The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, July 06, 1928, Image 4

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THE CAMDENCHRGNiCLE H. I). NILR8. Bdlur and Publisher Published every Friday at No. J I0? j Broad Street and entfrvd at the Camden. South Carolina poatoffice aa second clftas mail matter. Price per annum 12.00, payable in aHv.xhce. Camden. S. C, Friday, June tt, 1928. ;:_(T a TT !C 0C 62 82 LI 92 XI VI CI XI \Z OZ 61 HI LI 91 St H tl l\ II 01 6 H L 9 fit t I ISL ISL J3L Ml>L J2SL 31 I 8161 ATOf 8261 Dinrovered by ThemaelveH An unhappy npectaeU; wa? the .South Carolina delegation in Houaton and delegate C. N. Sapp told hia aaaocinten of their plight: "Tha South (Carolina delegation him been shown no attention by any delegation nor baa it been naked to ait in any caucus." Setter had the delegated stayed at home?better for their comfort, better for their aelfeateem. They diJ not count in the gathering, no one noticed them, their presence was not felt and their abaeikce was not missed. "Outside the activities of Senator Wlvaae on the resolutions committee," the Associated Press correspondent says, "and Governor Richards Jn the 'dry' caucuses and rally today the delegation has been inactive." The convention had to give the delegation places on the committees. The convention could not avoid that. Mr. Sapp preceived that- among fortyeight states South Carolina's place was ignominious, and he dares, in substance, to say so. This distressful condition was not explained by the "dryness" of the delegation. Was it very, very "dry"? It is doubtful if instructions were seriously thought of by a majority of the delegates. Indications are that eight members wished to support Governor Smith, but their hands were tied by the nine and not all of the nine are "bono dry." When this vote was hud, Senator Please was absent, in committee. He had announced publicly that he was voting "dry," in deference to his state, but that he was "personally against prohibition." In that is a clue to the standing, or want of it, that the delegation had in Houston, for Mr. Please and Governor Richards were looked upon as its leaders. Anyway, they were vocal. Nor was it antagonism to Smith that reduced the South Carolina delegation to the lowly point that it failed even to raise a laugh at itself. < arter (ilass and the Virginians were n?>t ignored. Daniels und the North (Inroliniana, hopeless minority thnt they were, commanded respect. Texas, Florida, Tennessee were n-t forgotten. Governor Moody had attention. Mississippi found its wa> into the picture with hairs n: leading the Missisaippians. Who led the South Carolininas? In "Houston they were not discovered, except by themselves. Vet it is possible that South Carolinians are content with the represen tntion that they had. The leaders may be returning heroes, and fortyseven other states do not care. South Carolina's trouble is of the "head, not of the heart.--Charleston New * and Courier. t':imp Jackson, at Columbiu. i> al ready a busy place with preparation for the 8.500 National Guardsmen hum /hut states who will begin the *uieampmen! of the 301 h division Via re next Sunday. The war department : ? spending $600,000 making the camp ready for the soldiers of the two Carolina*, Georgia and Tennessee The troops will be reviewed by Assistant Secretary of War Robbins and the four governors. < NOTICE TO CANDIDATES. Notice is hereby given that all candidates desiring to offer for n 'initiation in the Deniocrati primaries of Kershaw county must announce on or before Wednesday, July "5, or b debarred from running for office Official announcement as constiuei by the executive committee in r- nt meeting must be mnde by tjje , .! date through at least one of the newspapers published in K.c;.-:iuw county. Members of the executive committee should see that the enr ?1 r <>!it books for the respective clubs u> available 1 corrections and ad litions by voter- and where new i'.-.k* are needed the committeeman Ol club secretary should immediately advise the county chairman. Only in cases where the etirollnien' books have become lost or destroy-\ since the last election are new book required. Particular attention i oalhsi to the rule that no additions t the club roll will be permitted afte Tuesday. July 24. The executive committee will me.Saturday. July 28, to zuuue a&aess ments upon candidates to the respec tive offices. J. F. McDOWEDL, County Chairman. M. L. _9MITH, JR., . Secretary. ? ? - ... -- ?rr.- ? ? - - - - IN THK CAROLINA* Itciuit Of Iutrre?t (ile?n#d From the I'apt-rs of Two 8tate? ? Hoy Tucker, a lB-ycar-old boy of Hickory, was drowned in I>uke Hick* ory while pluylng in the "water with another boy, and the body was foutnl a day later, by expert diver* in 20 feet of After hook* and dynamite had railed to rtfUe the body. Jack White, a Gaxtonia young man, wax shot in the back and severely wounded by a drunken stranger at Edgemont where a Ga*toni# party of young men wort .Camped. He i* in |the hospital serhyunly wounded, but will recover. Nothing preceded the shooting which wa? wanton firearms practice. R. MoCants Andrews, of Durham, the first negro rVer to appear as an attorney in a G^etonia county court, tried a case at Gattonia this week and won it. It was about a disputed lifo insurance claim';'* Andrews is a dapper little negro with pointed goatee and sideburns, who faced the judg^ with composure and self reliance, held his own well in the sparring of the attorneys, his opponents being two prominent white lawyers, and made a good impression generally. In the argument to the jury, he stood as far back from the jury box as ho could, stood still and urgued in even, low, respectful tones. He has been an attorney for several years. Robert Bullin, of Statesville, 18 years old, disappeared, wrote his parents and young wife he would drown himself in the Catawba river below Charlotte where his body might be found, went to the Belmont road bridge and leaned over the railing, but could not get to the point of jumping and somebody yelled at him and drove him away. In the meantime his kin frantically searched for him and his body for three days. Wednesday night, he walked into his home worn out, and later told about his travels. He caught a ride into South Carolina from the bridge and then went by rail to Atlanta, stayed at u hotel nil night and next day started home by humming automobile rides, going via Charlotte. At home he said he had been crazy as a bat and was joyous that he had not committed suicide. Three persons were killed on a golf course at Clinton, Iowa, Sunday when un airplane crashed on the golf course. I>r. John H. Mott, for 40 years head of Y. M. C. A. work in the United States, has resigned, the resignation to become effective October 1st. He will become president of the International Missionary council. *U L Ml II a, II II CggB?? live South Carolina state music memory contest was held at Winthrop college with entrants from ell over the state. The ft rat examination was for the grammar grade pupils and war won hy Robert Mooney, of Stupter, witli Miaa Elizabeth Tester, of Marlboro county second, and Miaa Ann Howe, of Aehiey llaii, Charieston thud. In the high school dWiaion, James Hill, of Hartaville, won I first place, Frances Hopkina, of Oco nee county, second, and Oavid Beatty, of Anderson, third. Prohibition forces have started a real campaign to shut up the night clubs and cafes erf New York city which sell intoxicating beverages The officials are using the "pad lock" method of closing the thirst joints. Claims l'uMH?d by the Board of County Directors, May 1, 1928. Clyburn Motor Co., supplies . . $17.60 W. D. Grlgaby, M. D., Examination Lillian Brown 5.00 Peoples Meat Market, supplies 113.7H A. B. Whitaker, 40.26 bu. corn. . 40.26 McDonald Service Station, gas, oil. etc 20.63 F. N. Gay, road work 3.00 Kershaw Merc. & Banking Co. supplies 204.22 C. H. Truesdale, lumber 272.43 T. C. Jones, 17 1-4 bu. corn ,.. 17.25 Bank of Kershaw, printing county check book 16.75 Th rentt-Carson Co., oats, hay and tools 60.30 C. A. Johnson, salaries, guards, and supplies 505.25 Gulf Refining Co., pas and oil 294.47 J. A. Thome, salaries self and tractor driver 246.17 Blaney Mercantile Co., gas and nails 6.6'J H. E. Munn, salary Roud Superintendent 125,00 S. W. Rose, services bridge keeper 100.00 S. W. Hogue, Treas., int. on DeKalb Bonds & Commission 1183.65 C. W. Birohmore, publishing directors' report 8.00 W. L. McDowell, salary 50.00 M. II. Deal, salary bridge foreman 125.00 No-N'ox Service Station, gas, oil etc 180:55 Mcleod-Rush Co., groceries & meati* v, .. 342.44 Lomansky Bros., rubber boots and repairing shoes 23.00 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. telephone rental 48.70 Lena *M. Lineberger, salary April 75.00 G. W. Huggins & Son, blacksmith work 2.65 John M. Villepigue & Co., coal 73.25 G. F. Cooley, salary Deputy | Sheriff 125.00 | Walter Jacobs or bearer, salary Janitor (March) 40.00 Walter Jacobs or bearer, salary ; Janitor (April) 40.01) W. F. Russell, salary coroner . . City Water & Light Dept., i water and lights 27.09 Arthur Smith, 2 blarjkets and one coffin 25.50 J. W. Sanders, salary and travel 91.60 J. M. Moseley, salaries and wages guards and supplies.. 514.50 Dr. W. C. Twttty, 88 i-8 +*> corn 28.13 Welsh Motor Company, auto parts, labor and garage rent (32.11 Dr. J. T. Hay. post mortem examination Willie Kitt ..... 5.00 T. B. MuClain, 400 lbs. carbide 2(5.00 Aussie West, salary bridge keeper 100.00 Alma M. Burgess, salary and tlllVCi ' The National Cash Register Co., ticket rolls, etc 4.40 1 Rhame Bros., Jnc., groceries hay, oats, plow points 242.30 | Workman <? Mackey, 30.1 bu. coin - 30.10 i I. B. X)gburn, salary bridge keeper 100.00 S. P. Watkins or bearer, salary and expenses 155.00 !(', P. Hilton or bearer, salary and expenses 156.00 B. K. Sparrow or bearer, salj ury and stamps 5(5.05 13 E. Sparrow or bearer, clerk's salary Mur. & April 60.00 C. B. DeBruhl or bearer, salary and exj>ensea 155.00 R. M. Ford or bearer, salary and expenses , 155.00 S. W. Hogue, Treas., court' voucher. 3.00 J. Team Gettys, salary, stamps and paper clips 117.76 S. W. Hogue, salaries self and clerk, and stamps 81.65 J. L. Guy, 1482 feet lumber . . . 61.87 N. H. Summers, parts for Sunbury grader 125.50 The Berger Mfg. Co., galvan- . ized culverts 2486.84 F. B. Truesdale, groceries and supplies 268.62 J. H. MoLeod, salaries self and jail janitor, expenses, telephone bill, and serving papers v870.16 Mackey Mercantile Co., hardware supplies 31.85 Carolina Motor Co., Inc., gas oil, tires, etc ". "163.01 B. M. Smith, salary magistrate 75.00 H. E. Munn or bearer, drafts | paid by Bank of Camden . . 769.96 j Standard Oil Company, gas and oil 1236.76 I The R. L. Bryan Co., office I supplies 25.37 : DeKalb Grocery and Meat Market, meat 30.40 City Filling Station, gas and oil. tubes etc 168.08 Wolre-Kichel Co., clothing .... 15.60 Burns & Barrett, hardware supplies 125.10 Laurens T. Mills, salary Clerk and poor fund 300.00 ; J. B. Brown, damages to car on road in Kershaw county . . 5.00 TOTAL $13,380.54 LAURENIS T. MILLS, Clerk. i r stai t'-: of the democratic party ' | ALFRED EMANUEL 4 SMITH JOSEPH T. ROBINSON | Wants?For Sale ! | FOR SALE?Two good milk cows. Come at once if you need a tine cow. W. A. Edwards, DeKalb, S. C. 15sb WANTED TO RENT?Want three rooms suitable for light house keeping, Telephone 309-W. 15 pd. PIGS FOR SALE?Pure bred Berkshire pigs, eight weeks old. Mother took first prize with litter at KershHW County Pair last fall. Sired by Clemson College boar. Apply to H. B. Gaskin. route 1, Kershaw, S. C. 14-16 pd. FOR SALE ?Light four-cylinder touring car in good condition. Very?. reasonable for cash. - "Telephonerk% ~ Camden, S. C. 15 sb. FOR RENT?Six room house on Union street. Apply Chronicle Office, Camden, S. C. 12 sb. FOR RENT?One five room house on Lyttteton street known as the Gibbes house. Apply to F. M. Zemp at Zeorp & DePass, Telephone 95, Camden, S. C. 13-15 sb. 1 FOR SALE?Oats in the sheafs. Heavy heads. Apply to Barney Cookv at Gutgnard Farms, Cam- < don, S. C. 13-15 sb. ICE FOR SALE?Day and night, Camden Ice Company Service StA- , tion, corner Market and DeKalb streets. Will offer ice for sale day and night until October 1, 1928. Haynes the Ice man, Camden, S. C. 13-15 pd. FOR RENT?House on East Walnut Street, five rooms and bath. Possession Jane 15th. Apply 1119 Pickens St., Colombia, S. C. 9 tf. FOR RENT?One five room house on Laurens street. Apply to M. H. Heyman, Camden, S. C. . 9tf. CARPENTERING?John S. Myers, phone 268, 812 Qhurch Street, ^Camden, S. C., will give satis factory service to all for tSjfl ; 0 I carpenter work, BmH general repair**, 3crcenbg ?j* making and . repairing furtfi^H M^r workmanship' is my 1 solicit your patronage. ing you in advance. < jH FOB? shoe Rfep-Aiiwraws^ni fl Red Boot Shop next door to ; press office. A. Ml J0$fE3,h^B FOR RHNT?4 room house oi lfl Street. L. A. Wittkowsky, CM den, S. C. ! CURTAMWS STRftTCHm-Au j wishing curtains stretched apply at 904 Campbell StM Prices reasonable^ t A v - H WANTED?No.-1 sine log. Hijfl cash prfeaa paid; year rouniB mand. Sumter Planing KOfl Lumbeu Go., Attention E. S. Sumter, S. C. MONEY TO LOAN?At shtM half cent interest on.^H city veal estate. Apply Savagsv Jr.r Camdea, $( FOR SALK?iFirSt bvaiM of Court House, on Lufl nue, six rooms, alt wM veniences, price all A'H 111 terms. Address D. V. JMjl on'a Grocery, Camden, St "V N* CMV REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE;H3 t FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ( AMI* At CAMJ>1<)N, IN TH? HTATB OF 80UTH CAROLINA AT tu? 1 OF BU8INEaaj0NjriWB^7?88. Resources Losiib and ducounU, including reuisuuuiiis , .. . . h J Overdrafts: secured, none; unsecured, $924.97 . ' U. 8. Hondo deposited to secure circulation (par value>50,000oo AH other United States Government Securities 3,70000 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. Banking house, $29,858.26; furniture and fixtures, $8,962.i>2 }}^B' Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash la vault and amount due from national banks Net amount due from State banks a,nd bankers .JJ9 Checks on other banks in the same city .. Total of last three items 160.l08.a2 Miscellaneous cash items , 4,100.16 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer jjH, Other assets Liabilities. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund ' Undivided profits $32,718.08 Less current expenses, Interest, au4 taxes paid .. 15,920.58 uJfl Circulating notes outstanding 29 Cashiers checks outstanding' ]' Dividend checks outstanding^ v \..i Total of last two items , 3,369.02 ' Demand Deposits: .. i.. . Individual deposits subject to check State, county or municipal deposits secere^bjr pledge ^^9 of assets of this bank . , Total demand deposits ; 212,519,12 Time Deposits: t Savings deposits (Including time certificates of deposit other than for money borrowed) Postal savings deposits - Total of time deposits ' 422,134.43 *^B Bills Payable ti Notes and bills rediscounted ' Liabilities other than those above stated a ! Btats of South Caroline, County ol Kershaw. I, 8. W. VanLandingham, Cashier of _ the above named BtB | solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my h3 and belief. 8. W, VanLANOJ^UHAty^^B Subscribed and sworn to before me tfeis 3rd duy of July, 1928. Cowect?Attest: R. T. GOOD ALE. 9 C. J. SHANNON, JR. Nbfca*y L. A. WITTKOWSKY Directors. *J9 JOHN T. MACKEY, ^9 U,-."" -^ir^B ' ' I SwUhern Grocery jtore?r3i^^? TCTF CV'CTCA Half Pound 42?,M LliI LL I i3 1 LA Quarter Pouiid22|? 1 A Dn DOMINO V:F:: ; I AM LAI\U COMPOUND 4b =?|? CHIPSO 3 Pkg?. 25c| GOLD LABEL COFFEE lb. 48t| STAR N APTH A Washing Powder, 3 forHg P & G Laundry Soap 3 for 1J CUCQUOT ClUB GINGER ALE TiiPaiil >ji MATCHES Anywhere 3 Pkg" beans& 3 for 25c| Tomatoes 3 *?r FRESH VEGETABLES 1 Lettuce * . Cantaloup*1? White Potatoes Squash :.a