The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 11, 1928, Image 7

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I stares foCIETY NEWS B Club Meetings:. i iiwuwnipniTrs^pT -;-ii mother V * , I have a grey-haired mother the ol<l .h?>me for away, lowii and write the letter u put off day by day. B wait until her tired steps Kch Heaven's pearly gate Ktow her that you think of her, Korc it ir too fate. Bu've a tender message |a loving word to aay, wait till you forget it |t whisper it today. knows what bitter memories By. haunt you if you wait ? Kakc your loved ones happy? / Bore it is too late. live but in the present Bp future is unknown; Krrow is a mystery? Kay is all our own. Khanc* that fortune leade to y vanish while yon wait, B>end your life's rieh pleasure fere it is tOO late. W 5:it,. | |tender words unspoken K letters never sent, Bong-forgotten messages, Be wealth of love unspent; Khesd some hearts are breaking, Br these some loVed ones wait, Kow them that you love them? Bjfore it is too late. ? ? . i i i % .1 i .. i Next Sunday Mother** Day Hsens of the nation will on next Bay, May 13, observe the day as Ber's Day. It is presumed that Bay will be ohserved in an apBiate manner by the citizens of Ben and the county in genera!.. Bur mother has ?gone to her reB wear a white rose or some othBite flower; and if living a red Br is to be worn. Hajor Von Tresckow Was Host Bjor E. C. Von Tresckow deBully entertained on Wednesday Hng with a banquet at Tholmas' Be Shop in honor of the charter Bers of the Kershaw Guards. Bguest.- were only those who first B up the personnel of this comB. Those present, besides Major Tresckow, included Messrs. L..,T. B, K. M. Kennedy, W. L. Rush, B McLeod, Ney Billings, and Dr. Bs. R. G. Rabb and little son reBed to Charleston Thursday after extended visit to Mr. and Mni. By G. Brown. They were jgflM. Bed home by Mrs. ChattSs^SUlhMajestic Program ^B*3:30 p. m. Night 8:00 and 9:30 p. m. Friday, May 11 r . ^B<AUGH CLOWN LAUGH" ^Bring Lon Chaney in his great cture to date. The man of a ml faces adds another im *me portrait to his screen ^^ ements. Here is an unusual masterfully acted <by the great> W <m*r?eters. (Superbly directed B^^ 8re,mon the man who I ^?au Geste" and "SorreH and ^Ba.. lso (",n?iy. Charlie Chase y For Nothing." ?'Tu^at,uniay' 12 THE I l i ANI) RIDE3R" Bring Ken Mnynard. m^y and Tuesday, May 14-15 B "BEN HURw ale Of Christ by Gen. Lew Wal Marring Ramon Novarro, Bet onson, May McAvoy and many noted star: in the world's great?now. Three years in the roak a cost of over $4,000,000, with L of loO.OOO. The greatest picB,?f all time. Whirl with jfen B hrough the death daring chariot hotif WIth him in thrilling battle, ?.t. the worker of a and and one glamorouA breath * **"?* special Note. Thii E tl\\ us more W- other . we have ever shown in ?en.andwe hope thai the people Bbv W1 show their appreclaE? ltfn l? the world's greatBe lo ,u r? Newe.- 4)ne W .length of this picture we will 3 3n : : nances daily. Mat turn an ni?ht 8h0W 8:00 P- WB evervTry woman and Bp, A ic should see. Adults BSl 5,'!' "f?- We hav-e ?"anged . u Picture for the above the ?v, at ev?rJrone wBUatK^owmg ?f y8 jnosf talked of picture. I ^dneSaV tt&V* ~ Bnor GlHEi MAD JB?^' K L ..'! } n^peateit. heart drama B includ, a J?^r' witk an a11 eta* B^ 'uding Ahce White,": Lotoell pn, urry Kent and' Sally the full '""if M?d Hour"? Bree to, i n\^?n flrat cornea over E4 ^yhen the nigfet club Kce*' nVS at J** m08t entrantB the 1R there another hour Ber" if, '.?>' ""I Love Yoo W j *,, I^ut the heart save, iost B of 'modVou>11 5^ 5? *n?wer In l^naad^-ywft. Also l^^^rMay 17 T^K actrbbs^ ^h ^avHdful Nor*A Shearer Bf "lihe ST" jS* Jg? ^ PERSONAL NEWS NOTES Mr. ?nd Mr*. J. C, JRolUags ...J little son, ami Mrs. Rolling*' Mother, Mis. hlicsbeth K. Huey, went to Lancaster Sunday afternoon to at. tend the funeral of Mrs. Huey,'* niece, Mrs. Margaret L. Hood, who diedjn Miami, Fia., Thursday uight. M|?. John S. Lindsay is on a visit to relatives Chester. Tom Sparrow, of Auburn, Alabama, is at home for a short stay. News has been received in Camden of the birtlf of a eon on May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reed, formerly of t,hia city, but now residing in Orangeburg, 'A* C. Mrs. Ella Hough left last week for a three,weeks atay with her son, who is ill in a Norfolk hospital. After leavng Norfolk ahe will go to other northern point# for the summer. The many friends of Mr. W. H. I Vane pf the Mackey Mercantile Company, were pleased to see him at! hi* place of business for a few hours Thursday, after being confined to his home by illness for a month. Mr, and Kg,- T. C. Gladden were visitors, in Florence Sunday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. W. .S. .Worrell, of Florence, who will be their guest for the week. Miss Elizabeth Clarke, of Darlington, wae the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs, V, W. Clarice. Mrs. . Walker M-cFadden and little daughter apfnt the week end with her parents ?t (Prosperity. /Miss Alberta 1 Team of Columbia, was the Week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boykin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hoffer and children visited relatives at Fayettesville, N? C., Sunday. While there they were among the 80,000 people who witnessed the air maneuvers of the one hundred or more army planes. Mr. Hoffer tells us that the numbers of automobiles parked was so great it was almost impossible to drive near the field at Camp Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Herbert Zemp and baby, of Bessemer City, N. C., were the guests of Mrs. Zerap's aunt, Mrs. R. W. White for the week-end. Officer's Club Meets On Wednesday evening the Officers and Non-commissioned Officers Club of the Kershaw Guards honored the rifle squad of this company with a banquet at Thomas' Coffee Shop; After the business of the meeting was transacted the evening was entirely a social one. Plans were completed for the. part the guardsmen took in the Memorial ~Day 'exercises. Miss Yates Entertains Miss Ethel Yates entertained with three tables df bridge on Wednesday evening, honoring Mrs. Buist Kerrison, of Charleston. The guest *of honor wqn the top score prize and Mr. Blakeney Zomp was the winner of the gentlemen's prize. Punch was Served throughout the evening and at the conclusion of the game the1, guests enjoyed a delightful sweet course. r. j09 mm ' * ' ' ;-p , i, ; r Dr. Humphries Was Hoat The (monthly meeting of the Kershaw County Medical Association was entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at the Palmetto,Tea Room on DeKalb street, Dr. A. W. Humphriea being the host. A representative nntnber membership was present ami * fery pleasant evening was spenL ,:dpr, J. Harvey McLure, of Bfshopvjlle, was a guest of the occasion and delighted all with a very instructive and inspiring paper.. Everyone feels indebted to him for his helpful suggestions to the members of t)? profession. A very tempting menu was served in most acceptable style by Mrs. ' Ernest Wooten and her efficient helpers. i Such servicef; should evjr warrant the support and -patronage of any individual or organisation; The next monthly meeting will be . with Dr^. Carl _A. West. Club Met With b4r. and Mrs. Hay The Tuesday Evening Bridge Club met tids week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Thorftw^H HiVi-Jr.j at their htome on Fpir Street. Supper was served at eight O'clock. Latyr the guest* retired to the living foom where tables w?r* arranged ^for tb. ?***. Mrs. ' Chapmafi Be nett gold top^scnm^fo; j the evening. The substitutes were * Mr. ami Mrs: Bonnie Smith. - ,-,-a , I I . > I II I The Troy Cotton and Wollen Manu'? factory, Inc., of Fall River, Mass., is to move its mills to WaycroaS, Ga., ' after completion of negotiations for 1 a suitable site. v\ The British supply ship Bacchus f reached England Saturday safely after its collision WHh the Greek h steamer Igannis FstfaHoe. Tan Greek sailors were drowned and two others i died after having been picked up fOL ' lowing thr collision. The warship } -wan once abandoned, but the w?tdr[ -tight compartments hoMlng tM-ahlp I continued to float and was again *7 ?* ** ? *? v.T ,'V" ; SOUTH CAROLINA NHW8 The boy# of Gaffney collected 68,800 empty tin cans for small prisma offered by the city health officer. The sweepstake^ winner brought in 4,100 csna. r A little boy six years old was killed when** lumber pile fell on him in Columbia while he was playing with other children. He was the eon of L. N. Bartlett. The largest electrical sign in the Southeast has been installed on a hlcachery plant nine miles north of Greenville. Tt is 866 feet long and uses 10,400 watts of electrical current. It is on the main line ou the Southern railroad. Major Julian W. Culler of the Spanish-American volunteers, was buried at Orangeburg Wednesday. He died after a short illness. He was in the Second regiment IS. C. N, G., and after his war service wa| in the auditor's office and banks. He was 56 year* old. The unveiing of a tablet to the unknown dead soldier in SpringwooJ cemetery at Greenville on Memorial day will be featured by uddresses by Mayor Dean and Dr. Frank K. Pool, professor of religious education at j Furman university. The Greenville U. D. C. sponsor the exercises. In the straw vote of the Greenville Piedmont, .Senator Cole L. Blouse led the fjeld for Democratic nomination for president with 1,121 votes to 893 for A1 Smith, a bad second. Reed came next with 69 and Walsh fourth with 50, fifteen other men, including Will Rogers, being voted for more or 1088. rIii Greenville, which is almost as rebellious about Sunday observance jlaws as is Charleston, Governor Richards has appointed a state constable and detective who will act directly under orders from the governor. He is Big Joe Robinson, born and reared there, auctioneer and realtor, veteran of the Spanish-American war and reputed to be effective. This increases the state constabulary to an even dozen. The new \>ne will have hendquarters in Greenville and work there principally. Q | A. E. Jones, a Greenville man serving five months on the chain gang for bootlegging, ran under a falling tree the gang was cutting down and had his leg broken above the ankle. | At the university of North Carolina, 272 students made the honor roll last quarter as compared with 234 for the preceding qdarter. To make the honor roll, a student must [average 90 to 95 p*?r ,?ent., and last [quarter 25 students made 95 to 190 reer^xenL-ipuall their studies. The palm for the youngest mayor seems to have been passed to McBee, |<klnce Bennett L. Bailey, aged 22, beat tat Tuesday's election T. A. Horton who has been ' mayor for a dozen years, by a large majority. Three old wardens were re-elected and one new ode won out. Mrs, P. L. Leonard, of Charlotte, received two anonymous letters threatening to treat her 11 year-old (daughter "like Hickman done Marian. Police made every effort to discover the writer of . the letters which seem connected with her proposed opening of a dry cleaning place in Lincolnton by her husband who is stepfather to the child. The I daughter is being kept from school and under constant surveillance. The police thirik it is only , a hoax by a negro maid who claimed to. have found two letters in the mail box I and . to have been cursed on the tele* phone. * 1 NHf r r~ I 1 1 b lor j Molliers Day dmvL/ e mnembrmct I 1 L-'* v. Ssg! \/x: y OU know how Mother is! She likes to be able to letp whatever you give her, to cher? kh-ft and treasure ft just ba- -? cause it's from you.... That is why sterling silver is the perfect j - Mother* Boy remembrance.- ,-it- ?: J la*fa as long as memory fts|J|f- & and, it* everyday usefulnessonly ad^oltf WJMth Arid duKTflt. v Lovely-serving piece* In Inter national Sterling designs?Jdlf f *' servers, cbld meat forks, salted priced from $2.00 to $looo. And each piece is packed in a 'j- charmingly appropriate special A footer's Day Box. THE HOF JSjjwwUi i and Optometfiit* Camden,S. . < TT' v tz fT" rt .r : . ?1 . - '' :a ; ' ?-?rf; i i y? -) * Club Held Meeting With Mrs. J. E. Rush The Charlotte Thompson Homo Demonstration Club held its May meeting with Mrs. J. E. Rush and Miss May Rush, at their home, Thursday afternoon, May 3rd. In the absence of the president, Mrs, Paul Brown the regular programme was dispersed with and the meeting was an informal one. The attendance was good and this proved to be one of the moat delightful meetings of the year. iMis Burgess gave the club a lesson in.. Italian hemstitching, The members were i eager to learn. Much laughter and merriment were indulged in when the samples of work were exhibited and compared. To close this meeting, the hostesses served delicious chicken salad sandwiches, tea and cakes. The members will long remember this as one of the most delightful of all club meetings. The next meeting will be a social one and will be held with Mrs. A. J. Boykin at her home at the regular time in June. Mrs. Deas Boykias wiil represent the ciub at the State Short Course at Winthrop in June und will have charge of the July meeting. Met With Mrs. Nettles The inclement weather was not sufficient to lessen the zeal of the majority of the members of the Jphn D. Kennedy Chapter, U. D. C., who attended the monthly meeting for May at the home of Mrs. W. F. Nettles. Mrs. J. B. Cureton, the president presided. The preliminaries, such as the opdning prayer and adoption of i mimrfes ?ware disposed of, and then . matters 'of business were taken up. Chief among the latter were the | leugthly discussion and perfection of plans for the entertainment of the Confederate Veterans and the annual exercises at the cemetery on Memorial Day. The entire assembly was highly delighted in having with them for the meeting, Mrs. E. C. von Tresckow, who soon assured them that she was equally glad to be present and then very charmingly ,an<l instructively en tertained them by relating a few recent experiences abroad. Mrs. Leslie Zemp gave a very interesting report from the delegates to the District Convention at Lanqas 1 111 *' .1 1. 1 . . er. A copy of the book, "Women of the South in War Times," has been purchased and will be presented to the chapter historian to be used as reference. . ^ Afli enjoyable recitation "Little Orphan Annie," was given by Miss Lois Khame during the social hour. Delicious refreshments consisting of cream and cake were served by Misses. Olive Nettles and Lenora Khame. ? Mrs. Zemp Entertains On Saturday of last week Mrs. Blakeney Zemp entertained her bridge club and at the same time entertained in honor of Mrs. Buist Kerrison, of Charleston, by adding two tables to the regular number. Lavender was tlie predominating color used in the decorations. Lavender tallies also were used. '' After caids the hostess served an ice course followed by sweets. . Mrs. Leroy Springs, national Democratic committeewoman from South Carolina, will be Chairman of the delegate-seating committee at the Houston convention. 1 1 Celebrated Birthday Billie Vun l.undingham, son of Mi. und Mrs. S. \V. Van l.andinghum, celebrated his fifth birthday anniversary on Tuesday afternoon by inviting thirty-five of his little girl and boys friends to make merry with him. A color scheme of yellow und white was carried out. A large whito birthday cake aglow with yellow candles held its place in the center of tho table, yellow and white streamers were hung from the chandelier and caught at the four corners of the table. Crimea were played and then ice cream and cakes served the little tot*. Souvenirs of little bags of white and yellow containing candy were given each little guest. Cgasmodic Croup Often checked with 7- j\ one Application of / Vicka. Juat rub on v throat and cheat . Over rfrAbmoN Jars Used Yearly . IUL.L 1-W.m- I LJ?i- *: .!- - i'.l- ? 1 1-. -i-UI-UitlU "< 1 II i I I j REDUCTIONS 4? ON ALL STOCK Studio of Catherine Jiarris Goodale 1811 Fair Street - I When the mercury hits the top of the tube; try TcedanA fontet? 11 J||^V\l, the weather \tMy ?bilsC?? s ' vw _ __ ^ _ JL 'i ...* . ^ ^ "V-1 " 7'. '/ft '/" ' ' : 553j IWg yy r trr" | MOTHER'S 2)A1J I j Sunday, ITlay 13th 1 138 _ SI | " Saq it u?ith Floipers" j I jjfjj fi . - Wr i [2