I P H: sician % Prescription < I M< ney back if not relieved 4 I |l). KALB PHARMACY ne 95 Camden, S. C. ; pi | MERRILL ] ;l For Samples and Designs | J. M. PORTER Representative | |,l (iOFF, S. C., Route 2. m Will call if you are interested m ^ T. B. BRUCE | B V eterimriMi By Phone SO?Night Phone 114 CAMDEN, S. C. MpBT. W. MITCH AM t. Architect UCrocker Building, Camden, S. C. ELECTROL OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 546 IE. G. BURKE Plumbing and Heating I REPAIR WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES ? ?- ?- ft- *- ??? orner DeKalb and Fair Streets Iarter's shoe shop! I 927 South Broad Street Bt us rebuild your worn down oes. Complete shoe repair equip nt. I he Standard Hydraulic I Preaser Cementing Machine N&ls. No Stitches. No more i'ti stiff Shoes. ished with appearance of new All Work Guaranteed. |C. CARTER, P * etor Butomobile Repairing I We are now prepared. I do all kinds of automolle repairing. Good Brkmanship and moderB? prices. DEMPSTER'S I GARAGE ormerly Little's Garage ire.chewning i ntractor and General I Builder I I i?e figure on your next I building job.. j j or drewring machine. I ' I I < I ^ I III . II . . Young Bog Hears Fate Of Father Chester, I**,,. March 21. A fifteen year old boy, pursuing his studies at the Pennsylvania Military Collegs preparatory school, today heard with soldierly bearing that his father, a Rebel leader against the Mexican government, had been shot at sunrise. The father was General Jesus M. Agulrre, who was executed in Vera Cruz province this morning, according to dispatches from Mexico City, and the cadet son is Leon Humerto Aguirre. Standing at military attention in his gray uniform in the office of Colonel Frank K. Hyati, vice-president of the college, th$ boy was told of the tragic end of his father, Earlier in the day he had heard that his father had been captured yesterday and he feared that he would share the fate of his uncle, 'Simon Aguirre, who was executed last week. Baptist Young People's Union On last Tuesday night the Baptist Young People's Union "held its regular weekly program. Everyone present enjoyed the splendid* bible quiz directed by Miss Thelma Jucksbn. The program was rendered by Group Two, directed'by Helen Baker. The topic for discussion was "Winning the Lost One by One." This topic was divided into five parts as follows: Part One?"The Plan of Our I/ord," by Caroline McKain. Part Two?"A Method Any Christian May Use," by Juanita Boykin, Part Three "A Noble Soul Winner," by George Tidwell. Part Four ?"With the American Tract Society," by Annie Turner. Part Five?"Following the Shepherd's Footsteps," by Don*?d Barnes. After the program several selections of special music were rendered by Anna Belle Watts, C. C. Vaughn, Donald Barnes, Thelma Jackson. The-following officers were elected : to serve for the next six months: ?' ! C. Moseley, president; Annie Turner .vice presidentr Thelma JacTcson, "bible reader's leader; C. <3. Vaughn, record ing secretary; Mrs. Julian Graham corresponding secretary; L. II' Mc Caskill, treasurer; Anna Belle Watts chorister; Caroline McKain, pianist; Lois Elmore, Helen Baker, Donalc Barnes, Marguerite McLeod wer< elected as group captains. Our program next Tuesday nighl will be given by Group Three directed by Donald Barnes. Every mem ber of our Baptist Young Peopled Union is urged to attend those weekly meetings. Visitors always wel come.?Contributed. Florence To Have Hotel Florence, S. C.f March 26.?Tht dream of Florence for, a moderr tourist hotel is about to be realizet according to a joint announcement bj the chamber of commerce and W. R Barringer of this city. It is expectec that the handsome half million dollai hotel which Mr. Barringer will buik under his agreement with the chambe; of commerce will be ready foi occupancy late next season. "I an ready to begin building now," saic Mr. Barringer, "and will breal groynd the moment I receive wort from the people of Florence through the chamber of commerce." Plant and specifications have already beer drawn. , Notice to Debtors and Creditors r All parties indebted to tho estate 1 of Mrs. Sallie K. Blakeney, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all parties, if any, having claims against the said estate will present them likewise, duly- attested, within the time prescribed by law. BLAKENEY, Administratrix. Camden, S. C., March 19th 1929. : Middle Life j I Troubles ? "About twenty years x ago, my health was X very bad," says Mrs. 9 Mat Howard, of Ter- A rell, Texas. 1 was g passing through a K critical time in my litis, T and I suffered a great X deal. I was not at all g strong, and my nerves & Kt all upset. | had V t flashes, and some- A < * times would get suddenly so ft J | faint I could not stand up. My ? '< head would whirl, and I could ft ! ; not see a thing. I would harre to O ' lie down for hours at a time. ft \ | **I improved so much after I o t had taken Cardui for a while, ' I X x continued the medicine dor some | months, until I had passed the i S critical period. Since the*, I O 5 have given Cardui to my Ave X ft daughters. All of them have f TSAmI the use ofCardni in ft t?wrtaata"?l HARDIN I uhhuui ? HoIpo Womsn to Hootttt 1 TsfeeThMfonra w Constipation, Ittalfiotio^Mw Bttt? j ujjj .'V ' Kind Deer With N?i? Broken Game Warden'1 Wallace Plowden, Jr., reports the finding of two deer, with broken necks by a woven wire fence in the Wyboo swamp section of the Santee river on last Thursday Mr. Plowden is of the opinion that the deer ran into the fenca with tremendous force, causing their \ necks to be broken. Both animals' were found about two rods apart. Mr. Plowden explains that these animals are able to avoid any obstruction that nature puts up bu that obtacles which man builds cannot be understood by these animals. Kor this reason it is believed that the deer rushed against the fence thinking that they could pass through it unhindered. Deer are said to be very numerous , in the highlands on the edges of the hfntce as the high waters of the past few weeks have forced them out of t the swamp. Mr. Plowden reports that he Baw* dozens of deer on laet Thursday while visiting the Santee section. Only recently two de^r were seen on the streets tff Sunrrtnferton, a rather unusual occurence in that town.?Manning Times. Sentenced To Die I Greenville, March 22.? Hobar Gregory, 31, today was sentenced to be electrocuted May 3 at the stat penitentiary in Columbia following his conviction of a charge of murder of Itufus Davis, young steam fitter, who was stabbed to death with a bread knife during a fight in a local cafe. Judge T. S. Sease passed sentence shortly after a general session court jury had returned a vofdict of guilty, of murder, which automatically carried the death sentence. | Gregory heard the sentence apparently unmoved and made no reply! vfhep a&ked if he had anything to say, in his own behalf. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on Monday, April 8th, 1929, we will make to the Probate Court of Kerehaw County our final return us Adminiatrators of the estate of John B. Nelson, decease [ I heat" oven . . accurate heat indicator . . cooking heat as ( j swift and clean as gas. jtj free trial in your own kitchen 11 Brighten your kitchen with one of these new ranges. B* We will deliver it to youir kitchen. If it does not give you perfect satisfaction, we will take it back, without obligation jj or expense to you. Your Old Stove Help* to Buy the New One If you wish, we will take your old stove as part payment on the new model and will be glad to give you convenient therms on the balance. This special offer is for a limited time only. We urge you? to take advantage of it now.- Come in to see the range, or let us bring It to you for a free demonstration. ^ o* StC^k BLjk Stjk BLJg. 1 , ofecial Offer Certificate I would be glad to have a free demonstration of your new oil range in my kitchen. I under' ^ stand that this does not obligate me in any way. ^ ^ NAME ; -? 4 r, ' * ADDRESS.. ......-r-~ *w ? We are pleased to introduce to our friends and customers, G. W. EVANS stove expert and specialist in the r " care of home and farm equipment. Mr. Evans will spend part of hla i** ^teodinp^w nerrice to thr homes of -our patrons. ? CLIP AND MAIL r FOR FREE DEMONST ATION We would like to show you the new Perfection range in your own kitchen. If you are ,interested in having our stove specialist bring it to you for a free demonstration, sign your name and address on the Special Offer Certiicate at left, and mail it to the CAMPBN FURNITURE COMPANY, ____ ' . ^