I Nobody's Business ; I Written f?r The Chronicle by Gee \ McGee, Copyright, 1928. notU of sail u? i have decided U> go out of the I fanning bizness all together, i am I offering for sail all of my farm tools and other imply ments to the high- , ,.*1 bidder next week at 4 o'clock betwixt the barn and the big road leading towards town for cash, as I followers: lot no. 1. a good grafferfoam with p.t records including "bonnie briar I bush" and "turkey in the straw" and I "old black joe" and "who benn hear I since i benn gone" ansoforth, the I'purchaser to ass sume the 8 payI merits still due on same, and give nu- the difference in cash. I it no. 2. one good raido set con,.-ling of 5 tubes and a loud speeker and a supper hettrodine full grid I i.im- and a jigger that cost me $1 for I >, rowing on the battery to keep out B - attic and other tunes that' keeps I a feller from getting but one station I ar a time, ullso the table it Sets on, I purchaser to ass sume 7 installments, B > of which is behind all reddy, gar[ antced to get new york and cuby in I cold wether. lot n<>. 8. 2 plow stocks without beams and allso one pitchfork. lot no. 1. about 147 feet of lightning rods now on the barn and our I dwelling with 7 balls and 5 pints on same and a vain to tell whicherway tne wind is blowing so's you will I know when to go a fishing ansoforth, and the purchaser to pay me the difference betwixt the 125$ i promised for same and the cash i paid down which was a cheek for 5$ and cash fur 4$ without resource on me. ; lot no. 5. I moddel "t" fordr with B lit and 24 radiator and 19 and 25 B brakes and 19 and 26 tires and 19 and 27 top and 19 and 28 unnyversal jint and a spare, being t^ie same ford bought from jhon jones last fall to B be paid for as followers, one-third B this yr. and the ballance in 3 equal B payments of 1$ each including drawing the paper ansoforth, the purchusei* to look after same and pay me the equitty. come rain or shine, nothing reB served, i am thru farming and have B ah eddy rented a beef " market in B town, for information, rite or foam me b'foar the sail, terms; spot cash B and mi checks. yores trulie, mike Clerk, rfd. My Census Report (-<). Are you married, if so, why? olly tishions that i know will uss pire to this off is. i believe i am good timber for the goober natorial race as i stand well in my community all over the county and understand how to vote both pro and con for fool measures as they are fetched up from time to time by the genral ass sembly who thinks it is their duty to hatch out a bill of some kind ^nd it don't make much difference what kind. i would like to set in the governor's chair at least I term so's i could turn off a few thousand men who have jobs but no work to do. i would pass a law making it a miss demeanor to graft proceeds which belong to the state, or except bribes from men who sell masheenry for roads and bridges and concrete works, i would allso veto army bill which taxes the poor man and his dog. i have had considrable -oxperients in running a beef bizness as well as a big farm, and i have handled i big droves of yearlings all by my self and i therefore know that i could manage the legislature o. k. j i have allso helped with a few hoss i races in my life and that makes me believe that i could hold my own , with the highway commish. when i was a boy, i played who's got the thimble and tag, and with this Knowledge b?\foar nut, i am sure that i can take chic of the tax com- | mishion. ao to the asylum and penitentiary, i am fuller aware that i can hold my own with same? as i slept in a room once with 'I congress men and an income tax collect I or, and ullso shooed hosses and mules \vh#n i lived in georgy. and the welfare bored will not Inover looked in my mercy as i had the 7-yr. each twiste and the shingles ( once and as to the 6,640 investigating j committees now investigating, i ass , sure you that i am caperable of meet ' ihg them and hearing their reportwhich will be nothing except?"pay us?all jobs is clean"?as, i useter | raise game roosters for sale and all- ' so kept 5 bellowing bulls in my barn ; one summer when beef was cheap, plese rite or foam if you think i otter run or keep what i have got. yores trulio, mike Clark, rfd. Senator Kumifold M. Simmons has filed his notice with the North- Carolina board of elections of his intentions to run for re-election to the United States senate from that \ state. The notice was accompanied by the required entrance fee of $60. Writer of Lyric* Dead Nashville. Term., April 26.?Mrs. i Kluabeth Slater Whitson, 62. authoi ?>f the lyrics for a number of popviiitf song> of other days including "Meet Me Tonight, in Dreamland/' and "Let Me fall You Sweetheart," died at her home here today. She had been in declining health for sev era! years. She began writing lr.ucs for songs in early girlhood ami had product d more than -100, and in addition wrote many short stories. Robert Bridges, poet laureate of Knglaml, died Monday ut? Ciswell. aged 8f> years. Relief From Curse of Constipation ?ryr." A Battle Creek physician says, "Constipation is responsible for more misery than any other cause," But immediate relief has been found. A tablet called Rex.ill Orderlies has been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the system into the lazy, dry, evacuating bowel! called the colon. The water loosens the J dry food waste and causes u gentle., thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Rexull Orderlio at night. Next day bright. Cot 24 for 26c today at'' the nearest Ib-xall Drug Store.- jfrmp & DePass and DeKalb Pharmacy. 1 lllll'MIMII'llllllllil'|BliyiBIIIII*l'MIIIIIIMIBBIIIIIM ????? */ ? Three Lawyers Get Prison Sentences I 1, New York, April 2t>. Three lawyers ?'?>rvicti*il three weeks ago otchargc :r?\Nin^ ' n * was coiiviclcd, tho firsV two sentences to run concurrently and tho third to ho suspended during good behavior. Judge Kiio\ also disqualified him f.uever f( .' any position ot' honor or trust in tin- I'nited Statos government. Joseph ^hallo? k und Kdvvard 11. Reynolds, who were convicted only of conspiracy?-Sager was convicted also of bribing a juror were .sentenced to two years anil IK months, respectively. 1 The sentences were stayed for two weeks and hall of each continued, pending appeal^ ? IIAVK VOl IIKKN KM MKKATKl)? It' not, or it' you have uny doubt, fill out this coupon and muil to, A. H. UYNUM, Supervisor of Census Rock ilill, South Carolina On April 1, l'.Wl, 1 was living at addtebi* given below, but, W the Ih'sI of my knowledge, I have not been enumerated, either there or anywhere else. Name Street und No City Published by request of Supoivismr A. II. llynum. KELVINATOR the first namb and the greatest name in electric rbfrigeration ANNOUNCING I the Appointment of DIXIE RADIO, Incorporated Phone 196 CAMDEN, S. C. 1013 Main St. as Authorized Kelvinator Dealer IT Is with genuine pleasure that we add the name of the above organization to the world-wide chain of Kelvinator dealers. We are convinced that this alliance will prove not only beneficial to Kelvinator users in this community, but to all prospective buyers of electric refrigeration as well. For 16 years, the high quality and low maintenance cost of Kelvinator Electric Refrigeration has been demonstrated in the hands of owners^' Now, with the addition of this sound and able cokifcern as our local representatives, Kelvinator users ane assured of getting ail the satisfaction and years of service built into Kelvinator at the factory. You are very cordially invited to call and inspect the complete line of new Super-Automatic Kelvinators?equipped with Iso-Thermic Tubes ?no^vton display at their showrooms. Only in this way can you really see and learn the new beauty, convenience and superlative service that Kelvinator provides ? in modern electric refrigeration. - i Do not forget that you can enjoy at once the many benefits of this modern home necessity. A very modest down payment puts Kelvinator in your home. The balance can be paid under Kel* vinators attractive monthly budget plan. K ,02' A _ ____ Kelvinators are priced as low as 185 P. O. Detroit i.\mieiHMMeenaai Features Which Place Kelvinator Years Ahead in Modern Refrigeration ? IIf n-Themic Tu bes ? G i v i n g new frist freezing of ice cuhes and d??sserts. Fully automatic. 2 Balanced Refrigeration ? Separate temperatures for food preservation, cold storage and ice freezing. 3 Cold-Keeper?Holds cold over longer periods ? thus reducing operating periods of unit. 4/lbdndant Icc Supply?Capacities up to ^5 pounds of ice at ? single freezing. 5 Wen' Metal Cabinets, PorcelainLined?Will last a lifetime without deterioration. 5 Generously Powered?Fach Super - Automatic Kelvinator shows 100% over-load capacity under test in roonvwith 100 degree temperature. THERE ARE KELVINATOR INSTALLATIONS FOR EVERY COMMERCIAL PURPOSE r% * < ,