pciETY NEWS |;Club Meetinp :. W Mr?. Schenk Entertains Ion Krida, afternoon Mrs. Leonard ILk entertained at bridge comKnenting her house guests, Misses, g Ker! and Mamie Brown, of AiEll., There were eight Ublea arKLd for the game. Mrp. Alide mL was the winner of the high Kfe prise, while both Miee Keel and I Brown were presented with a tinder ?( th? occasion. After Cs a de ightful sweet course was Kved the guests. M r*. Kirkland Entertains # Ion Tuesday morning Mrs. LawI Kirkland entertained informaliepmplimenting her gueat, Mrs. T. I Kirkland, and Mrs. William BarIt of Kings port, Te nnessee, who is Kiting Mrs. Jack Whitaker. After a most enjoyable hour of Kdge the guests were served lunchL Sale and Buaineea Mea'a Lunch. The Willing Workers .League of L Camden Baptist Churoh will have Etke sale in the building formerly Eypied by the DeKalb Grocery, beEing at 4 o'clock Saturday. following the sule from 0 to 10 lock a business men's lunch will served, the proceeds of both sales E] be for the benefit df the CamE Baptist Church. Ell who wish nice hom%-cooked Ees and pies are cordially invited Ecome and buy for their Sunday I Camden Methodist Church? Lrttleton Street, near Hamilton MA. Rev. George Piejoe Watson, Kjtor. Sunday, July 8?Bible School ft classes for all grades and ages lO a. m. Public worship at 11:16 m. and 8:30 p. m., conducted by E pastor. Epworth League at 7:46 En. Mid-week prayer service WedEday at 8:30 p. m. The public is Est cordially invited to ail. the 49J? Ees of this church. Seats free, ime and bring your friends. 'Spell music at each service. Dissolution Notice The firm heretofore existing as ennedy & Campbell is hereby disIved by mutual consent. R. M. KENNEDY, FRANK CAM1PBELL imden. S. C., July 5th, 1028. FLY TOX is protecting millions of mes from mosquito invasion. The Itire home can be freed from mosKtoes in two mfhute*' 'TaJUr all ins* Eved FLY-TOX Hand Sprayer iid Ely FLY-TOX toward and against Bceiling until the finely atomized Bk reaches every part of the room. Bsspruy the hangings, closets and Hiss, it is absolutely tainles3, B, fragrant, sure and easy to use. Bt-TOX is the scientific product deBpped at the Mellon Institute of Biatrial Research by Rex FellowHp. Every bottle guaranteed.?Adv. ? ' - - j "V Hia^stic Program Btinee 3JO p. m. Night 8:00 and ^H^^ 9:30 p. m. Friday, July 6 B "LADIES OF THE MOB" Barring (dura Bow. It's Clara's B dramatic picture. Biasing hair, Bin? personality.-Clara blase* her By. though scorching series of B1?1.8 in ;| tense .drama, of underBid Molls and mobs. Made by the ector of "Wings," WUllam Wellil-. Richard Arlen supports Miss * in this picture. A-lfp Comedy? heir Purple Moment^^B^fring in Laurel and Hardy in their latest Saturday, July 7 B. "THE ADVENTURER" !th Tin: MaCoy America's lead; cowboy actor in his latest western See Tim do the beat horae * riding of his career, and fight * he has never before. 'A picture t everyone will enjoy. A of lifetime. Also Comedy?4*Slippery k \r~Aiso chapter number 8.? MasK^ij Menace." * . '* : Monda> and'Tuesday; July'9-10 i - NO OTHER WOMAN" amng T)olores Del'Rio and-Don1 arado m a perilous triangle. Twoi n and a w oman. A? tangled skein anid !eal?u8y." A drama bf lnand passion in society's pleaa;rTIesorts Delores Del Rio the jmai.K. of, "What Prioe Glory"? , tae (>nly man in the world for * But love triumphed at last, ces Nows. No Increase in f * ~ r.T^ - * ymw&msm ...^^^ dayv July 41 J. . 1 IvS for LUCK" starring w. c. Fields and Chester S I'd Iwd latest and greatest ^aand and one laughs^^^^e*Amer* uN?f,ER 'H'K'black^KACLE tbes \fS oCart lauding Ralph ' n?w ^ "Flash" t star < K wonder. 'The greatest thrd'L? ^ ? in masterpiece it's H?fTan T0,na,???- A war film ,'J a ?Hbr?tM the ( rm?f 0f a do?- A * *?. ttrfpw?r, "n? of the police dej in -JL!!1;' War. Also Fa the New.. ^n^ Bebe DnnJjrt^ her Ulsrt - ' ' L - - ,.-r r j- f r ? _ - ' * i frk s Hi f ? PERSONAL NEWS NOTES Mi*s Mauaret Burnet has gone to Uttltt^f^rkivd, N. C., to spend the auntmer v*e*Mop. * - M*. find Mm' Dirid R. Williams have ranted the Knapp house on Mill ftreet for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Haile are the guests this week of Mr. and Mr?. F. E. Brooks in Florence. Mrs. L. A. McDowell and children, of Tampa, Florida, are visiting relatives here this week, Mrs. S. W. Brown and Miss .Susan J. Pickett were visitors at Myrtle Beach for the Fourth. 'Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Rush and Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Pettus spent the Fourth at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hughey Tindal and children were guests of Mr. Tindal's parents in Manning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Asbury, of Shelby, N. <3., were the guests of friends here -for the week end. Mre? and Mrs. E. B. Do>minick were the guests-of/Mrs. Dominick'a parents ifi ^aluda. S. C-, on the Fourth, j., Judge, and Mrs. Blakeney and daughter, Mary I.aa, have returned from' a visit to Long Island, New York; ' V; Miss. Elizabeth Martin of Laka City, Fla., is the guest of Miss Gertrude Zeihp at her home on Chesnut street. *; Mr. John 0. Alexander, of Charlotte, ^ras the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Alexander on Mill street. Mrs. Virginia W. Clarke is spend- j ing a coiyjle weeks with her daughter, Miss ' Elizabeth Clarke, in Darlington. . Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Jones and children, of Lancaster, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Taylor. Mr. W. C. Hough, of Lexington, S. C., was a visitor at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. W. Brown, during the week end. Miss Lillian Kibler, of Newberry, who has been on a visit to hef Ulster, Mrs. Frank Chapman, left Monday on a visit to Aiken. Born to Mr.' and Mrs. W. T. Dempster, on June 30th, a son. The little fellow has been named Thomas James Dempster. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hallet and children,, of Paw Creek, N. C., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lindsay this week. Mr.. Amette Ledford has returned & Fla., after spending* nia vacation with his mother in Lake :.VJ*w E> B?y?ton, of 13 West Frances avenue. She has bved in Tampa all her life and is a graduate of Hillsborough high School For the last year she has been secretary to the principal of the W. jj" Henderson school. ' , Mr Adams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Adams, 802 Wost Francea avenue. He has lived in Tampa for the last three years, coming original! lira T =t,anU- He i" connected with the Smith Chevrolet Company/ The above la taken from the Tampa Tribune of June 30th, and will be of interest to many, the young lady being born m Camden where her parent, resided for a number of years. J Eastern Star Entertained Members of the local chapter of llwhtrf SUr 4njoyed a V?F de ghtful outing oft the Fourth when they spent the day at Wateree ?a the" guests of Mr. Hoffman, wtw dam is an ideal place and a favorite one for a p,cnic and here lunch w*a served the visitors. ' " 5 * ?- - If x SOUT^i CAROLINA NEWS ' iV " _ m??KeaMeXiCa" 868,1 beetle ? doing much damage in South Carolina now Ln Nowborry^a^d York county, with several other coum R 2?*^ 8everely 'rom the pert. Robert Browning, a 23-year-old rff " ? * ???. had his right iini to hU ef ntyterious explosion to Ma, car near Oner on the Piedmont and Northern riilfoad- He wa. unconscious 'for . dayV two after the casualty in a hospital-at; Chiak Springs, while express com fleers tried to explain the^eSS^ The explosion blew out the. doormdf the express car in which was nobodv Mon-T He Monro^ N. c. Later it was "found ha lighted a piece of fireworks loose in | Adeline Barnett Prioa 1 found dying at the j?t 1 Oliff near Marshall, N. C.> and the coronet jury found that she w*. a ssiSIIlp hwt 35 yearai^d. P *r* om".~.C X ?> y?rf churT mambar ? *? ?* Qitfti-Stinss OuMI Jam [MlP\kAHtf r I Marly Morning Fire Burns New York Cafe Fireman at five o'clock Wednes I (lay morning entered the New York Kafe on DeKalb street where flames in the kitchen were for h while threatening this section of the city J with one of its most serious fires, ihe fire originated, according to >ehef of fire department officials, from an overheated or defective oil stove which had been permitted to I >ui n all night beneath a coffee urn. Damage to furniture and fixtures from smoke and water in addition to the toll by fire is expected to run around $2,000, according to Gus Michotes, owner and manager of the cafe, with insurance It is said amounting to $2,000. UK A DEI) FOR RICHB8 Man Who Shot Up Virginia Court House Now Cashing In Danville, Va.-*idna Allen, a participant in the Hillsville horror many I years ago and who comparatively recently emerged from the penitentiary, is already on the way to pros*! perity. Penniless when he started life over again, his fortune dissipated in the long legal fight, he had just refused an offer of $100,000 in New York and will, according to luminaries in showmanship, be worth $500 000 in five years. Allen has virtually no stock in trade except himself. He carries a specimen of wood work done in the penitentiary, which he displays. He I makes a short talk and has capitalI ized his being at the expense of public curiosity. He has already earned sufficient to buy a home and is relatively speaking on "easy street." These facts were given today by liobt. George, of Pittsylvania, who has become interested in Allen. ^Pressed for details of the $100,000 he said that it was a boni fide offer for that aifioUn't. A furniture iVTahtK facturer wants Allen to ente'r a years contract with him and go where he is told to go. Allen spurned the offer until he could imeet the man at close quarters and he is now headed north | planning to stop at various places on the way to reap in the quarters He has already toured Virginia, North I Carolina, South Carolina, West VirIginia and part of Maryland. The I further he goes, George claims, the i||]arger is public interest. J- Allen developed the idea himself. He is a modest, retiring man and is the very antithesis of the wild mountain man with a two-gun tendency as he was depicted at the time pistols snjoked in the Hillsville courtroom. He opened his first venture here and succeeded. Tfien he entered a contract -with a travelling show company. The small tent was a big hit. Now, rival carnival companies are bidding freely for him. ; ^Thirty or more persons were more or less injured in a street car collision in Chicago <^n Sunday afternoon. Several children were trampled by the panicky crowd. V- ?Death of /, A. Shaw profound regret that we Cronicle this week the death of John ilf? ' fu.ther ?of W A- Shaw, as latant cashier of the Peoples Bank, ?? occu?rt; and M. B. Gunthune, and the remains were rought to Kershaw by motor hearse ^ the CeU?l6" Kex^aw-BeSune highway,*his?fath? senna mauler came to make their IGfff ^ ^b?,re th?y dwelt Until mort recently, when Mr. W. A. JB?w_and family removed to their Preegit borne near the Pisgah high 22m. t!^ok h!8 father and ^ *? m*ke-their homo . ^ithhim there also. Mr. Shaw was A food am in ever* sense. He was eymhmr of Shiloh Methodist church ^hristhm Hfe. JjvMig his fellowmen and being lovedSrJfS??c^d ?' ^em. His life wgA; unpretentious, but won the mA respect of all his friends Wis latter years were heaira,, and for the past two 1181)1 cl?aely to his y*r ten days prior to his wor8e gradually _*****" the end came Monday ! jutenjoen. This large attendance at ne ?orvice at the home and fr. , and the many beautiful floral tributes testified of the an*[ friendship felt for him.?'z -4 ^ ".Urn. - * * ' ?uaL JfOHCB OP BIDS **H-be received on Aug. dth, JJJJ* regular meeting of City. J^refor Lea#e ^P?1* House -sMwmMfnTr' rt iNfr Community Picnic at Lugoff * i - . . . .4 . , The women belonging to the home demonstration plubs of Kershaw county will camp at Lugoff school house from Tuesday, July 10, to Thursday afternoon, July 12. In order that the people of the community may meet these visitors an aftertiooh picnic has been planned for Wednesday, July 11, at 6 p.m. All members of the local home demonstration club and all men, women and children of the community are invited to bring fried chicken and sandwiches and have supper together at Lugoff school house. The members of the home demonstration c;ub will furnish cake and lemonade. Mr. A. S. Llewellyn of Camden I will have a few words to say at this picnic flnd there will be delegates from the Rotary club of Camden and the Camden Chamber of (Commerce. Mrs. S. 0. Plowden, district agent, and Miss Marian Burgess will have charge of the music and games for the afternoon. It is hoped that a large crowd will attend this picnic. 'In case of rain, come, as the school house can accommodate all and the campers will be expecting you. Col. O. R. Cole, for the last fotir' years commandant at Clemson college leaves there August 1, to the regret of everybody at Clemson. He will return to active duty with troops in abcordanco with the rule of tha wdf'department. Commandery To Meet n-nr***. A stated conclave Camden Commandery No. 12, will be held Tuesday evening, July 10th, at which time the Order of the Temple will be conferred. Account the weather being so warm the Sir Knights are requested ,to wear chapeau, belt and sword only. All Sir Knights are requested to be present. < W. E. NETTLES, E. C. J. E- RO"9S, Recorder p? A Mighty Good ^Bank to Deal With" ^3ne customer tells anothcnuMlthAt'i bow moft of our Mwdeporitoa come to os? + ? The Bank of Camden Resources More Than a Million i*== ( ' fc' ' Tlrlffr ik Jl JEpisL feed is the best beverage hot weather.; . Serve it today I % To FLORIDA Also I M I ; ' SffANNA# %ND HAVANAW I I Savannah Jacksonville TaW^a jfjft ^Ciami I 1 Camden.. $5.00 $10.50 $18,00 .a. $20.60 I I Oharlestolf jffii..........5.00 8.50 16:0r*' 18.60 I Columbia '.mi 5.00 10.00 17.50 20.00 I I Darlingtbjftsi...;:.... 7.00 10.50 18.00 20.50 I Denmark ..i........;. 4.00 < 8.50 16.00V 18.60 Fioreac.fe 7.oo 10.50 18.00 20.50 I 1 JHartsvilflfe ??........... 7.00 10.50 18.00 20.50 mark, $411.26; from Cheraw $46.76; from Columbia aonville Beach, Ocala, Daytona, St. Augustine, JulyI 22; Key'West, July 90; Havana, August 2; other destinations July 26, 1928. H. ? . 4; ,,^ H All tickets good in Pullman cars upon payment I I Pullman fares. , "* Pdr further information, apply Ticket Agent.