For Healthy Appetites , Here quality goes hand in hand with economy, and whether you buy the cheaper or more expensive cuts of meats, you're always sure of getting GOOD ' MEAT at this store. Our values are exceptional. Just give a trial. > McLeod-Rush Company Market Phone 26 > Grocery Phone 44 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Creditors of Beam Lumber j mpany, tLugoff, S. C.: rou are hereby notified that a bting of the creditors of the Beam Smber Company, Incorporated, who touted a deed of assignment to the iersigned on the 27th day of rchr-t?2ih ts called to meet at the ce of the undersigned in Camden, C., on the 3rd day of April, 1929, the, , purpose of appointing an ? ;nt to act with the assignee in the tlement ef-the-#aid estate. HENRY SAVAGE, JR., Assignee. Jamden, S. C., March 28, 1029. Scar Face A1 Capone, notorious ganfr leader in Chicago, who haa been sperming sometime in Miami, Fla., has left there to spend some time in Nassau. Capone is in constant fear of being killed by some of .his gangsters enemies. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE HrHMb Shevnan?F. H. Seeley Co's expert of Chicago and Philadelphia will be at the Jefferson Hotel, (Columbia, Sunday and Monday only, March 31st and April 1st, from 9 a. m. to B p. m. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the average case. Being a vast advancement over all former methods ?exemplifying instantaneous effects immediately appreciable and withstanding any strain of position no matter the size or location. ' Large br difficult cases, or incisional ruptures (following operations) specially solicited. This instrument received the only award in England arid in Spain, producing results without surgery, injections, medical treatments or prescriptions, with distinguished personal patrons of all nations." "His method has always bpcn most satisfactory."? Late Dr. Eawf.rd Lhippen, former Medical Director, U. i% Navy. Mr. Shevnan will be glad to demonstrate without charge or fit them if desired. Business demands prevents stopping at any other place, in this section. N. B.?Every statement in this "notice has been verified before the Federal and State Courts.?E. H. Home Office, 117 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 111. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Public Notice is hereby given that at the expiration of three (3) days from date, that the undersigned will ! apply to th$ Secretary of the State of "SoutH Carolina "for Charter of Incorporation of Colonial Lake Company. R. M. KENNEDY, JR., R. M. KENNEDY, 3rd, Corporators. March 28, 1929. THE COMING OF EASTER brings with it \rtiany now i changes, and we hope that it ! will bring a change of heart to j the young Miss we heard of in j this town whose sweetie spent ! $27.00 on her in one evening and when she bid him goodnight called him "Mister." j It's time to get acquainted j with KREAMKRUST BREAD. One slice of KREAMKRUST BREAD means many more slices. Just so good and delicious ig-ita quality. Try itwith every meal and enjoy its superiority. a Electrik Maid Bake Shop GREETINGS THE OUTLOOK LADIIS ?~iEE?1ttM J? AFPAREL SHOP ;'.. H -' - ' - " ? ' ? " Y.. . ....:_11 rri? iy?~,^' '41: Y~s- -- -:*.v?4. , t.. . ' <1 Offers every thing pertaining ta? Ladies' Wear at Reduced Prices Traub Risked His Life To "Get It' Charlie Traub is dead, but the pie b^f?h g?MV? hU life 10 m?k? wi< &/S23U? houw#' ralfli Ann ^r*'Jn N?w Y?* TeUaraw wouW k W*y' th*y aay' h( Wt iTVe ,W?nted U' now that h< t grinding any more. Foi Cbarhe Traub was for fifteen y*??rs , WB re*1 cameraman, and their te> ^mmaudmenU are all the same:st P L CbMrli? *ot !t? they'll tell yo? hi ir f J? He Shot the Wreck 'n5 ?J.the ce car in which Lee Bibb was killed at Oaytona Beach yester Another Pathe man, Larry O'Heilly hultli t<>Q' H* ,h0t that 8Mm? c*< Hrtrtl ng 0n across the sand an? T/*ub' wh0 w" hi: .. J* ? *? death, And the wonder oi wafkill^k8?'1 Jhat Chmr,ie Traul devil's It 1 , that any of than aevil s stepsons live. lriiiLI?11'1 kn?,w why th?y ?wn't al Pa h w8fty8 ay L> H41,? "M0*" ? fo *et ZT ThWy Uke any cha get their pictures. They're tin bravest men I know." But they don't talk about it, thesi cameramen. They Just shrug a'nd .. it S luck, and let it fo at that. walkilLIT ?* "olph. wh. w??hln(rton a few yean national n "?t ng a flood tor Int? a breaking6 """ ?n "" ice flo6 wh? a Dreakinjr ice jam tore it away an< flung it put into the flood. They nevei found his body. The last SrSS ? Was 8t,H grinding, stn kiUed ^ilm the *3 fewheN?W.T otJhera' t0?. but only t No they don t remember th< names offhand. They were just goo Wlowa that got ? had break, .same l might happen to any one. vnnT' m!?ht've been anybody. Al load if?, !s ry that y?ur iuck 1 fime't you <,on't h?ve mucl Th..? W?,rry J Charlie Tr?ub v' ""htng imo brnlh T Iled his camera into biush?and aaved the^ pictures. Cliff Perry came through wars racing car wrecks, fires and what not Whenever death showed up, he'd de mand a close-up. And then, ju?t ter shooting a jail break in Miami, ha was electrocuted by a heater in bath tub. er m hl3 . il On, mf' "There's a delightful, refreshing, cleansing k'ck to FITCH SHAMPOO t" ? Especially when you get it in our shop with our supersonice methods. We study the condition that s me and my mother wanU mej w going! I had not, heard from] - home in twelve years or more and I' 1 thought they were all gone!" * ! J Mr. Shealy brought him to New-1 f berry and he loft on the 8:30 train ?' vrUn ,ay ?^ht to *f? to his mother.? | I Newberry Herald and News. Making Good in Greenville % Another of the boys who have gone from the vicinity of Kershaw to make 1 good elsewhere is Prof, G. C. Qaskin, * 8"n of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gaskin of the Hat Rock section. Prof Gas-' [ J ls, the Principal of the Donaldson 3 S ?J' g,ven the distinction of being1 1 mif IT1 in the city of Greenville. ? Ihe following are some extracts clip?|ped from u write up of the school * j Piedmont*:"1 ?f tHe GreenvriUe i: Other claims include the following! V facts, which have been verified and J f^6 ther interesting. T^e school is i li? I8t; m the city ^ under 1. the administration of Dr.vJ. L. Mann -| superintendent; G. C. Gaskin, princia pal of Donaldson, is the oldest man, tj in point of service, holding such a] ] position in the city; and Dan Adams, & a most important factor in the welfare of the school, is the oldest 1 janitor, in point of service, in the - city.?Kershaw Era. n e Gallogly Case in Mistrial Atlanta, Ga., 'March 23.?Unable to agree on a verdict after about 40 . hours deliberation, the second jury st^?,,he^r the case of Richard G' I Gallogly, charged with complicity in' .} the murder of Willard Smith, a drug c' 9*erk, was discharged at 10:35 toi day and a mistrial declared. 1 The first mistrial in the case was [> declared early in February, after V I jury deliberated twelve hours. That jury stood six for acquittal and six r for life imprisonment, while the jury ( today was reported as standing eight1 for life imprisonment and four for ac( quittal. Solicitor General John A. Boykin ] announced immediately that the case would be placed in trial -again April 2. ' I i Frank ,Sacco, ex-convicts and his ' wlfft, Wftfft whnt tn thf>- *" m i