinters, not in connection with newsppuers, maintaining plant in city 10.00 Printers, soliciting business . . 25.00 Kent agents or collectors, per year 15.00 Keal estate agents 25.00 Kestaurants and cafes, each . . 25.00 fuddle or buggy horse for hire each 5.00 Salvage companies or persons taking charge of mercantile stock, or other stock, per day 5.00 Selling or erecting ayvnings or tents 15.00 Shoe und Iniot repairers 10.00 Harness repairers 5.00 Shooting galleries, per month 5.00 Sign painters . . 10.00 per day 2.00 Skating rinks, per month ... 5.00 per year 10.00 Slot machines 250.Ot) Soda founts, whether connected with other business or not 10.00 Stove repairers, itinerant, per day, $1,00; per year 5.00 Stallion or Jack for service .. 10.00 Tailors, or agents for tailors . . 25.00 Trucks hauling fruits, green produce, crackers, in or out of the city t 25.00 Trucks hauling merchandise, in o^ out of the city, either in connection with or without fruit and green produce 50.00 Undertakers 25.00 Vulcanizing, whether in connection with other business or not . 10.00 Veterinary Surgeon . 15.00 Watch makers, whether con- ' nected with other business or not 5.00 Warehouse, charging storage 25.00 Class No. 2 Business or income basis, $1,000, on each additional $1,000, ten cents per $1,000. Where tho gross annual income from the business, cullings or professions enumerated in the following schedule, shall be One Thousand Dollars or less, the license shall be at the rate set forth in said schedule und where the gross annual income exceeds One Thousand Dollars the license shall be increased from the amount set forth in said schedule at the rate of ten cents for each One Thousand Dollars of gross income in excess of One Thousand Dollars. Express Companies or agencies for business done exclusively in the City of Camden and not including any business done to or from points without the State, and not including any business done for the government of the United States, its officers or ugents 75.00 Railroads for business done exclusively within the City of Camden, and not including business done to or . t from points without the :State, and not including any business done for the government of the United States, its officers or agents, for each road entering the city 100.00 Telegraph companies or agencies, each, for business done within the City of Camden, with joints within the State, ^ not including any business done for the government of the United States 50.00 Telephone Companies or agencies, each, for business done within the City of Camden, with points within the State and not including any bus- . \ iness done for tno government of the United States 200.00 Tea rooms, not selling merchandise, per year 10.00 Seasonable gift shops or sport shops selling merchandise, not a charitable organization, per year 60.00 Class No. 3 Wholesale groceries, per year 50.00 Retail Merchants On gross sales up to $20,000.00 * per yeur, $1.00 on the thousand. On gross sales from $20,000.00 to $40,000.00 per year, $1.50 on the thousand. On gross sales over $40,000.00 per year, $2.00 on the thousand. License to be based on previous years sales. On new business sales to be estimated and adjustment made at end of license year. Accident, Automobile, Casualty, Fidelity, Guarantee Plate Glass or other like insurance Company, each Company represented 10.00 Life Insurance Companies, each 25.00 All Life Insurance Companies doing Industrial Insurance business, per annum 50.00 Insurance Live Stock (each Company) .* 10.00 Section VII. The license on any business or occupation not named in the foregoing schedule shall be fixed by the Mayor and Clerk. Section VIII. Wherever in this ordinance the terms "persons, firm, company, corporation or party" are used, the same shall include not only the principals, but in their absence shall include any agent, clerk or employee having charge, management or control of the business, calling, occupation or profession referred to, and such agent, clerk or employee shall be subject to the penalties herein imposed for failure to comply with the terms and requirements of this ordinance, in the same manner as if he, she or they were princi^ls or proprietors. Section IX. This ordinance shall go into effect on and from the first day^of May A. D. 1980, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in Council assembled, under the corporate seal of the City of Camden, S. C., this the 28th day of April, 1930. R. M. KENNEDY, JR., Mayer. . W. H. HA1LE, City Clerk. " * ? \ . . . ? | Always ate "4 i I ^ \ II Your (| 7J*d In a savings bank seem J0li 11 at your command when yjw ; ^?u wdraVe I it, but you will find that-fa \*' y ^ out on any slight pretext j \ I }l 1 Loan and s ( . 6 t 1 CAPITAp ]J ? v*. v M n \