The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 11, 1928, Image 5

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Dairy and Poultry Feed I 0 0 WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC I THAT IN ADDITION TO OUR LINE OF LARRO I FEEDS WE HAVE TAKEN ON THE HAPPY FEED I LINE OF POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS. THE I HAPPY FEED LINE NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION I TO CAMDEN. THE ONLY TROUBLE HAS BEEN I IN THE PAST THAT NO STORE BOUGHT THIS I LINE OF FEEDS IN CAR LOTS AND THEREFORE I COULD NOT GIVE THE RIGHT PRICES OR HAVE I IT CONTINOUSLY IN STOCK. WE WILL ALWAYS I KEEP THEIR ENTIRE LINE ON HAND. WE BUY I IT IN SOCH LARGE QUANTITIES THAT WE CAN I GIVE YOU THE LOWEST PRICES. I l| Springs & Shannon, Inc. I Camden. South Carolina I i ;55553ilii88S35i?5^ THIS MAN NEVER WALKED [hough He Wag a Genius and Made Many Tilings < Louisville, Ky., April 26>?C? Lee ook, 57, "the genius who never w^Jk1," died last night after a short illjss. Although an invalid .since he was ie year old, Mr. Cook 'was known iternationally for his achievements i a scholar, an inventor and an artt. He was an authority on law, mguages, history and art. Taken from school at seven beiuse his parents believed he would it live, Mr. Cook at eight had built I ! a steam engine that worked. For twelve yeard*he educated himself and worked on the,ayer&ge of seventeen hours a day at a lathe oFhis own design, producing a product from which he obtained money to continue his' work and experiments., ?.r,,! rfe invented a device tor locomotives to prevent the escape of steam from cylinders and the first engine equipped with it' ran 175,000 miles without repair. His metallic packing was used on vessels of the emergency fleet during the World War. He built lathes for shells and for heavy artillery under contracts for France. His oil paintings have been hung in mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmtmmrnmw0rnmMmrn | pronjinent art center* of the country and Europe. When one year old he was stricken I with muscular stagnation. When he was fourteen he developed curvature of the spine. Although beset by theajft handicaps he . worked seventeen hours a day continually, always in a wheel chair. < 1 In a recent magazine interview he declared his aim in life was to learn; more to help others. One nice thing about., a change in administration is that it gives all of the civic bodies and luncheon clubs a brand new sot of speakers.?Akron Beacon Journal. 1* cvt-Peying in China tla$ Humor cum Sid 3 Mary umuotug tales urt) told of ?|1 r fhul.les urisiug lu China from the un drill CUhIom which decrees Ilt;il e;?rii muii miiHi pay lit* debt* before tin huh rices <>u New Vent's nioruihw I'ructlcully every person In t'lihr. owes Home one else,- Mil trammellom being conducted tot the Imsls 1 lot 1 ??ii "?> evade pitying one* debt* nun* tlte new year, und It la not < t'hltir-i rait to pay a hill until payment mnbeen requested til least twice Thl* accounts ft>r the frttittU' huvte 'n which the men rush here und there frying at once to collect debt* ami avoid creditor*. If one cannot meet ids llnuneiui on ligations he must secure u new loun fioiu another person. and aw tiiere it no law, he may l?e forced Id puy ai? iiiKlt us AO per cent or more Interval I'o dun a debtor on New Year's day is not considered good foriu; heuce li not uncommon to see an ttnxlou* creditor carrying a lantern tu hroa\i daylight, seeking to tlnd his debtor, on Hie assumption that, because of hi* currying m light. If Is still the night before. Happy Is the uiun who can outwit Ills creditors during the Inst precious hours of the old year, for he may then null ulotig in peaceful, undisturbed waters for another year.?Iner Marks l.nwdermllk, in the Dearborn Inde pendent. Dog Formally Tried for Stealing Chicken loduy the satirists have plenty to weur themselves out on, but one thltu that does npt annoy them Is (lie trial of dogs for committing the crimp ot stealing chickens. Racine, the grea' French poet and dramutlst, whom w * loosely think of today us u. placid soui living In a plucld uge. sutlrlzed such a trial In his day. He portrayed the cuse of a dog accused of stealing and eating a capon which hud been scheduled to adorn somebody's dinner tublg. Racine paints a ludicrous picture Ip his pluj, "Lea I'laldeurs," which tneuns the attorneys, literally* "pleaders," of the dog before the Cdurt. The lawyers are us windy as ever they should be In such a case, -the Judge as doggedly intent on -Im* partiality. The dog Is condemned to the galleys, although what he would do In the gulleys Is u subject of won der. Perhaps he was sentenced to be u mascot. P.ut the lawyer for the dog hits upon the Idea of bringing before the court the dog's sous and da ugh feVs. a titter of puppies, "poor children that would be rendered orphans.' The Judge Is touched by this scene, for he also has children. The out come of the case Is not related. Proh ably the dog was "simply knocked on the head."?Kansas City Star. RlngFinger* For many centuries wedding ring" were worn on the thumb, and even us late as the reign of (Jeorge I It was the rule for brides, although the wed ding ring was placed on the tlnger now customary, to remove It, after the ceremony to the thumb. Ecclesiastical admonitions, however, hud the effect of bringing that somewhat queer cus torn to an end. It Is a pretty belief, but Incorrect, that the fourth tlnger of the left hand was chosen for the ring finger because from that a vein ran directly to the heart. The choice was for practical reasons?fn save the ring from tin"? necessary usage. Thnt also Is the cea son' for the ring being worn on the left hand. , . Harvettin? Almond ? ?.- Rut few people realize the trouble taken In the cultlvntloft of almonds. They are the most Important crop of the island of Majorca, where many varieties are cultivated, and the In Uustry Is so prosperous that old olive trees die they are replaced by almonds. t When the almonds are almost ripe they ?ra knocked off the branches by long bamboo pole* and then picked up' by women and children. The nuts are separated from tiff, bucks after dr* Ing. and the shells are then broken by hund or muchtnery and the kernels extracted. Real Womanhood Admired I know a woman who ta naturally thoroughly feminine, and has many of those gentle qualities which make men marvel. Suffrage has changed her somewhat: she has heard about het 7wrongs nntli ehe believes she has some, lu addition., ahe-ia 4 splutter. tnd somehow''holds the men resixmsl 1 hie for that?S1111. she has frcqiient I .-dashes of beautiful natural woman? bond, and jtbe men Jfl?a_ to hang around and admire net. There Is nothing the men admire so much as real womanhood; nothing they *0 - much dielike as the new flapper type ?B. W. llowe's Monthly " ;V Inject* ir. Dieguiee Inhere are beetles thai pic-tend to be wasps, and plenty of flies that try to imtin themselves o7 as unsavory ants. There la even a spider that assumes 1 he appearance of an ant sight it would seem that the f>f ss*lu. ?f eight tegs would be a bar to the flt*. guise, but, when ocruslon requires, up go the front pair of legs as eouoterfutt antennae, instances might?5* m?tltl|4iedr Doe 800th American fly 2w-hjch hrppvrn to ha first cleaa eating fines about trader a shield faablooed la 1 the of s highly lmHmijHi|t The "final" legal hanging- in Georgia is set for June 22, when Jim Bailey, negro, is to be hanged for the murder of Dan Carter, a turpentine operator, ten years ago. Bailey was convicted at Jesup, Ga., Friday and the Georgia electric chair law has no effect on crimes committed before its - A Philadelphia surgeon recently emoved a steel jacketed bullet from a World war soldier's lung, after the bullet had been there for ten years. The bullet was drawn from its lodgment in the lung by means of a powerful magnet and then removed through the mouth with forceps. , i ,'k i A 6-cent-to-f 1 chain of department tores is contemplated by the United Cigar Stores Co. and Schulte Retail Stores, Inc. . ^ .. G. Herb Palln, 61, originator of the slogans "Safety First" and "Eventually, Why Not Now?" died in Chicago. Cheating at cards brought prison sentences of three years each for Sidney Smith and Joseph Cohen, New .York card sharps. , T_ By consuming, 3 ^ quarts of soup John Damman was acclaimed champion soup drinker of Goodhue county, Minn. * "BEN HUR" World's Greatest Picture MAY 14th-lSth. " there are at the present time more ways of getting rid ofpfcxarge amount of money tms^bver tyfjpre and there still remains but one way of saving money, which is, not to spend it. The First National Bank 7t - , - iitov ri? ijouin v^aruima ?*.a ry , * CANDY FOR MOTHER I 1 1 I ) I '"* / m, Candy for Mother, of ^jpurse, on Her Day! Because she is as young at heart as she ever was and candy is the gift that will take her hack to yesteryear and the days of joyous youth. > But more than anything else your gift of candy will give her joy and happiness because it is an indication that she is not forgotten. ! Mother's Own Box is exquisite?a selection of the finest chocolates and bon bons attractively boxed and decorated with a souvenir picture on the cover. One. two and five pounds sizes. DeKalb Pharmacy 11 >v - 'v i ' ' 1 , > - WANTED I j GREEN PINE BOARDS AND PINE COGS. I * TRUCK LOAD OR CARLOAD j Sumter Planing Mills and Lumber Co. I' SUMTER, S, C. . j BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL KIND j j ... - ^ . _ ? . 7 Keep Your Clothes Smart They will take a new shape when pressed here. That's the advantage of sending us your clothes for refreshing. That's the reason men give us their business; Look through your wardrobe. Phone for our man to call?and send us something regularly. Telephone 17. ' CAMDEN DRY CLEANERY l ... : ' Ill " ,, I ' 1 i 1 1 ! * 11 i . i " .TTT? 'Always USED GAR deal from the "Buick Dealer to *t*y. H2i came he know that utiifiJiLcd car cum~ Urn tan wtofc^jy od *md cariboo. mdy represented?at * &2r price?tacefc* plendid value in transportation. ^ aad tha vain hi |p ttciSiw?& fc^oafr.? natural for him to look upon th* dealer I* feted. --lSp- ' The And that i* good hurt f RilL4