"Tommy," Sparkling Comedy, Here Redpath Week **Toinmy,N popular comedy success which will bo presented here on the third night of Itedputh Week I"7 d notable New York oust, belongs to tliut rare group of playu which huve registered u Broadway hit overnight. It waa heralded by tlie metropolitan critics, without exception, us tlie cleverest, most thoroughly enjoyable comedy that New York has seen for ages. The chartn of "Tommy" is to be found in the fact that it tells a human, understandable story, und tells it jyith shouts of luughter und gripping pathos, through real, living human beings. . ? , High-Hatting The~3t\? individual, male or female, who doe* moat to give mankind a pain in the neck is the high-hatter. Some people high-hat everybody, ami nearly everybody high-hats Borne' body; but anybody who high-hats anybody is disliked by everybody. The advice to high-hatters is brief: Don't. You may be better looking than other people, or you may have a little better education, or you may have a little more money, or you may have a little bigger reputation, but whoever you are and whatever else you are, if you are a high-hatter you're an ass. j You can't possibly be above everybody; it isn't probable that you are above 10 per cent, of the people. And j if there are others more important than you, what right have you to ^well up? Get that stuff out of your neck and "be decently humble. People will like you better.?Fountain Inn Tribune. An Ottawa man has invented a brake that will bring a car going 00 miles an hour to a dead stop in 20 feet. He is now working on a devico to keep the driver from going through I the windshield.?Ottawa Herald. Protect Your Investment in Your Model T Ford THE Ford Motor Company is making a new car, but it is still proud of the Model T. It wants every owner of one of these cars to run it as long as possible at a minimum of expense. Because of this policy and because of the investment that millions of motorists have in Model T cars, the Ford Motor Company will continue to make parts until, as Henry Ford himself says, "the last Model T is off the road." More than eight million Model T Fords are still in active service, and many of them can be driven for two, three and five years and even longer. So that you may get the greatest use over the longest period of time at the lowest cost, we suggest that you take your Model T Ford to the nearest Ford dealer and have him give you an estimate on the cost of any replacement parts that may be necessary. ^ You will find this the economical thing to do because a small expenditure may enable you to maintain or increase the value of the car and give you thousands of miles of additional service. No matter where you live you can get these Ford parts at the same low prices as formerly and know they are made in the same way and of the same materials as those from which your car was originally assembled. < Labor cost is reasonable and a standard rate is charged for each operation so that you may know in advance exactly how much the complete job will cost. .L PI Ford Motor Company Detroit, Michigan mtmmmmv?mmm*awp^pi ? ANNUAL OltOWTH OF Til KB g X 1H HBVgALBD BY KINGS.? 5 )? As everybody Ifoows, the trunk" 9 jt of a tree grows larger In dl ft i| umeter every year. Tl?la Is en ft ]f because fbe tree makes a fresh ft 9 growth of wood every year Just 5} 5 under the bark. The first |>art Q ft of this growth looks somewhat 5} $ different from that which comes ft ;} later in the year, so that the 5 various growths can he easily ft 6 distinguished when the tree la ft ]5 cut across. ft ft You have all seen the trunk ft g of h tree Just after It has been ft ft sawed down and you have un- ft ft doubtedly noticed the muny ft ft rings that grow smaller as the ft ft center -r -?a "-If V j7jl v BBB BRAND ^ . ..JhOfder Liquid *0c ar25c 50c ar7J? 50c fiT $1,00 51.25 " 30c (Array Gun) 35? ! CITATION The State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. By W. L. McDowell, Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas, J. H. Barfield made suit to me to grant him Letters' of Administration of the Estate of and effects'of James S. Barfield. < These are, therefore, to cite, and ad-? monish all and singular the kindred arid creditors of the said James S. Barfield deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, South Carolina on Thursday, May 17th next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my handf this 24th day of April, Anno Domini 1928. j w. l. Mcdowell, ! Probate Judge for Kershaw County, Published ?on the 4th and 11th days of May> vl$28, in the Camden Chronicle and pdsted at the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. CITATION The State^ of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. By W. L. McDowell, Esquire, Probate Judge. "V; Whereas, C. W, Holley made suit to me to grant him Letters of- Administration of the Estate of and effects of Talley McCoy. ..These are, therefore, to oite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Talley McCoy deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, South Carolina on Monday, May 21st n^xt after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenqon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 28th day of April, Anno Domini 1928. W. L. Mc DO WELL, , Probate Judge for Kershaw County. Published on the 4th and 11th days of May, 1928, in the Camden Chronicle, and posted at the Court House door for the time prescribed by law. ?^ - V m ,ji ,1'i FOR SALE 1 - One twelve foot floor case One eight foot floor case One eight foot counter case > Two National Cash Registers One iron safe Two water coolers One peanut and .popcorn, puvber.^ Onejjiiactric J&n ^ Two floor trucks | One twelve foot step ladder Ten tables* ^ CITATION m The State of South Carolina, I County of KerehaW. By W. L. McDowell, Esquire, Pfl Whereas, Edward W. Itabon J suit to me to grant him Letifl Administration of the EystateaB effects of A. B. Rabon. These are, therefore, to chH admonish all and singular the.Hi and creditors of the said A. B. fl deceased, that 'they be andlM before me, in the Court of ProhnH be held at Camden, South Cirg on Tuesday, May 22nd. next publication thereof, at 11 o'djcH the forenoon, to show cam#wj they have, why the said tion should not be grantei ' u Given under ray hapd, tb? M day of May, Anno Dotonni lmJ| W. L. McDOWEbb, Probate Judge for Kershaw CWfi Published on the 4th and 11*41 of May, 1928, in the Camdeirtj] icle and posted at the Court vm door for the time prescribed ty " I "BEN HUR". I MAY 14H?-lSth. | I Greatest Picture of All ? = - ?-- ' . -? <' *. ' '? * ^ ***' if till1" U The High Analysis / I Top Dresser/ 1 ? . .. 1 Leunasalpeter] (Ammonium?Sulphate^-Nltffete) 20i Nitroget <= 3'.5% Ammonia M The economy ol the Utt ?| A if 1 to iMBtmrs to ft proven t**j j LEUNASALPETER is s highcrsni! nitrogen todtoir> On* ^ -ij pounds oonfain ss much Dhoft U .67 fwmtto d nitrste-ol-aot* costs much let* per unit at nitrogen. ^ Jo**" acting ammonia, thus ieedinf the c xton aH dwfcf ths JTpyfa* MADEBY THE WORLD". LAIU3WT/N1TROOEN lw 1 Synthetic Nitrogen Products /fcj /?\ A ^ . / flnl \ A AtUMk>(k Corporation jw^nx V xJI \ **ls?a ?'