Society news Vl < :Club Meetings:. Co*Ed Follies Coming ". The Co-Fid Follies pf the UniHrsity of South Caroline will appear H Camden on April the 17, at the RijdL School Auditorium. This ?nRrtsplnment is coming to Gamden un er the auspices of the Junior Wei* are Workers apd the proceeds will Re used for the Tonsil Clinic which ^ hiu organization is sponsoring. T The Follies originated about one Hear ago with Miss Harriet Scar;R>orough, who U well known in CamHen, as director. Since that time Hhey have played numerous engageRnents throughout the state. They Rave appeared also in the Public The-1 :Rters in Charlotte and Winston-Salem. fiH'heir popularity has steadily grown ;|Rince their first appearance and they jHre rapidly gaining an enviable ^ eputation as performers, if f The following girls take part in the show, many of them are well Renown in Camden; Misses Lucy ColeRnan, Mildred Hartness, Elisa Cross, Harriet (Scarborough, Mignon Wall, ?:iise Legare, Sarah, Rosilin, and Julia Quattlebaum, Frances and, Elizabeth Monteith, Dorothy Mixon, Carrie Dupre, Marie Edwards and Floy Vance, who is manager of the show. Mrs. George Baker Wells, who before her marriage was Miss Maud Banks, is pianist of the show. Display of Imported Goods There will be a display of imported ; French Lingerie, art linens and Persian rugs at the Studio of Kath erine Harris Goodale on April the first. This will be a season's end: fBsale of the imported goods of B. G. Kairallah, importer of Charlotte, N. ' c., and a per cent of the proceeds of , the sale will go to the Tonsil Clinic of the Junior Welfare Workers underl whose auspices the sale is being held.I Eastern Star Chapter To Meet Leslie Zemp Chapter No. Ill will hold its regular meeting .Thursday, April * at 8 o'clock. Worthy Grand J Matron will' visit the dhapter on this I night to inspect the Chapter for honor rolls. Several candidates are to be initiated at this time. All members | are urged to be present. Refresh ments will be served.?(Sarah E. GraI ham, Secretary. Friday was the hottest March 22 I on record in New York city, The thermometer touched as high as 75 degrees. Majestic Program M ~ M ()NDAY ANDr TUESDAY April 1 and 2 Warner Brothers Present "THE TERI ROR." A one hundred percent Talk ing Picture. With May McAvoy, I Louise Fazenda and Edward Everett Horton. Wow! What a thriller! It keeps you tight in your seat from start to finish. If you're keen on mystery, be sure to see this one. I Added Vitaphone "Vaudeville Acts. I Admission, 50c; chilcffen under 12, 25c. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY I April 3 and 4 Irene Rich with Claude Gillingwater in a Vitaphone Talking Picture: [ "WOMEN THEY TALK ABOUT." A mighty nice comedy-drama and we believe you'll enjoy it. Added Vitaphone Vaudeville Acts. Admission, 50c; children, 25c. FRIDAY, APRIL 5 Alice White and Jack Mulhall ijn "NAUGHTY BABY" She's good^and naughty! When she's .good, she's very, very good. But when she's naughty, she's one wicked baby. Hat( juggler at the Ritz, heart juggler on Park Avenue. Hot number in a bathing suit, but you ought to see her in a Morris chair. Aided Vitnphunt* \ audeville Acts, Admission, 50c; children. 25c. SATURDAY, APRIL 6 William Fox presents Nancy Carroll, l>awrence Gray and Josephine Dunn in "THE SIN SISTER." The mask of civilization torn aside in this terrific story of >i pleasure bmi'nd' party face to face with cieath. Added: A Barney Google Comedy, "Money Balks," and Vitanhcne Vaudeville Acts. Admission, 50c; Children, 25c. personal NEWS NOTg3 I Mi?? Helen Savage ii vielting in Charltston this week. iMr# and Mrs* T. Iaug little wort* bueine*. visitors in Charlotta TuesA!,* 5 *8 * 8,?n*l of something wrone arsar-.and tre"1 u ? ""da^ '* U* mo.t common if ?ymptom?. It m present in nr*cUc?l ly ?very .lckn,M -be the! .kit,, wild or serious. ln the majority of ailments It I, the ,i,?t "*h"{ SS 3X2** -twSr It is wroni .r! that somethlntr is vUuTTo .. *h, eousweU the Indl. i ed? Of ri, P' lo"k' *,Hi listen?hun, "J thousands of individuals do dron ioT ,r"rning- instead they ?l> into the first drug store and ask or ?o?mthinK that the head? " 1 And tl?oy usually get it and combating a poisonous headache cure. m"?y vsrletl.s the nil? t I t differ in regard to differ in rh is nV0lved' Th?y ?er in the character of the oaln ISTor Co lant oi in paroxysms. cause?thwir imm?diate i , *? e are brought on by some hv'f r' *?m* by harah n<>?ses, by eouall ?n' UIld """V others Hr? y varying causes. There e morning, noon, and night headhatr'k eath ^y|le of Imadacije may s special cause and sijrnif rr- Whfn the l,a t' e nt goes to t he doc or i "if ot a i"??.. Purchase of Grove Parle mh, world famous hostelry, by J. R?ed Lane,; nationally known J^.OJ*rator of Davenport, Iowa, was announced Motiday by General T.* Edward Hamble-i ton of Baltimore, chairman of Grove "Fill Inn, Inc. n nmwmr - . ..f j, i:,.\ -'V-,' V~r~r Girl Scout News Last Saturday night th? Girl Scouts mot at the residence of Charlotte DuBose. The Eagle Patrol had! charge of the program. Charlotte; DuBose T^ad the Bible after which all1 repeated The lord's Prayer. Peggy Pitts read an interesting story, and! Kntherine Kennedy read some jokes. J Mr.s b.