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''' ?j:.v a, '>*,i /- jij; .-r?f ? ,r..-;; s?- > : i Uff I* ? ;;?? ' rii-- V>u<:f ;I / -iit. ' ' I ;*? 4 .u:iC f ' y-c- !i *>*'" r*# .ji " i f? vwr , f ?.. j ; / ... *" ----- ;T. i * 4 . v . ' y%,-v -?uJ V ' U--V' i-H" : a." -TH .; :i4 ;". *'"a' :" " " < -" < a. i.":, -J-**?- : ,-.t, . ;'? u . o*- fc: V - ' ' ' !'* b -i- .Tab*' : ? ,A.r? i l! b'l'. . bill"; * ' ' ?- '< .i.*> ' . -JTiJT* r.b|"bn.> u n.i*^ ??4 n t > ' - !! -r??-T * ,. ... .,l%. ^ 1 $,? \*ji* /* i w ; . ' 4 \* j{ ? < , * JT,. u'-'M. ^ out;) i* Believed i u Be (jiri - >la\'er Bntire f amiN B fn ^ an Oklahoma Jail **.:.* \' a. ' ' W. L * > I! i? -':r *** t v : * * - ;. b:._ < ' PbM ub, O-'.LX. *-1- ..f )4*x. ' ltx * ot Wki it "W im f >- j, ?^.ay j 5 my C8Tt *?rt C?timmeA By Southern h.Umtu. Ca. Zmiwumm.* St.??Ihr n^f 1** >**? i*Ci tkw* Wu?rt li*??? h?m*ru vwrt.iim*i a* pru^-iur ?! nnjmjvfttuffir- u. jrrrr-aai aadrttxn.* Ijtriirue* Jir bm^vii^ :? xx^/uem \tm biJirlurr-r viU &r*mur 4S|*?M9K? Jfc-T.iM*.'i V/iliu-iiwioyt Hy,. *w !?R9iL* ft \ut '.myjrtmxc *~r.rrTU&n jL-Cbrnxuautuf* km: %* /IX Xr*-3l UK# U**fJ ? jffurwt ot mjj**. tjf rrn 28 w.jM? wrer* wmv^iK ?u? pjinvt XI -***?? PH'?ji: jewts* Tan mrt.? JJT murt T*?urt?t?j of - . '1. KMC ?c ?u*n> ^JMMRU ?.?, ?1S. nwMbr jiwum > uw frwfitfttmr u" urn^m- irmmmmm. Hwconmisst. su*. TMmrffTwt pi#nv lor iMefUHf wwpM'tiwi wtrr* psaea* a ?r*ri? *r ftMwvili, CJbfc* ?at*b fc C. whc ipmmf. Tmim iJteritiiobi. U. W tmibr piumi w?! ?v?tvik Tiw. X**" A (.., iaa. hmtra huot J*mrr Cftttia^r ut-mua. wrttkatr nvcr a*r?* 0Ne*i*C m fttrrTa?T?. Tfc, iiei'iy*. K *" Tftljpa mr y C. ?t? 7irrrat ?**. iu j*' ?f :u sf^t ^ tp?B., it* {wiuifiem, -''^?*?rt ou-nir :w ymp , Turn* mcmOtri '** Ttrur*rt of 29 iriOgw *T? m -iiwrwiBiiO inint !ft u M cm. Hue ? ur? mk*mv&iM uma*dnir rurtit/i wot vrrv-jec m T-etal it 'jtreturn ivTAeru ^tart k? luf '.I*t pu CfJWM fi? IJ?W 'Wit ?iui Ijiftttum Ail CfcLTl UK ii?4* bUfff*? ucrtutn euol c*-t lr l?es?-nifaar M. um* of ffXtwr **?i, tCUOUft to i*> ?7i> m;*? ? Iran*.. Wt-?* : un?hliHi-fi it^ aclTver: Curing u* frwt mix luinr.i.t u? la-Mi A I. ziut r*: will b rulieC a: Ltifcirj Ak Rubber K3M 1M At High Paid 1 | 8?% hmak, K c ite. at?JL Jul** mm ?*Hr ?>7 % L t 1 OuupMsl. imc JktfBUmb va V * luwymtuui wut> ??|nnL ?wst w',v| ' mf to f?* tlwiir ?pr toto life Q^j^H jc?pML f^liwun' t? (icpyrta % Mfc sbt pi*<* VM I ; ml iter mi?in witt a I?r J?oufe Gouid Bi inn?linato a | fort? fatnhi?liiiy V Ger?ttj, ^ fl nmigmit [INVENTORY SALES j COMMENCING FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 11 We have to reduce our stock for inventory, so we are selling merchandise M at greatly reduced prices regardless of cost If you yvish to save yourself I money, read the prices quoted below carefully and then come and see that I We Mean What We Advertise! special : special?: OT?* jt>* of ?u\ SL MTS. t>u>\c Uufrt axi ilTL.&C. uv? utir* %& TE y iui jsmt.!; fcii^rsttiors j cc*BV if rK5C*rt?t?f * BUitt urt- t little out of fc'-'-tnin* of i?TTifcti. k*o*rtoix. pfciiit -hut ?sx? fuL of SI ITS: Sl ITS! $20.00 Softs now only $10.00 ?25.00 Suits now only $12.50 / $30,00 Suits now only $15.00 f $32.50 Suits now only $16.25 (^35.00 Suits now only $17.50 SHIR T S: SHIRTS! 1.c not mitr then.* pr'(>.t 5Eir"t* with'or wjth? t>u: cvi.e.ri a fte-cned. One lot of Men's Shirts 85c .$1.50 Shirts now- only. $1.15 $2.00.Shirts now only $1.45 $2.50 Shirt* now only $1.65 $.'5.00 Shirts now only $1.95 Flannel Shirts Greatly Reduced! I $3.50 Wool Khaki Shirts $2.75 $5.00 Wool Khaki Shirts $3.85 $3.00 Wool Dress Shirts $2.55 $3.50 Wool Dress Shirts $2.55 $5.00 Wool Dress Shirts $3.85 H A T S A N D ( APS $5.00 Hats now only $2.85 $3.00 Hat* now only $2.25 11 $1.50 Caps now only .95 II $2,00 Cap* now only $1.35 8 j $2.50 t ap. now only $1,65 1 A1! C\ - -coat* at Half Price ! ! ! ?I?Hilfli MBliim ? ""special: special: One 'ot of Stetson Hats Now Only $4.75 WORK CLOTHES SPECIALS $1-00 blue or tan Shirts. on!v 80c $1.50 Hee*7 tan Shirts. only $1.20 $2.50 E-xtre he?rr tan Shirts. only $1.65 $1.50 Heavy Blue OveraJls, only $1.20 UNDERW EAR SPEOALS $1-00 Summer Union Suits .... 85c $1-50 Heavy Cotton Union Suits, only $1.20 $2.00 Heavy Cotton Union Suits, only $1.55 $2.50 Heavy Cotton Union Suits, only $1.85 ALL W OOL UNION SUITS AT HALF PRICE Boys' Department Specials I A few boys' all-wool t'vo-pants Suits going at Half Price while they last. BOYS' BLOUSES AND SHIRTS GREATLY REDUCED! $1.00 Boys* Shirts only 75c I $1.50 Boys' Shirts only $1.10 ; $2.00 Boys' Shirts only $1.20 BOYS* SWEATERS ; $3.50 and $4.00 Sweaters $2.65 $4.00 and $5.00 Lumber Jackets., only. $2.65 ( One lot of Boys* Knee Pants, sold as High as $2.25, now only .... ... $1.10 n < Boys' Khaki Pants, sold for $1.75 and $2.25. jj < new onlv $1.25 and $1.55 I BOYS' UNION SUITS " 11 One lot of Heaw Cotton, onlv 65c d $1.50 Knee-length Heaw Cotton, only $1.15 ?| 51.75 Knee-length Heavy Cotton, only $1.35 g SPECIAL! SPECIAL!! |1 One lot of All-Woo? DRESS PANTS, ?U as I fl bifk u 5 /.50. now ob)t s 1.95 I 1 Sroiilj bottom, Urge ten icfc 11 Odd Dress Pants Specials I I $ 150 Pants now only $2JB? I I $4.0? Pants now only S1K11 I $5.00 Pants now only $3*85|| 1 $6.00 Pants now oniy $145 I I $7.00 Pants now only $5J55 I I SWEATERS! SWEATERS! I I $3.50 Woo! Sweaters only $2j65 I I $5.00 Wool Sweaters only S3J35 'I:,! $6.00 Wool Sweaters only $4.65 1 1 $9.00 W ool Sweaters only $7.45 I I $10.00 Woo! Sweaters only $7.85 pi $6.00 ar-d $7.09 Lumber Jackets rl Only. $3.95 I I SOCKS, SOCKS, SOCKS! I I Wool and Rayon Mixed Brflw 75c Socks now only 55c I I $1.00 Socks now only 38E ! I $L5^oo!an^i^^^k^^^fe lr~ RAYON AND SILK SOCKSL? 50c Socks, only 40c 75c Silk Socks., only ip'rili 46'! $1.00 Silk Socks, onl v lUC -V $1-50 Silk Socks, only 1*^ GOLF HOSE SPECIALS |P $1.50 Cotton Hose, only --T' $2.00 Wool Hose only $3.00 Wool Hose only jll" l? 1 $3.50 Wool Hose only $2.85 1 ;: M OO Wool Hose only $2~&S II I All Suit Cases and Grips at J HALF PRICE. Jf IH 2 S 000KUB LI 1| ALL SALES FOR CASH NO GOODS ON APPROVAL 111 CAMDEN CLOTHING CO. I CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA " rrrxzzv"* ?