The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, March 29, 1929, Image 2

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I SAN ITEX NURSERY RHYMES LITTLE mm MUFFET Little Mia* Mullet Mtona tuffet Packing her dothea aw my, Then along came a moth. and lit on the cloth. And ruined all her thing*, -*< v, eo they say. CDLAY safe. Have your garments dry cleaned first .... then store them j away in Sanitex Moth-Proof Bags. We will Dry Clean and deliver your* out-of-season garments already packed in Sanitex Moth-Proof Cedarized Bags. | A free service that shows we have your interests at heart. I Just specify Sanitex Moth-Proof 71 j Cedarized Ha^ service when you V I i phone us. or tell our delivery man JJ J j CAMDEN DRY CL^ANERY I PHONE 17 I - ce~:_ ??. I _HEADQUARTERS FOR SAN I TEX MOTH-PROOF BAGS j Killed By Lightning Hartsville, March 2.rj. Jesse Dixon, who lives about six miles from; HartKville on the Hartsville-Patriek road was killed instantly by lightning" JMs-oduy afternoon, l)ix/>n hud iuntl returned from Hartsville with his last load ol^f^tUlizer and being wet from the heavy downpour of rain had gone in to warm by the fire. Dixon and two friends, M. \V\ Moody and John Davis were sitting by the fire when suddenly the chimney was J> struck by lightning1 demolishing the chimney and striking Dixon, kill ingl the man instantly. The other two men were unhurt. tieneral Jesus M. Aguirre, Mexican rebel leader, who led the futile revolt m- Vera T'rtnrr was tried by court martial and faced a firing s-quad last Thursday. A son of the Mexican general is a student at the Pennsyl vania Military college, at Chester* I'enn. LOOKING BACKWARD Taken From^he piles of The Chronicle Fifteen and Thirty Years Ak<> - THIRTY YEARS AGO March 24, 18W The Cleveland correspondent reports the closing of^the Old Field school taught by'J. E. Rush. Also the marriage of W. A. Rush to Miss Minnie Gillis at Mt. Olivet church, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. D. Entzminger. 1 1. Bookman, of northwest Kershaw. announces he is perpnred to handle the farmer's rice of Kershuw and adjoining counties. The marriage of .J. N M. Davis to Miss Mary McDowell is announced at Flint Hill Baptist church with Rev. C. D. Peterson performing the cer> -' mony. The Kershaw Guards military company is organized with M. R. Smitn captain; R. T < lyburn, and S. ('. Zenip" lieutenants; K. R. Team W. L. l)r I Pass. I. C. Hough, A. Weinberg, A R. Watkins. sergeants, and B. P. DeRoache, \V. R. Watkins, W. S. Burnett,' H. R. Watkins. B. W. Rhanie. as corporal-. Of trie '? ? members 27 are dead and are iuing. ^ The lute E. F. Walk;n> announce > the purchase of the corner building at DeK.ilb and Broad, known as th ".Iimis" building and will erect two handsome brick stores. The Fashiu'i Shop now .-Lands on this property. The old Bur tie 11 building where the Eo.ii. and Savings hank is now oiated was being i hanged into a not ei and rooming house by O. M. 1- ? c ' run! ractor. The death of Dr. R. M. Moore, a practicing physician at Hagood for ivrr forty wars, is announced. The front pagi new- announces the ?ieath of Mrs. Martha Place by electrocution in Sing Sing prison ? the tirst woman to die in the electric eharr In New York . SV< murdered her step-daughter by tirst throwing acid in her e\es and then -mothering her The hotel Windsor n New Y..r k destroyed by tire I get her with fifteen gue-: s ? I FIFTEEN YEARS AGO March 27, 1914 The death of Mrs. Olive A. Catoc, 74, is announced in the Buffalo section. W. T. Dempster and David L. Shatenstein announce the opening of the Victoria motion picture theatre! in the Beattie block. S. W. Brown an ! T. J. Douglas. Jr., return to Camden to open the Air" Dome motion picture theatre on east DeKalb street. Harry L. Gregory was shot and, dangerously wounded at Kershaw, the( shot was alleged to have been fired by \V. ('. Boliii, who made his clean i getaway. C? The merchants of Camden sign agreement to close at 0 p. m. from March .'10 to September 1. The death of Mrs. Almetta J.' Blackmon, aged 40, announced at her h"ine in Kershaw. i An illustrated lecture on Panama,1 the canal and surroundings given at the Camden Baptist church by Rev. .John A. Davidson. J. K. Robinson gets verdict against Western Union telegraph company f->r $f>0<> for failure to deliver me*-, -age. Announcement of the marriage of M Elise Melnty-e and Mr. J. B. 1 loins by Rev. J. i\ Winningham. Airplane high-- Edwin A. Robbins announced the Camden horse show to be held " e following week April 1 it * 2. leather Lose* Her Car M : .- ! True*dale of Kershaw ha<i her i i" '.mobile stolen Thursday nigh' ah e *he was .-. tending the mocfng t" the South ' arolina Teacher ' a at ion. The ... was a CheV .bet ..upe. 1928 mi?! and bore , ' er-e No. B-32919. The car was picked in front of the tie Id house and disappeared about 10 o\'..?ck.?Saturt dav's State. i Free Wrecking Service 25 MILE RADIUS w e are equipped to take care of wreck*, wood ! work, fender*, and body work of all kinds; ducoing and trimming. Light trailer* and truck bodies built to order. Also general repairs. 1'. Sumter Motor Company |LLr.. . Sumter, South Carolina Three Killed Sunday In.Airplane Crash Charlotte, N. C.. March 26, ?! Responsibility for a crash which sent three pepple to their decthe in a flaming airplane here yesterday was a matter of controversy today. An injured pilot, lack of fuel and lack of. altitude were cited as various sources as the cause of the craah. No plans for an investigation had been announced. The dead are Mrs. J. G. Galloway, 22-year-old bride of n Charlotte business man; D. Fred Kendrick, 30, also of Charlotte, and the pilot, George L. Vickery, 28, of Highland, N. C. Their bodies were burned beyond recogni-| tion before a holiday cyowd of hun-j dreds who milled about the burning craft helplessly. ? I Witnesses said the plane was flying at an altitude of about 200 feet some' 300 yards from the Municipal Air- j port when it side slipped twice, stalled) and then went into a spin, bursting into Humes as it struck the ground. Vickcry, a licensed pilot and a giaduate of the army ground school,' reported to have broken his hand n < ently and had not regained the use of a. To this together with the low altitude, was attributed his inability to right the plane before the crash, k end rick, was a student pilot, l i.. plane, a three passenger Waco, wa- the property of J. P. Little of Char! ?tte. He said it was being used with his knowledge, but that Vick'.; had operated it on other Occasions . . j forestry In South Carolina Tr.< lory of our dependence on th* foK-'- one that cannot too often !* t !<i Abundance breeds neglect. After three hundred years of un!imii< ! U"-e of wood and other forest product - we find it hard to realize eithei th?- extent to which they enter into o n American civilization or the possibility that the supply may last forever. It i- well, therefore, for uj to be reminded that our prosperity is like that of the prodigal who has' gone through ins fortune without giving tin- proper thought to the future. One region after another has been cut until today the last our, original capital is dtsappearlng rapid-" ly in the virgin forests of the Pacific Coast. We shall soon have to grow all .of our own timber or go without,' and we shall be obliged to do so on millions of acres once forested and abused and now largely unproductive bind. The most serious part of this situation is that it effects South Carolina's welfare in so many different ways. Lack of forests means more than merely a shortage of wood, as important as that is. It means also undesirable changes in climate, unregulated stream flow, erosion; marked decreases in game, fish anil other forms of wild life and far le-s opportunity for healthy outdoor recreation. These losses are none the le. s real because they cannot always be' measured in dollars nnd cents. Lack of forests also means decreased in-' dustrial activities, with correspond-i ingly fewer openings for profitable employment of capital and labor. It means impoverished communities, lower standards of living and a social and economic loss that is beyond calculation. South Carolina ranks fourteenth among the forty-eight States in lum-; ber production. In 11)22 sho ranked twelfth. The lumber industry and wood working establishments provide; employment for more than eighteen thousand men and directly and in? direcly furnishes support for more j than one-tenth of the population* ofi the entire state. The annual payroll) from forest products in all forms' amounts to approximately $30,000,-j 000. Visualize, if you will, what d decrease of such a vast sum of money| to the State's payroll will mean to the economic and industrial welfare of South Carolina?a condition which' is inevitable but for the fullest co-{ operation and concerted action on the part of all timberland owners and progress loving citizens. W hen Young (iriffo, a popular prize tighter of another day, died in December. lP'JT. Tex Rickard buriei him at a cost "f over $800, because it was believed (Iriffo was a pauper. Later on it was found that Griffo, had $3,800 in two savings banks. The administrators of Rickard's est.ite ' have < Heeled $.">00 of the amount on accoui " of the burial expenses, and 1 Mrs. Lose Collins, who boarded Griff.> for years without pay, has claimed the balance of the estate. A Salem. Mass., man has been sentenced to serve a month i:i the house of erection because he sol i a man a gallon of water for $8. i' e fellow cxpia ved that Lionel Vin nt asked i .n for a gallon of pure," and the H.riT was the purest thng he had. T1 e charge against him was larcen y Man So Nervous Gets 1 Sore When Spoken To "It actually irritated me to i.avs anyone t a k to me, I was so nervous Vino! ended this and.1 feel wonder;a now." -\\ m. Fahy. Vino! .v a compound of iron, j phates okI liver poptone,. *tc. Th< very FIRST bottle makes you slecj better and have BIG appetite Nervou*. . aaily tirad people are ^ur prised how QUICK the iron, ph .< phates, etc., gWa n*w Hfe and pep Vinol tastes dalWta?> - "W. KobiZemp, Druggist. - Held For Attempted Robbery Charlotte, N. C., March 26.?John G. Galloway, husband of Mrs. Dorothy Hui veil Galloway, one of the three victims of an jrirplane crash here SUnday afternoon,* la being held \t j the McKeeaport,1 Pa., county' .IJail awaiting a hearing on charges ofplotting to rob the payroll of the Union Dye Work of McKeeaport. j Galloway was sought yesterday by means of radio after an appeal had been made by Hamp Harwell, father of the dead woman, for aid in locating the man so that funeral plans for his wife could be perfected. After he was found to be in jail the plans were itfll Incomplete today. ______ Galloway is being held with Jfick Campbell, also of Charlotte, and the men are said to have admitted their intentions when arrested. They are also said to have admitted previously ..serving prison terms. master's sack State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. (Court of Common Pleas) James II. Bums, plaintiff, against J. T. Croft, Ida M. Croft, et al, defendants. Under and by virtue of an Order of Court made in the ubove entitled case and dated the 7th day. of March, 1929, the Master for Kershaw County will ff<tr_for sale at public auction, for ish, before the Kershaw County < ?>urt Houae door, Camden, South arolina, during the legal hours of hale on the 1st, Monday, being the 1st day of April, 1029, the following (.'escribed real estate: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, and in the County of Kershaw, containing fiftyseven (.) i) acres, more or less, bounded North by lands of Sutton, East by larjds of J. K. Campbell, formerly of the Reynolds Estate, South by lands of Martha A. Davis, Weijt by land} formerly of Reynolds Estate. also "All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina and in the ( ounty of lee, in the Township of Ionia, containing forty-three (4") acres, more or less, and being known as tract No. 2 of the subdivision of lands deeded to Frances Johnson by John Cjoft, and bounded as follows: North by lands of Elmira Johnson, Minnie Boykin and M. H. Johnson, East by lands of J. R. McLeod and Willie McLeod, West by lands of Allen Arrants, South by lands of J. W. Davis." I hat all bidders; except the plaintiff herein, must first deposit with the Master cash or certified check in the sum of $100.00 as evidence of good faith, which said sum shall* be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, but, in case of non-compliance by the bidder at said sale the amount so deposited shall be forfeited and the property sold upon the same or some subsequent sales day thereafter at the risk of said bidder. W. L. DePASS, JR., Master Kershaw County. March 15, 1929. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on Monday, April loth, 1929, I will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County my final return as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Emma L. Goodale, deceased, and on the same date I will apply to the said Court for a final discharge from my trust as said Executor. : F. N. McCDRKLE.Camden, S. C., March 14th, 1929. CLERK'S SALE Pursuant to a decretal qrder of sale of the Court of Common. Pleas for Fairfield County, S. C., hereto_fore made 'in the cause entitled, Sarah C. Nance and others, plaintiffs, vs. Eunice B. Palmer and others, I will offer for sale before the Court House door in Winnsboro, within the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in April 1929, to the highest bidder, for cash; all that tract or plantation of land situate, lying and being in Kershaw County, containing one hundred twenty and two-tenths (122.2) acres, more or less, known as Tract A of the Sand Hill tract, as shown by a plat recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Fairfield County in Book AK, page 418, bounded on the North by Spencer land, east by ! lands of the Estate of Dr. J. H.' , Miller. recently sold, south by . English lands and west by Condor's land. The purchaser to pay for all ; necessary papers and revenue stamps, j and shall be required to deposit j fifty ($50.00) dollar^ in cash, or by i certified check, as evidence of good j faith, before his bid shall be accepted r. e. arnette; Clerk of Court for Fairfield County. March 14, 1929. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR NON-PAYMENT OF PAVING ASSESSMENTS. Under and by virtue of sundry ex. ecutions directed to me for non-pay ment of paving assessments due the | City of Camden, S. C., April 1, i } have levied upon the[..follow. nig property and will sell the same for cash during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday in April, 1929, being the first day thereof, be . fore the Court House door in thte'Oity : of Camden, S. C. All that lot on DeKalb Street, - bounded on the North by C. W. Birch s | more, on East by part of Adams > property, on the South by DeKalh ' Str?t, on \\ est by part of Adams - property. Levied upon and to be cold - as property of H. S. Moore for non of Paving assessment*. 1 y also Street, bounded on the North by J. H. Tnomas, on the East by Broad Street, on the South by Francis Ilart, on West by City lot No Levied upon and to be sold as property of K. H. JIaile and J. H. Thomas for non-payment for paving assessments. also ? All that lot with building thereon on Broad Street, bounded on the North by City I>ot No on East by City lot No on South ])y City lot No,...., on West by Broad Stra-t. Levied upon and to be sold as property of It. II. Hailo for nonpayment for paving assessments, also All that lot and building thereon, located on Broad Street, bounded on the North by Dibble property, on the East by City lot No on the South by Dibble property, on the West by Broad Street. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Maceo Lodge No. 114 for non-payment pnvins assessments. also All that lot with building thereon located on DeKalb Street, bounded on the North by Welsh, on the East by Kershaw County, on tho South by DeKalb Street, on the West by McLester. Levied upon and to be sold as property of Estate of C. C. Scott for non-payment paving assessments, also All that lot on Chestnut Street, bounded 011 the North by said Chest nut Street, on the East by erty, on the South by Team S? erty, on "West by Team propM levied upon and to be sold as pS'v' erty of Esta.ta.John Smmnnil^| non-payment paving assessments. Mi All that lot \vith building thtts^| on DeKulb Street, bounded on ]fl North by Griggs,, on the East 1 Estate C. C. Scott, on the South* DeKalb Street, on West by Cotofl : Methodist Church. Levied upon |B to be sold as property of L. EjjB I^ester for non-payment paving jfl Terms of sale Cash Hk I). HILTON, M: Chief of Police City of Carodei^l DeKALB COUNCIL Nsjfl Junior Order XT. A.itM Regular council first / ^ third Mondays of mH month at 8 p.m. Visiting Hrethrn^B are welcomed. D. J. CREED, L. H. JONES, ConDdbfl Recordirtg Secty. : . jT KERSHAW LODGBNail Regular communication this lodge i? held on if I, first Tuesday ineaehaMlfl at 8 p.m. Visiting Brethren am wt I corned. T. V. WALSH, H J. E. ROSS, WorBhipfil'Kaitetia Secretary. 1-14-27-tI fl Notice to Taxpayers of the City II of Camden ^ \ ^ m City Paving Assessment I Notice is hereby given th?l public that paving assessment* I are due on April first. fl W. H. HAILE, I City Clerk and Treasurer Vj I March 18, 1929 i '; 11 " . i' WIIMAM Moral and Mental ? Influence I Having money in the bank will help you'even if I ; yqu do not use it for a great many years. The moral 1 and mental influence of having something laid by that I you could use if you had to will mean a great deal to I *- I Loan and Savings Bank I CAPITAL $100,000.00 I I EXCURSIONS 1 MAGNOLIA GARDEN AND MIDDLETON PLACE_J j i GARDENS I CHARLESTON, S. C. I | FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 29-30, APRIL 5-6, 1929 I Southern Railway System At the following low round trip fares from prinI Camden $4.00 Lancaster : I Heath Springs 5.25 Kefthaw proportionate low round trip^fcres from all inter* mediate stations. | Excursion tickets good going on all regular trains.^ except Crescent Limited, Friday and Saturaay, March 29th-;>oth, and April 5th and 6th. Also for trains No? I 16 leaving Columbia 2:20 a. m., March 31st and ApriL-; 1 Jth. Tickets good returning on all traiiwytexcepifcp Crescent Limited, so as to reach original starting P0^ I "y idnight Wednesday following date of sale.'.: 31 , I /or schedules, Pullman reservations, etc./ consult , ^^Ticket Agents.