The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, January 03, 1930, Image 6

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f . 1 "V '-""u.. . 'J ... . . LOOKING BACKWARD Taken From the File* of The Chronicle Fifteen end Thirty Year# Ago V... I . . j. " "t> THIHTY YKAItS AGO January 3, 1900. A special from Frankfort, Ky., says F.x-CongretiHman Davi<J S. ( olson shot ami killed Kthclberr/> Scott, Luther )lemoree and Charles /^tjlian and wounded Joseph Golden in the ( apitol Hotel here. The killing was the result of a feud between Colson and Scot t. Hob Graham, notorious thief charged uith stealing several mules and horses in West Wateree and a bicycle from it. Us Bell at Weatville caught by Sheiiff K. H. Williams. Kxekiel Gftskin, K'J, a native of the Westville section, <iie<l in the Beulah section ami buried at Ml. Olivet cemetery. Work commenced on Camden Cotton Factory with K. W. Milcham its ?upci mtendent. Switch put in at S. A. L. Passen arer depot at Camden. Di S. F. Hrasin?'ton, of" Kershaw, locates-in Camden for the practice ul' medicine. His officers over Id. K. Watkins' grocery store. K. O. Me' reighf anriouncc<l as can dujatc foi mayor, with David Wither,-poon, .J. L. Vau^han, David Wolfe and W. F. Malone as candidates for Aldermen from Wards I, 2, and 1, i espectively. Card of Thanks We wiah to thank the many friends thtough the columns of your pajx*r for the kindness and help shown to us during the illness and death of our husband and father, W. J. Youn^. Mrs. .J. W. Young ami Children. Helen Wills, noted tennis champion, wii- on last Sunday jnarried to Frederick S. Moody, Jr., at Berkley, Cal. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO , January H, 1915 As n result of government agents eradicating cattle tick from this section, L. i. (Juion, of Caiuden Beef Cattle Farms, was allowed to ship two carloads of he of cattle to Haitimore. The two cars captained sixtylune head, averaging 694 pounds to the animal. Dan Williams, highly respected shoe maker of Camden, died at his home here. Job .Shiver, well known engineer of Southern railway, gets name painted on his engine after 25 years' service. All of the property of the late John ('. Man sold. The Man home, lo* t atcd on Mill street, now the property of T. 1'. Drown, sold to S. Helton Peard for $1,200. D. K. Williams Insurance Agency consolidates with that of Kennedy & Ciirrison. ? Thomas Orren Lee and Mrs. Lul.i Koseborough, of Lugoff, married by Lev. J. ('. Rowan. Heavy rains in Piedmont watershed will cause rivers to ri-e rapidly. (Jul $2,000, Odd worth <4. eggs shipped out of Morrixtown, Term., during the year 1914. Miss Rae Karesh, of Camden, becomes the bride of A. J. Hellman, of Atlanta. Dance at Hobkirk Inn in honor of Miss Dorothy Mar\in, a student at llemlersonville, spending the holiday-; here. T. I'. Hrown purchases the old John ('. Man residence on Mill street and I moves his family here for the school facilities. Price paid was $1,500. (ounty treasurer McCaskill reports $.49,Odd.56 state and county taxes collected since December |5, 1914. Thousands of Pilgrims from many | lands were at Hethlchem on Christ-| mas day to )*aftic*i]?ato in and hear the services held there each Christmas day hy prelates of the Roman and (Ireek Catholic churches. TAX RET I'll NS Office of Auditor Kershaw County. Camden, S. December 11, 1929 Notico is hereby given that the Auditor's Office will be open for receiving Tax Return* from .January 1-t, 11'.'HI. to March 1st, lH.'Hi. All persons owning real estate or personal property must make returns of the same within said neriod, as required by law, or be subject to a penalty of ]<) per cent. The Auditor will attend in person or by deputy at the following places in the county on the dates indicated for receiving returns: Bethune, January ! '! and 11. Haley's Mill, January U. j Kershaw. January Id and IT. ( Liberty Hill, January 22. Westville. January 24. Blam-y. January 2t* and "0. All persons between the ages of 21 and years, inclusive are required to pay I'"" tax and all pet sons between the ages of 21 and :>u years, inclusive are required to pay a Road tax. unless excused by. law. All, Trustees. Ciuardians, F.xecutors. Au-1 ministrators or Agents holding pr<>p- ' erty in charge ma?', return same. Parties sending tax returns by mail mu>t make oar'n t" >ame before some officer and till . ut tin- same in proper maUIit! ul tiny will ht rejected. j'. In si' A K K< > VV Auditor Kersitaw * n i ; r y. Twin Babies Die In Fond Embrace No two persons are closer togethri than twins. They usually have the same likes and dislikes, and quarrel less than regular brothers aril sisters. Seldom it is, thou.'h, that twins are so close that they draw their 1; st breath in each other's arms. But little Rebecca and .Joseph Austin, live months old, died in that manner at thy home of their parents, near Hopkins. The babie? had been ill for several nays with "bad colds", according to the mother. She had not called a physician, however, and did not realize that her babies had pneumonia. When she went to their crib Sunday morning, she found them both dead. \s it was not known at that time what caused the double death. Cor oner W. A. McCain and a countv physician were called in. After in-j , vest .gat ion it was found that th" deaths had been caused by pneumonia and no inquest was held.? Monday's Columbia Record. I Frit'/.von Opel, German inventor of rocket propelled airplanes, arriver in New York this week, and visions the <i.i\ when rocket propelling airplanes will cro<- the Atlantic at a speed of 'J Odd miles an hour, i _ P PAINS m& Went Away TP | "T WA3 very much run- 9 I down in health. I had n I I dreadful acho across tho 9 middle ot my hack. 1 hud n I dull, tired feel- I in^'.and I dread- I t ! *. rie thought I ( ! having to do I , my household I t idss. I was | t ri d when I I t ' vi p in tho I i rmng. I got I no rent from I n.y sleep, and 1 was sleepy ail I day long. "My husband | jjj the |min? in my back and I I tonic for women. I prov- I ; I R. F. D. 1, Electra, Texas. Jj Ttftt TtsdUrtfi B**.Dni?to Sore Throats and Coughs Quickly Relieved bv This i Safe Prescription : 11. < '- a ?!< t?>i\ p -1 ript . > t > th.i* :< ?;hr.-a* m?u- a- ?v. S>>ve rr a* < ?! r. -at - a rr \ 1 in. v? ; ;y wit h t \> r . tii.-t . 'a .ill. w. a.... '.hi -.-i imlb a*!- i . ':~ri! nv a" i : a?v.tiv iu-f. 1' u: : Th v . . : a' " < i ' 1!l - ' ' i' tult? ?> -a ' l. x - .. . ! .. \;:u? \ v .i- k 1 ' <;; I ; at v 1 ' - a' ::i ? ' 'ha ft: '? ' a o:: v \ * V Th V a::?i c : T S.M h I EYES EXAMINED * and Glasses Fitted - THE HOFFER COMPANY Jewelers and Optometrists ------ ' " - -- - :M_J f No Santa Claus; Slays His Family I Vernon, Texas, Dec. 30.?Evidence of a tragedy of poverty which wiped out a family of six persons in the midst of surrounding Christmas cheer, the bodies of a father and his five children lay today in a county morgue. The children apparently were killed by th?ir father, who then committed suicide. The dead were J. H. Haggard, 60, farmer, and his children, Simon, }H; John 10; Alta 16; Alma 12; and Dorothy 0. The mother died three years ago. A note reading "All ded. I had ruther be ded. Look in Cellar, found on the door of the house, was interpreted by authorities as conclusive evidence that the slaying* were the final act of a father stricken by grief ut his inability to provide his children with Christmas toys. Justice of the Peace II. C. Justin returned no verdict after an inquest yesterday, but indicated the verdict would be suicide in Haggard's case, and death by gunshot wounds in the case of the children. The bleak farm home where the six lived was without a sign of Christmas decoration or festivity when the bodies were found by a Mexican who stopjred at lb<* house, and contained only the barest neces-ilie> of life. Authorities believed the deaths occurred on Christmas Day or the day following. Beull Preaches Bloodshed Waterbury, Conn., I)ec. 5.? (AP) j "Textile workers in the South have -pistols, every one.of them, and these guns will come in handy at a future date when the workers will use them in the right way," said Fred Beal, Communist organizer, at a meeting in the Lithuanian hall here last night. Beal charged the United Textile Workers, a branch of the American Federation of Labor, with betraying" the textile workers of Charlotte. N. in 1919 and 1920. Beal also charged a "frameup" in the first Castonia trial, when one of the jurors suddenly' went insane. He claimed the presence of a dummy of O. F. Aderholt, murdered chief of poV. e. caused the juror's breakdown. He asserted that the "bosses hired thugs and gunmen." gave them badges ar.d these gunmen shot down Ella May Wiggins in cold blood," during the strike called April 2 of this year. During the open degr hunting season of Pennsylvania, recently closed, there were a total of 22,395 bucks killed. The number of bears killed in the <4tat? during the open season : totaled 108, - I The first class pieces of mail handled by the New York postoffice during the week preceding Christmas totaled 71,000.000 pieces. BATTLE OF CAM DEN ! History Prepared by Colonel H. I, j I Landers Now in Print ' Pursuant to a recent resolution passed by Congressman W. F. Stevenson in the house of representatives, Col. L. H. Landers of the historical section of the army war lege was instructed to prepare an account of the Rattle of Camden August Id, 17S0. between the Continentals led by General Gates and the Br.tish commanded by Lord Cornwnilis ; and Lord Rawdon. The historical work has been com! p!ct( d by Colonel Landers and i m>w in book form and Mr. Stevenson has a limited -upply to distribute 'o ;'n)se de-ir.' g >ame, which he will glad to d" ??. request as long as j 1 - quota lasts. This is tin- second histoiioal work j v h has been prepared by com-1 -; '< '.I ...ithu: 1: . at the .-taocv . ? j M The first was an act - ' I' > i t k? battles of Cowjvns a d I K . M :ri. There i> p*oha1 ly |jj :v r? * ', w t h Revolut i<>ravy 'I v the collect'.on ami pre-* rvat ion, of :Tr-A:ta' t hl-tor'- .G e\etlt> in South Carolina. | 3 The ! !: < : trie country are m.ik-! Iivg a:. intensive search for Fred j l'.urke. t <t -rious Chicago gunman and iiuMtu r, who is wanted for the kill.: g < f a St. Joseph policeman and v" i> also wanted in connection with' t tie St. Valentine day massacre of gunmen in Chicago. Rewards aggregating over $.*>0,000 are offered for Burke's arrest, who is said to be a | very desperate killer. | Former President Coolidge has an; nounced that he will not be a candidate for the United States senate from Massachusetts. F " ?n ' fc 1. jj Ji | "Ti . T I J .. I J || II I'M1 11 1 UL. -=3 Stunt Flier Kills Three Negro Boys ^ j '" rr. Hearne, T*xaA, Dec. 30,-?-Three negro boys were dead and another in v critical condition today a* the result of the fall of an airplane into f, crowd at the flying field here yesterday. Miss Dorothy Stocker, 17, Houston stunt flier, said to have a private pilot's license and considerable flying time to her credit, was alone in the plane when it swooped down upon the crowd. Eugene F. Downey, Jr., 27, son of a Buffalo, N. Y., policeman, bled to death Christmas night after having been wounded by shots from a coast guard boat on Niagara river, which was patrolling the river for rum runners and narcotic smugglers. It is announced from Paris that it will require two years to repair the three cable lines of the French Cable company that were broken November 18 by submarine earthquakes off the coast o^ Newfoundland. MASTER'S 8ALE State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In the Court of Common Pleas) Caroline \V. Arthur, Cornelia Arthur McKenzie, Caroline W. Arthur, Jr., Win, W. Arthu r, Grace Arthur Matiar and Lindsley Arthur, Plaintiffs against llenrv D. Martin, Defendant. Under and by virtue of an Order of Court made in the abfove entitled case and dated the 23rd day of November, 1020, the Master for Kershaw County will offer for sale at public auction, before the Kershaw County Court House Door. Camden, ?>outh Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday, being the 6th day of January, 1930, the following described real estate: "All that lot, piece and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Kershaw, State aforesaid, and bounded North by Jumping Gulley Creek; East by lands now or formerly of Moses Hough; South by lands now or formerly of L. J. McNaughton, and West by lands formerly of Martha Freeman, being the same premises heretofore conveyed to Henry D. Martin by Eugene Cousins by his Deed dated February 9th, 1915, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Deed Book "AM", at Page 213, Terms of sale, Cash. W. L. DePASS, JR., Master for Kershaw County. December-16, 1929. A California!) *ent President Hoover a 60-pound fruit cake for Chriattnaa. NOTICE OP SALE ...... .,m ...... Stutr- of South Carolina County of Kerrfhnw A. Shebeen, Landlord, against H. A. Purser, Tenant. Under and by authority of a distress wanantftor rent in the above entitled matter, I have ^cized and taken into my possession the following goods and chattels: 1 Kitchen table, 6 chairs, 1 hand saw, 1 heater, 1 oil atovp, 1 bake oven, 2 phonograph table' machines, 1 pile of second hand saving machines, 1 davenport, 1 dish pan, 1 wash pan, 9 sewing machines, 1 buffet, 1 bunch phonograph records, 1 2*burner oil stove, 1 ice box, 2 tables, 4 plates and 3 bottles of oil: the property of above named tenant, which I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the store house formerly occupied by said tenant on South Broad street, City I of Camden, South Carolina, at twelve j (12) o'clock M., on the first Monday J in January A. 1). 1030; the proceeds of said sale to be disbursed according to law. C. C. BROWN, Bailiff. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (Court of Common Pleas) C. C. Whitaker, Plaintiff against James Whitaker, Edgar Whitaker, Amelia Whitaker, Irene Whitaker, Fannie Mae Whitaker, and Aaron Whitaker, Jr., Defendants. To the Defendants: James ^Whitaker, Edgar Whitaker, Anhelia Whitaker, Irene Whitaker, Fannie Mae Whitaker, and Aaron Whitaker, Jr. You are hereby summoned and required -to answer the complaint in this rtct-ion, of which a copy is herewith Served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Camden, S. C., within twenty days after the service thereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. T. K. TROTTER, Plaintiff's Attorney Dated December 20, 1029 To the Defendants: James Whitaker, Edgar Whitaker, and Amelia Whitaker: You will take notice that the original summons and complaint in this action has been filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County, South Carolina. T. K. TROTTER, Plaintiff's Attorney Dated December 20, 1929 Louisville Times?Football is a game that coneUte of four period* and an indeterminate number of dashes. ^SHERIFF'S SALE "***" 1 State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (In the Court of Common Pleas) Under and by'virtu? of an Execution to me issued in the' case of The Peoples Bank of Camden, vs. Bessib Lee McCaskill, Belle Q. McCaakill, etc., I have levied upon and will sell at public Auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the County * Court House, for Kershaw County in the. City of Camden, during the hjgal hours of sale on the first Monday in January, 1980, being the tdxth day thereof, the following described real estate, to wit: , "All that pjece, parcel or tract of land, lying and being situated in DeKalb Township, School district No, 0, in Kershaw County, South Carolina, containing 80 acres, more or less, same being bounded North by lands,of McCaskill and Bradley, East by Bradley and McCaskill, South by ?lands of-Sinclair and West by lands of J. H. Frost," the said property being sold as that of Bessie Lee McCaskill. J. H. McLEOD, * Sheriff for Kershaw County. ' 1 11 'Sf? < SUMMONS FOR RELIEF State of South Carolina County of Kershaw (Court of Common Pleas) Joseph B. Crocker and Henry Suvage, Plaintiffs, against t : J. H. McArn, Bessie McArn, Charles W. Godfrey, Loan & Savings Bank of Camden, Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company and I Lex Marsh, Jr., Defendants. TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said coVnplaint on the subscriber at his office in Camden, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the*1-7; time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. HENRY SAVAGE, JR., Plaintiff's Attorney. December 10, 1929. To the non-resident Defendants: J. H. McArn, Bessie McArn, Charles W. Godfrey and Lex Marsh, Jr.: You will take notice that the original Summons and Complaint in, this action has been filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw CounI ty, this 10th dav of December, 1929. HENRY SAVAGE, JR., Plaintiff's Attorney. < ? ? V &tl BKW B II I? ! ?T???? The Reward of Economy That PROSPEROUS MAN you see, who is taking things easy, is only reaping the reward of his early thrift and economy. When he was young he worked hard and banked his money. Soon his balance grewr1 e consulted his banker and invested it. He kept right on and that money is now taking care of him. You can do the same. Start now. Today. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank The First National Bank ? - -