Acting on a hunch to hide money drawn for the payroll of a wfW York clothing factory last Fri~ Aty, * c**kier, 20, hid the money. ? few minutes later two gangeteri' entered the place and demanded the money. <7,000. She denied any knowledge of it and after a search the bandita left .without the payroll. - 7 *' "* ? H., D. Oppenheiruer . and Prank Lyons, law partners of El Faso, Texas, wore shot to death in their office on Friday Jose Marin, arrested by the police, is alleged to have d9ne the killing. Telephone wires leading into the law office hud been cut. No reason was assigned for the slaying. save Money on Firestone Tires ! You cannot get better Tires nor better values. Come in today and let us cibeck your tires. Our service is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Look at these prices: 30x3l/i Firestone Regular $6.35 j 30x3y% Firestone Extra Size 6.82 j 29x4.40 Firestone " , 7.75 30x3 Va -OUtfield 5.10 29x4.40 Oldfield 6.25 / City Filling Station Savings Account Is An Incentive to Sp F" f fc Open a savings account today and we know that thy chances are greatly in favor of your maintaining it regularly and gradually accumulating a reserve fund quite worth while. . ( Loan and Savings Bank < i CAPITAL $100,000.00 - Be Sure to Visit the RHODODENDRON FESTIVAL Asheville, N. C. FROM JUNE 17th to JUNE 22, 1929 Specially Reduced Fares, Tickets Sold June 16th to 20th, inclusive, good to return until June 27th. ? CONVENIENT SCHEDULES A WONDERFUL'OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THIS GORGEOUS FLORAL DISPLAY TRAVEL BY TRAIN, THE SAFEST, THE MOST COM FT) RT ABLE, THE MOST RELIABLE ! >r Fares and Schedules Apply to Ticket Agents Southern Railway System 6 .' ~Hie?~Mo?qnltoe?~B?dba|fr~Ro?el>M Moth?? <1? 91mm W?t?rbugi?CriekeU and many other iiuocta mnin BgWT''' - wW"*^ ,7A ??:? - , 11: Nobody's Business Written for The Chronicle by G*e McGee, Copyright, 1928. Nobody* Huainee* You Can't l'lease Everybody A men told me the other day that my "atuff," meaning "Nobody's Business," was crude, and I told him that he waa crude also, and he then told me that it waa common-place, and I told him eo was he, and then he intimated that it was not refined, and I insisted that he and i>'J per cer\t of the folk* In the world are not overly reiined. , i J 1 do uot seek rhetorical expressions when I write, nor do I try to iron-down and smooth-over my statements and composition: 1 simply think of it and hit the keys then step on it, and let it g